path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/tests/phpunit/ffs/AppleFFSTest.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Translate/tests/phpunit/ffs/AppleFFSTest.php')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/tests/phpunit/ffs/AppleFFSTest.php b/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/tests/phpunit/ffs/AppleFFSTest.php
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+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/tests/phpunit/ffs/AppleFFSTest.php
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+ * The AppleFFS class is responsible for loading messages from .strings
+ * files, which are used in many iOS and Mac OS X projects.
+ * These tests check that the message keys are loaded, mangled and unmangled
+ * correctly.
+ * @author Brion Vibber
+ * @author Niklas Laxström
+ * @file
+ */
+class AppleFFSTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
+ protected $groupConfiguration = [
+ 'BASIC' => [
+ 'class' => 'FileBasedMessageGroup',
+ 'id' => 'test-id',
+ 'label' => 'Test Label',
+ 'namespace' => 'NS_MEDIAWIKI',
+ 'description' => 'Test description',
+ ],
+ 'FILES' => [
+ 'class' => 'AppleFFS',
+ ],
+ ];
+ public function testParsing() {
+ $file =
+// aslkfjlkasdfjklfsj
+/* You are reading the ".strings" entry. */
+/* It's all for fun and fun for all.
+On two lines! */
+// Author: Testy McTesterson
+"website" = "<nowiki></nowiki>";
+"language" = "English";
+// Add spaces to the key
+"key with spaces" = "Value that can be looked up with \"key with spaces\".";
+"key-with-{curlies}" = "Value that can be looked up with \"key-with-{curlies}\".";
+ /**
+ * @var FileBasedMessageGroup $group
+ */
+ $group = MessageGroupBase::factory( $this->groupConfiguration );
+ $ffs = new AppleFFS( $group );
+ $parsed = $ffs->readFromVariable( $file );
+ $expected = [
+ 'website' => '<nowiki></nowiki>',
+ 'language' => 'English',
+ 'key with spaces' => 'Value that can be looked up with "key with spaces".',
+ // We expect this one to be mangled for storage
+ 'key-with-=7Bcurlies=7D' => 'Value that can be looked up with "key-with-{curlies}".',
+ ];
+ $authors = [
+ 'Testy McTesterson',
+ ];
+ $expected = [ 'MESSAGES' => $expected, 'AUTHORS' => $authors ];
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $parsed );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider rowValuesProvider
+ */
+ public function testRowRoundtrip( $key, $value, $comment ) {
+ $write = AppleFFS::writeRow( $key, $value );
+ // Trim the trailing newline
+ $write = rtrim( $write );
+ list( $newkey, $newvalue ) = AppleFFS::readRow( $write );
+ $this->assertSame( $key, $newkey, "Key survives roundtrip in testdata: $comment" );
+ $this->assertSame( $value, $newvalue, "Value survives roundtrip in testdata: $comment" );
+ }
+ public function testFileRoundtrip() {
+ $infile = file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/../data/AppleFFSTest1.strings' );
+ /** @var FileBasedMessageGroup $group */
+ $group = MessageGroupBase::factory( $this->groupConfiguration );
+ $ffs = new AppleFFS( $group );
+ $parsed = $ffs->readFromVariable( $infile );
+ $outfile = '';
+ foreach ( $parsed['MESSAGES'] as $key => $value ) {
+ $outfile .= AppleFFS::writeRow( $key, $value );
+ }
+ $reparsed = $ffs->readFromVariable( $outfile );
+ $this->assertSame( $parsed['MESSAGES'], $reparsed['MESSAGES'],
+ 'Messages survive roundtrip through write and read' );
+ }
+ public function rowValuesProvider() {
+ return [
+ [ 'key', 'value', 'simple row' ],
+ [ 'key', 'value', 'row with different sep' ],
+ [ 'key', 'val=ue', 'row with sep inside value' ],
+ [ 'k=ey', 'value', 'row with sep inside key' ],
+ [ '!key', 'value', 'row with ! at the beginning of key' ],
+ [ 'k!ey', 'value', 'row with ! inside key' ],
+ [ '#key', 'value', 'row with # at the beginning of key' ],
+ [ 'k#ey', 'value', 'row with # inside key' ],
+ [ 'k{ey}', 'value', 'row with { and } inside key' ],
+ [ 'k\\tey', 'value\\', 'row with escapes' ],
+ [ '01234', '13.34', 'row with numbers' ],
+ [ '\\n\\tкая', 'кая', 'row with annoying characteres' ],
+ [ '=', '', 'row with empty value' ],
+ [ '#k e\\=y#', '=v!\\=alue\\ \\\\', 'complex row' ],
+ [ 'Key with "quotes"', 'Value "with quotes" also', 'row with double-quotes' ],
+ [ 'Key with \\"quotes\\"', 'Value \\"with quotes\\" also',
+ 'row with double-quotes AND backslashes' ],
+ ];
+ }