path: root/www/wiki/maintenance/sqlite/archives/patch-add-3d.sql
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/maintenance/sqlite/archives/patch-add-3d.sql')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/maintenance/sqlite/archives/patch-add-3d.sql b/www/wiki/maintenance/sqlite/archives/patch-add-3d.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10d74fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/maintenance/sqlite/archives/patch-add-3d.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+-- image
+CREATE TABLE /*_*/image_tmp (
+ -- Filename.
+ -- This is also the title of the associated description page,
+ -- which will be in namespace 6 (NS_FILE).
+ img_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '' PRIMARY KEY,
+ -- File size in bytes.
+ img_size int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
+ -- For images, size in pixels.
+ img_width int NOT NULL default 0,
+ img_height int NOT NULL default 0,
+ -- Extracted Exif metadata stored as a serialized PHP array.
+ img_metadata mediumblob NOT NULL,
+ -- For images, bits per pixel if known.
+ img_bits int NOT NULL default 0,
+ -- Media type as defined by the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants
+ -- major part of a MIME media type as defined by IANA
+ -- see
+ -- for "chemical" cf. by the ACS
+ img_major_mime ENUM("unknown", "application", "audio", "image", "text", "video", "message", "model", "multipart", "chemical") NOT NULL default "unknown",
+ -- minor part of a MIME media type as defined by IANA
+ -- the minor parts are not required to adher to any standard
+ -- but should be consistent throughout the database
+ -- see
+ img_minor_mime varbinary(100) NOT NULL default "unknown",
+ -- Description field as entered by the uploader.
+ -- This is displayed in image upload history and logs.
+ img_description varbinary(767) NOT NULL,
+ -- user_id and user_name of uploader.
+ img_user int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
+ img_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
+ -- Time of the upload.
+ img_timestamp varbinary(14) NOT NULL default '',
+ -- SHA-1 content hash in base-36
+ img_sha1 varbinary(32) NOT NULL default ''
+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
+INSERT INTO /*_*/image_tmp
+ SELECT img_name, img_size, img_width, img_height, img_metadata, img_bits,
+ img_media_type, img_major_mime, img_minor_mime, img_description,
+ img_user, img_user_text, img_timestamp, img_sha1
+ FROM /*_*/image;
+DROP TABLE /*_*/image;
+ALTER TABLE /*_*/image_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/image;
+-- Used by Special:Newimages and ApiQueryAllImages
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_user_timestamp ON /*_*/image (img_user,img_timestamp);
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_usertext_timestamp ON /*_*/image (img_user_text,img_timestamp);
+-- Used by Special:ListFiles for sort-by-size
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_size ON /*_*/image (img_size);
+-- Used by Special:Newimages and Special:ListFiles
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_timestamp ON /*_*/image (img_timestamp);
+-- Used in API and duplicate search
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_sha1 ON /*_*/image (img_sha1(10));
+-- Used to get media of one type
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/img_media_mime ON /*_*/image (img_media_type,img_major_mime,img_minor_mime);
+-- oldimage
+CREATE TABLE /*_*/oldimage_tmp (
+ -- Base filename: key to image.img_name
+ oi_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
+ -- Filename of the archived file.
+ -- This is generally a timestamp and '!' prepended to the base name.
+ oi_archive_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
+ -- Other fields as in image...
+ oi_size int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
+ oi_width int NOT NULL default 0,
+ oi_height int NOT NULL default 0,
+ oi_bits int NOT NULL default 0,
+ oi_description varbinary(767) NOT NULL,
+ oi_user int unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
+ oi_user_text varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
+ oi_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '',
+ oi_metadata mediumblob NOT NULL,
+ oi_major_mime ENUM("unknown", "application", "audio", "image", "text", "video", "message", "model", "multipart", "chemical") NOT NULL default "unknown",
+ oi_minor_mime varbinary(100) NOT NULL default "unknown",
+ oi_deleted tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
+ oi_sha1 varbinary(32) NOT NULL default ''
+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
+INSERT INTO /*_*/oldimage_tmp
+ SELECT oi_name, oi_archive_name, oi_size, oi_width, oi_height, oi_bits,
+ oi_description, oi_user, oi_user_text, oi_timestamp, oi_metadata,
+ oi_media_type, oi_major_mime, oi_minor_mime, oi_deleted, oi_sha1
+ FROM /*_*/oldimage;
+DROP TABLE /*_*/oldimage;
+ALTER TABLE oldimage_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/oldimage;
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_usertext_timestamp ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_user_text,oi_timestamp);
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_name_timestamp ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_name,oi_timestamp);
+-- oi_archive_name truncated to 14 to avoid key length overflow
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_name_archive_name ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_name,oi_archive_name(14));
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/oi_sha1 ON /*_*/oldimage (oi_sha1(10));
+-- filearchive
+CREATE TABLE /*_*/filearchive_tmp (
+ -- Unique row id
+ -- Original base filename; key to image.img_name, page.page_title, etc
+ fa_name varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '',
+ -- Filename of archived file, if an old revision
+ fa_archive_name varchar(255) binary default '',
+ -- Which storage bin (directory tree or object store) the file data
+ -- is stored in. Should be 'deleted' for files that have been deleted;
+ -- any other bin is not yet in use.
