path: root/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/jquery.ime.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/jquery.ime.js')
1 files changed, 3008 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/jquery.ime.js b/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/jquery.ime.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04b1d47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/UniversalLanguageSelector/lib/jquery.ime/jquery.ime.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3008 @@
+/*! jquery.ime - v0.2.0+20190329
+* Copyright (c) 2019 Santhosh Thottingal; License: (GPL-2.0+ OR MIT) */
+( function ( $ ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var TextEntryFactory, TextEntry, FormWidgetEntry, ContentEditableEntry,
+ defaultInputMethod;
+ // rangy is defined in the rangy library
+ /* global rangy */
+ function arrayKeys( obj ) {
+ return $.map( obj, function ( element, index ) {
+ return index;
+ } );
+ }
+ /**
+ * private function for debugging
+ * @param {jQuery} [$obj]
+ */
+ function debug( $obj ) {
+ if ( window.console && window.console.log ) {
+ window.console.log( $obj );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Just initializes an empty static object.
+ * Similar to initClass in
+ *
+ * @param {Function} fn
+ */
+ function initClass( fn ) {
+ fn.static = fn.static || {};
+ }
+ /**
+ * Inheritance. Uses pattern similar to OOjs (
+ * Extend prototype and static methods and properties of child constructor from
+ * a parent constructor.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} targetFn
+ * @param {Function} originFn
+ */
+ function inheritClass( targetFn, originFn ) {
+ targetFn.parent = originFn;
+ targetFn.prototype = $.extend( {}, originFn.prototype );
+ targetFn.prototype.constructor = originFn.constructor;
+ targetFn.static = $.extend( {}, originFn.static );
+ }
+ /**
+ * IME Class
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {HTMLElement} element Element on which to listen for events
+ * @param {TextEntry} textEntry Text entry object to use to get/set text
+ * @param {Object} [options]
+ * @param {Function} [options.helpHandler] Called for each input method row in the selector
+ * @param {Object} [options.helpHandler.imeSelector]
+ * @param {string} [options.helpHandler.ime] Id of the input method
+ */
+ function IME( element, textEntry, options ) {
+ this.$element = $( element );
+ this.textEntry = textEntry;
+ // This needs to be delayed here since extending language list happens at DOM ready
+ $.ime.defaults.languages = arrayKeys( $.ime.languages );
+ this.options = $.extend( {}, $.ime.defaults, options );
+ if ( this.options.imePath ) {
+ // Set the global IME path from the one specified to the instance
+ // TODO: remove this functionality and force clients to set the global
+ // IME path
+ $.ime.path = this.options.imePath;
+ }
+ = false;
+ this.shifted = false;
+ this.inputmethod = null;
+ this.language = null;
+ this.context = '';
+ if ( this.options.showSelector ) {
+ this.selector = this.$element.imeselector( this.options );
+ }
+ this.listen();
+ }
+ IME.prototype = {
+ constructor: IME,
+ /**
+ * Listen for events and bind to handlers
+ */
+ listen: function () {
+ this.$element.on( {
+ 'keypress.ime': this.keypress.bind( this ),
+ 'keyup.ime': this.keyup.bind( this ),
+ 'keydown.ime': this.keydown.bind( this ),
+ 'destroy.ime': this.destroy.bind( this ),
+ 'enable.ime': this.enable.bind( this ),
+ 'disable.ime': this.disable.bind( this )
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a list of available language codes
+ *
+ * @return {string[]} Available language codes
+ */
+ getLanguageCodes: function () {
+ return $.ime.defaults.languages;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return the autonym for an available language code
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode The language code
+ * @return {string} The autonym
+ */
+ getAutonym: function ( languageCode ) {
+ return $.ime.languages[ languageCode ].autonym;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a list of available input method ids for a language
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode An available language code
+ * @return {string[]} Available input method ids for that language
+ */
+ getInputMethodIds: function ( languageCode ) {
+ return $.ime.languages[ languageCode ].inputmethods;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return the name of an input method
+ *
+ * @param {string} inputMethodId The id of an input method
+ * @return {string} The input method's name
+ * @see IME#load
+ */
+ getInputMethodName: function ( inputMethodId ) {
+ return $.ime.sources[ inputMethodId ].name;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a list of input method info { id: ..., name: ... } for a language.
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode An available language code
+ * @return {Object[]} Info object for each available input method
+ */
+ getInputMethods: function ( languageCode ) {
+ return this.getInputMethodIds( languageCode ).map( function ( inputMethodId ) {
+ return {
+ id: inputMethodId,
+ name: $.ime.sources[ inputMethodId ].name
+ };
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Transliterate a given string input based on context and input method definition.
+ * If there are no matching rules defined, returns the original string.
+ *
+ * @param {string} input
+ * @param {string} context
+ * @param {boolean} altGr whether altGr key is pressed or not
+ * @return {Object} Transliteration object
+ * @return {boolean} return.noop Whether to consider input processed or passed through.
+ * @return {string} return.output The transliterated input or input unmodified.
+ */
+ transliterate: function ( input, context, altGr ) {
+ var patterns, regex, rule, replacement, i, retval;
+ if ( altGr ) {
+ patterns = this.inputmethod.patterns_x || [];
+ } else {
+ patterns = this.inputmethod.patterns || [];
+ }
+ if ( this.shifted ) {
+ // if shift is pressed give priority for the patterns_shift
+ // if exists.
+ // Example: Shift+space where shift does not alter the keycode
+ patterns = ( this.inputmethod.patterns_shift || [] )
+ .concat( patterns );
+ }
+ if ( $.isFunction( patterns ) ) {
+ // For backwards compatibility, allow the rule functions to return plain
+ // string. Determine noop by checking whether input is different from
+ // output. If the rule function returns object, just return it as-is.
+ retval = this, input, context );
+ if ( typeof retval === 'string' ) {
+ return { noop: input === retval, output: retval };
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++ ) {
+ rule = patterns[ i ];
+ regex = new RegExp( rule[ 0 ] + '$' );
+ // Last item in the rules.
+ // It can also be a function, because the replace
+ // method can have a function as the second argument.
+ replacement = rule.slice( -1 )[ 0 ];
+ // Input string match test
+ if ( regex.test( input ) ) {
+ // Context test required?
+ if ( rule.length === 3 ) {
+ if ( new RegExp( rule[ 1 ] + '$' ).test( context ) ) {
+ return { noop: false, output: input.replace( regex, replacement ) };
+ }
+ } else {
+ return { noop: false, output: input.replace( regex, replacement ) };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // No matches, return the input
+ return { noop: true, output: input };
+ },
+ keyup: function ( e ) {
+ if ( e.which === 16 ) { // shift key
+ this.shifted = false;
+ }
+ },
+ keydown: function ( e ) {
+ if ( e.which === 16 ) { // shift key
+ this.shifted = true;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Keypress handler
+ *
+ * @param {jQuery.Event} e Event
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ keypress: function ( e ) {
+ var altGr = false,
+ c, input, replacement;
+ if ( ! ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( !this.inputmethod ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // handle backspace
+ if ( e.which === 8 ) {
+ // Blank the context
+ this.context = '';
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( e.altKey || e.altGraphKey ) {
+ altGr = true;
+ }
+ // Don't process ASCII control characters except linefeed,
+ // as well as anything involving Ctrl, Meta and Alt,
+ // but do process extended keymaps
+ if ( ( e.which < 32 && e.which !== 13 && !altGr ) || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) {
+ // Blank the context
+ this.context = '';
+ return true;
+ }
+ c = String.fromCharCode( e.which );
+ // Append the character being typed to the preceding few characters,
+ // to provide context for the transliteration regexes.
+ input = this.textEntry.getTextBeforeSelection( this.inputmethod.maxKeyLength );
+ replacement = this.transliterate( input + c, this.context, altGr );
+ // Update the context
+ this.context += c;
+ if ( this.context.length > this.inputmethod.contextLength ) {
+ // The buffer is longer than needed, truncate it at the front
+ this.context = this.context.substring(
+ this.context.length - this.inputmethod.contextLength
+ );
+ }
+ // Allow rules to explicitly define whether we match something.
+ // Otherwise we cannot distinguish between no matching rule and
+ // rule that provides identical output but consumes the event
+ // to prevent normal behavior. See Udmurt layout which uses
+ // altgr rules to allow typing the original character.
+ if ( replacement.noop ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ this.textEntry.replaceTextAtSelection( input.length, replacement.output );
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Check whether the input method is active or not
+ *
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ isActive: function () {
+ return;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Disable the input method
+ */
+ disable: function () {
+ = false;
+ $.ime.preferences.setIM( 'system' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Enable the input method
+ */
+ enable: function () {
+ = true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Toggle the active state of input method
+ */
+ toggle: function () {
+ = !;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Destroy the binding of ime to the editable element
+ */
+ destroy: function () {
+ $( 'body' ).off( '.ime' );
+ this.$ '.ime' ).removeData( 'ime' ).removeData( 'imeselector' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the current input method
+ *
+ * @return {string} Current input method id
+ */
+ getIM: function () {
+ return this.inputmethod;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the current input method
+ *
+ * @param {string} inputmethodId
+ * @fires imeLanguageChange
+ */
+ setIM: function ( inputmethodId ) {
+ this.inputmethod = $.ime.inputmethods[ inputmethodId ];
+ $.ime.preferences.setIM( inputmethodId );
+ this.$element.trigger( 'imeMethodChange' );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the current Language
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode
+ * @fires imeLanguageChange
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ setLanguage: function ( languageCode ) {
+ if ( !$.ime.languages[ languageCode ] ) {
+ debug( 'Language ' + languageCode + ' is not known to jquery.ime.' );
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.language = languageCode;
+ $.ime.preferences.setLanguage( languageCode );
+ this.$element.trigger( 'imeLanguageChange' );
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get current language
+ *
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+ getLanguage: function () {
+ return this.language;
+ },
+ /**
+ * load an input method by given id
+ *
+ * @param {string} inputmethodId
+ * @return {jQuery.Promise}
+ */
+ load: function ( inputmethodId ) {
+ return $.ime.load( inputmethodId );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * TextEntry factory
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor
+ */
+ TextEntryFactory = function IMETextEntryFactory() {
+ this.TextEntryClasses = [];
+ };
+ /* Inheritance */
+ initClass( TextEntryFactory );
+ /* Methods */
+ /**
+ * Register a TextEntry class, with priority over previous registrations
+ *
+ * @param {TextEntry} TextEntryClass Class to register
+ */
+ TextEntryFactory.prototype.register = function ( TextEntryClass ) {
+ this.TextEntryClasses.unshift( TextEntryClass );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Wrap an editable element with the appropriate TextEntry class
+ *
+ * @param {jQuery} $element The element to wrap
+ * @return {TextEntry|undefined} A TextEntry, or undefined if no match
+ */
+ TextEntryFactory.prototype.wrap = function ( $element ) {
+ var i, len, TextEntryClass;
+ for ( i = 0, len = this.TextEntryClasses.length; i < len; i++ ) {
+ TextEntryClass = this.TextEntryClasses[ i ];
+ if ( TextEntryClass.static.canWrap( $element ) ) {
+ return new TextEntryClass( $element );
+ }
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ };
+ /* Initialization */
+ TextEntryFactory.static.singleton = new TextEntryFactory();
+ /**
+ * Generic text entry
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @abstract
+ */
+ TextEntry = function IMETextEntry() {
+ };
+ /* Inheritance */
+ initClass( TextEntry );
+ /* Static methods */
+ /**
+ * Test whether can wrap this type of element
+ *
+ * @param {jQuery} $element The element to wrap
+ * @return {boolean} Whether the element can be wrapped
+ */
+ TextEntry.static.canWrap = function () {
+ return false;
+ };
+ /* Abstract methods */
+ /**
+ * Get text immediately before the current selection start.
