path: root/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/Parser/InTextAnnotationParserTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/Parser/InTextAnnotationParserTest.php')
1 files changed, 703 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/Parser/InTextAnnotationParserTest.php b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/Parser/InTextAnnotationParserTest.php
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/Parser/InTextAnnotationParserTest.php
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+namespace SMW\Tests\Parser;
+use ParserOutput;
+use ReflectionClass;
+use SMW\DIProperty;
+use SMW\MediaWiki\MagicWordsFinder;
+use SMW\MediaWiki\RedirectTargetFinder;
+use SMW\Parser\InTextAnnotationParser;
+use SMW\Parser\LinksProcessor;
+use SMW\ParserData;
+use SMW\Tests\TestEnvironment;
+use Title;
+ * @covers \SMW\Parser\InTextAnnotationParser
+ * @group semantic-mediawiki
+ *
+ * @license GNU GPL v2+
+ * @since 1.9
+ *
+ * @author mwjames
+ */
+class InTextAnnotationParserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ private $semanticDataValidator;
+ private $testEnvironment;
+ private $linksProcessor;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->testEnvironment = new TestEnvironment();
+ $this->semanticDataValidator = $this->testEnvironment->getUtilityFactory()->newValidatorFactory()->newSemanticDataValidator();
+ $store = $this->getMockBuilder( '\SMW\Store' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMockForAbstractClass();
+ $this->testEnvironment->registerObject( 'Store', $store );
+ $this->linksProcessor = new LinksProcessor();
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ $this->testEnvironment->tearDown();
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider textDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testCanConstruct( $namespace ) {
+ $parserOutput = $this->getMockBuilder( 'ParserOutput' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $redirectTargetFinder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'SMW\MediaWiki\RedirectTargetFinder' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__, $namespace );
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ new ParserData( $title, $parserOutput ),
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ new MagicWordsFinder(),
+ $redirectTargetFinder
+ );
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(
+ InTextAnnotationParser::class,
+ $instance
+ );
+ }
+ public function testHasMarker() {
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ InTextAnnotationParser::hasMarker( '[[SMW::off]]' )
+ );
+ $this->assertTrue(
+ InTextAnnotationParser::hasMarker( '[[SMW::on]]' )
+ );
+ $this->assertFalse(
+ InTextAnnotationParser::hasMarker( 'Foo' )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider magicWordDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testStripMagicWords( $namespace, $text, array $expected ) {
+ $parserData = new ParserData(
+ Title::newFromText( __METHOD__, $namespace ),
+ new ParserOutput()
+ );
+ $magicWordsFinder = new MagicWordsFinder( $parserData->getOutput() );
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ $parserData,
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ $magicWordsFinder,
+ new RedirectTargetFinder()
+ );
+ $instance->parse( $text );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expected,
+ $magicWordsFinder->getMagicWords()
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider textDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testTextParse( $namespace, array $settings, $text, array $expected ) {
+ $parserData = new ParserData(
+ Title::newFromText( __METHOD__, $namespace ),
+ new ParserOutput()
+ );
+ $this->linksProcessor->isStrictMode(
+ isset( $settings['smwgParserFeatures'] ) ? $settings['smwgParserFeatures'] : true
+ );
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ $parserData,
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ new MagicWordsFinder(),
+ new RedirectTargetFinder()
+ );
+ $instance->showErrors(
+ isset( $settings['smwgParserFeatures'] ) ? $settings['smwgParserFeatures'] : true
+ );
+ $instance->isLinksInValues(
+ ( ( $settings['smwgParserFeatures'] & SMW_PARSER_LINV ) == SMW_PARSER_LINV )
+ );
+ $this->testEnvironment->withConfiguration(
+ $settings
+ );
+ $instance->parse( $text );
+ $this->assertContains(
+ $expected['resultText'],
+ $text
+ );
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatPropertiesAreSet(
+ $expected,
+ $parserData->getSemanticData()
+ );
+ }
+ public function testRedirectAnnotationFromText() {
+ $namespace = NS_MAIN;
+ $text = '#REDIRECT [[:Lala]]';
+ $expected = [
+ 'propertyCount' => 1,
+ 'property' => new DIProperty( '_REDI' ),
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Lala' ]
+ ];
+ $settings = [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ $namespace => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ];
+ $this->testEnvironment->withConfiguration(
+ $settings
+ );
+ $parserData = new ParserData(
+ Title::newFromText( __METHOD__, $namespace ),
+ new ParserOutput()
+ );
+ $redirectTargetFinder = new RedirectTargetFinder();
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ $parserData,
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ new MagicWordsFinder(),
+ $redirectTargetFinder
+ );
+ $instance->parse( $text );
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatPropertiesAreSet(
+ $expected,
+ $parserData->getSemanticData()
+ );
+ }
+ public function testRedirectAnnotationFromInjectedRedirectTarget() {
+ $namespace = NS_MAIN;
+ $text = '';
