path: root/www/wiki/maintenance/postgres/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/maintenance/postgres/')
1 files changed, 441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/maintenance/postgres/ b/www/wiki/maintenance/postgres/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..34837e1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/maintenance/postgres/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+## Convert data from a MySQL mediawiki database into a Postgres mediawiki database
+## NOTE: It is probably easier to dump your wiki using maintenance/dumpBackup.php
+## and then import it with maintenance/importDump.php
+## If having UTF-8 problems, there are reports that adding --compatible=postgresql
+## may help.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use vars qw(%table %tz %special @torder $COM);
+my $VERSION = '1.2';
+## The following options can be changed via command line arguments:
+my $MYSQLDB = '';
+my $MYSQLUSER = '';
+## If the following are zero-length, we omit their arguments entirely:
+my $MYSQLHOST = '';
+my $MYSQLSOCKET = '';
+## Name of the dump file created
+## How verbose should this script be (0, 1, or 2)
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+my $USAGE = "
+Usage: $0 --db=<dbname> --user=<user> [OPTION]...
+Example: $0 --db=wikidb --user=wikiuser --pass=sushi
+Converts a MediaWiki schema from MySQL to Postgres
+ db Name of the MySQL database
+ user MySQL database username
+ pass MySQL database password
+ host MySQL database host
+ socket MySQL database socket
+ verbose Verbosity, increases with multiple uses
+ (
+ 'db=s' => \$MYSQLDB,
+ 'user=s' => \$MYSQLUSER,
+ 'pass=s' => \$MYSQLPASSWORD,
+ 'host=s' => \$MYSQLHOST,
+ 'socket=s' => \$MYSQLSOCKET,
+ 'verbose+' => \$verbose,
+ 'help' => \$help,
+ );
+die $USAGE
+ if ! length $MYSQLDB
+ or ! length $MYSQLUSER
+ or $help;
+## The Postgres schema file: should not be changed
+my $PG_SCHEMA = 'tables.sql';
+## What version we default to when we can't parse the old schema
+## Try and find a working version of mysqldump
+$verbose and warn "Locating the mysqldump executable\n";
+my @MYSQLDUMP = ('/usr/local/bin/mysqldump', '/usr/bin/mysqldump');
+for my $mytry (@MYSQLDUMP) {
+ next if ! -e $mytry;
+ -x $mytry or die qq{Not an executable file: "$mytry"\n};
+ my $version = qx{$mytry -V};
+ $version =~ /^mysqldump\s+Ver\s+\d+/ or die qq{Program at "$mytry" does not act like mysqldump\n};
+ $MYSQLDUMP = $mytry;
+$MYSQLDUMP or die qq{Could not find the mysqldump program\n};
+## Flags we use for mysqldump
+$verbose and warn "Checking that mysqldump can handle our flags\n";
+## Make sure this version can handle all the flags we want.
+## Combine with user dump below
+## Argh. Any way to make this work on Win32?
