path: root/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/
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1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/ b/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/
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+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/rules/
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+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD010 -->
+jQuery.ime Input method specification
+Input methods are defined in javascript files. An input method is a javascript
+object and it is passed to `$.ime.register()` method to register with `jquery.ime`
+eg: `$.ime.register( hebrewStandardKeyboard );`
+Input methods can be built by reusing parts of other methods, this is especially
+interesting for complex patterns. If rules are reused then the methods must be
+loaded first. This is done through configurations in `jquery.ime.inputmethods.js`.
+For examples on reuse, see the rules "nb-normforms" or "hi-inscript".
+Metadata fields
+id: A mandatory unique identifier that represents the input method.
+eg: `"hindi-inscript"`
+name: A mandatory short name for the input method. eg: `"Hindi InScript"`
+Note that the names used in the menu comes from [jquery.ime.inputmethods.js](../src/jquery.ime.inputmethods.js)
+description: An optional short description about the input method.
+eg: `"keyboard layout as per inscript standard"`
+date: An optional string to represent when this input method was written.
+Format should be: yyyy-mm-dd
+author: An optional string containing the authors name. Can contain email
+address as well. eg: `"Santhosh Thottingal, <>"`
+URL: A mandatory string containing URL for source where keyboard is defined,
+information about trademark restrictions if any, layout and help.
+license: An optional string containing licence information. Eg: `"CC-BY-SA"` or
+version: An optional string containing version information.
+Input method definition
+patterns: A regular expression table that maps the original inputs to the
+target language.
+patterns: [
+ [ 'q', '/' ],
+ [ 'w', '\'' ],
+ [ 'e', 'ק' ],
+ [ 'r', 'ר' ],
+ [ 't', 'א' ],
+ [ 'y', 'ט' ],
+ [ 'u', 'ו' ],
+ [ 'i', 'ן' ],
+ [ 'o', 'ם' ],
+ [ 'p', 'פ' ]
+ // ...
+ // These characters are mirrored in RTL languages
+ [ '\\(', ')' ],
+ [ '\\)', '(' ],
+ [ '\\[', ']' ],
+ [ '\\]', '[' ]
+ ]
+Any valid regular expression is possible as first element of each array item.
+ex: `[ '([ക-ഹ])a', '$1ാ' ]`
+ex: `[ '(([ൺ-ൿം])\u200c+)?I', '$2ഐ' ]`
+In the above example, $1, $1 etc are according to the normal regular expression
+replace syntax.
+The second member of the pattern can be a function as well.
+patterns: [ [ '[a-z]', function ( $1 ) {
+ return $1.toUpperCase();
+ } ] ]
+This rule replace all key strokes to its upper case character.
+patterns_x: Defined the same way as ordinary patterns, but active while holding down the alt key or
+alt graph key. When active the normal patterns will be excluded. These two modifier keys can be
+handled differently on various hardware. It might be necessary to define ordinary patterns in
+addition to patterns_x to catch all cases.
+patterns_shift: Defined the same way as ordinary patterns, but active while holding down the shift
+key. When active the normal patterns will still be run, but only after the rules listed in
+patterns_shift is run.
+contextLength: Length of the context to remember. jquery.ime can replace the
+text based on the previously typed characters.
+ [ 'ൿh', 'c', 'ച്' ]
+Note that this pattern definition has 3 members, the middle one is the context.
+This rule is interpreted as as an override to pattern definitions with 2 members.
+The current key is h, previous key is c. For the previous key press c, we have
+a transliteration ൿ. But if it is followed by h and ൿ is indeed from key press
+c, replace ൿh with ച്
+To make this work, we need to remember the previous key strokes. How many of
+them we need to remember? contextLength should have that value.
+This is optional field with default value 0. ie, we don't remember previous key
+strokes by default.
+maxKeyLength: While trying to find possible matches, we need to know how many
+characters from the current typing location(cursor) should be used before
+giving up.
+maxKeyLength defines it. Normally it is the length of largest regex sequence in
+the patterns.
+This field is optional and default value is 1.
+For complete examples, please refer the existing input method definitions.
+Documentation of input methods are available at
+[mw:Help:Extension:UniversalLanguageSelector/Input methods](