+ $redirectTarget = Title::newFromText( 'Foo' );
+ $expected = [
+ 'propertyCount' => 1,
+ 'property' => new DIProperty( '_REDI' ),
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Foo' ]
+ ];
+ $settings = [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ $namespace => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ];
+ $this->testEnvironment->withConfiguration(
+ $settings
+ );
+ $parserData = new ParserData(
+ Title::newFromText( __METHOD__, $namespace ),
+ new ParserOutput()
+ );
+ $redirectTargetFinder = new RedirectTargetFinder();
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ $parserData,
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ new MagicWordsFinder(),
+ $redirectTargetFinder
+ );
+ $instance->setRedirectTarget( $redirectTarget );
+ $instance->parse( $text );
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatPropertiesAreSet(
+ $expected,
+ $parserData->getSemanticData()
+ );
+ }
+ public function testStripMarkerDecoding() {
+ $redirectTargetFinder = $this->getMockBuilder( 'SMW\MediaWiki\RedirectTargetFinder' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $stripMarkerDecoder = $this->getMockBuilder( '\SMW\MediaWiki\StripMarkerDecoder' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->setMethods( [ 'canUse', 'hasStripMarker', 'unstrip' ] )
+ ->getMock();
+ $stripMarkerDecoder->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'canUse' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $stripMarkerDecoder->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'hasStripMarker' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $stripMarkerDecoder->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'unstrip' )
+ ->with( $this->stringContains( '<nowiki>Bar</nowiki>' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( 'Bar' ) );
+ $parserData = new ParserData(
+ Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ),
+ new ParserOutput()
+ );
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ $parserData,
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ new MagicWordsFinder(),
+ $redirectTargetFinder
+ );
+ $text = '[[Foo::<nowiki>Bar</nowiki>]]';
+ $instance->setStripMarkerDecoder( $stripMarkerDecoder );
+ $instance->parse( $text );
+ $expected = [
+ 'propertyCount' => 1,
+ 'property' => new DIProperty( 'Foo' ),
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Bar' ]
+ ];
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatPropertiesAreSet(
+ $expected,
+ $parserData->getSemanticData()
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ '<nowiki>Bar</nowiki>',
+ $text
+ );
+ }
+ public function testProcessOnReflection() {
+ $parserData = new ParserData(
+ Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ),
+ new ParserOutput()
+ );
+ $instance = new InTextAnnotationParser(
+ $parserData,
+ $this->linksProcessor,
+ new MagicWordsFinder(),
+ new RedirectTargetFinder()
+ );
+ $reflector = new ReflectionClass( '\SMW\Parser\InTextAnnotationParser' );
+ $method = $reflector->getMethod( 'process' );
+ $method->setAccessible( true );
+ $result = $method->invoke( $instance, [] );
+ $this->assertEmpty( $result );
+ $result = $method->invoke( $instance, [ 'Test::foo', 'SMW' , 'lula' ] );
+ $this->assertEmpty( $result );
+ $result = $method->invoke( $instance, [ 'Test::bar', 'SMW' , 'on' ] );
+ $this->assertEmpty( $result );
+ $result = $method->invoke( $instance, [ 'Test::lula', 'SMW' , 'off' ] );
+ $this->assertEmpty( $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider stripTextWithAnnotationProvider
+ */
+ public function testStrip( $text, $expectedRemoval, $expectedObscuration ) {
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedRemoval,
+ InTextAnnotationParser::removeAnnotation( $text )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $expectedObscuration,
+ InTextAnnotationParser::obfuscateAnnotation( $text )
+ );
+ }
+ public function stripTextWithAnnotationProvider() {
+ $provider = [];
+ $provider[] = [
+ 'Suspendisse [[Bar::tincidunt semper|abc]] facilisi',
+ 'Suspendisse abc facilisi',
+ 'Suspendisse &#91;&#91;Bar::tincidunt semper|abc]] facilisi'
+ ];
+ return $provider;
+ }
+ public function textDataProvider() {
+ $testEnvironment = new TestEnvironment();
+ $provider = [];
+ // #0 NS_MAIN; [[FooBar...]] with a different caption
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[FooBar::dictumst|寒い]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[Bar::tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[foo::9001]] et Donec.',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[:Dictumst|寒い]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[:Tincidunt semper|tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[:9001|9001]] et Donec.',
+ 'propertyCount' => 3,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo', 'Bar', 'FooBar' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Dictumst', 'Tincidunt semper', '9001' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #1 NS_MAIN; [[FooBar...]] with a different caption and enabled SMW_PARSER_LINV
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR | SMW_PARSER_LINV,
+ ],
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[FooBar::dictumst|寒い]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[Bar::[[tincidunt semper]]]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[foo::[http:://www/foo/9001] ]] et Donec.',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[:Dictumst|寒い]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[:Tincidunt semper|tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis'.