+ *
+ * This SHOULD return the empty string for non-collapsed selections.
+ *
+ * @param {number} maxLength Maximum number of chars (code units) to return
+ * @return {string} Up to maxLength of text
+ */
+ TextEntry.prototype.getTextBeforeSelection = null;
+ /**
+ * Replace the currently selected text and/or text before the selection
+ *
+ * @param {number} precedingCharCount Number of chars before selection to replace
+ * @param {string} newText Replacement text
+ */
+ TextEntry.prototype.replaceTextAtSelection = null;
+ /**
+ * TextEntry class for input/textarea widgets
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {jQuery} $element The element to wrap
+ */
+ FormWidgetEntry = function IMEFormWidgetEntry( $element ) {
+ this.$element = $element;
+ };
+ /* Inheritance */
+ inheritClass( FormWidgetEntry, TextEntry );
+ /* Static methods */
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc TextEntry
+ */
+ FormWidgetEntry.static.canWrap = function ( $element ) {
+ return $ 'input:not([type]), input[type=text], input[type=search], textarea' ) &&
+ !$element.prop( 'readonly' ) &&
+ !$element.prop( 'disabled' ) &&
+ !$element.hasClass( 'noime' );
+ };
+ /* Instance methods */
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc TextEntry
+ */
+ FormWidgetEntry.prototype.getTextBeforeSelection = function ( maxLength ) {
+ var pos = this.getCaretPosition();
+ return this.$element.val().substring(
+ Math.max( 0, pos.start - maxLength ),
+ pos.start
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc TextEntry
+ */
+ FormWidgetEntry.prototype.replaceTextAtSelection = function ( precedingCharCount, newText ) {
+ var selection,
+ length,
+ newLines,
+ start,
+ scrollTop,
+ pos,
+ element = this.$element.get( 0 );
+ if ( typeof element.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof element.selectionEnd === 'number' ) {
+ // IE9+ and all other browsers
+ start = element.selectionStart;
+ scrollTop = element.scrollTop;
+ // Replace the whole text of the text area:
+ // text before + newText + text after.
+ // This could be made better if range selection worked on browsers.
+ // But for complex scripts, browsers place cursor in unexpected places
+ // and it's not possible to fix cursor programmatically.
+ // Ref Bug
+ element.value = element.value.substring( 0, start - precedingCharCount ) +
+ newText +
+ element.value.substring( element.selectionEnd, element.value.length );
+ // restore scroll
+ element.scrollTop = scrollTop;
+ // set selection
+ element.selectionStart = element.selectionEnd = start - precedingCharCount + newText.length;
+ } else {
+ // IE8 and lower
+ pos = this.getCaretPosition();
+ selection = element.createTextRange();
+ length = element.value.length;
+ // IE doesn't count \n when computing the offset, so we won't either
+ newLines = element.value.match( /\n/g );
+ if ( newLines ) {
+ length = length - newLines.length;
+ }
+ selection.moveStart( 'character', pos.start - precedingCharCount );
+ selection.moveEnd( 'character', pos.end - length );
+ selection.text = newText;
+ selection.collapse( false );
+ }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the current selection offsets inside the widget
+ *
+ * @return {Object} return Offsets in chars (0 means first offset *or* no selection in widget)
+ * @return {number} return.start Selection start
+ * @return {number} return.end Selection end
+ */
+ FormWidgetEntry.prototype.getCaretPosition = function () {
+ var el = this.$element.get( 0 ),
+ start = 0,
+ end = 0,
+ normalizedValue,
+ range,
+ textInputRange,
+ len,
+ newLines,
+ endRange;
+ if ( typeof el.selectionStart === 'number' && typeof el.selectionEnd === 'number' ) {
+ start = el.selectionStart;
+ end = el.selectionEnd;
+ } else {
+ // IE
+ range = document.selection.createRange();
+ if ( range && range.parentElement() === el ) {
+ len = el.value.length;
+ normalizedValue = el.value.replace( /\r\n/g, '\n' );
+ newLines = normalizedValue.match( /\n/g );
+ // Create a working TextRange that lives only in the input
+ textInputRange = el.createTextRange();
+ textInputRange.moveToBookmark( range.getBookmark() );
+ // Check if the start and end of the selection are at the very end
+ // of the input, since moveStart/moveEnd doesn't return what we want
+ // in those cases
+ endRange = el.createTextRange();
+ endRange.collapse( false );
+ if ( textInputRange.compareEndPoints( 'StartToEnd', endRange ) > -1 ) {
+ if ( newLines ) {
+ start = end = len - newLines.length;
+ } else {
+ start = end = len;
+ }
+ } else {
+ start = -textInputRange.moveStart( 'character', -len );
+ if ( textInputRange.compareEndPoints( 'EndToEnd', endRange ) > -1 ) {
+ end = len;
+ } else {
+ end = -textInputRange.moveEnd( 'character', -len );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return { start: start, end: end };
+ };
+ TextEntryFactory.static.singleton.register( FormWidgetEntry );
+ /**
+ * TextEntry class for ContentEditable
+ *
+ * @class
+ * @constructor
+ * @param {jQuery} $element The element to wrap
+ */
+ ContentEditableEntry = function IMEContentEditableEntry( $element ) {
+ this.$element = $element;
+ };
+ /* Inheritance */
+ inheritClass( ContentEditableEntry, TextEntry );
+ /* Static methods */
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc TextEntry
+ */
+ ContentEditableEntry.static.canWrap = function ( $element ) {
+ return $ '[contenteditable]' ) && !$element.hasClass( 'noime' );
+ };
+ /* Instance methods */
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc TextEntry
+ */
+ ContentEditableEntry.prototype.getTextBeforeSelection = function ( maxLength ) {
+ var range = this.getSelectedRange();
+ if ( !range || !range.collapsed || range.startContainer.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return range.startContainer.nodeValue.substring(
+ Math.max( 0, range.startOffset - maxLength ),
+ range.startOffset
+ );
+ };
+ /**
+ * @inheritdoc SelectionWrapper
+ */
+ ContentEditableEntry.prototype.replaceTextAtSelection = function ( precedingCharCount, newText ) {
+ var range, textNode, textOffset, newOffset, newRange;
+ if ( !this.getSelectedRange() ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Trigger any externally registered jQuery compositionstart event listeners.
+ // TODO: Try node.dispatchEvent( new CompositionEvent(...) ) so listeners not
+ // registered using jQuery will also get triggered, then fallback gracefully for
+ // browsers that do not support it.
+ this.$element.trigger( 'compositionstart' );
+ range = this.getSelectedRange();
+ if ( !range.collapsed ) {
+ range.deleteContents();
+ }
+ if ( range.startContainer.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
+ // Alter this text node's content and move the cursor
+ textNode = range.startContainer;
+ textOffset = range.startOffset;
+ textNode.nodeValue =
+ textNode.nodeValue.substr( 0, textOffset - precedingCharCount ) +
+ newText +
+ textNode.nodeValue.substr( textOffset );
+ newOffset = textOffset - precedingCharCount + newText.length;
+ newRange = rangy.createRange();
+ newRange.setStart( range.startContainer, newOffset );
+ newRange.setEnd( range.startContainer, newOffset );
+ rangy.getSelection().setSingleRange( newRange );
+ } else {
+ // XXX assert precedingCharCount === 0
+ // Insert a new text node with the new text
+ textNode = document.createTextNode( newText );
+ range.startContainer.insertBefore(
+ textNode,
+ range.startContainer.childNodes[ range.startOffset ]
+ );
+ newRange = rangy.createRange();
+ newRange.setStart( textNode, textNode.length );
+ newRange.setEnd( textNode, textNode.length );
+ rangy.getSelection().setSingleRange( newRange );
+ }
+ // Trigger any externally registered jQuery compositionend / input event listeners.
+ // TODO: Try node.dispatchEvent( new CompositionEvent(...) ) so listeners not
+ // registered using jQuery will also get triggered, then fallback gracefully for
+ // browsers that do not support it.
+ this.$element.trigger( 'compositionend' );
+ this.$element.trigger( 'input' );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Get the selection range inside the wrapped element, or null
+ *
+ * @return {Range|null} The selection range
+ */
+ ContentEditableEntry.prototype.getSelectedRange = function () {
+ var sel, range;
+ rangy.init();
+ sel = rangy.getSelection();
+ if ( sel.rangeCount === 0 ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ range = sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
+ if ( !this.$element[ 0 ].contains( range.commonAncestorContainer ) ) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return range;
+ };
+ TextEntryFactory.static.singleton.register( ContentEditableEntry );
+ /* Exports */
+ /**
+ * jQuery plugin ime
+ *
+ * @param {Object} option
+ * @return {jQuery}
+ */
+ $.fn.ime = function ( option ) {
+ return this.each( function () {
+ var data, textEntry,
+ $this = $( this ),
+ options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
+ data = $ 'ime' );
+ if ( !data ) {
+ textEntry = TextEntryFactory.static.singleton.wrap( $this );
+ if ( textEntry === undefined ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ data = new IME( this, textEntry, options );
+ $ 'ime', data );
+ }
+ if ( typeof option === 'string' ) {
+ data[ option ]();
+ }
+ } );
+ };
+ $.ime = {};
+ $.ime.inputmethods = {};
+ $.ime.sources = {};
+ $.ime.preferences = {};
+ $.ime.languages = {};
+ /**
+ * @property {string} Relative/absolute path for the rules folder of jquery.ime
+ */
+ $.ime.path = '../';
+ $.ime.textEntryFactory = TextEntryFactory.static.singleton;
+ $.ime.TextEntry = TextEntry;
+ $.ime.inheritClass = inheritClass;
+ defaultInputMethod = {
+ contextLength: 0,
+ maxKeyLength: 1
+ };
+ /**
+ * load an input method by given id
+ *
+ * @param {string} inputmethodId
+ * @return {jQuery.Promise}
+ */
+ $.ime.load = function ( inputmethodId ) {
+ var dependency,
+ deferred = $.Deferred();
+ if ( $.ime.inputmethods[ inputmethodId ] ) {
+ return deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ // Validate the input method id.
