path: root/www/wiki/extensions/ExternalData/includes/ED_Utils.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/ExternalData/includes/ED_Utils.php')
1 files changed, 1071 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/ExternalData/includes/ED_Utils.php
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+ * Utility functions for External Data
+ */
+class EDUtils {
+ // how many times to try an HTTP request
+ private static $http_number_of_tries = 3;
+ private static $ampersandReplacement = "THIS IS A LONG STRING USED AS A REPLACEMENT FOR AMPERSANDS 55555555";
+ /**
+ * Wraps error message in a span with the "error" class, for better
+ * display, and so that it can be handled correctly by #iferror and
+ * possibly others.
+ */
+ static function formatErrorMessage( $msg ) {
+ return '<span class="error">' . $msg . '</span>';
+ }
+ // XML-handling functions based on code found at
+ //
+ static function startElement( $parser, $name, $attrs ) {
+ global $edgCurrentXMLTag, $edgCurrentValue, $edgXMLValues;
+ // set to all lowercase to avoid casing issues
+ $edgCurrentXMLTag = strtolower( $name );
+ $edgCurrentValue = '';
+ foreach ( $attrs as $attr => $value ) {
+ $attr = strtolower( $attr );
+ $value = str_replace( self::$ampersandReplacement, '&amp;', $value );
+ if ( array_key_exists( $attr, $edgXMLValues ) ) {
+ $edgXMLValues[$attr][] = $value;
+ } else {
+ $edgXMLValues[$attr] = array( $value );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function endElement( $parser, $name ) {
+ global $edgCurrentXMLTag, $edgCurrentValue, $edgXMLValues;
+ if ( array_key_exists( $edgCurrentXMLTag, $edgXMLValues ) ) {
+ $edgXMLValues[$edgCurrentXMLTag][] = $edgCurrentValue;
+ } else {
+ $edgXMLValues[$edgCurrentXMLTag] = array( $edgCurrentValue );
+ }
+ // Clear the value both here and in startElement(), in case this
+ // is an embedded tag.
+ $edgCurrentValue = '';
+ }
+ /**
+ * Due to the strange way xml_set_character_data_handler() runs,
+ * getContent() may get called multiple times, once for each fragment
+ * of the text, for very long XML values. Given that, we keep a global
+ * variable with the current value and add to it.
+ */
+ static function getContent( $parser, $content ) {
+ global $edgCurrentValue;
+ // Replace ampersands, to avoid the XML getting split up
+ // around them.
+ // Note that this is *escaped* ampersands being replaced -
+ // this is unrelated to the fact that bare ampersands aren't
+ // allowed in XML.
+ $content = str_replace( self::$ampersandReplacement, '&amp;', $content );
+ $edgCurrentValue .= $content;
+ }
+ static function parseParams( $params ) {
+ $args = array();
+ foreach ( $params as $param ) {
+ $param = preg_replace ( "/\s\s+/", ' ', $param ); // whitespace
+ $param_parts = explode( "=", $param, 2 );
+ if ( count( $param_parts ) < 2 ) {
+ $args[$param_parts[0]] = null;
+ } else {
+ list( $name, $value ) = $param_parts;
+ $args[$name] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ return $args;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses an argument of the form "a=b,c=d,..." into an array
+ */
+ static function paramToArray( $arg, $lowercaseKeys = false, $lowercaseValues = false ) {
+ $arg = preg_replace ( "/\s\s+/", ' ', $arg ); // whitespace
+ // Split text on commas, except for commas found within quotes
+ // and parentheses. Regular expression based on:
+ //
+ // ...with modifications by Nick Lindridge, ionCube Ltd.