+my $version = qx{$MYSQLDUMP $MYSQLDUMPARGS 2>&1};
+if ($version =~ /unknown option/) {
+ die qq{Sorry, you need to use a newer version of the mysqldump program than the one at "$MYSQLDUMP"\n};
+length $MYSQLHOST and push @MYSQLDUMPARGS, "--host=$MYSQLHOST";
+## Open the dump file to hold the mysqldump output
+open my $mdump, '+>', $MYSQLDUMPFILE or die qq{Could not open "$MYSQLDUMPFILE": $!\n};
+print qq{Writing file "$MYSQLDUMPFILE"\n};
+open my $mfork2, '-|' or exec $MYSQLDUMP, @MYSQLDUMPARGS, '--no-data', $MYSQLDB;
+my $oldselect = select $mdump;
+print while <$mfork2>;
+## Slurp in the current schema
+my $current_schema;
+seek $mdump, 0, 0;
+ local $/;
+ $current_schema = <$mdump>;
+seek $mdump, 0, 0;
+truncate $mdump, 0;
+warn qq{Trying to determine database version...\n} if $verbose;
+my $current_version = 0;
+if ($current_schema =~ /CREATE TABLE \S+cur /) {
+ $current_version = 103;
+elsif ($current_schema =~ /CREATE TABLE \S+brokenlinks /) {
+ $current_version = 104;
+elsif ($current_schema !~ /CREATE TABLE \S+templatelinks /) {
+ $current_version = 105;
+elsif ($current_schema !~ /CREATE TABLE \S+validate /) {
+ $current_version = 106;
+elsif ($current_schema !~ /ipb_auto tinyint/) {
+ $current_version = 107;
+elsif ($current_schema !~ /CREATE TABLE \S+profiling /) {
+ $current_version = 108;
+elsif ($current_schema !~ /CREATE TABLE \S+querycachetwo /) {
+ $current_version = 109;
+else {
+ $current_version = $MW_DEFAULT_VERSION;
+if (!$current_version) {
+ warn qq{WARNING! Could not figure out the old version, assuming MediaWiki $MW_DEFAULT_VERSION\n};
+ $current_version = $MW_DEFAULT_VERSION;
+## Check for a table prefix:
+my $table_prefix = '';
+if ($current_schema =~ /CREATE TABLE (\S+)querycache /) {
+ $table_prefix = $1;
+warn qq{Old schema is from MediaWiki version $current_version\n} if $verbose;
+warn qq{Table prefix is "$table_prefix"\n} if $verbose and length $table_prefix;
+$verbose and warn qq{Writing file "$MYSQLDUMPFILE"\n};
+my $now = scalar localtime;
+my $conninfo = '';
+$MYSQLHOST and $conninfo .= "\n-- host $MYSQLHOST";
+$MYSQLSOCKET and $conninfo .= "\n-- socket $MYSQLSOCKET";
+print qq{
+-- Dump of MySQL Mediawiki tables for import into a Postgres Mediawiki schema
+-- Performed by the program: $0
+-- Version: $VERSION
+-- Author: Greg Sabino Mullane <greg\> Comments welcome
+-- This file was created: $now
+-- Executable used: $MYSQLDUMP
+-- Connection information:
+-- database: $MYSQLDB
+-- user: $MYSQLUSER$conninfo
+-- This file can be imported manually with psql like so:
+-- psql -p port# -h hostname -U username -f $MYSQLDUMPFILE databasename
+-- This will overwrite any existing MediaWiki information, so be careful
+## psql specific stuff
+print q{
+SET client_min_messages = 'WARNING';
+SET timezone = 'GMT';
+SET DateStyle = 'ISO, YMD';
+warn qq{Reading in the Postgres schema information\n} if $verbose;
+open my $schema, '<', $PG_SCHEMA
+ or die qq{Could not open "$PG_SCHEMA": make sure this script is run from maintenance/postgres/\n};
+my $t;
+while (<$schema>) {
+ if (/CREATE TABLE\s+(\S+)/) {
+ $t = $1;
+ $table{$t}={};
+ $verbose > 1 and warn qq{ Found table $t\n};
+ }
+ elsif (/^ +(\w+)\s+TIMESTAMP/) {
+ $tz{$t}{$1}++;
+ $verbose > 1 and warn qq{ Got a timestamp for column $1\n};
+ }
+ elsif (/REFERENCES\s*([^( ]+)/) {
+ my $ref = $1;
+ exists $table{$ref} or die qq{No parent table $ref found for $t\n};
+ $table{$t}{$ref}++;
+ }
+close $schema or die qq{Could not close "$PG_SCHEMA": $!\n};
+## Read in special cases and table/version information
+$verbose and warn qq{Reading in schema exception information\n};