+ if ( !$.ime.sources[ inputmethodId ] ) {
+ return deferred.reject();
+ }
+ dependency = $.ime.sources[ inputmethodId ].depends;
+ if ( dependency && !$.ime.inputmethods[ dependency ] ) {
+ $.ime.load( dependency ).done( function () {
+ $.ime.load( inputmethodId ).done( function () {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ } );
+ } );
+ return deferred;
+ }
+ debug( 'Loading ' + inputmethodId );
+ deferred = $.ajax( {
+ url: $.ime.path + $.ime.sources[ inputmethodId ].source,
+ dataType: 'script',
+ cache: true
+ } ).done( function () {
+ debug( inputmethodId + ' loaded' );
+ } ).fail( function ( jqxhr, settings, exception ) {
+ debug( 'Error in loading inputmethod ' + inputmethodId + ' Exception: ' + exception );
+ } );
+ return deferred.promise();
+ };
+ $.ime.register = function ( inputMethod ) {
+ $.ime.inputmethods[ ] = $.extend( {}, defaultInputMethod, inputMethod );
+ };
+ /**
+ * Set the relative/absolute path to rules/ (for loading input methods)
+ *
+ * @param {string} path The relative/absolute path in which rules/ lies
+ */
+ $.ime.setPath = function ( path ) {
+ $.ime.path = path;
+ };
+ // default options
+ $.ime.defaults = {
+ languages: [], // Languages to be used- by default all languages
+ helpHandler: null, // Called for each ime option in the menu
+ showSelector: true
+ };
+}( jQuery ) );
+( function ( $ ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ var selectorTemplate, MutationObserver;
+ function IMESelector( element, options ) {
+ this.$element = $( element );
+ this.options = $.extend( {}, IMESelector.defaults, options );
+ = false;
+ this.$imeSetting = null;
+ this.$menu = null;
+ this.inputmethod = null;
+ this.timer = null;
+ this.init();
+ this.listen();
+ }
+ function languageListTitle() {
+ return $( '<h3>' )
+ .addClass( 'ime-lang-title' )
+ .attr( 'data-i18n', 'jquery-ime-other-languages' )
+ .text( 'Other languages' );
+ }
+ function imeList() {
+ return $( '<ul>' ).addClass( 'ime-list' );
+ }
+ function imeListTitle() {
+ return $( '<h3>' ).addClass( 'ime-list-title autonym' );
+ }
+ function toggleMenuItem() {
+ return $( '<div class="ime-disable selectable-row">' ).append(
+ $( '<span>' )
+ .attr( {
+ 'class': 'ime-disable-link',
+ 'data-i18n': 'jquery-ime-disable-text'
+ } )
+ .addClass( 'ime-checked' )
+ .text( 'System input method' ),
+ $( '<span>' )
+ .addClass( 'ime-disable-shortcut' )
+ .text( 'CTRL+M' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Check whether a keypress event corresponds to the shortcut key
+ *
+ * @param {event} event
+ * @return {boolean} true if the key is a shortcut key
+ */
+ function isShortcutKey( event ) {
+ // 77 - The letter M, for Ctrl-M
+ return event.ctrlKey && !event.altKey && ( event.which === 77 );
+ }
+ IMESelector.prototype = {
+ constructor: IMESelector,
+ init: function () {
+ this.prepareSelectorMenu();
+ this.position();
+ this.$imeSetting.hide();
+ },
+ prepareSelectorMenu: function () {
+ // TODO: In this approach there is a menu for each editable area.
+ // With correct event mapping we can probably reduce it to one menu.
+ this.$imeSetting = $( selectorTemplate );
+ this.$menu = $( '<div class="imeselector-menu" role="menu">' );
+ this.$menu.append(
+ imeListTitle(),
+ imeList(),
+ toggleMenuItem(),
+ languageListTitle()
+ );
+ this.prepareLanguageList();
+ this.$menu.append( this.helpLink() );
+ if ( $.i18n ) {
+ this.$menu.i18n();
+ }
+ this.$imeSetting.append( this.$menu );
+ $( 'body' ).append( this.$imeSetting );
+ },
+ stopTimer: function () {
+ if ( this.timer ) {
+ clearTimeout( this.timer );
+ this.timer = null;
+ }
+ this.$imeSetting.stop( true, true );
+ },
+ resetTimer: function () {
+ var imeselector = this;
+ this.stopTimer();
+ this.timer = setTimeout(
+ function () {
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.animate( {
+ opacity: 0,
+ marginTop: '-20px'
+ }, 500, function () {
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.hide();
+ // Restore properties for the next time it becomes visible:
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.css( 'opacity', 1 );
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.css( 'margin-top', 0 );
+ } );
+ }, this.options.timeout
+ );
+ },
+ focus: function () {
+ // Hide all other IME settings and collapse open menus
+ $( 'div.imeselector' ).hide();
+ $( 'div.imeselector-menu' ).removeClass( 'ime-open' );
+ this.afterKeydown();
+ },
+ afterKeydown: function () {
+ this.$;
+ this.resetTimer();
+ },
+ show: function () {
+ this.$menu.addClass( 'ime-open' );
+ this.stopTimer();
+ this.$;
+ return false;
+ },
+ hide: function () {
+ this.$menu.removeClass( 'ime-open' );
+ this.resetTimer();
+ return false;
+ },
+ toggle: function () {
+ if ( this.$menu.hasClass( 'ime-open' ) ) {
+ this.hide();
+ } else {
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Bind the events and listen
+ */
+ listen: function () {
+ var imeselector = this;
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.on( 'click.ime', function ( e ) {
+ var t = $( );
+ if ( t.hasClass( 'imeselector-toggle' ) ) {
+ imeselector.toggle();
+ }
+ return false;
+ } );
+ imeselector.$element.on( 'blur.ime', function () {
+ if ( !imeselector.$imeSetting.hasClass( 'ime-onfocus' ) ) {
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.hide();
+ imeselector.hide();
+ }
+ } );
+ // Hide the menu when clicked outside
+ $( 'html' ).click( function () {
+ imeselector.hide();
+ } );
+ // ... but when clicked on window do not propagate it.
+ this.$menu.on( 'click', function ( event ) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ } );
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.mouseenter( function () {
+ // We don't want the selector to disappear
+ // while the user is trying to click it
+ imeselector.stopTimer();
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.addClass( 'ime-onfocus' );
+ } ).mouseleave( function () {
+ imeselector.resetTimer();
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.removeClass( 'ime-onfocus' );
+ } );
+ imeselector.$menu.on( 'click.ime', 'li', function () {
+ imeselector.$element.focus();
+ return false;
+ } );
+ imeselector.$menu.on( 'click.ime', 'li.ime-im', function () {
+ imeselector.selectIM( $( this ).data( 'ime-inputmethod' ) );
+ imeselector.$element.trigger( 'setim.ime', $( this ).data( 'ime-inputmethod' ) );
+ return false;
+ } );
+ imeselector.$menu.on( 'click.ime', 'li.ime-lang', function () {
+ var im = imeselector.selectLanguage( $( this ).attr( 'lang' ) );
+ imeselector.$element.trigger( 'setim.ime', im );
+ return false;
+ } );
+ imeselector.$menu.on( 'click.ime', 'div.ime-disable', function () {
+ imeselector.disableIM();
+ return false;
+ } );
+ // Just make it work as a regular link
+ imeselector.$menu.on( 'click.ime', '.ime-help-link', function ( e ) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ } );
+ imeselector.$element.on( 'focus.ime', function ( e ) {
+ imeselector.selectLanguage( imeselector.decideLanguage() );
+ imeselector.focus();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ } );
+ imeselector.$element.attrchange( function () {
+ if ( imeselector.$ ':hidden' ) ) {
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.hide();
+ }
+ } );
+ // Possible resize of textarea
+ imeselector.$element.on( {
+ 'mouseup.ime': this.position.bind( this ),
+ 'keydown.ime': this.keydown.bind( this )
+ } );
+ // Update IM selector position when the window is resized
+ // or the browser window is zoomed in or zoomed out
+ $( window ).resize( function () {
+ imeselector.position();
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Keydown event handler. Handles shortcut key presses
+ *
+ * @context {HTMLElement}
+ * @param {jQuery.Event} e
+ * @return {boolean}
+ */
+ keydown: function ( e ) {
+ var ime = $( ).data( 'ime' ),
+ firstInputmethod,
+ previousInputMethods,
+ languageCode;
+ this.afterKeydown(); // shows the trigger in case it is hidden
+ if ( isShortcutKey( e ) ) {
+ if ( ime.isActive() ) {
+ this.disableIM();
+ this.$element.trigger( 'setim.ime', 'system' );
+ } else {
+ if ( this.inputmethod !== null ) {
+ this.selectIM( );
+ this.$element.trigger( 'setim.ime', );
+ } else {
+ languageCode = this.decideLanguage();
+ this.selectLanguage( languageCode );
+ if ( !ime.isActive() && $.ime.languages[ languageCode ] ) {
+ // Even after pressing toggle shortcut again, it is still disabled
+ // Check if there is a previously used input method.
+ previousInputMethods = $.ime.preferences.getPreviousInputMethods();
+ if ( previousInputMethods[ 0 ] ) {
+ this.selectIM( previousInputMethods[ 0 ] );
+ } else {
+ // Provide the default input method in this case.
