path: root/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/docs/releasenotes/
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Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/docs/releasenotes/')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/docs/releasenotes/ b/www/wiki/extensions/SemanticMediaWiki/docs/releasenotes/
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+# Semantic MediaWiki 2.1
+Released on January 19th, 2015.
+## Highlights
+### Support for semantic queries in Special:Search
+This release adds support for semantic queries run directly from MediaWiki's standard search. You
+can enable this feature by setting `$wgSearchType` to ["SMWSearch"](
+The related configuration parameter [``$smwgFallbackSearchType``]($smwgFallbackSearchType)
+allows specifying which search engine to fall back to in case "SMWSearch" returns no results. (#450, #496, #505)
+### SPARQLStore improvements
+The SPARQLStore now supports concept queries (#696) and regex like queries (`[[Url::~http://*query=*]] OR [[Url::~*ccc*]]`) for Page and URL values (#679).
+Notable performance improvements and many other fixes (can be found in the bug fix list) have been
+made to broaden the SPARQLStore support.
+### Enhanced platform support
+SMW has partially supported PostgreSQL for a long time. This new release brings SMW's PostgreSQL
+support to the same level as MySQL and SQLite, making it the third fully supported relational database.
+HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine) 3.3 or above is now supported along with all previously supported PHP
+Although earlier versions of SMW probably work with MediaWiki 1.24, this new release officially
+supports it.
+## New features
+* #546 Concepts can now be nested (bug 15316)
+* #537 Modernized [`Special:SearchByProperty`]( interface
+* #613 Added `subobject` parameter to the `BrowseBySubject` API module and imporved resolving of circular redirects
+* #620 Added `--page` as export option to the [`dumpRDF.php`]( maintenance script
+* #633 Made ouput decoding for uri's human readable (bug 35452)
+* #643 Added `--runtime` option to [`rebuildData.php`]( It allows you to see how much time was spend and how much memory was used.
+* #659 Added [``$smwgEnabledEditPageHelp``]($smwgEnabledEditPageHelp) option that enables showing a contextual help text on the edit page
+* #664 Enabled semicolon escaping for record-type values (`\;`) (bug T17732)
+* #672 Added `Special:Log` support for events enabled in `smwgLogEventTypes`
+## Bug fixes
+* #500 Fixed the `SPAPRQLStore` to return a `FalseCondition` instead of an exception for not supported data types (e.g `Geo`)
+* #520 Fixed the `SPAPRQLStore` query selection for subobjects used with a namespace condition
+* #543 Removes invalid category value links to `SearchByProperty` on `Special:Browse` (bug 33449)
+* #537 Fixed parameter encoding in `Special:SearchByProperty` for hyphens and spaces (bug 16150)
+* #554 Enhanced concept pages to provide time and date of the last update
+* #566 Fixed the `SPARQLStore` query result display for moved pages (a.k.a. "gost" pages)
+* #601 Fixed movability for predefined property pages
+* #615 Fixed data display inconsistency for pre-existing redirects
+* #617 Fixed circular `UpdateJob` caused by redirects
+* #619 Fixed exception in `dumpRDF.php` caused by resolving a subobject for a redirect
+* #622 Fixed cache id mismatch for redirects in `SQLStore`
+* #622 Fixed exception for when a `null` is returned by `ExportController::getSemanticData`
+* #627 Enhanced `SPARQLStore` XML result parser to support `Virtuoso` singelton response
+* #618 Fixed subobject disjunctive/conjunctive subquery handling
+* #628 Fixed named subobject encoding in the `Exporter` to support accented characters
+* #630 Fixed browse link generation for wikipages in `Special:Browse`
+* #638 Fixed the hard-coded upper bound for the offset option of an inline query by replacing it with configuration parameter [```$smwgQUpperbound```]($smwgQUpperbound)
+* #638 Fixed `postgres` temporary table generation issue (bug 34855, #455, #462)
+* #640 Fixed `QueryProcessor` to allow query conditions to contain `=` (bug 32955)
+* #641 Removes service info links from the `Factbox`
+* #654 Fixed broken field detection in record-type caused by html encoded strings (bug T23926)
+* #656 Fixed `#REDIRECT` detection in MW 1.24+
+* #661 Fixed regex search `(~/!)` for page-type property values (bug T36665, T49073, T33151, T35854)
+* #674 Fixed regex search support for uri-type property values
+* #683 Fixed invalid `:smw-redi` marker when `#REDIRECT` is removed manually
+* #694 Fixed probable race condition for `SQLStore`(`postgres`) when creating temporary tables
+* #702 Fixed http header in `SPARQLStore` to be Sesame complaint
+## Internal changes
+* #486 Added continuous integration support for for `Jena Fuseki` 1.1.1
+* #487, #576, #600 Added an internal cache to improve `SPARQLStore` redirect and export lookup performance
+* #512, #521 Added benchmark tests for different components such as job-queue, maintenance script, queries etc.
+* #523 Disabled the Factbox display for a `delete action` and re-enable the Factbox for an undeleted page
+* #532 Added `UrlEncoder` to recognize all special characters when creating a manual link to `Special:Browse`
+* #534 Added a value hash to `SQLStore::fetchSemanticData` to ensure that only distinct values are displayed
+* #557 Added `SMW::Store::BeforeQueryResultLookupComplete` and `SMW::Store::AfterQueryResultLookupComplete` hook
+* #590, #596 Added `CompoundConditionBuilder` and `ConditionBuilderStrategyFinder` to the `SPARQLStore`
+* #645 Added `RedirectInfoStore` to isolate access to redirect information and cache info requests
+* #646 Improved error message handling for the `_num` data type
+* #665 Replaced arbitrary DB access in `Store::updateData` with `PageUpdater::doPurgeParserCache`
+* #667 Added `Database::beginTransaction` and `Database::commitTransaction`
+* #670 Added `SMW::SQLStore::BeforeChangeTitleComplete` hook
+* #673 Extended `DataValueFactory` to ignore `$wgCapitalLinks` settings for the property namespace
+* #678 Added `PropertyRegistry` to remove global state from `DIProperty`
+* #668 Changed `SQLStore` `iw` table field specification from `VARCHAR(32) binary` to `VARBINARY(32)`
+* #707 Added continuous integration support for `openrdf-sesame` 2.7.14