+ $pattern = <<<END
+ /
+ [,]
+ (?=(?:(?:[^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)
+ (?=(?:(?:[^']*'){2})*[^']*$)
+ (?=(?:[^()]*+\([^()]*+\))*+[^()]*+$)
+ /x
+ // " - fix for color highlighting in vi :)
+ $keyValuePairs = preg_split( $pattern, $arg );
+ $returnArray = array();
+ foreach ( $keyValuePairs as $keyValuePair ) {
+ $keyAndValue = explode( '=', $keyValuePair, 2 );
+ if ( count( $keyAndValue ) == 2 ) {
+ $key = trim( $keyAndValue[0] );
+ if ( $lowercaseKeys ) {
+ $key = strtolower( $key );
+ }
+ $value = trim( $keyAndValue[1] );
+ if ( $lowercaseValues ) {
+ $value = strtolower( $value );
+ }
+ $returnArray[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ return $returnArray;
+ }
+ static function getLDAPData( $filter, $domain, $params ) {
+ global $edgLDAPServer;
+ global $edgLDAPUser;
+ global $edgLDAPPass;
+ $ds = self::connectLDAP( $edgLDAPServer[$domain], $edgLDAPUser[$domain], $edgLDAPPass[$domain] );
+ $results = self::searchLDAP( $ds, $domain, $filter, $params );
+ return $results;
+ }
+ static function connectLDAP( $server, $username, $password ) {
+ $ds = ldap_connect( $server );
+ if ( $ds ) {
+ // these options for Active Directory only?
+ ldap_set_option( $ds, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3 );
+ ldap_set_option( $ds, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0 );
+ if ( $username ) {
+ $r = ldap_bind( $ds, $username, $password );
+ } else {
+ # no username, so do anonymous bind
+ $r = ldap_bind( $ds );
+ }
+ # should check the result of the bind here
+ return $ds;
+ } else {
+ echo wfMessage( "externaldata-ldap-unable-to-connect", $server )->text();
+ }
+ }
+ static function searchLDAP( $ds, $domain, $filter, $attributes ) {
+ global $edgLDAPBaseDN;
+ $sr = ldap_search( $ds, $edgLDAPBaseDN[$domain], $filter, $attributes );
+ $results = ldap_get_entries( $ds, $sr );
+ return $results;
+ }
+ static function getArrayValue( $arrayName, $key ) {
+ if ( array_key_exists( $key, $arrayName ) ) {
+ return $arrayName[$key];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ static function getDBData( $dbID, $from, $columns, $where, $sqlOptions, $joinOn, $otherParams ) {
+ global $edgDBServerType;
+ global $edgDBServer;
+ global $edgDBDirectory;
+ global $edgDBName;
+ global $edgDBUser;
+ global $edgDBPass;
+ global $edgDBFlags;
+ global $edgDBTablePrefix;
+ // Get all possible parameters
+ $db_type = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBServerType, $dbID );
+ $db_server = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBServer, $dbID );
+ $db_directory = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBDirectory, $dbID );
+ $db_name = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBName, $dbID );
+ $db_username = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBUser, $dbID );
+ $db_password = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBPass, $dbID );
+ $db_flags = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBFlags, $dbID );
+ $db_tableprefix = self::getArrayValue( $edgDBTablePrefix, $dbID );
+ // MongoDB has entirely different handling from the rest.
+ if ( $db_type == 'mongodb' ) {
+ if ( $db_name == '' ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-incomplete-information" )->text();
+ }
+ return self::getMongoDBData( $db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $from, $columns, $where, $sqlOptions, $otherParams );
+ }
+ // Validate parameters
+ if ( $db_type == '' ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-incomplete-information" )->text();
+ } elseif ( $db_type == 'sqlite' ) {
+ if ( $db_directory == '' || $db_name == '' ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-incomplete-information" )->text();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We don't check the username or password because they
+ // could legitimately be blank or null.
+ if ( $db_server == '' || $db_name == '' ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-incomplete-information" )->text();
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $db_flags == '' ) {
+ $db_flags = DBO_DEFAULT;
+ }
+ $dbConnectionParams = array(
+ 'host' => $db_server,
+ 'user' => $db_username,
+ 'password' => $db_password,
+ 'dbname' => $db_name,
+ 'flags' => $db_flags,
+ 'tablePrefix' => $db_tableprefix,
+ );
+ if ( $db_type == 'sqlite' ) {
+ $dbConnectionParams['dbDirectory'] = $db_directory;
+ }
+ // DatabaseBase::factory() was replaced by Database::factory()
+ // in MW 1.28.