+ firstInputmethod = $.ime.languages[ languageCode ].inputmethods[ 0 ];
+ this.selectIM( firstInputmethod );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e.preventDefault();
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Position the im selector relative to the edit area
+ */
+ position: function () {
+ var menuWidth, menuTop, menuLeft, elementPosition,
+ top, left, cssTop, cssLeft, verticalRoom, overflowsOnRight,
+ imeSelector = this,
+ rtlElement = this.$element.css( 'direction' ) === 'rtl',
+ $window = $( window );
+ this.focus(); // shows the trigger in case it is hidden
+ elementPosition = this.$element.offset();
+ top = + this.$element.outerHeight();
+ left = elementPosition.left;
+ // RTL element position fix
+ if ( !rtlElement ) {
+ left = elementPosition.left + this.$element.outerWidth() -
+ this.$imeSetting.outerWidth();
+ }
+ // While determining whether to place the selector above or below the input box,
+ // take into account the value of scrollTop, to avoid the selector from always
+ // getting placed above the input box since window.height would be less than top
+ // if the page has been scrolled.
+ verticalRoom = $window.height() + $( document ).scrollTop() - top;
+ if ( verticalRoom < this.$imeSetting.outerHeight() ) {
+ top = - this.$imeSetting.outerHeight();
+ menuTop = this.$menu.outerHeight() +
+ this.$imeSetting.outerHeight();
+ // Flip the menu to the top only if it can fit in the space there
+ if ( menuTop < top ) {
+ this.$menu
+ .addClass( 'ime-position-top' )
+ .css( 'top', -menuTop );
+ }
+ }
+ cssTop = top;
+ cssLeft = left;
+ this.$element.parents().each( function () {
+ if ( $( this ).css( 'position' ) === 'fixed' ) {
+ imeSelector.$imeSetting.css( 'position', 'fixed' );
+ cssTop -= $( document ).scrollTop();
+ cssLeft -= $( document ).scrollLeft();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } );
+ this.$imeSetting.css( {
+ top: cssTop,
+ left: cssLeft
+ } );
+ menuWidth = this.$menu.width();
+ overflowsOnRight = ( left - $( document ).scrollLeft() + menuWidth ) > $window.width();
+ // Adjust horizontal position if there's
+ // not enough space on any side
+ if ( menuWidth > left ||
+ rtlElement && overflowsOnRight
+ ) {
+ if ( rtlElement ) {
+ if ( overflowsOnRight ) {
+ this.$menu.addClass( 'ime-right' );
+ menuLeft = this.$imeSetting.outerWidth() - menuWidth;
+ } else {
+ menuLeft = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.$menu.addClass( 'ime-right' );
+ menuLeft = elementPosition.left;
+ }
+ this.$menu.css( 'left', menuLeft );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Select a language
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode
+ * @return {string|bool} Selected input method id or false
+ */
+ selectLanguage: function ( languageCode ) {
+ var ime, imePref, language;
+ // consider language codes case insensitive
+ languageCode = languageCode && languageCode.toLowerCase();
+ ime = this.$ 'ime' );
+ imePref = $.ime.preferences.getIM( languageCode );
+ language = $.ime.languages[ languageCode ];
+ this.setMenuTitle( this.getAutonym( languageCode ) );
+ if ( !language ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( ime.getLanguage() === languageCode ) {
+ // Nothing to do. It is same as the current language,
+ // but check whether the input method changed.
+ if ( ime.inputmethod && !== imePref ) {
+ this.selectIM( $.ime.preferences.getIM( languageCode ) );
+ }
+ return $.ime.preferences.getIM( languageCode );
+ }
+ this.$menu.find( 'li.ime-lang' ).show();
+ this.$menu.find( 'li[lang=' + languageCode + ']' ).hide();
+ this.prepareInputMethods( languageCode );
+ this.hide();
+ // And select the default inputmethod
+ ime.setLanguage( languageCode );
+ this.inputmethod = null;
+ this.selectIM( $.ime.preferences.getIM( languageCode ) );
+ return $.ime.preferences.getIM( languageCode );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the autonym by language code.
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode
+ * @return {string} The autonym
+ */
+ getAutonym: function ( languageCode ) {
+ return $.ime.languages[ languageCode ] &&
+ $.ime.languages[ languageCode ].autonym;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set the title of the selector menu.
+ *
+ * @param {string} title
+ */
+ setMenuTitle: function ( title ) {
+ this.$menu.find( '.ime-list-title' ).text( title );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Decide on initial language to select
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+ decideLanguage: function () {
+ if ( $.ime.preferences.getLanguage() ) {
+ // There has been an override by the user,
+ // so return the language selected by user
+ return $.ime.preferences.getLanguage();
+ }
+ if ( this.$element.attr( 'lang' ) &&
+ $.ime.languages[ this.$element.attr( 'lang' ) ]
+ ) {
+ return this.$element.attr( 'lang' );
+ }
+ // There is either no IMs for the given language attr
+ // or there is no lang attr at all.
+ return $.ime.preferences.getDefaultLanguage();
+ },
+ /**
+ * Select an input method
+ *
+ * @param {string} inputmethodId
+ */
+ selectIM: function ( inputmethodId ) {
+ var imeselector = this,
+ ime;
+ if ( !inputmethodId ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.$menu.find( '.ime-checked' ).removeClass( 'ime-checked' );
+ this.$menu.find( 'li[data-ime-inputmethod=' + inputmethodId + ']' )
+ .addClass( 'ime-checked' );
+ ime = this.$ 'ime' );
+ if ( inputmethodId === 'system' ) {
+ this.disableIM();
+ return;
+ }
+ ime.load( inputmethodId ).done( function () {
+ imeselector.inputmethod = $.ime.inputmethods[ inputmethodId ];
+ imeselector.hide();
+ ime.enable();
+ ime.setIM( inputmethodId );
+ imeselector.$imeSetting.find( 'a.ime-name' ).text(
+ $.ime.sources[ inputmethodId ].name
+ );
+ imeselector.position();
+ // Save this preference
+ $;
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Disable the inputmethods (Use the system input method)
+ */
+ disableIM: function () {
+ this.$menu.find( '.ime-checked' ).removeClass( 'ime-checked' );
+ this.$menu.find( 'div.ime-disable' ).addClass( 'ime-checked' );
+ this.$ 'ime' ).disable();
+ this.$imeSetting.find( 'a.ime-name' ).text( '' );
+ this.hide();
+ this.position();
+ // Save this preference
+ $;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepare language list
+ */
+ prepareLanguageList: function () {
+ var languageCodeIndex,
+ $languageListWrapper,
+ $languageList,
+ languageList,
+ $languageItem,
+ $language,
+ languageCode,
+ language;
+ // Language list can be very long, so we use a container with
+ // overflow auto
+ $languageListWrapper = $( '<div class="ime-language-list-wrapper">' );
+ $languageList = $( '<ul class="ime-language-list">' );
+ if ( $.isFunction( this.options.languages ) ) {
+ languageList = this.options.languages();
+ } else {
+ languageList = this.options.languages;
+ }
+ for ( languageCodeIndex in languageList ) {
+ languageCode = languageList[ languageCodeIndex ];
+ language = $.ime.languages[ languageCode ];
+ if ( !language ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $languageItem = $( '<a>' )
+ .attr( 'href', '#' )
+ .text( this.getAutonym( languageCode ) )
+ .addClass( 'selectable-row-item autonym' );
+ $language = $( '<li class="ime-lang selectable-row">' ).attr( 'lang', languageCode );
+ $language.append( $languageItem );
+ $languageList.append( $language );
+ }
+ $languageListWrapper.append( $languageList );
+ this.$menu.append( $languageListWrapper );
+ if ( this.options.languageSelector ) {
+ this.$menu.append( this.options.languageSelector() );
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Prepare input methods in menu for the given language code
+ *
+ * @param {string} languageCode
+ */
+ prepareInputMethods: function ( languageCode ) {
+ var language = $.ime.languages[ languageCode ],
+ $imeList = this.$menu.find( '.ime-list' ),
+ imeSelector = this;
+ $imeList.empty();
+ $.each( language.inputmethods, function ( index, inputmethod ) {
+ var $imeItem, $inputMethod, source, name;
+ source = $.ime.sources[ inputmethod ];
+ if ( !source ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ name =;
+ $imeItem = $( '<a>' )
+ .attr( 'href', '#' )
+ .text( name )
+ .addClass( 'selectable-row-item' );
+ $inputMethod = $( '<li>' )
+ .attr( 'data-ime-inputmethod', inputmethod )
+ .addClass( 'ime-im selectable-row' )
+ .append( '<span class="ime-im-check"></span>', $imeItem );
+ if ( imeSelector.options.helpHandler ) {
+ $inputMethod.append( imeSelector, inputmethod ) );
+ }
+ $imeList.append( $inputMethod );
+ } );
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create a help link element.
+ *
+ * @return {jQuery}
+ */
+ helpLink: function () {
+ return $( '<div class="ime-help-link selectable-row">' )
+ .append( $( '<a>' ).text( 'Help' )
+ .addClass( 'selectable-row-item' )
+ .attr( {
+ href: '',
+ target: '_blank',
+ 'data-i18n': 'jquery-ime-help'
+ } )
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ IMESelector.defaults = {
+ defaultLanguage: 'en',
+ timeout: 2500 // Milliseconds after which IME widget hides itself.
+ };
+ /*
+ * imeselector PLUGIN DEFINITION
+ */
+ $.fn.imeselector = function ( options ) {
+ return this.each( function () {
+ var $this = $( this ),
+ data = $ 'imeselector' );
+ if ( !data ) {
+ $ 'imeselector', ( data = new IMESelector( this, options ) ) );
+ }
+ if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
+ data[ options ].call( $this );
+ }
+ } );
+ };
+ $.fn.imeselector.Constructor = IMESelector;
+ selectorTemplate = '<div class="imeselector imeselector-toggle">' +
+ '<a class="ime-name imeselector-toggle" href="#"></a>' +
+ '<b class="ime-setting-caret imeselector-toggle"></b></div>';
+ MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver ||
+ window.WebKitMutationObserver ||
+ window.MozMutationObserver;
+ function isDOMAttrModifiedSupported() {
+ var p = document.createElement( 'p' ),
+ flag = false;
+ if ( p.addEventListener ) {
+ p.addEventListener( 'DOMAttrModified', function () {
+ flag = true;
+ }, false );
+ } else if ( p.attachEvent ) {
+ p.attachEvent( 'onDOMAttrModified', function () {
+ flag = true;
+ } );
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ p.setAttribute( 'id', 'target' );
+ return flag;
+ }
+ $.fn.attrchange = function ( callback ) {
+ var observer;
+ if ( MutationObserver ) {
+ observer = new MutationObserver( function ( mutations ) {
+ mutations.forEach( function ( e ) {
+, e.attributeName );
+ } );
+ } );
+ return this.each( function () {
+ observer.observe( this, {
+ subtree: false,
+ attributes: true
+ } );
+ } );
+ } else if ( isDOMAttrModifiedSupported() ) {
+ return this.on( 'DOMAttrModified', function ( e ) {
+ this, e.originalEvent.attrName );
+ } );
+ } else if ( 'onpropertychange' in document.body ) {
+ return this.on( 'propertychange', function () {
+ this, window.event.propertyName );
+ } );
+ }
+ };
+}( jQuery ) );
+( function ( $ ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ $.extend( $.ime.preferences, {
+ registry: {
+ isDirty: false,
+ language: null,
+ previousLanguages: [], // array of previous languages
+ previousInputMethods: [], // array of previous inputmethods
+ imes: {
+ en: 'system'
+ }
+ },
+ setLanguage: function ( language ) {
+ // Do nothing if there's no actual change
+ if ( language === this.registry.language ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.registry.language = language;
+ this.registry.isDirty = true;
+ if ( !this.registry.previousLanguages ) {
+ this.registry.previousLanguages = [];
+ }
+ // Add to the previous languages, but avoid duplicates.
