path: root/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/qunit/smw/ext.smw.test.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/qunit/smw/ext.smw.test.js')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/qunit/smw/ext.smw.test.js b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/qunit/smw/ext.smw.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68e5d304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/qunit/smw/ext.smw.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+ * This file is part of the Semantic MediaWiki QUnit test suite
+ * @see
+ *
+ * @section LICENSE
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @since 1.9
+ *
+ * @file
+ *
+ * @ingroup SMW
+ * @ingroup Test
+ *
+ * @licence GNU GPL v2+
+ * @author mwjames
+ */
+( function ( $, mw, smw ) {
+ 'use strict';
+ QUnit.module( 'ext.smw', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
+ /**
+ * Test initialization and accessibility
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'init', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 17 );
+ assert.ok( smw instanceof Object, 'the smw instance was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.log ), 'function', '.log() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.msg ), 'function','.msg() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.debug ), 'function', '.debug() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.version ), 'function', '.version() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.settings.getList ), 'function', '.settings.getList() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.settings.get ), 'function', '.settings.get() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.formats.getName ), 'function', '.formats.getName() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.formats.getList ), 'function', '.formats.getList() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.async.isEnabled ), 'function', '.async.isEnabled() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.async.load ), 'function', '.async.load() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.clean ), 'function', '.util.clean() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.ucFirst ), 'function', '.util.ucFirst() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace ), 'object', '.util.namespace object was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getList ), 'function', '.util.namespace.getList() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getId ), 'function', '.util.namespace.getId() was accessible' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getName ), 'function', '.util.namespace.getName() was accessible' );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Test settings function
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'settings', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 4 );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.settings.getList() ), 'object', '.getList() returned a list of settings object' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.settings.get( 'smwgQMaxLimit' ) ), 'number', '.get( "smwgQMaxLimit" ) returned a value for the key' );
+ assert.equal( smw.settings.get( 'lula' ), undefined, '.get( "lula" ) returned undefined for an unknown key' );
+ assert.equal( smw.settings.get(), undefined, '.get() returned undefined for an empty key' );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Test util function
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'util', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 3 );
+ assert.equal( smw.util.clean( ' Foo | ; : - < >_= () {} bar ' ), 'Foo_;_:_-__=_()_bar', '.clean() returned a cleaned string' );
+ assert.equal( smw.util.clean( 'Foo | ; : - < >_= () {} bar' ), 'Foo_;_:_-__=_()_bar', '.clean() returned a cleaned string' );
+ assert.equal( smw.util.ucFirst( 'foo Foo bar' ), 'Foo Foo bar', '.ucFirst() returned a capitalized string' );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Test namespace function
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'util.namespace', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 7 );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getList() ), 'object', '.getList() returned a list of namespaces' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getId( 'property' ) ), 'number', '.getId( "property" ) returned a number' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getId( 'Property' ) ), 'number', '.getId( "Property" ) returned a number' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getId( 'concept' ) ), 'number', '.getId( "concept" ) returned a number' );
+ assert.equal( smw.util.namespace.getId( 'lula' ), undefined, '.getId( "lula" ) returned undefined for an unknown key' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.util.namespace.getName( 'property' ) ), 'string', '.getName( "property" ) returned a string' );
+ assert.equal( smw.util.namespace.getName( 'lula' ), undefined, '.getName( "lula" ) returned undefined for an unknown key' );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Test async function
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'async', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 7 );
+ var done = assert.async();
+ var context;
+ var argument;
+ var result;
+ assert.throws( function() {
+ smw.async.load( context );
+ }, '.async.load() thrown an error because of a missing method callback' );
+ var test0 = function() {
+ return $( this ).append( '<span id=test-00></span>' );
+ };
+ context = $( '<div id="test-0"></div>', '#qunit-fixture' );
+ result = smw.async.load( context, test0 );
+ assert.ok( context.find( '#' + 'test-00' ), '.async.load() was executed and created an element' );
+ var test1 = function( id ) {
+ return $( this ).append( '<span id=' + id + '></span>' );
+ };
+ argument = 'lula';
+ context = $( '<div id="test-1"></div>', '#qunit-fixture' );
+ result = smw.async.load( context, test1, argument );
+ assert.ok( context.find( '#' + argument ), '.async.load() was executed and created an element using the invoked argument' );
+ var test2 = function( options ) {
+ return $( this ).append( '<span id=' + + '></span>' );
+ };
+ argument = { 'id': 'lula-2' };
+ context = $( '<div id="test-2"></div>', '#qunit-fixture' );
+ result = smw.async.load( context, test2, argument );
+ assert.ok( context.find( '#' + ), '.async.load() was executed and created an element using the invoked argument' );
+ argument = 'lala';
+ context = $( '<div id="test-3"></div>', '#qunit-fixture' );
+ result = smw.async.load( context, function( id ) {
+ return $( this ).append( '<span id=' + id + '></span>' );
+ }, argument );
+ assert.ok( context.find( '#' + argument ), '.async.load() was executed and created an element using the invoked argument' );
+ // Make sure async plug-in is loaded, iterate, and create some content
+ mw.loader.using( 'jquery.async', function() {
+ context = $( '<div id="test-4"></div>', '#qunit-fixture' );
+ for ( var i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ argument = 'lila-' + i;
+ smw.async.load( context, test1, argument );
+ }
+ assert.ok( smw.async.isEnabled(), '.async.isEnabled() returned true' );
+ assert.ok( context.find( '#' + argument ), '.async.load() was executed and created an element using the invoked argument in async mode' );
+ done();
+ } );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Test formats function
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'formats', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 7 );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.formats.getList() ), 'object', '.getList() returned an object' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.formats.getName( 'table' ) ), 'string', '.getName( "table" ) returned a string' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.formats.getName( ' table ' ) ), 'string', '.getName( " table " ) returned a string' );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.formats.getName( 'Table' ) ), 'string', '.getName( "Table" ) returned a string' );
+ assert.equal( smw.formats.getName( 'lula' ), undefined, '.getName() returned undefined for an unknown key' );
+ assert.equal( smw.formats.getName( 123456 ), undefined, '.getName() returned undefined for an unknown key' );
+ assert.equal( smw.formats.getName(), undefined, '.getName() returned undefined for an empty key' );
+ } );
+ /**
+ * Test version function
+ *
+ * @since: 1.9
+ */
+ QUnit.test( 'version', function ( assert ) {
+ assert.expect( 1 );
+ assert.equal( $.type( smw.version() ), 'string', '.version() returned a string' );
+ } );
+}( jQuery, mediaWiki, semanticMediaWiki ) );