path: root/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/MediaWiki/Hooks/OutputPageParserOutputTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/MediaWiki/Hooks/OutputPageParserOutputTest.php')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/MediaWiki/Hooks/OutputPageParserOutputTest.php b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/MediaWiki/Hooks/OutputPageParserOutputTest.php
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+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Unit/MediaWiki/Hooks/OutputPageParserOutputTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+namespace SMW\Tests\MediaWiki\Hooks;
+use Language;
+use ParserOutput;
+use SMW\ApplicationFactory;
+use SMW\DIProperty;
+use SMW\DIWikiPage;
+use SMW\MediaWiki\Hooks\OutputPageParserOutput;
+use SMW\Tests\TestEnvironment;
+use SMW\Tests\Utils\Mock\MockTitle;
+ * @covers \SMW\MediaWiki\Hooks\OutputPageParserOutput
+ * @group semantic-mediawiki
+ * @group medium
+ *
+ * @license GNU GPL v2+
+ * @since 1.9
+ *
+ * @author mwjames
+ */
+class OutputPageParserOutputTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ private $applicationFactory;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->testEnvironment = new TestEnvironment();
+ $this->applicationFactory = ApplicationFactory::getInstance();
+ $this->testEnvironment->withConfiguration(
+ [
+ 'smwgShowFactbox' => SMW_FACTBOX_NONEMPTY,
+ 'smwgFactboxUseCache' => true,
+ 'smwgMainCacheType' => 'hash'
+ ]
+ );
+ }
+ protected function tearDown() {
+ $this->testEnvironment->tearDown();
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ public function testCanConstruct() {
+ $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( '\OutputPage' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $parserOutput = $this->getMockBuilder( '\ParserOutput' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $this->assertInstanceOf(
+ '\SMW\MediaWiki\Hooks\OutputPageParserOutput',
+ new OutputPageParserOutput( $outputPage, $parserOutput )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider outputDataProvider
+ */
+ public function testProcess( $parameters, $expected ) {
+ $store = $this->getMockBuilder( '\SMW\Store' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMockForAbstractClass();
+ $this->testEnvironment->registerObject( 'Store', $store );
+ $this->testEnvironment->addConfiguration(
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks',
+ $parameters['smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks']
+ );
+ $outputPage = $parameters['outputPage'];
+ $parserOutput = $parameters['parserOutput'];
+ $instance = new OutputPageParserOutput( $outputPage, $parserOutput );
+ $cachedFactbox = $this->applicationFactory->create( 'FactboxFactory' )->newCachedFactbox();
+ $factboxFactory = $this->getMockBuilder( '\SMW\Factbox\FactboxFactory' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->setMethods( [ 'newCachedFactbox' ] )
+ ->getMock();
+ $factboxFactory->expects( $this->any() )
+ ->method( 'newCachedFactbox' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $cachedFactbox ) );
+ $this->applicationFactory->registerObject( 'FactboxFactory', $factboxFactory );
+ $this->assertEmpty(
+ $cachedFactbox->retrieveContent( $outputPage )
+ );
+ $instance->process();
+ if ( $expected['text'] == '' ) {
+ return $this->assertFalse( isset( $outputPage->mSMWFactboxText ) );
+ }
+ // For expected content continue to verify that the outputPage was amended and
+ // that the content is also available via the CacheStore
+ $text = $outputPage->mSMWFactboxText;
+ $this->assertContains( $expected['text'], $text );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $text,
+ $cachedFactbox->retrieveContent( $outputPage ),
+ 'Asserts that retrieveContent() returns an expected text'
+ );
+ // Deliberately clear the outputPage Property to retrieve
+ // content from the CacheStore
+ unset( $outputPage->mSMWFactboxText );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $text,
+ $cachedFactbox->retrieveContent( $outputPage ),
+ 'Asserts that retrieveContent() is returning text from cache'
+ );
+ }
+ public function outputDataProvider() {
+ $language = Language::factory( 'en' );
+ $title = MockTitle::buildMockForMainNamespace( __METHOD__ . 'mock-subject' );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'exists' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $subject = DIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $title );
+ $semanticData = $this->getMockBuilder( '\SMW\SemanticData' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $semanticData->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getSubject' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $subject ) );
+ $semanticData->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'hasVisibleProperties' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $semanticData->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getPropertyValues' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( [ DIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $title ) ] ) );
+ $semanticData->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getProperties' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( [ new DIProperty( __METHOD__ . 'property' ) ] ) );
+ #0 Simple factbox build, returning content
+ $title = MockTitle::buildMock( __METHOD__ . 'title-with-content' );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'exists' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getNamespace' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( NS_MAIN ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getPageLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getArticleID' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( 9098 ) );
+ $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( '\OutputPage' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getTitle' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) );
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getContext' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( new \RequestContext() ) );
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'outputPage' => $outputPage,
+ 'parserOutput' => $this->makeParserOutput( $semanticData ),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'text' => $subject->getDBKey()
+ ]
+ ];
+ #1 Disabled namespace, no return value expected
+ $title = MockTitle::buildMock( __METHOD__ . 'title-ns-disabled' );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getNamespace' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( NS_MAIN ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getPageLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getArticleID' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( 90000 ) );
+ $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( '\OutputPage' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getTitle' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) );
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => false ],
+ 'outputPage' => $outputPage,
+ 'parserOutput' => $this->makeParserOutput( $semanticData ),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'text' => ''
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #2 Specialpage, no return value expected
+ $title = MockTitle::buildMock( __METHOD__ . 'mock-specialpage' );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getPageLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'isSpecialPage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( '\OutputPage' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getTitle' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) );
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'outputPage' => $outputPage,
+ 'parserOutput' => $this->makeParserOutput( $semanticData ),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'text' => ''
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #3 Redirect, no return value expected
+ $title = MockTitle::buildMock( __METHOD__ . 'mock-redirect' );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getPageLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'isRedirect' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( '\OutputPage' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getTitle' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) );
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'outputPage' => $outputPage,
+ 'parserOutput' => $this->makeParserOutput( $semanticData ),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'text' => ''
+ ]
+ ];
+ // #4 Oldid
+ $title = MockTitle::buildMockForMainNamespace( __METHOD__ . 'mock-oldid' );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'exists' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
+ $title->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getPageLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( '\OutputPage' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getTitle' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) );
+ $context = new \RequestContext( );
+ $context->setRequest( new \FauxRequest( [ 'oldid' => 9001 ], true ) );
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getContext' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $context ) );
+ $outputPage->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
+ ->method( 'getLanguage' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $language ) );
+ $provider[] = [
+ [
+ 'smwgNamespacesWithSemanticLinks' => [ NS_MAIN => true ],
+ 'outputPage' => $outputPage,
+ 'parserOutput' => $this->makeParserOutput( $semanticData ),
+ ],
+ [
+ 'text' => $subject->getDBKey()
+ ]
+ ];
+ return $provider;
+ }
+ protected function makeParserOutput( $data ) {
+ $parserOutput = new ParserOutput();
+ if ( method_exists( $parserOutput, 'setExtensionData' ) ) {
+ $parserOutput->setExtensionData( 'smwdata', $data );
+ } else {
+ $parserOutput->mSMWData = $data;
+ }
+ return $parserOutput;
+ }