path: root/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/cv/cv-cyr-altgr.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/cv/cv-cyr-altgr.js')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/cv/cv-cyr-altgr.js b/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/cv/cv-cyr-altgr.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..835acca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/cv/cv-cyr-altgr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+// This Chuvash keyboard layout is the "official" layout
+// in
+// This implementation is based on ru-jcuken ime rule
+// which supports both transliteration mode and the native jcuken
+// Along them there are four Chuvash letters ă ĕ ç ÿ
+// The keyboard layout is an agreement
+// of the Chuvash Language Committee 2009-03-12
+// This layout differs from the agreement in that matter
+// that all letters are from the Cyrillic subset of Unicode
+( function ( $ ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var cv = {
+ id: 'cv-cyr-altgr',
+ name: 'Чăвашла (AltGr)',
+ description: 'AltGr пускăчлă чăваш сарăмĕ',
+ date: '2013-03-24',
+ URL: '',
+ author: 'Anatoly Mironov, @mirontoli',
+ license: 'MIT',
+ version: '1.0',
+ patterns: [
+ [ 'Q', 'Й' ],
+ [ 'W', 'Ц' ],
+ [ 'E', 'У' ],
+ [ 'R', 'К' ],
+ [ 'T', 'Е' ],
+ [ 'Y', 'Н' ],
+ [ 'U', 'Г' ],
+ [ 'I', 'Ш' ],
+ [ 'O', 'Щ' ],
+ [ 'P', 'З' ],
+ [ '{', 'Х' ],
+ [ '}', 'Ъ' ],
+ [ 'A', 'Ф' ],
+ [ 'S', 'Ы' ],
+ [ 'D', 'В' ],
+ [ 'F', 'А' ],
+ [ 'G', 'П' ],
+ [ 'H', 'Р' ],
+ [ 'J', 'О' ],
+ [ 'K', 'Л' ],
+ [ 'L', 'Д' ],
+ [ ':', 'Ж' ],
+ [ '"', 'Э' ],
+ [ 'Z', 'Я' ],
+ [ 'X', 'Ч' ],
+ [ 'C', 'С' ],
+ [ 'V', 'М' ],
+ [ 'B', 'И' ],
+ [ 'N', 'Т' ],
+ [ 'M', 'Ь' ],
+ [ '<', 'Б' ],
+ [ '>', 'Ю' ],
+ [ '\\?', ',' ],
+ [ 'q', 'й' ],
+ [ 'w', 'ц' ],
+ [ 'e', 'у' ],
+ [ 'r', 'к' ],
+ [ 't', 'е' ],
+ [ 'y', 'н' ],
+ [ 'u', 'г' ],
+ [ 'i', 'ш' ],
+ [ 'o', 'щ' ],
+ [ 'p', 'з' ],
+ [ '\\[', 'х' ],
+ [ '\\]', 'ъ' ],
+ [ 'a', 'ф' ],
+ [ 's', 'ы' ],
+ [ 'd', 'в' ],
+ [ 'f', 'а' ],
+ [ 'g', 'п' ],
+ [ 'h', 'р' ],
+ [ 'j', 'о' ],
+ [ 'k', 'л' ],
+ [ 'l', 'д' ],
+ [ ';', 'ж' ],
+ [ '\'', 'э' ],
+ [ 'z', 'я' ],
+ [ 'x', 'ч' ],
+ [ 'c', 'с' ],
+ [ 'v', 'м' ],
+ [ 'b', 'и' ],
+ [ 'n', 'т' ],
+ [ 'm', 'ь' ],
+ [ ',', 'б' ],
+ [ '\\.', 'ю' ],
+ [ '/', '.' ],
+ [ '`', 'ё' ],
+ [ '~', 'Ё' ],
+ // ! is the same // 1
+ [ '@', '"' ], // 2
+ [ '#', '№' ], // 3
+ [ '\\$', ';' ], // 4
+ // '%' is the same // 5
+ [ '^', ':' ], // 6
+ [ '&', '?' ] // 7
+ // '*', '(' and ')' are the same // 8, 9, 0
+ ],
+ // support both qwerty and jcuken keyboards
+ patterns_x: [
+ [ 'f|а', 'ӑ' ],
+ [ 'F|А', 'Ӑ' ],
+ [ 't|е', 'ӗ' ],
+ [ 'T|Е', 'Ӗ' ],
+ [ 'c|с', 'ҫ' ],
+ [ 'C|С', 'Ҫ' ],
+ [ 'e|у', 'ӳ' ],
+ [ 'E|У', 'Ӳ' ]
+ ]
+ };
+ $.ime.register( cv );
+}( jQuery ) );