+ ' [[:Http:://www/foo/9001|http:://www/foo/9001]] et Donec.',
+ 'propertyCount' => 3,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo', 'Bar', 'FooBar' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Dictumst', 'Tincidunt semper', 'Http:://www/foo/9001' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #2 NS_MAIN, [[-FooBar...]] produces an error with inlineErrors = true
+ // (only check for an indication of an error in 'resultText' )
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[-FooBar::dictumst|重い]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[Bar::tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[foo::9001]] et Donec.',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'class="smw-highlighter" data-type="4" data-state="inline"',
+ 'strictPropertyValueMatch' => false,
+ 'propertyCount' => 3,
+ 'propertyKeys' => [ 'Foo', 'Bar', '_ERRC' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Tincidunt semper', '9001' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #3 NS_MAIN, [[-FooBar...]] produces an error but inlineErrors = false
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_NONE,
+ ],
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[-FooBar::dictumst|軽い]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[Bar::tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[foo::9001]] et Donec.',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' 軽い cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[:Tincidunt semper|tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[:9001|9001]] et Donec.',
+ 'strictPropertyValueMatch' => false,
+ 'propertyCount' => 3,
+ 'propertyKeys ' => [ 'Foo', 'Bar', '_ERRC' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Tincidunt semper', '9001' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #4 NS_HELP disabled
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_HELP => false ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[FooBar::dictumst|おもろい]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[Bar::tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[foo::9001]] et Donec.',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' [[:Dictumst|おもろい]] cursus. Nisl sit condimentum Quisque facilisis' .
+ ' Suspendisse [[:Tincidunt semper|tincidunt semper]] facilisi dolor Aenean. Ut' .
+ ' Aliquam {{volutpat}} arcu ultrices eu Ut quis [[:9001|9001]] et Donec.',
+ 'propertyCount' => 0,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [],
+ 'propertyValues' => []
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #5 NS_HELP enabled but no properties or links at all
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_HELP => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' Suspendisse tincidunt semper facilisi dolor Aenean.',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit &$% consectetuer auctor at quis' .