+ if ( method_exists( 'Database', 'factory' ) ) {
+ $db = Database::factory( $db_type, $dbConnectionParams );
+ } else {
+ $db = DatabaseBase::factory( $db_type, $dbConnectionParams );
+ }
+ if ( $db == null ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-unknown-type" )->text();
+ }
+ if ( ! $db->isOpen() ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-could-not-connect" )->text();
+ }
+ if ( count( $columns ) == 0 ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-no-return-values" )->text();
+ }
+ $rows = self::searchDB( $db, $from, $columns, $where, $sqlOptions, $joinOn );
+ $db->close();
+ if ( !is_array( $rows ) ) {
+ // It's an error message.
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
+ foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
+ $values[$column][] = $row[$column];
+ }
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ static function getValueFromJSONArray( array $origArray, $path, $default = null ) {
+ $current = $origArray;
+ $token = strtok( $path, '.' );
+ while ( $token !== false ) {
+ if ( !isset( $current[$token] ) ) {
+ return $default;
+ }
+ $current = $current[$token];
+ $token = strtok( '.' );
+ }
+ return $current;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handles #get_db_data for the non-relational database system
+ * MongoDB.
+ */
+ static function getMongoDBData( $db_server, $db_username, $db_password, $db_name, $from, $columns, $where, $sqlOptions, $otherParams ) {
+ global $wgMainCacheType, $wgMemc, $edgMemCachedMongoDBSeconds;
+ // Use MEMCACHED if configured to cache mongodb queries.
+ if ($wgMainCacheType === CACHE_MEMCACHED && $edgMemCachedMongoDBSeconds > 0) {
+ // Check if cache entry exists.
+ $mckey = wfMemcKey( 'mongodb', $from, md5(json_encode($otherParams) . json_encode($columns) . $where . json_encode($sqlOptions) . $db_name . $db_server));
+ $values = $wgMemc->get( $mckey );
+ if ($values !== false) {
+ return $values;
+ }
+ }
+ // MongoDB login is done using a single string.
+ // When specifying extra connect string options (e.g. replicasets,timeout, etc.),
+ // use $db_server to pass these values
+ // see
+ $connect_string = "mongodb://";
+ if ( $db_username != '' ) {
+ $connect_string .= $db_username . ':' . $db_password . '@';
+ }
+ if ( $db_server != '') {
+ $connect_string .= $db_server;
+ } else {
+ $connect_string .= 'localhost:27017';
+ }
+ // Use try/catch to suppress error messages, which would show
+ // the MongoDB connect string, which may have sensitive
+ // information.
+ try {
+ $m = new MongoClient( $connect_string );
+ } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-could-not-connect" )->text();
+ }
+ $db = $m->selectDB( $db_name );
+ // Check if collection exists
+ if ( $db->system->namespaces->findOne( array( 'name'=>$db_name . "." . $from ) ) === null ){
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-unknown-collection:")->text() . $db_name . "." . $from;
+ }
+ $collection = new MongoCollection( $db, $from );
+ $findArray = array();
+ $aggregateArray = array();
+ // Was an aggregation pipeline command issued?
+ if ( array_key_exists('aggregate', $otherParams ) ) {
+ // The 'aggregate' parameter should be an array of
+ // aggregation JSON pipeline commands.
+ // Note to users: be sure to use spaces between curly
+ // brackets in the 'aggregate' JSON so as not to trip up the
+ // MW parser.
+ $aggregateArray = json_decode ($otherParams['aggregate'], true);
+ } elseif ( array_key_exists( 'find query', $otherParams ) ) {
+ // Otherwise, was a direct MongoDB "find" query JSON string provided?