+ if ( $.inArray( language, this.registry.previousLanguages ) === -1 ) {
+ this.registry.previousLanguages.unshift( language );
+ this.registry.previousLanguages = this.registry.previousLanguages.slice( 0, 5 );
+ }
+ },
+ getLanguage: function () {
+ return this.registry.language;
+ },
+ getDefaultLanguage: function () {
+ return 'en';
+ },
+ getPreviousLanguages: function () {
+ return this.registry.previousLanguages;
+ },
+ getPreviousInputMethods: function () {
+ return this.registry.previousInputMethods;
+ },
+ // Set the given IM as the last used for the language
+ setIM: function ( inputMethod ) {
+ if ( !this.registry.imes ) {
+ this.registry.imes = {};
+ }
+ // Do nothing if there's no actual change
+ if ( inputMethod === this.registry.imes[ this.registry.language ] ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.registry.imes[ this.getLanguage() ] = inputMethod;
+ this.registry.isDirty = true;
+ if ( !this.registry.previousInputMethods ) {
+ this.registry.previousInputMethods = [];
+ }
+ // Add to the previous languages,
+ if ( inputMethod !== 'system' ) {
+ this.registry.previousInputMethods.unshift( inputMethod );
+ this.registry.previousInputMethods = this.registry.previousInputMethods.slice( 0, 5 );
+ }
+ },
+ // Return the last used or the default IM for language
+ getIM: function ( language ) {
+ if ( !this.registry.imes ) {
+ this.registry.imes = {};
+ }
+ return this.registry.imes[ language ] || 'system';
+ },
+ save: function () {
+ // save registry in cookies or localstorage
+ },
+ load: function () {
+ // load registry from cookies or localstorage
+ }
+ } );
+}( jQuery ) );
+( function ( $ ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ // All keys have quotes for consistency
+ /* eslint-disable quote-props */
+ $.extend( $.ime.sources, {
+ 'ak-qx': {
+ name: 'QX replacement',
+ source: 'rules/ak/ak-qx.js'
+ },
+ 'am-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ትራንስልተራትዖን',
+ source: 'rules/am/am-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'ar-kbd': {
+ name: 'لوحة المفاتيح العربية',
+ source: 'rules/ar/ar-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'as-avro': {
+ name: 'অভ্ৰ',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-avro.js'
+ },
+ 'as-bornona': {
+ name: 'বৰ্ণনা',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-bornona.js'
+ },
+ 'as-inscript': {
+ name: 'ইনস্ক্ৰিপ্ট',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'as-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ইনস্ক্ৰিপ্ট ২',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'as-phonetic': {
+ name: 'ফনেটিক',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'as-rodali': {
+ name: 'ৰ\'দালি',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-rodali.js'
+ },
+ 'as-transliteration': {
+ name: 'প্ৰতিৰূপান্তৰণ',
+ source: 'rules/as/as-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'azb-kbd': {
+ name: 'تۆرکجه',
+ source: 'rules/azb/azb-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'batak-qwerty': {
+ name: 'Batak QWERTY',
+ source: 'rules/bbc/batak-qwerty.js'
+ },
+ 'be-kbd': {
+ name: 'Стандартная',
+ source: 'rules/be/be-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'be-latin': {
+ name: 'Łacinka',
+ source: 'rules/be/be-latin.js'
+ },
+ 'be-transliteration': {
+ name: 'Транслітэрацыя',
+ source: 'rules/be/be-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'ber-tfng': {
+ name: 'Tifinagh',
+ source: 'rules/ber/ber-tfng.js'
+ },
+ 'bgn-kbd': {
+ name: 'روچ کپتین بلوچی',
+ source: 'rules/bgn/bgn-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'bm-alt': {
+ name: 'Bamanankan Alt',
+ source: 'rules/bm/bm-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'bn-avro': {
+ name: 'অভ্র',
+ source: 'rules/bn/bn-avro.js'
+ },
+ 'bn-inscript': {
+ name: 'ইনস্ক্ৰিপ্ট',
+ source: 'rules/bn/bn-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'bn-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ইনস্ক্ৰিপ্ট ২',
+ source: 'rules/bn/bn-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'bn-nkb': {
+ name: 'ন্যাশনাল কিবোর্ড',
+ source: 'rules/bn/bn-nkb.js'
+ },
+ 'bn-probhat': {
+ name: 'প্রভাত',
+ source: 'rules/bn/bn-probhat.js'
+ },
+ 'bo-ewts': {
+ name: 'Tibetan EWTS',
+ source: 'rules/bo/bo-ewts.js'
+ },
+ 'bo-sambhota': {
+ name: 'Tibetan Sambhota',
+ source: 'rules/bo/bo-sambhota.js'
+ },
+ 'brx-inscript': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
+ source: 'rules/brx/brx-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'brx-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/brx/brx-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'byn-geezim': {
+ name: 'ብሊን',
+ source: 'rules/byn/byn-geezim.js'
+ },
+ 'ckb-transliteration-arkbd': {
+ name: 'باشووری',
+ source: 'rules/ckb/ckb-transliteration-arkbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ckb-transliteration-fakbd': {
+ name: 'ڕۆژھەڵاتی',
+ source: 'rules/ckb/ckb-transliteration-fakbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ckb-transliteration-lakbd': {
+ name: 'لاتینی',
+ source: 'rules/ckb/ckb-transliteration-lakbd.js'
+ },
+ 'cv-cyr-altgr': {
+ name: 'Чăвашла (AltGr)',
+ source: 'rules/cv/cv-cyr-altgr.js'
+ },
+ 'cv-cyr-numbers': {
+ name: 'Чăвашла (цифрилисем)',
+ source: 'rules/cv/cv-cyr-numbers.js'
+ },
+ 'cv-lat-altgr': {
+ name: 'Căvašla (AltGr)',
+ source: 'rules/cv/cv-lat-altgr.js'
+ },
+ 'cyrl-palochka': {
+ name: 'Palochka',
+ source: 'rules/cyrl/cyrl-palochka.js'
+ },
+ 'da-normforms': {
+ name: 'Brug translitteration',
+ source: 'rules/da/da-normforms.js'
+ },
+ 'dag-alt': {
+ name: 'Dagbani Alt',
+ source: 'rules/dag/dag-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'de-transliteration': {
+ name: 'Deutsch Tilde',
+ source: 'rules/de/de-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'din-fqsx': {
+ name: 'Dinka FQSX',
+ source: 'rules/din/din-fqsx.js'
+ },
+ 'doi-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/doi/doi-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'ee-tilde': {
+ name: 'Ewe Tilde',
+ source: 'rules/ee/ee-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'el-kbd': {
+ name: 'Τυπική πληκτρολόγιο',
+ source: 'rules/el/el-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-h': {
+ name: 'Esperanto h',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-h.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-h-f': {
+ name: 'Esperanto h fundamente',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-h-f.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-plena': {
+ name: 'Esperanto plena',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-plena.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-q': {
+ name: 'Esperanto q sistemo',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-q.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-transliteration': {
+ name: 'transliterigo',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-vi': {
+ name: 'Esperanto vi sistemo',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-vi.js'
+ },
+ 'eo-x': {
+ name: 'Esperanto x sistemo',
+ source: 'rules/eo/eo-x.js'
+ },
+ 'fa-kbd': {
+ name: 'فارسی',
+ source: 'rules/fa/fa-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ff-alt': {
+ name: 'Fulfulde',
+ source: 'rules/ff/ff-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'fi-transliteration': {
+ name: 'translitterointi',
+ source: 'rules/fi/fi-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'fo-normforms': {
+ name: 'Føroyskt',
+ source: 'rules/fo/fo-normforms.js'
+ },
+ 'fon-tilde': {
+ name: 'Fon Tilde',
+ source: 'rules/fon/fon-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'gaa-cqx': {
+ name: 'Ga - CQX replacement',
+ source: 'rules/gaa/gaa-cqx.js'
+ },
+ 'gom-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/gom/gom-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'got-standard': {
+ name: '𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺𐌰 𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐌰',
+ source: 'rules/got/got-standard.js'
+ },
+ 'gu-inscript': {
+ name: 'ઇનસ્ક્રિપ્ટ',
+ source: 'rules/gu/gu-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'gu-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ઇનસ્ક્રિપ્ટ ૨',
+ source: 'rules/gu/gu-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'gu-phonetic': {
+ name: 'ફોનૅટિક',
+ source: 'rules/gu/gu-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'gu-transliteration': {
+ name: 'લિપ્યંતરણ',
+ source: 'rules/gu/gu-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'ha-tilde': {
+ name: 'Hausa - tilde',
+ source: 'rules/ha/ha-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'he-standard-2012': {
+ name: 'עברית עם ניקוד על בסיס אנגלית',
+ source: 'rules/he/he-standard-2012.js'
+ },
+ 'he-standard-2012-extonly': {
+ name: 'עברית עם ניקוד',
+ source: 'rules/he/he-standard-2012-extonly.js'
+ },
+ 'hi-bolnagri': {
+ name: 'बोलनागरी',
+ source: 'rules/hi/hi-bolnagri.js'
+ },
+ 'hi-inscript': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
+ source: 'rules/hi/hi-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'hi-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/hi/hi-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'hi-phonetic': {