+my %version_tables;
+while (<DATA>) {
+ if (/^VERSION\s+(\d+\.\d+):\s+(.+)/) {
+ my $list = join '|' => split /\s+/ => $2;
+ $version_tables{$1} = qr{\b$list\b};
+ next;
+ }
+ next unless /^(\w+)\s*(.*)/;
+ $special{$1} = $2||'';
+ $special{$2} = $1 if length $2;
+## Determine the order of tables based on foreign key constraints
+$verbose and warn qq{Figuring out order of tables to dump\n};
+my %dumped;
+my $bail = 0;
+ my $found=0;
+ T: for my $t (sort keys %table) {
+ next if exists $dumped{$t} and $dumped{$t} >= 1;
+ $found=1;
+ for my $dep (sort keys %{$table{$t}}) {
+ next T if ! exists $dumped{$dep} or $dumped{$dep} < 0;
+ }
+ $dumped{$t} = -1 if ! exists $dumped{$t};
+ ## Skip certain tables that are not imported
+ next if exists $special{$t} and !$special{$t};
+ push @torder, $special{$t} || $t;
+ }
+ last if !$found;
+ push @torder, '---';
+ for (values %dumped) { $_+=2; }
+ die "Too many loops!\n" if $bail++ > 1000;
+ redo;
+## Prepare the Postgres database for the move
+$verbose and warn qq{Writing Postgres transformation information\n};
+print "\n-- Empty out all existing tables\n";
+$verbose and warn qq{Writing truncates to empty existing tables\n};
+for my $t (@torder, 'objectcache', 'querycache') {
+ next if $t eq '---';
+ my $tname = $special{$t}||$t;
+ printf qq{TRUNCATE TABLE %-20s CASCADE;\n}, qq{"$tname"};
+print "\n\n";
+print qq{-- Temporarily rename pagecontent to "${table_prefix}text"\n};
+print qq{ALTER TABLE pagecontent RENAME TO "${table_prefix}text";\n\n};
+print qq{-- Allow rc_ip to contain empty string, will convert at end\n};
+print qq{ALTER TABLE recentchanges ALTER rc_ip TYPE text USING host(rc_ip);\n\n};
+print "-- Changing all timestamp fields to handle raw integers\n";
+for my $t (sort keys %tz) {
+ next if $t eq 'archive2';
+ for my $c (sort keys %{$tz{$t}}) {
+ printf "ALTER TABLE %-18s ALTER %-25s TYPE TEXT;\n", $t, $c;
+ }
+print "\n";
+print q{
+INSERT INTO page VALUES (0,-1,'Dummy Page','',0,0,0,default,now(),0,10);
+## If we have a table _prefix, we need to temporarily rename all of our Postgres
+## tables temporarily for the import. Perhaps consider making this an auto-schema
+## thing in the future.
+if (length $table_prefix) {
+ print qq{\n\n-- Temporarily renaming tables to accomodate the table_prefix "$table_prefix"\n\n};
+ for my $t (@torder) {
+ next if $t eq '---' or $t eq 'text' or $t eq 'user';
+ my $tname = $special{$t}||$t;
+ printf qq{ALTER TABLE %-18s RENAME TO "${table_prefix}$tname";\n}, qq{"$tname"};
+ }
+## Try and dump the ill-named "user" table:
+## We do this table alone because "user" is a reserved word.
+print q{
+SET escape_string_warning TO 'off';
+\\o /dev/null
+-- Postgres uses a table name of "mwuser" instead of "user"
+-- Create a dummy user to satisfy fk contraints especially with revisions
+SELECT setval('user_user_id_seq',0,'false');
+push @MYSQLDUMPARGS, '--no-create-info';
+$verbose and warn qq{Dumping "user" table\n};
+$verbose > 2 and warn Dumper \@MYSQLDUMPARGS;
+my $usertable = "${table_prefix}user";
+open my $mfork, '-|' or exec $MYSQLDUMP, @MYSQLDUMPARGS, $MYSQLDB, $usertable;
+## Unfortunately, there is no easy way to catch errors
+my $numusers = 0;
+while (<$mfork>) {
+ ++$numusers and print if s/INSERT INTO $usertable/INSERT INTO mwuser/;
+close $mfork;
+if ($numusers < 1) {
+ warn qq{No users found, probably a connection error.\n};
+ print qq{ERROR: No users found, connection failed, or table "$usertable" does not exist. Dump aborted.\n};
+ close $mdump or die qq{Could not close "$MYSQLDUMPFILE": $!\n};
+ exit;