+ // If so, use that. As with 'aggregate' JSON, use spaces
+ // between curly brackets
+ $findArray = json_decode ($otherParams['find query'], true);
+ } elseif ( $where != '' ) {
+ // If not, turn the SQL of the "where=" parameter into
+ // a "find" array for MongoDB. Note that this approach
+ // is only appropriate for simple find queries, that
+ // use the operators OR, AND, >=, >, <=, < and LIKE
+ $where = str_ireplace( ' and ', ' AND ', $where );
+ $where = str_ireplace( ' like ', ' LIKE ', $where );
+ $whereElements = explode( ' AND ', $where );
+ foreach ( $whereElements as $whereElement ) {
+ if ( strpos( $whereElement, '>=' ) ) {
+ list( $fieldName, $value ) = explode( '>=', $whereElement );
+ $findArray[trim( $fieldName )] = array( '$gte' => trim( $value ) );
+ } elseif ( strpos( $whereElement, '>' ) ) {
+ list( $fieldName, $value ) = explode( '>', $whereElement );
+ $findArray[trim( $fieldName )] = array( '$gt' => trim( $value ) );
+ } elseif ( strpos( $whereElement, '<=' ) ) {
+ list( $fieldName, $value ) = explode( '<=', $whereElement );
+ $findArray[trim( $fieldName )] = array( '$lte' => trim( $value ) );
+ } elseif ( strpos( $whereElement, '<' ) ) {
+ list( $fieldName, $value ) = explode( '<', $whereElement );
+ $findArray[trim( $fieldName )] = array( '$lt' => trim( $value ) );
+ } elseif ( strpos( $whereElement, ' LIKE ' ) ) {
+ list( $fieldName, $value ) = explode( ' LIKE ', $whereElement );
+ $value = trim( $value );
+ $regex = new MongoRegex( "/$value/i" );
+ $findArray[trim( $fieldName )] = $regex;
+ } else {
+ list( $fieldName, $value ) = explode( '=', $whereElement );
+ $findArray[trim( $fieldName )] = trim( $value );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Do the same for the "order=" parameter as the "where=" parameter
+ $sortArray = array();
+ if ( $sqlOptions['ORDER BY'] != '' ) {
+ $sortElements = explode( ',', $sqlOptions['ORDER BY'] );
+ foreach ( $sortElements as $sortElement ) {
+ $parts = explode( ' ', $sortElement );
+ $fieldName = $parts[0];
+ $orderingNum = 1;
+ if ( count( $parts ) > 1 ) {
+ if ( strtolower( $parts[1] ) == 'desc' ) {
+ $orderingNum = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ $sortArray[$fieldName] = $orderingNum;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the data!
+ if ( array_key_exists( 'aggregate', $otherParams ) ) {
+ if ( $sqlOptions['ORDER BY'] != '') {
+ $aggregateArray[] = array( '$sort' => $sortArray );
+ }
+ if ( $sqlOptions['LIMIT'] != '' ) {
+ $aggregateArray[] = array( '$limit' => intval( $sqlOptions['LIMIT'] ) );
+ }
+ $aggregateResult = $collection->aggregate( $aggregateArray );
+ $resultsCursor = $aggregateResult['result'];
+ } else {
+ $resultsCursor = $collection->find( $findArray, $columns )->sort( $sortArray )->limit( $sqlOptions['LIMIT'] );
+ }
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ( $resultsCursor as $doc ) {
+ foreach ( $columns as $column ) {
+ if ( strstr($column, ".") ) {
+ // If the exact path of the value was
+ // specified using dots (e.g., "a.b.c"),
+ // get the value that way.
+ $values[$column][] = self::getValueFromJSONArray( $doc, $column );
+ } elseif ( isset( $doc[$column] ) && is_array( $doc[$column] ) ) {
+ // If MongoDB returns an array for a column,
+ // but the exact location of the value wasn't specified,
+ // do some extra processing.
+ if ( $column == 'geometry' && array_key_exists( 'coordinates', $doc['geometry'] ) ) {
+ // Check if it's GeoJSON geometry:
+ //
+ // If so, return it in a format that
+ // the Maps extension can understand.
+ $coordinates = $doc['geometry']['coordinates'][0];
+ $coordinateStrings = array();
+ foreach ( $coordinates as $coordinate ) {
+ $coordinateStrings[] = $coordinate[1] . ',' . $coordinate[0];
+ }
+ $values[$column][] = implode( ':', $coordinateStrings );
+ } else {
+ // Just return it as JSON, the
+ // lingua franca of MongoDB.
+ $values[$column][] = json_encode( $doc[$column] );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // It's a simple literal.
+ $values[$column][] = (isset( $doc[$column] ) ? $doc[$column] : null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($wgMainCacheType === CACHE_MEMCACHED && $edgMemCachedMongoDBSeconds > 0 ) {
+ $wgMemc->set( $mckey, $values, $edgMemCachedMongoDBSeconds );
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ static function searchDB( $db, $from, $vars, $conds, $sqlOptions, $joinOn ) {
+ // The format of $from can be just "TableName", or the more
+ // complex "Table1=Alias1,Table2=Alias2,...".