+ name: 'फोनेटिक',
+ source: 'rules/hi/hi-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'hi-transliteration': {
+ name: 'लिप्यंतरण',
+ source: 'rules/hi/hi-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'hoc-transliteration': {
+ name: 'Ho transliteration',
+ source: 'rules/hoc/hoc-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'hr-kbd': {
+ name: 'Croatian kbd',
+ source: 'rules/hr/hr-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'hy-emslegacy': {
+ name: 'Մայքրոսոֆթի հին արևելահայերեն',
+ source: 'rules/hy/hy-emslegacy.js'
+ },
+ 'hy-ephonetic': {
+ name: 'Հնչյունային դասավորություն',
+ source: 'rules/hy/hy-ephonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'hy-ephoneticalt': {
+ name: 'Հնչյունային նոր (R→Ր, F→Թ)',
+ source: 'rules/hy/hy-ephoneticalt.js'
+ },
+ 'hy-typewriter': {
+ name: 'Գրամեքենայի դասավորություն',
+ source: 'rules/hy/hy-typewriter.js'
+ },
+ 'hy-wmslegacy': {
+ name: 'Մայքրոսոֆթի հին արևմտահայերեն',
+ source: 'rules/hy/hy-wmslegacy.js'
+ },
+ 'ig-tilde': {
+ name: 'Igbo - tilde',
+ source: 'rules/ig/ig-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'ipa-sil': {
+ name: 'International Phonetic Alphabet - SIL',
+ source: 'rules/fonipa/ipa-sil.js'
+ },
+ 'ipa-x-sampa': {
+ name: 'International Phonetic Alphabet - X-SAMPA',
+ source: 'rules/fonipa/ipa-x-sampa.js'
+ },
+ 'is-normforms': {
+ name: 'Venjuleg eyðublöð',
+ source: 'rules/is/is-normforms.js'
+ },
+ 'jv-transliteration': {
+ name: 'Transliteration',
+ source: 'rules/jv/jv-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'ka-kbd': {
+ name: 'სტანდარტული კლავიატურის',
+ source: 'rules/ka/ka-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ka-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ტრანსლიტერაცია',
+ source: 'rules/ka/ka-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'kab-tilde': {
+ name: 'Taqbaylit Alatin tilde',
+ source: 'rules/kab/kab-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'kbp-tilde': {
+ name: 'Kabɩyɛ tilde',
+ source: 'rules/kbp/kbp-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'ki-tilde': {
+ name: 'Gĩkũyũ',
+ source: 'rules/ki/ki-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'kk-arabic': {
+ name: 'Kazakh Arabic transliteration',
+ source: 'rules/kk/kk-arabic.js'
+ },
+ 'kk-kbd': {
+ name: 'Кирил',
+ source: 'rules/kk/kk-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'km-nidakyk': {
+ name: 'ក្តារ​ចុច​យូនីកូដ​ខ្មែរ (NiDA)',
+ source: 'rules/km/km-nidakyk.js'
+ },
+ 'kn-inscript': {
+ name: 'ಇನ್ಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್',
+ source: 'rules/kn/kn-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'kn-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ಇನ್\u200cಸ್ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟ್ ೨',
+ source: 'rules/kn/kn-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'kn-kgp': {
+ name: 'KGP/Nudi/KP Rao',
+ source: 'rules/kn/kn-kgp.js'
+ },
+ 'kn-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ಲಿಪ್ಯಂತರಣ',
+ source: 'rules/kn/kn-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'ky-cyrl-alt': {
+ name: 'Кыргыз Alt',
+ source: 'rules/ky/ky-cyrl-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'ks-inscript': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
+ source: 'rules/ks/ks-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'ks-kbd': {
+ name: 'Kashmiri Arabic',
+ source: 'rules/ks/ks-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ku-h': {
+ name: 'Kurdî-h',
+ source: 'rules/ku/ku-h.js'
+ },
+ 'ku-tr': {
+ name: 'Kurdî-tr',
+ source: 'rules/ku/ku-tr.js'
+ },
+ 'lg-tilde': {
+ name: 'Luganda tilde',
+ source: 'rules/lg/lg-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'ln-tilde': {
+ name: 'Lingála tilde',
+ source: 'rules/ln/ln-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'lo-kbd': {
+ name: 'າຶກ',
+ source: 'rules/lo/lo-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'lrc-kbd': {
+ name: 'لۊری شومالی',
+ source: 'rules/lrc/lrc-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'lud-transliteration': {
+ name: 'lud',
+ source: 'rules/lud/lud-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'lut-tulalip': {
+ name: 'Lushootseed Tulalip',
+ source: 'rules/lut/lut-tulalip.js'
+ },
+ 'mai-inscript': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
+ source: 'rules/mai/mai-inscript.js',
+ depends: 'hi-inscript'
+ },
+ 'mai-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/mai/mai-inscript2.js',
+ depends: 'hi-inscript2'
+ },
+ 'mg-tilde': {
+ name: 'Malagasy tilde',
+ source: 'rules/mg/mg-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'mh': {
+ name: 'Kajin M̧ajeļ',
+ source: 'rules/mh/mh.js'
+ },
+ 'ml-inscript': {
+ name: 'ഇൻസ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ്',
+ source: 'rules/ml/ml-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'ml-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ഇൻസ്ക്രിപ്റ്റ് 2',
+ source: 'rules/ml/ml-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'ml-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ലിപ്യന്തരണം',
+ source: 'rules/ml/ml-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'mn-cyrl': {
+ name: 'Кирилл',
+ source: 'rules/mn/mn-cyrl.js'
+ },
+ 'mn-todo': {
+ name: 'ᡐᡆᡑᡆ ᡋᡅᡔᡅᡎ᠌',
+ source: 'rules/mn/mn-todo.js'
+ },
+ 'mn-todoali': {
+ name: 'Todo Mongolian Ali-gali',
+ source: 'rules/mn/mn-todoali.js'
+ },
+ 'mn-trad': {
+ name: 'ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠪᠢᠴᠢᠭ᠌',
+ source: 'rules/mn/mn-trad.js'
+ },
+ 'mn-tradali': {
+ name: 'Traditional Mongolian Ali-gali',
+ source: 'rules/mn/mn-tradali.js'
+ },
+ 'mnc': {
+ name: 'ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ',
+ source: 'rules/mnc/mnc.js'
+ },
+ 'mnc-ali': {
+ name: 'Manchu Ali-gali',
+ source: 'rules/mnc/mnc-ali.js'
+ },
+ 'mni-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ইনস্ক্ৰিপ্ট ২',
+ source: 'rules/mni/mni-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'mr-inscript': {
+ name: 'मराठी लिपी',
+ source: 'rules/mr/mr-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'mr-inscript2': {
+ name: 'मराठी इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/mr/mr-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'mr-phonetic': {
+ name: 'फोनेटिक',
+ source: 'rules/mr/mr-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'mr-transliteration': {
+ name: 'अक्षरांतरण',
+ source: 'rules/mr/mr-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'my-mm3': {
+ name: 'မြန်မာ၃ လက်ကွက်',
+ source: 'rules/my/my-mm3.js'
+ },
+ 'my-xkb': {
+ name: 'မြန်မာဘာသာ xkb',
+ source: 'rules/my/my-xkb.js'
+ },
+ 'nb-normforms': {
+ name: 'Normal transliterasjon',
+ source: 'rules/nb/nb-normforms.js'
+ },
+ 'nb-tildeforms': {
+ name: 'Tildemerket transliterasjon',
+ source: 'rules/nb/nb-tildeforms.js'
+ },
+ 'ne-inscript': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
+ source: 'rules/ne/ne-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'ne-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/ne/ne-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'ne-rom': {
+ name: 'Romanized',
+ source: 'rules/ne/ne-rom.js'
+ },
+ 'ne-trad': {
+ name: 'Traditional',
+ source: 'rules/ne/ne-trad.js'
+ },
+ 'ne-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ट्रांस्लितेरेशन',
+ source: 'rules/ne/ne-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'nn-tildeforms': {
+ name: 'Tildemerkt transliterasjon',
+ source: 'rules/nb/nb-tildeforms.js'
+ },
+ 'nso-tilde': {
+ name: 'Sesotho sa Leboa tilde',
+ source: 'rules/nso/nso-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'or-inscript': {
+ name: 'ଇନସ୍କ୍ରିପ୍ଟ',
+ source: 'rules/or/or-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'or-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ଇନସ୍କ୍ରିପ୍ଟ2',
+ source: 'rules/or/or-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'or-lekhani': {
+ name: 'ଲେଖନୀ',
+ source: 'rules/or/or-lekhani.js'
+ },
+ 'or-OdiScript': {
+ name: 'ଓଡ଼ିସ୍କ୍ରିପ୍ଟ',
+ source: 'rules/or/or-OdiScript.js'
+ },
+ 'or-phonetic': {
+ name: 'ଫୋନେଟିକ',
+ source: 'rules/or/or-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'or-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ଟ୍ରାନ୍ସଲିଟରେସନ',
+ source: 'rules/or/or-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'pa-inscript': {
+ name: 'ਇਨਸਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ',
+ source: 'rules/pa/pa-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'pa-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ਇਨਸਕ੍ਰਿਪਟ2',
+ source: 'rules/pa/pa-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'pa-jhelum': {
+ name: 'ਜੇਹਲਮ',
+ source: 'rules/pa/pa-jhelum.js'
+ },
+ 'pa-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ਲਿਪਾਂਤਰਨ',
+ source: 'rules/pa/pa-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'pa-phonetic': {
+ name: 'ਫੋਨੇਟਿਕ',
+ source: 'rules/pa/pa-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'phagspa': {
+ name: 'PhagsPa',
+ source: 'rules/mn/phagspa.js'
+ },
+ 'pms': {
+ name: 'Piemontèis',
+ source: 'rules/pms/pms.js'
+ },
+ 'roa-tara-GVU': {
+ name: 'Tarandine',