+ ' Suspendisse tincidunt semper facilisi dolor Aenean.',
+ 'propertyCount' => 0,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [],
+ 'propertyValues' => []
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #6 Bug 54967
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ '[[Foo::?bar]], [[Foo::Baz?]], [[Quxey::B?am]]',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '[[:?bar|?bar]], [[:Baz?|Baz?]], [[:B?am|B?am]]',
+ 'propertyCount' => 2,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo', 'Quxey' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ '?bar', 'Baz?', 'B?am' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #7 673
+ // Special:Types/Number
+ $specialTypeName = \SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Types', 'Number' )->getPrefixedText();
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ SMW_NS_PROPERTY => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ '[[has type::number]], [[has Type::page]] ',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => "[[$specialTypeName|number]], [[:Page|page]]",
+ 'propertyCount' => 2,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Has type', 'Has Type' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Number', 'Page' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #8 1048, Double-double
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ '[[Foo::Bar::Foobar]], [[IPv6::fc00:123:8000::/64]] [[ABC::10.1002/::AID-MRM16::]]',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '[[:Bar::Foobar|Bar::Foobar]], [[:Fc00:123:8000::/64|fc00:123:8000::/64]] [[:10.1002/::AID-MRM16::|10.1002/::AID-MRM16::]]',
+ 'propertyCount' => 3,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo', 'IPv6', 'ABC' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Bar::Foobar', 'Fc00:123:8000::/64', '10.1002/::AID-MRM16::' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #9 T32603
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR,
+ ],
+ '[[Foo:::Foobar]] [[Bar:::ABC|DEF]] [[Foo:::0049 30 12345678/::Foo]] ',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '[[:Foobar|Foobar]] [[:ABC|DEF]] [[:0049 30 12345678/::Foo|0049 30 12345678/::Foo]]',
+ 'propertyCount' => 2,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo', 'Bar' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Foobar', '0049 30 12345678/::Foo', 'ABC' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #10 #1252 (disabled strict mode)
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_NONE
+ ],
+ '[[Foo::Foobar::テスト]] [[Bar:::ABC|DEF]] [[Foo:::0049 30 12345678/::Foo]] ',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '[[:テスト|テスト]] [[:ABC|DEF]] [[:Foo|Foo]]',
+ 'propertyCount' => 4,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo', 'Bar:', 'Foobar', ':0049 30 12345678/' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Foobar', 'Foo', 'ABC', 'テスト' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #11 #1747 (left pipe)
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'smwgParserFeatures' => SMW_PARSER_INL_ERROR | SMW_PARSER_NONE
+ ],
+ '[[Foo|Bar::Foobar]] [[File:Example.png|alt=Bar::Foobar|Caption]] [[File:Example.png|Bar::Foobar|link=Foo]]',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '[[Foo|Bar::Foobar]] [[File:Example.png|alt=Bar::Foobar|Caption]] [[File:Example.png|Bar::Foobar|link=Foo]]',
+ 'propertyCount' => 0,
+ ]
+ ];
+ #12 #1747 (left pipe + including one annotation)
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ ],
+ '[[Foo|Bar::Foobar]] [[File:Example.png|alt=Bar::Foobar|Caption]] [[Foo::Foobar::テスト]] [[File:Example.png|Bar::Foobar|link=Foo]]',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '[[Foo|Bar::Foobar]] [[File:Example.png|alt=Bar::Foobar|Caption]] [[:Foobar::テスト|Foobar::テスト]] [[File:Example.png|Bar::Foobar|link=Foo]]',
+ 'propertyCount' => 1,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Foo' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Foobar::テスト' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #13 @@@ syntax
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ ],
+ '[[Foo::@@@]] [[Bar::@@@en|Foobar]]',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => $testEnvironment->replaceNamespaceWithLocalizedText( SMW_NS_PROPERTY, '[[:Property:Foo|Foo]] [[:Property:Bar|Foobar]]' ),
+ 'propertyCount' => 0
+ ]
+ ];
+ #14 [ ... ] in-text link
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ ],
+ '[[Text::Bar [ Foo]]] [[Code::Foo[1] Foobar]]',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => 'Bar [ Foo] <div class="smwpre">Foo&#91;1]&#160;Foobar</div>',
+ 'propertyCount' => 2,
+ 'propertyLabels' => [ 'Text', 'Code' ],
+ 'propertyValues' => [ 'Bar [ Foo]', 'Foo[1] Foobar' ]
+ ]
+ ];
+ #15 (#2671) external [] decode use
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ ],
+ '<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[[#cite_note-1|&#91;1&#93;]]</sup>',
+ [
+ 'resultText' => '<sup id="cite_ref-1" class="reference">[[#cite_note-1|&#91;1&#93;]]</sup>'
+ ]
+ ];
+ return $provider;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return array
+ */
+ public function magicWordDataProvider() {
+ $provider = [];
+ // #0 __NOFACTBOX__
+ $provider[] = [
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor [[Foo::dictumst cursus]] facilisi __NOFACTBOX__',
+ ];
+ // #1 __SHOWFACTBOX__
+ $provider[] = [
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor [[Foo::dictumst cursus]] facilisi __SHOWFACTBOX__',
+ ];
+ $provider[] = [
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor [[Foo::dictumst cursus]] facilisi __NOFACTBOX__ __SHOWFACTBOX__',
+ ];
+ $provider[] = [
+ 'Lorem ipsum dolor [[Foo::dictumst cursus]] facilisi __SHOWFACTBOX__ __NOFACTBOX__',
+ ];
+ return $provider;
+ }