+ $tables = array();
+ $tableStrings = explode( ',', $from );
+ foreach ( $tableStrings as $tableString ) {
+ if ( strpos( $tableString, '=' ) !== false ) {
+ $tableStringParts = explode( '=', $tableString, 2 );
+ $tableName = trim( $tableStringParts[0] );
+ $alias = trim( $tableStringParts[1] );
+ } else {
+ $tableName = $alias = trim( $tableString);
+ }
+ $tables[$alias] = $tableName;
+ }
+ $joinConds = array();
+ $joinStrings = explode( ',', $joinOn );
+ foreach ( $joinStrings as $i => $joinString ) {
+ if ( $joinString == '' ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( strpos( $joinString, '=' ) === false ) {
+ return "Error: every \"join on\" string must contain an \"=\" sign.";
+ }
+ if ( count( $tables ) <= $i + 1 ) {
+ return "Error: too many \"join on\" conditions.";
+ }
+ $aliases = array_keys( $tables );
+ $alias = $aliases[$i + 1];
+ $joinConds[$alias] = array( 'JOIN', $joinString );
+ }
+ $result = $db->select( $tables, $vars, $conds, 'EDUtils::searchDB', $sqlOptions, $joinConds );
+ if ( !$result ) {
+ return wfMessage( "externaldata-db-invalid-query" )->text();
+ }
+ $rows = array();
+ while ( $row = $db->fetchRow( $result ) ) {
+ // Create a new row object that uses the passed-in
+ // column names as keys, so that there's always an
+ // exact match between what's in the query and what's
+ // in the return value (so that "a.b", for instance,
+ // doesn't get chopped off to just "b").
+ $new_row = array();
+ foreach ( $vars as $i => $column_name ) {
+ $dbField = $row[$i];
+ // This can happen with MSSQL.
+ if ( $dbField instanceof DateTime ) {
+ $dbField = $dbField->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+ }
+ // Convert the encoding to UTF-8
+ // if necessary - based on code at
+ //
+ if ( !function_exists( 'mb_detect_encoding' ) ||
+ mb_detect_encoding( $dbField, 'UTF-8', true ) == 'UTF-8' ) {
+ $new_row[$column_name] = $dbField;
+ } else {
+ $new_row[$column_name] = utf8_encode( $dbField );
+ }
+ }
+ $rows[] = $new_row;
+ }
+ return $rows;
+ }
+ static function getXMLData( $xml ) {
+ global $edgXMLValues;
+ $edgXMLValues = array();
+ // Remove comments from XML - for some reason, xml_parse()
+ // can't handle them.
+ $xml = preg_replace( '/<!--.*?-->/s', '', $xml );
+ // Also, re-insert ampersands, after they were removed to
+ // avoid parsing problems.
+ $xml = str_replace( '&amp;', self::$ampersandReplacement, $xml );
+ $xml_parser = xml_parser_create();
+ xml_set_element_handler( $xml_parser, array( 'EDUtils', 'startElement' ), array( 'EDUtils', 'endElement' ) );
+ xml_set_character_data_handler( $xml_parser, array( 'EDUtils', 'getContent' ) );
+ if ( !xml_parse( $xml_parser, $xml, true ) ) {
+ return wfMessage( 'externaldata-xml-error',
+ xml_error_string( xml_get_error_code( $xml_parser ) ),
+ xml_get_current_line_number( $xml_parser ) )->text();
+ }
+ xml_parser_free( $xml_parser );
+ return $edgXMLValues;
+ }
+ static function isNodeNotEmpty( $node ) {
+ return trim( $node[0] ) != '';
+ }
+ static function filterEmptyNodes( $nodes ) {
+ if ( !is_array( $nodes ) ) return $nodes;
+ return array_filter( $nodes, array( 'EDUtils', 'isNodeNotEmpty' ) );
+ }
+ static function getXPathData( $xml, $mappings, $ns ) {
+ global $edgXMLValues;
+ try {
+ $sxml = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml );
+ } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ return "Caught exception parsing XML: " . $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ $edgXMLValues = array();
+ foreach ( $mappings as $local_var => $xpath ) {
+ // First, register any necessary XML namespaces, to
+ // avoid "Undefined namespace prefix" errors.