+ source: 'rules/roa-tara/roa-tara.js'
+ },
+ 'ru-jcuken': {
+ name: 'ЙЦУКЕН',
+ source: 'rules/ru/ru-jcuken.js'
+ },
+ 'ru-kbd': {
+ name: 'кбд',
+ source: 'rules/ru/ru-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ru-phonetic': {
+ name: 'фонетический',
+ source: 'rules/ru/ru-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'ru-yawerty': {
+ name: 'yawerty',
+ source: 'rules/ru/ru-yawerty.js'
+ },
+ 'sa-iast': {
+ name: 'Romanized',
+ source: 'rules/sa/sa-iast.js'
+ },
+ 'sa-inscript': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट',
+ source: 'rules/sa/sa-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'sa-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/sa/sa-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'sa-transliteration': {
+ name: 'लिप्यन्तरणम्',
+ source: 'rules/sa/sa-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'sah-transliteration': {
+ name: 'Transliteration',
+ source: 'rules/sah/sah-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'sat-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/sat/sat-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'sat-inscript2-ol-chiki': {
+ name: 'inscript2 ᱚᱞ ᱪᱤᱠᱤ',
+ source: 'rules/sat/sat-inscript2-ol-chiki.js'
+ },
+ 'sat-sarjom-baha': {
+ name: 'sarjom baha',
+ source: 'rules/sat/sat-sarjom-baha.js'
+ },
+ 'sd-inscript2': {
+ name: 'इनस्क्रिप्ट २',
+ source: 'rules/sd/sd-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'sdh-kbd': {
+ name: 'کوردی خوارگ',
+ source: 'rules/sdh/sdh-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'se-normforms': {
+ name: 'Normal forms',
+ source: 'rules/se/se-normforms.js'
+ },
+ 'ses-tilde': {
+ name: 'Koyraboro Senni tilde',
+ source: 'rules/ses/ses-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'sg-tilde': {
+ name: 'Sängö',
+ source: 'rules/sg/sg-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'si-singlish': {
+ name: 'සිංග්ලිෂ්',
+ source: 'rules/si/si-singlish.js'
+ },
+ 'si-wijesekara': {
+ name: 'විජේසේකර',
+ source: 'rules/si/si-wijesekara.js'
+ },
+ 'sjo': {
+ name: 'ᠰᡞᠪᡝ',
+ source: 'rules/sjo/sjo.js'
+ },
+ 'sk-kbd': {
+ name: 'Štandardná',
+ source: 'rules/sk/sk-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'sr-kbd': {
+ name: 'Стандардна',
+ source: 'rules/sr/sr-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'st-tilde': {
+ name: 'Sesotho tilde',
+ source: 'rules/st/st-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'sv-normforms': {
+ name: 'Normal forms',
+ source: 'rules/sv/sv-normforms.js'
+ },
+ 'ta-99': {
+ name: 'தமிழ்99',
+ source: 'rules/ta/ta-99.js'
+ },
+ 'ta-bamini': {
+ name: 'பாமினி',
+ source: 'rules/ta/ta-bamini.js'
+ },
+ 'ta-inscript': {
+ name: 'இன்ஸ்கிரிப்ட்',
+ source: 'rules/ta/ta-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'ta-inscript2': {
+ name: 'இன்ஸ்கிரிப்ட் 2',
+ source: 'rules/ta/ta-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'ta-transliteration': {
+ name: 'எழுத்துப்பெயர்ப்பு',
+ source: 'rules/ta/ta-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'te-apple': {
+ name: 'ఆపిల్',
+ source: 'rules/te/te-apple.js'
+ },
+ 'te-inscript': {
+ name: 'ఇన్\u200dస్క్రిప్ట్',
+ source: 'rules/te/te-inscript.js'
+ },
+ 'te-inscript2': {
+ name: 'ఇన్\u200dస్క్రిప్ట్ 2',
+ source: 'rules/te/te-inscript2.js'
+ },
+ 'te-modular': {
+ name: 'మాడ్యులర్',
+ source: 'rules/te/te-modular.js'
+ },
+ 'te-transliteration': {
+ name: 'లిప్యంతరీకరణ',
+ source: 'rules/te/te-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'th-kedmanee': {
+ name: 'เกษมณี',
+ source: 'rules/th/th-kedmanee.js'
+ },
+ 'th-pattachote': {
+ name: 'ปัตตะโชติ',
+ source: 'rules/th/th-pattachote.js'
+ },
+ 'ti-geezim': {
+ name: 'ትግርኛ',
+ source: 'rules/ti/ti-geezim.js'
+ },
+ 'tig-geezim': {
+ name: 'ትግረ',
+ source: 'rules/tig/tig-geezim.js'
+ },
+ 'udm-alt': {
+ name: 'Удмурт ALT',
+ source: 'rules/udm/udm-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'ug-kbd': {
+ name: 'Uyghur kbd',
+ source: 'rules/ug/ug-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'uk-kbd': {
+ name: 'кбд',
+ source: 'rules/uk/uk-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 'ur-phonetic': {
+ name: 'صوتی',
+ source: 'rules/ur/ur-phonetic.js'
+ },
+ 'ur-transliteration': {
+ name: 'ٹرانسلٹریشن',
+ source: 'rules/ur/ur-transliteration.js'
+ },
+ 'uz-kbd': {
+ name: 'Uzbek kbd',
+ source: 'rules/uz/uz-kbd.js'
+ },
+ 've-tilde': {
+ name: 'TshiVenḓa tilde',
+ source: 'rules/ve/ve-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'vec-GVU': {
+ name: 'Vèneto',
+ source: 'rules/vec/vec-GVU.js'
+ },
+ 'wo-alt': {
+ name: 'Wolof Alt',
+ source: 'rules/wo/wo-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'yo-alt': {
+ name: 'Yorùbá Alt',
+ source: 'rules/yo/yo-alt.js'
+ },
+ 'yo-tilde': {
+ name: 'Yorùbá tilde',
+ source: 'rules/yo/yo-tilde.js'
+ },
+ 'zh-pinyin-transliteration': {
+ name: '拼音符号输入法',
+ source: 'rules/zh/zh-pinyin-transliteration.js'
+ }
+ } );
+ /* eslint-disable quote-props */
+ $.extend( $.ime.languages, {
+ ady: {
+ autonym: 'адыгэбзэ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ ahr: {
+ autonym: 'अहिराणी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mr-transliteration', 'mr-inscript' ]
+ },
+ ak: {
+ autonym: 'Akan',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ak-qx' ]
+ },
+ am: {
+ autonym: 'አማርኛ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'am-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ ar: {
+ autonym: 'العربية',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ar-kbd' ]
+ },
+ as: {
+ autonym: 'অসমীয়া',
+ inputmethods: [ 'as-transliteration', 'as-avro', 'as-bornona', 'as-inscript', 'as-phonetic', 'as-inscript2', 'as-rodali' ]
+ },
+ av: {
+ autonym: 'авар',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ azb: {
+ autonym: 'تۆرکجه',
+ inputmethods: [ 'azb-kbd' ]
+ },
+ bbc: {
+ autonym: 'Batak',
+ inputmethods: [ 'batak-qwerty' ]
+ },
+ be: {
+ autonym: 'беларуская',
+ inputmethods: [ 'be-transliteration', 'be-latin', 'be-kbd' ]
+ },
+ 'be-tarask': {
+ autonym: 'беларуская (тарашкевіца)',
+ inputmethods: [ 'be-transliteration', 'be-latin' ]
+ },
+ bh: {
+ autonym: 'भोजपुरी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hi-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ bgn: {
+ autonym: 'روچ کپتین بلوچی',
+ inputmethods: [ 'bgn-kbd' ]
+ },
+ bho: {
+ autonym: 'भोजपुरी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hi-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ bm: {
+ autonym: 'Bamanankan',
+ inputmethods: [ 'bm-alt' ]
+ },
+ bn: {
+ autonym: 'বাংলা',
+ inputmethods: [ 'bn-avro', 'bn-inscript', 'bn-nkb', 'bn-probhat', 'bn-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ bo: {
+ autonym: 'བོད་ཡིག།',
+ inputmethods: [ 'bo-ewts', 'bo-sambhota' ]
+ },
+ brx: {
+ autonym: 'बोड़ो',
+ inputmethods: [ 'brx-inscript', 'brx-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ byn: {
+ autonym: 'ብሊን',
+ inputmethods: [ 'byn-geezim' ]
+ },
+ ce: {
+ autonym: 'нохчийн',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ ckb: {
+ autonym: 'کوردی',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ckb-transliteration-arkbd', 'ckb-transliteration-fakbd', 'ckb-transliteration-lakbd' ]
+ },
+ cv: {
+ autonym: 'Чăвашла',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cv-cyr-altgr', 'cv-lat-altgr', 'cv-cyr-numbers' ]
+ },
+ da: {
+ autonym: 'Dansk',
+ inputmethods: [ 'da-normforms' ]
+ },
+ dag: {
+ autonym: 'Dagbani',
+ inputmethods: [ 'dag-alt' ]
+ },
+ de: {
+ autonym: 'Deutsch',
+ inputmethods: [ 'de-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ din: {
+ autonym: 'Thuɔŋjäŋ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'din-fqsx' ]
+ },
+ diq: {
+ autonym: 'Kirdkî',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ku-h', 'ku-tr' ]
+ },
+ doi: {
+ autonym: 'डोगरी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'doi-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ en: {
+ autonym: 'English',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ipa-sil', 'ipa-x-sampa' ]
+ },
+ ee: {
+ autonym: 'Èʋegbe',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ee-tilde' ]
+ },
+ el: {
+ autonym: 'Ελληνικά',
+ inputmethods: [ 'el-kbd' ]
+ },
+ eo: {
+ autonym: 'Esperanto',
+ inputmethods: [ 'eo-transliteration', 'eo-h', 'eo-h-f', 'eo-plena', 'eo-q', 'eo-vi', 'eo-x' ]
+ },
+ fa: {
+ autonym: 'فارسی',
+ inputmethods: [ 'fa-kbd' ]
+ },
+ ff: {
+ autonym: 'Fulfulde',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ff-alt' ]
+ },
+ fi: {
+ autonym: 'Suomi',
+ inputmethods: [ 'fi-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ fo: {
+ autonym: 'Føroyskt',
+ inputmethods: [ 'fo-normforms' ]
+ },
+ fon: {
+ autonym: 'Fon',
+ inputmethods: [ 'fon-tilde' ]
+ },
+ fonipa: {
+ autonym: 'International Phonetic Alphabet',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ipa-sil', 'ipa-x-sampa' ]
+ },
+ gaa: {
+ autonym: 'Ga',
+ inputmethods: [ 'gaa-cqx' ]
+ },
+ got: {
+ autonym: '𐌲𐌿𐍄𐌹𐍃𐌺𐌰 𐍂𐌰𐌶𐌳𐌰',
+ inputmethods: [ 'got-standard' ]
+ },
+ ha: {
+ autonym: 'Hausa',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ha-tilde' ]
+ },
+ ig: {
+ autonym: 'Igbo',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ig-tilde' ]
