path: root/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Integration/MediaWiki/LinksUpdateSQLStoreDBIntegrationTest.php
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Integration/MediaWiki/LinksUpdateSQLStoreDBIntegrationTest.php')
1 files changed, 249 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Integration/MediaWiki/LinksUpdateSQLStoreDBIntegrationTest.php b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Integration/MediaWiki/LinksUpdateSQLStoreDBIntegrationTest.php
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+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/tests/phpunit/Integration/MediaWiki/LinksUpdateSQLStoreDBIntegrationTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+namespace SMW\Tests\Integration\MediaWiki;
+use LinksUpdate;
+use ParserOutput;
+use Revision;
+use SMW\ContentParser;
+use SMW\DIWikiPage;
+use SMW\ParserData;
+use SMW\Tests\MwDBaseUnitTestCase;
+use SMW\Tests\Utils\PageCreator;
+use Title;
+use UnexpectedValueException;
+use User;
+use WikiPage;
+ * @group semantic-mediawiki
+ * @group medium
+ *
+ * @license GNU GPL v2+
+ * @since 1.9.1
+ *
+ * @author mwjames
+ */
+class LinksUpdateSQLStoreDBIntegrationTest extends MwDBaseUnitTestCase {
+ protected $destroyDatabaseTablesBeforeRun = true;
+ private $title = null;
+ private $mwHooksHandler;
+ private $semanticDataValidator;
+ private $pageDeleter;
+ protected function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->testEnvironment->addConfiguration(
+ 'smwgPageSpecialProperties',
+ [ '_MDAT' ]
+ );
+ $this->mwHooksHandler = $this->testEnvironment->getUtilityFactory()->newMwHooksHandler();
+ $this->mwHooksHandler->deregisterListedHooks();
+ $this->mwHooksHandler->invokeHooksFromRegistry();
+ $this->semanticDataValidator = $this->testEnvironment->getUtilityFactory()->newValidatorFactory()->newSemanticDataValidator();
+ $this->pageDeleter = $this->testEnvironment->getUtilityFactory()->newPageDeleter();
+ }
+ public function tearDown() {
+ $this->mwHooksHandler->restoreListedHooks();
+ if ( $this->title !== null ) {
+ $this->pageDeleter->deletePage( $this->title );
+ }
+ parent::tearDown();
+ }
+ public function testPageCreationAndRevisionHandlingBeforeLinksUpdate() {
+ $this->title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ );
+ $beforeAlterationRevId = $this->createSinglePageWithAnnotations();
+ $this->assertSemanticDataBeforeContentAlteration();
+ $afterAlterationRevId = $this->alterPageContentToCreateNewRevisionWithoutAnnotations();
+ $this->assertSemanticDataAfterContentAlteration();
+ $this->assertNotSame(
+ $beforeAlterationRevId,
+ $afterAlterationRevId
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @depends testPageCreationAndRevisionHandlingBeforeLinksUpdate
+ * @dataProvider propertyCountProvider
+ */
+ public function testLinksUpdateAndVerifyStoreUpdate( $expected ) {
+ $this->title = Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ );
+ $beforeAlterationRevId = $this->createSinglePageWithAnnotations();
+ $afterAlterationRevId = $this->alterPageContentToCreateNewRevisionWithoutAnnotations();
+ $this->testEnvironment->executePendingDeferredUpdates();
+ $this->fetchRevisionAndRunLinksUpdater(
+ $expected['beforeAlterationRevId'],
+ $beforeAlterationRevId
+ );
+ $this->fetchRevisionAndRunLinksUpdater(
+ $expected['afterAlterationRevId'],
+ $afterAlterationRevId
+ );
+ }
+ protected function createSinglePageWithAnnotations() {
+ $pageCreator = new PageCreator();
+ $pageCreator->createPage( $this->title )->doEdit( 'Add user property Aa and Fuyu {{#set:|Aa=Bb|Fuyu=Natsu}}' );
+ $this->testEnvironment->executePendingDeferredUpdates();
+ return $pageCreator->getPage()->getRevision()->getId();
+ }
+ protected function alterPageContentToCreateNewRevisionWithoutAnnotations() {
+ $pageCreator = new PageCreator();
+ $pageCreator->createPage( $this->title )->doEdit( 'No annotations' );
+ $this->testEnvironment->executePendingDeferredUpdates();
+ return $pageCreator->getPage()->getRevision()->getId();
+ }
+ protected function assertSemanticDataBeforeContentAlteration() {
+ $wikiPage = WikiPage::factory( $this->title );