+ $matches = array();
+ preg_match_all( '/[\/\@]([a-zA-Z0-9]*):/', $xpath, $matches );
+ foreach ( $matches[1] as $namespace ) {
+ $sxml->registerXPathNamespace( $namespace, $ns );
+ }
+ // Now, get all the matching values, and remove any
+ // empty results.
+ $nodes = self::filterEmptyNodes( $sxml->xpath( $xpath ) );
+ if ( !$nodes ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Convert from SimpleXMLElement to string.
+ $nodesArray = array();
+ foreach ( $nodes as $xmlNode ) {
+ $nodesArray[] = (string)$xmlNode;
+ }
+ if ( array_key_exists( $xpath, $edgXMLValues ) ) {
+ // At the moment, this code will never get
+ // called, because duplicate values in
+ // $mappings will have been removed already.
+ $edgXMLValues[$xpath] = array_merge( $edgXMLValues[$xpath], $nodesArray );
+ } else {
+ $edgXMLValues[$xpath] = $nodesArray;
+ }
+ }
+ return $edgXMLValues;
+ }
+ static function getValuesFromCSVLine( $csv_line ) {
+ // regular expression copied from
+ $vals = preg_split( '/,(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*(?![^\"]*\"))/', $csv_line );
+ $vals2 = array();
+ foreach ( $vals as $val ) {
+ $vals2[] = trim( $val, '"' );
+ }
+ return $vals2;
+ }
+ static function getCSVData( $csv, $has_header, $delimiter = ',' ) {
+ // from
+ // str_getcsv() is a function that was only added in PHP 5.3.0,
+ // so use the much older fgetcsv() if it's not there
+ // actually, for now, always use fgetcsv(), since this call to
+ // str_getcsv() doesn't work, and I can't test/debug it at the
+ // moment
+ //if ( function_exists( 'str_getcsv' ) ) {
+ // $table = str_getcsv( $csv );
+ //} else {
+ $fiveMBs = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
+ $fp = fopen( "php://temp/maxmemory:$fiveMBs", 'r+' );
+ fputs( $fp, $csv );
+ rewind( $fp );
+ $table = array();
+ while ( $line = fgetcsv( $fp, 0, $delimiter ) ) {
+ array_push( $table, $line );
+ }
+ fclose( $fp );
+ //}
+ // Get rid of blank characters - these sometimes show up
+ // for certain encodings.
+ foreach( $table as $i => $row ) {
+ foreach ( $row as $j => $cell ) {
+ $table[$i][$j] = str_replace( chr(0), '', $cell );
+ }
+ }
+ // Get rid of the "byte order mark", if it's there - it could
+ // be one of a variety of options, depending on the encoding.
+ // Code copied in part from:
+ //
+ $sets = array(
+ "\xFE",
+ "\xFF",
+ "\xFE\xFF",
+ "\xFF\xFE",
+ "\xEF\xBB\xBF",
+ "\x2B\x2F\x76",
+ "\xF7\x64\x4C",
+ "\x0E\xFE\xFF",
+ "\xFB\xEE\x28",
+ "\x00\x00\xFE\xFF",
+ "\xDD\x73\x66\x73",
+ );
+ $decodedFirstCell = utf8_decode( $table[0][0] );
+ foreach ( $sets as $set ) {
+ if ( 0 == strncmp( $decodedFirstCell, $set, strlen( $set ) ) ) {
+ $table[0][0] = substr( $decodedFirstCell, strlen( $set ) + 1 );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Another "byte order mark" test, this one copied from the
+ // Data Transfer extension - somehow the first one doesn't work
+ // in all cases.
+ $byteOrderMark = pack( "CCC", 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf );
+ if ( 0 == strncmp( $table[0][0], $byteOrderMark, 3 ) ) {
+ $table[0][0] = substr( $table[0][0], 3 );
+ }
+ // Get header values, if this is 'csv with header'
+ if ( $has_header ) {
+ $header_vals = array_shift( $table );
+ // On the off chance that there are one or more blank
+ // lines at the beginning, cycle through.