+ },
+ gom: {
+ autonym: 'गोंयची कोंकणी / Gõychi Konknni',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hi-transliteration', 'hi-inscript', 'gom-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ gu: {
+ autonym: 'ગુજરાતી',
+ inputmethods: [ 'gu-transliteration', 'gu-inscript', 'gu-inscript2', 'gu-phonetic' ]
+ },
+ he: {
+ autonym: 'עברית',
+ inputmethods: [ 'he-standard-2012-extonly', 'he-standard-2012' ]
+ },
+ hi: {
+ autonym: 'हिन्दी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hi-transliteration', 'hi-inscript', 'hi-bolnagri', 'hi-phonetic', 'hi-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ hne: {
+ autonym: 'छत्तीसगढ़ी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hi-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ hoc: {
+ autonym: '𑢹𑣉𑣉',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hoc-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ hr: {
+ autonym: 'Hrvatski',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hr-kbd' ]
+ },
+ hy: {
+ autonym: 'հայերեն',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hy-ephonetic', 'hy-typewriter', 'hy-ephoneticalt', 'hy-emslegacy', 'hy-wmslegacy' ]
+ },
+ inh: {
+ autonym: 'гӀалгӀай',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ is: {
+ autonym: 'Íslenska',
+ inputmethods: [ 'is-normforms' ]
+ },
+ jv: {
+ autonym: 'ꦧꦱꦗꦮ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'jv-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ ka: {
+ autonym: 'ქართული ენა',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ka-transliteration', 'ka-kbd' ]
+ },
+ kab: {
+ autonym: 'Taqbaylit / ⵜⴰⵇⴱⴰⵢⵍⵉⵜ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'kab-tilde', 'ber-tfng' ]
+ },
+ kbd: {
+ autonym: 'адыгэбзэ (къэбэрдеибзэ)',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ kbp: {
+ autonym: 'Kabɩyɛ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'kbp-tilde' ]
+ },
+ ki: {
+ autonym: 'Gĩkũyũ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ki-tilde' ]
+ },
+ kk: {
+ autonym: 'Қазақша',
+ inputmethods: [ 'kk-kbd', 'kk-arabic' ]
+ },
+ km: {
+ autonym: 'ភាសា​ខ្មែរ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'km-nidakyk' ]
+ },
+ kn: {
+ autonym: 'ಕನ್ನಡ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'kn-transliteration', 'kn-inscript', 'kn-kgp', 'kn-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ ks: {
+ autonym: 'कॉशुर / کٲشُر',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ks-inscript', 'ks-kbd' ]
+ },
+ ky: {
+ autonym: 'Кыргыз',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ky-cyrl-alt' ]
+ },
+ ku: {
+ autonym: 'Kurdî',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ku-h', 'ku-tr' ]
+ },
+ lbe: {
+ autonym: 'лакку',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ lez: {
+ autonym: 'лезги',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ lg: {
+ autonym: 'Luganda',
+ inputmethods: [ 'lg-tilde' ]
+ },
+ ln: {
+ autonym: 'Lingála',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ln-tilde' ]
+ },
+ lo: {
+ autonym: 'ລາວ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'lo-kbd' ]
+ },
+ lrc: {
+ autonym: 'لۊری شومالی',
+ inputmethods: [ 'lrc-kbd' ]
+ },
+ lud: {
+ autonym: 'lüüdi',
+ inputmethods: [ 'lud-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ lut: {
+ autonym: 'dxʷləšucid',
+ inputmethods: [ 'lut-tulalip' ]
+ },
+ mai: {
+ autonym: 'मैथिली',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mai-inscript', 'mai-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ mg: {
+ autonym: 'Malagasy',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mg-tilde' ]
+ },
+ mh: {
+ autonym: 'Kajin M̧ajeļ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mh' ]
+ },
+ ml: {
+ autonym: 'മലയാളം',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ml-transliteration', 'ml-inscript', 'ml-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ mn: {
+ autonym: 'Монгол',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mn-cyrl', 'mn-trad', 'mn-todo', 'mn-tradali', 'mn-todoali', 'phagspa' ]
+ },
+ mnc: {
+ autonym: 'ᠮᠠᠨᠵᡠ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mnc', 'mnc-ali' ]
+ },
+ mni: {
+ autonym: 'Manipuri',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mni-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ mr: {
+ autonym: 'मराठी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'mr-transliteration', 'mr-inscript2', 'mr-inscript', 'mr-phonetic' ]
+ },
+ my: {
+ autonym: 'မြန်မာ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'my-mm3', 'my-xkb' ]
+ },
+ nb: {
+ autonym: 'Norsk (bokmål)',
+ inputmethods: [ 'nb-normforms', 'nb-tildeforms' ]
+ },
+ ne: {
+ autonym: 'नेपाली',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ne-transliteration', 'ne-inscript2', 'ne-inscript', 'ne-rom', 'ne-trad' ]
+ },
+ 'new': {
+ autonym: 'नेपाल भाषा',
+ inputmethods: [ 'hi-transliteration', 'hi-inscript' ]
+ },
+ nn: {
+ autonym: 'Norsk (nynorsk)',
+ inputmethods: [ 'nb-normforms', 'nn-tildeforms' ]
+ },
+ nso: {
+ autonym: 'Sesotho sa Leboa',
+ inputmethods: [ 'nso-tilde' ]
+ },
+ or: {
+ autonym: 'ଓଡ଼ିଆ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'or-phonetic', 'or-transliteration', 'or-inscript', 'or-inscript2', 'or-lekhani', 'or-OdiScript' ]
+ },
+ pa: {
+ autonym: 'ਪੰਜਾਬੀ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'pa-transliteration', 'pa-inscript', 'pa-phonetic', 'pa-inscript2', 'pa-jhelum' ]
+ },
+ pms: {
+ autonym: 'Piemontèis',
+ inputmethods: [ 'pms' ]
+ },
+ rif: {
+ autonym: 'ⵜⴰⵔⵉⴼⵉⵜ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ber-tfng' ]
+ },
+ 'roa-tara': {
+ autonym: 'Tarandine',
+ inputmethods: [ 'roa-tara-GVU' ]
+ },
+ ru: {
+ autonym: 'русский',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ru-jcuken', 'ru-kbd', 'ru-phonetic', 'ru-yawerty' ]
+ },
+ sa: {
+ autonym: 'संस्कृत',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sa-transliteration', 'sa-inscript2', 'sa-inscript', 'sa-iast' ]
+ },
+ sah: {
+ autonym: 'саха тыла',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sah-transliteration' ]
+ },
+ sat: {
+ autonym: 'ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱞᱤ (संताली)',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sat-inscript2', 'sat-inscript2-ol-chiki', 'sat-sarjom-baha' ]
+ },
+ sd: {
+ autonym: 'सिंधी',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sd-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ sdh: {
+ autonym: 'کوردی خوارگ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sdh-kbd' ]
+ },
+ se: {
+ autonym: 'Davvisámegiella',
+ inputmethods: [ 'se-normforms' ]
+ },
+ ses: {
+ autonym: 'Koyraboro Senni',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ses-tilde' ]
+ },
+ sg: {
+ autonym: 'Sängö',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sg-tilde' ]
+ },
+ shi: {
+ autonym: 'ⵜⴰⵛⵍⵃⵉⵜ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ber-tfng' ]
+ },
+ si: {
+ autonym: 'සිංහල',
+ inputmethods: [ 'si-singlish', 'si-wijesekara' ]
+ },
+ sjo: {
+ autonym: 'ᠰᡞᠪᡝ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sjo' ]
+ },
+ sk: {
+ autonym: 'Slovenčina',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sk-kbd' ]
+ },
+ sr: {
+ autonym: 'Српски / srpski',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sr-kbd' ]
+ },
+ st: {
+ autonym: 'Sesotho',
+ inputmethods: [ 'st-tilde' ]
+ },
+ sv: {
+ autonym: 'Svenska',
+ inputmethods: [ 'sv-normforms' ]
+ },
+ ta: {
+ autonym: 'தமிழ்',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ta-transliteration', 'ta-99', 'ta-inscript', 'ta-bamini', 'ta-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ tcy: {
+ autonym: 'ತುಳು',
+ inputmethods: [ 'kn-transliteration', 'kn-inscript', 'kn-kgp', 'kn-inscript2' ]
+ },
+ te: {
+ autonym: 'తెలుగు',
+ inputmethods: [ 'te-transliteration', 'te-inscript', 'te-inscript2', 'te-apple', 'te-modular' ]
+ },
+ th: {
+ autonym: 'ไทย',
+ inputmethods: [ 'th-kedmanee', 'th-pattachote' ]
+ },
+ ti: {
+ autonym: 'ትግርኛ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ti-geezim' ]
+ },
+ tig: {
+ autonym: 'ትግረ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'tig-geezim' ]
+ },
+ tkr: {
+ autonym: 'цӀаӀхна миз',
+ inputmethods: [ 'cyrl-palochka' ]
+ },
+ tw: {
+ autonym: 'Twi',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ak-qx' ]
+ },
+ tzm: {
+ autonym: 'ⵜⴰⵎⴰⵣⵉⵖⵜ',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ber-tfng' ]
+ },
+ udm: {
+ autonym: 'удмурт',
+ inputmethods: [ 'udm-alt' ]
+ },
+ uk: {
+ autonym: 'Українська',
+ inputmethods: [ 'uk-kbd' ]
+ },
+ ug: {
+ autonym: 'ئۇيغۇرچە / Uyghurche',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ug-kbd' ]
+ },
+ ur: {
+ autonym: 'اردو',
+ inputmethods: [ 'ur-transliteration', 'ur-phonetic' ]
+ },
+ uz: {
+ autonym: 'Oʻzbekcha',
+ inputmethods: [ 'uz-kbd' ]
+ },
+ ve: {
+ autonym: 'TshiVenḓa',
+ inputmethods: [ 've-tilde' ]
+ },
+ vec: {
+ autonym: 'Vèneto',
+ inputmethods: [ 'vec-GVU' ]
+ },
+ wo: {
+ autonym: 'Wolof',
+ inputmethods: [ 'wo-alt' ]
+ },
+ yo: {
+ autonym: 'Yorùbá',
+ inputmethods: [ 'yo-alt', 'yo-tilde' ]
+ },
+ zh: {
+ autonym: '中文',
+ inputmethods: [ 'zh-pinyin-transliteration' ]
+ }
+ } );
+}( jQuery ) );