+ $revision = $wikiPage->getRevision();
+ $parserData = $this->retrieveAndLoadData();
+ $this->assertCount( 3, $parserData->getSemanticData()->getProperties() );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ $parserData->getSemanticData()->getHash(),
+ $this->retrieveAndLoadData( $revision->getId() )->getSemanticData()->getHash(),
+ 'Asserts that data are equals with or without a revision'
+ );
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatSemanticDataHasPropertyCountOf(
+ 4,
+ $this->getStore()->getSemanticData( DIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $this->title ) ),
+ 'Asserts property Aa, Fuyu, _SKEY, and _MDAT exists'
+ );
+ }
+ protected function assertSemanticDataAfterContentAlteration() {
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatSemanticDataHasPropertyCountOf(
+ 2,
+ $this->getStore()->getSemanticData( DIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $this->title ) ),
+ 'Asserts property _SKEY and _MDAT exists'
+ );
+ }
+ protected function fetchRevisionAndRunLinksUpdater( array $expected, $revId ) {
+ $parserData = $this->retrieveAndLoadData( $revId );
+ // Status before the update
+ $this->assertPropertyCount( $expected['poBefore'], $expected['storeBefore'], $parserData );
+ $this->runLinksUpdater( $this->title, $parserData->getOutput() );
+ // Status after the update
+ $this->assertPropertyCount( $expected['poAfter'], $expected['storeAfter'], $parserData );
+ }
+ protected function assertPropertyCount( $poExpected, $storeExpected, $parserData ) {
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatSemanticDataHasPropertyCountOf(
+ $poExpected['count'],
+ $parserData->getSemanticData(),
+ $poExpected['msg']
+ );
+ $this->semanticDataValidator->assertThatSemanticDataHasPropertyCountOf(
+ $storeExpected['count'],
+ $this->getStore()->getSemanticData( DIWikiPage::newFromTitle( $this->title ) ),
+ $storeExpected['msg']
+ );
+ }
+ protected function runLinksUpdater( Title $title, $parserOutput ) {
+ $linksUpdate = new LinksUpdate( $title, $parserOutput );
+ $linksUpdate->doUpdate();
+ $this->testEnvironment->executePendingDeferredUpdates();
+ }
+ protected function retrieveAndLoadData( $revId = null ) {
+ $revision = $revId ? Revision::newFromId( $revId ) : null;
+ $contentParser = new ContentParser( $this->title );
+ $parserOutput = $contentParser->setRevision( $revision )->parse()->getOutput();
+ $parserOutput->setExtensionData( ParserData::OPT_FORCED_UPDATE, true );
+ if ( $parserOutput instanceof ParserOutput ) {
+ return new ParserData( $this->title, $parserOutput );
+ }
+ throw new UnexpectedValueException( 'ParserOutput is missing' );
+ }
+ public function propertyCountProvider() {
+ // Property _SKEY is always present even within an empty container
+ // po = ParserOutput, before means prior LinksUpdate
+ $provider = [];
+ $provider[] = [ [
+ 'beforeAlterationRevId' => [
+ 'poBefore' => [
+ 'count' => 3,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property Aa, Fuyu, and _SKEY exists before the update'
+ ],
+ 'storeBefore' => [
+ 'count' => 2,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property _SKEY and _MDAT exists in Store before the update'
+ ],
+ 'poAfter' => [
+ 'count' => 4,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property Aa, Fuyu, _SKEY, and _MDAT exists after the update'
+ ],
+ 'storeAfter' => [
+ 'count' => 4,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property Aa, Fuyu, _SKEY, and _MDAT exists after the update'
+ ]
+ ],
+ 'afterAlterationRevId' => [
+ 'poBefore' => [
+ 'count' => 0,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts no property exists before the update'
+ ],
+ 'storeBefore' => [
+ 'count' => 4,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property Aa, Fuyu, _SKEY, and _MDAT from the previous state as no update has been made yet'
+ ],
+ 'poAfter' => [
+ 'count' => 0,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property _MDAT exists after the update'
+ ],
+ 'storeAfter' => [
+ 'count' => 2,
+ 'msg' => 'Asserts property _SKEY, _MDAT exists after the update'
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ];
+ return $provider;
+ }