+ while ( count( $header_vals ) == 0 ) {
+ $header_vals = array_shift( $table );
+ }
+ }
+ // Unfortunately, some subpar CSV generators don't include
+ // trailing commas, so that a line that should look like
+ // "A,B,,," instead is just printed as "A,B".
+ // To get around this, we first figure out the correct number
+ // of columns in this table - which depends on whether the
+ // CSV has a header or not.
+ if ( $has_header ) {
+ $num_columns = count( $header_vals );
+ } else {
+ $num_columns = 0;
+ foreach ( $table as $line ) {
+ $num_columns = max( $num_columns, count( $line ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // Now "flip" the data, turning it into a column-by-column
+ // array, instead of row-by-row.
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ( $table as $line ) {
+ for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_columns; $i++ ) {
+ // This check is needed in case it's an
+ // uneven CSV file (see above).
+ if ( array_key_exists( $i, $line ) ) {
+ $row_val = trim( $line[$i] );
+ } else {
+ $row_val = '';
+ }
+ if ( $has_header ) {
+ $column = strtolower( trim( $header_vals[$i] ) );
+ } else {
+ // start with an index of 1 instead of 0
+ $column = $i + 1;
+ }
+ if ( array_key_exists( $column, $values ) ) {
+ $values[$column][] = $row_val;
+ } else {
+ $values[$column] = array( $row_val );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This function handles version 3 of the genomic-data format GFF,
+ * defined here:
+ *
+ */
+ static function getGFFData( $gff ) {
+ // use an fgetcsv() call, similar to the one in getCSVData()
+ // (fgetcsv() can handle delimiters other than commas, in this
+ // case a tab)
+ $fiveMBs = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
+ $fp = fopen( "php://temp/maxmemory:$fiveMBs", 'r+' );
+ fputs( $fp, $gff );
+ rewind( $fp );
+ $table = array();
+ while ( $line = fgetcsv( $fp, null, "\t" ) ) {
+ // ignore comment lines
+ if ( strpos( $line[0], '##' ) !== 0 ) {
+ // special handling for final 'attributes' column
+ if ( array_key_exists( 8, $line ) ) {
+ $attributes = explode( ';', $line[8] );
+ foreach ( $attributes as $attribute ) {
+ $keyAndValue = explode( '=', $attribute, 2 );
+ if ( count( $keyAndValue ) == 2 ) {
+ $key = strtolower( $keyAndValue[0] );
+ $value = $keyAndValue[1];
+ $line[$key] = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ array_push( $table, $line );
+ }
+ }
+ fclose( $fp );
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ( $table as $line ) {
+ foreach ( $line as $i => $row_val ) {
+ // each of the columns in GFF have a
+ // pre-defined name - even the last column
+ // has its own name, "attributes"
+ if ( $i === 0 ) {
+ $column = 'seqid';
+ } elseif ( $i == 1 ) {
+ $column = 'source';
+ } elseif ( $i == 2 ) {
+ $column = 'type';
+ } elseif ( $i == 3 ) {
+ $column = 'start';
+ } elseif ( $i == 4 ) {
+ $column = 'end';
+ } elseif ( $i == 5 ) {
+ $column = 'score';
+ } elseif ( $i == 6 ) {
+ $column = 'strand';
+ } elseif ( $i == 7 ) {
+ $column = 'phase';
+ } elseif ( $i == 8 ) {
+ $column = 'attributes';
+ } else {
+ // this is hopefully an attribute key
+ $column = $i;
+ }
+ if ( array_key_exists( $column, $values ) ) {
+ $values[$column][] = $row_val;
+ } else {
+ $values[$column] = array( $row_val );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper function that determines whether an array holds a simple
+ * list of scalar values, with no keys (i.e., not an associative
+ * array).
+ */
+ static function holdsSimpleList( $arr ) {
+ $expectedKey = 0;
+ foreach( $arr as $key => $val ) {
+ if ( is_array( $val ) || $key != $expectedKey++ ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursive JSON-parsing function for use by getJSONData().
+ */
+ static function parseTree( $tree, &$retrieved_values ) {
+ foreach ( $tree as $key => $val ) {
+ // TODO - this logic could probably be a little nicer.