+print "\n-- Users loaded: $numusers\n\n-- Loading rest of the mediawiki schema:\n";
+warn qq{Dumping all other tables from the MySQL schema\n} if $verbose;
+## Dump the rest of the tables, in chunks based on constraints
+## We do not need the user table:
+my @dumplist = grep { $_ ne 'user'} @torder;
+my @alist;
+ undef @alist;
+ my $tname = shift @dumplist;
+ ## XXX Make this dynamic below
+ for my $ver (sort {$b <=> $a } keys %version_tables) {
+ redo PICKATABLE if $tname =~ $version_tables{$ver};
+ }
+ $tname = "${table_prefix}$tname" if length $table_prefix;
+ next if $tname !~ /^\w/;
+ push @alist, $tname;
+ $verbose and warn " $tname...\n";
+ pop @alist and last if index($alist[-1],'---') >= 0;
+ redo if @dumplist;
+ }
+ ## Dump everything else
+ open my $mfork2, '-|' or exec $MYSQLDUMP, @MYSQLDUMPARGS, $MYSQLDB, @alist;
+ print while <$mfork2>;
+ close $mfork2;
+ warn qq{Finished dumping from MySQL\n} if $verbose;
+ redo if @dumplist;
+warn qq{Writing information to return Postgres database to normal\n} if $verbose;
+print qq{ALTER TABLE "${table_prefix}text" RENAME TO pagecontent;\n};
+print qq{ALTER TABLE ${table_prefix}recentchanges ALTER rc_ip TYPE cidr USING\n};
+print qq{ CASE WHEN rc_ip = '' THEN NULL ELSE rc_ip::cidr END;\n};
+## Return tables to their original names if a table prefix was used.
+if (length $table_prefix) {
+ print qq{\n\n-- Renaming tables by removing table prefix "$table_prefix"\n\n};
+ my $maxsize = 18;
+ for (@torder) {
+ $maxsize = length "$_$table_prefix" if length "$_$table_prefix" > $maxsize;
+ }
+ for my $t (@torder) {
+ next if $t eq '---' or $t eq 'text' or $t eq 'user';
+ my $tname = $special{$t}||$t;
+ printf qq{ALTER TABLE %*s RENAME TO "$tname";\n}, $maxsize+1, qq{"${table_prefix}$tname"};
+ }
+print qq{\n\n--Returning timestamps to normal\n};
+for my $t (sort keys %tz) {
+ next if $t eq 'archive2';
+ for my $c (sort keys %{$tz{$t}}) {
+ printf "ALTER TABLE %-18s ALTER %-25s TYPE timestamptz\n".
+ }
+## Reset sequences
+print q{
+SELECT setval('filearchive_fa_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(fa_id) ,0),false) FROM filearchive;
+SELECT setval('ipblocks_ipb_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(ipb_id) ,0),false) FROM ipblocks;
+SELECT setval('job_job_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(job_id) ,0),false) FROM job;
+SELECT setval('logging_log_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(log_id) ,0),false) FROM logging;
+SELECT setval('page_page_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(page_id),0),false) FROM page;
+SELECT setval('page_restrictions_pr_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(pr_id) ,0),false) FROM page_restrictions;
+SELECT setval('recentchanges_rc_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(rc_id) ,0),false) FROM recentchanges;
+SELECT setval('revision_rev_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(rev_id) ,0),false) FROM revision;
+SELECT setval('text_old_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(old_id) ,0),false) FROM pagecontent;
+SELECT setval('user_user_id_seq', 1+coalesce(max(user_id),0),false) FROM mwuser;
+print "COMMIT;\n\\o\n\n-- End of dump\n\n";
+select $oldselect;
+close $mdump or die qq{Could not close "$MYSQLDUMPFILE": $!\n};
+## Known remappings: either indicate the MySQL name,
+## or leave blank if it should be skipped
+pagecontent text
+mwuser user
+## Which tables to ignore depending on the version
+VERSION 1.6: externallinks job templatelinks transcache
+VERSION 1.7: filearchive langlinks querycache_info
+VERSION 1.9: querycachetwo page_restrictions redirect