+ fa_storage_group varbinary(16),
+ -- SHA-1 of the file contents plus extension, used as a key for storage.
+ -- eg 8f8a562add37052a1848ff7771a2c515db94baa9.jpg
+ --
+ -- If NULL, the file was missing at deletion time or has been purged
+ -- from the archival storage.
+ fa_storage_key varbinary(64) default '',
+ -- Deletion information, if this file is deleted.
+ fa_deleted_user int,
+ fa_deleted_timestamp binary(14) default '',
+ fa_deleted_reason varbinary(767) default '',
+ -- Duped fields from image
+ fa_size int unsigned default 0,
+ fa_width int default 0,
+ fa_height int default 0,
+ fa_metadata mediumblob,
+ fa_bits int default 0,
+ fa_major_mime ENUM("unknown", "application", "audio", "image", "text", "video", "message", "model", "multipart", "chemical") default "unknown",
+ fa_minor_mime varbinary(100) default "unknown",
+ fa_description varbinary(767),
+ fa_user int unsigned default 0,
+ fa_user_text varchar(255) binary,
+ fa_timestamp binary(14) default '',
+ -- Visibility of deleted revisions, bitfield
+ fa_deleted tinyint unsigned NOT NULL default 0,
+ -- sha1 hash of file content
+ fa_sha1 varbinary(32) NOT NULL default ''
+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
+INSERT INTO /*_*/filearchive_tmp
+ SELECT fa_id, fa_name, fa_archive_name, fa_storage_group, fa_storage_key, fa_deleted_user, fa_deleted_timestamp,
+ fa_deleted_reason, fa_size, fa_width, fa_height, fa_metadata, fa_bits, fa_media_type, fa_major_mime,
+ fa_minor_mime, fa_description, fa_user, fa_user_text, fa_timestamp, fa_deleted, fa_sha1
+ FROM /*_*/filearchive;
+DROP TABLE /*_*/filearchive;
+ALTER TABLE /*_*/filearchive_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/filearchive;
+-- pick out by image name
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_name ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_name, fa_timestamp);
+-- pick out dupe files
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_storage_group ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_storage_group, fa_storage_key);
+-- sort by deletion time
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_deleted_timestamp ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_deleted_timestamp);
+-- sort by uploader
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_user_timestamp ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_user_text,fa_timestamp);
+-- find file by sha1, 10 bytes will be enough for hashes to be indexed
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/fa_sha1 ON /*_*/filearchive (fa_sha1(10));
+-- uploadstash
+CREATE TABLE /*_*/uploadstash_tmp (
+ -- the user who uploaded the file.
+ us_user int unsigned NOT NULL,
+ -- file key. this is how applications actually search for the file.
+ -- this might go away, or become the primary key.
+ us_key varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ -- the original path
+ us_orig_path varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ -- the temporary path at which the file is actually stored
+ us_path varchar(255) NOT NULL,
+ -- which type of upload the file came from (sometimes)
+ us_source_type varchar(50),
+ -- the date/time on which the file was added
+ us_timestamp varbinary(14) NOT NULL,
+ us_status varchar(50) NOT NULL,
+ -- chunk counter starts at 0, current offset is stored in us_size
+ us_chunk_inx int unsigned NULL,
+ -- Serialized file properties from FSFile::getProps()
+ us_props blob,
+ -- file size in bytes
+ us_size int unsigned NOT NULL,
+ -- this hash comes from FSFile::getSha1Base36(), and is 31 characters
+ us_sha1 varchar(31) NOT NULL,
+ us_mime varchar(255),
+ -- Media type as defined by the MEDIATYPE_xxx constants, should duplicate definition in the image table
+ -- image-specific properties
+ us_image_width int unsigned,
+ us_image_height int unsigned,
+ us_image_bits smallint unsigned
+) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
+INSERT INTO /*_*/uploadstash_tmp
+ SELECT us_id, us_user, us_key, us_orig_path, us_path, us_source_type,
+ us_timestamp, us_status, us_chunk_inx, us_props, us_size, us_sha1, us_mime,
+ us_media_type, us_image_width, us_image_height, us_image_bits
+ FROM /*_*/uploadstash;
+DROP TABLE uploadstash;
+ALTER TABLE /*_*/uploadstash_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/uploadstash;
+-- sometimes there's a delete for all of a user's stuff.
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/us_user ON /*_*/uploadstash (us_user);
+-- pick out files by key, enforce key uniqueness
+CREATE UNIQUE INDEX /*i*/us_key ON /*_*/uploadstash (us_key);
+-- the abandoned upload cleanup script needs this
+CREATE INDEX /*i*/us_timestamp ON /*_*/uploadstash (us_timestamp);