+ if ( is_array( $val ) && self::holdsSimpleList( $val ) ) {
+ // If it just holds a simple list, turn the
+ // array into a comma-separated list, then
+ // pass it back in in order to do the final // processing.
+ $val = array( $key => implode( ', ', $val ) );
+ self::parseTree( $val, $retrieved_values );
+ } elseif ( is_array( $val ) && count( $val ) > 1 ) {
+ self::parseTree( $val, $retrieved_values );
+ } elseif ( is_array( $val ) && count( $val ) == 1 && is_array( current( $val ) ) ) {
+ self::parseTree( current( $val ), $retrieved_values );
+ } else {
+ // If it's an array with just one element,
+ // treat it like a regular value.
+ // (Why is the null check necessary?)
+ if ( $val != null && is_array( $val ) ) {
+ $val = current( $val );
+ }
+ $key = strtolower( $key );
+ if ( array_key_exists( $key, $retrieved_values ) ) {
+ $retrieved_values[$key][] = $val;
+ } else {
+ $retrieved_values[$key] = array( $val );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static function getJSONData( $json, $prefixLength ) {
+ $json = substr( $json, $prefixLength );
+ $json_tree = FormatJson::decode( $json, true );
+ if ( is_null( $json_tree ) ) {
+ // It's probably invalid JSON.
+ return wfMessage( 'externaldata-invalid-json' )->text();
+ }
+ $values = array();
+ if ( is_array( $json_tree ) ) {
+ self::parseTree( $json_tree, $values );
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ static function fetchURL( $url, $post_vars = array(), $cacheExpireTime = 0, $get_fresh = false, $try_count = 1 ) {
+ $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE );
+ global $edgStringReplacements, $edgCacheTable, $edgAllowSSL;
+ if ( $post_vars ) {
+ return Http::post( $url, array( 'postData' => $post_vars ) );
+ }
+ // do any special variable replacements in the URLs, for
+ // secret API keys and the like
+ foreach ( $edgStringReplacements as $key => $value ) {
+ $url = str_replace( $key, $value, $url );
+ }
+ if ( !isset( $edgCacheTable ) || is_null( $edgCacheTable ) ) {
+ if ( $edgAllowSSL ) {
+ $contents = Http::get( $url, 'default', array( 'sslVerifyCert' => false, 'followRedirects' => false ) );
+ } else {
+ $contents = Http::get( $url );
+ }
+ // Handle non-UTF-8 encodings.
+ // Copied from
+ // Unfortunately, 'mbstring' functions are not available
+ // in all PHP installations.
+ if ( function_exists( 'mb_convert_encoding' ) ) {
+ $contents = mb_convert_encoding( $contents, 'UTF-8',
+ mb_detect_encoding( $contents, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1', true ) );
+ }
+ return $contents;
+ }
+ // check the cache (only the first 254 chars of the url)
+ $row = $dbr->selectRow( $edgCacheTable, '*', array( 'url' => substr( $url, 0, 254 ) ), 'EDUtils::fetchURL' );
+ if ( $row && ( ( time() - $row->req_time ) > $cacheExpireTime ) ) {
+ $get_fresh = true;
+ }
+ if ( !$row || $get_fresh ) {
+ if ( $edgAllowSSL ) {
+ $page = Http::get( $url, 'default', array( CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => false ) );
+ } else {
+ $page = Http::get( $url );
+ }
+ if ( $page === false ) {
+ sleep( 1 );
+ if ( $try_count >= self::$http_number_of_tries ) {
+ echo wfMessage( 'externaldata-db-could-not-get-url', self::$http_number_of_tries )->text();
+ return '';
+ }
+ $try_count++;
+ return self::fetchURL( $url, $post_vars, $cacheExpireTime, $get_fresh, $try_count );
+ }
+ if ( $page != '' ) {
+ $dbw = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER );
+ // Delete the old entry, if one exists.
+ $dbw->delete( $edgCacheTable, array( 'url' => substr( $url, 0, 254 )));
+ // Insert contents into the cache table.
+ $dbw->insert( $edgCacheTable, array( 'url' => substr( $url, 0, 254 ), 'result' => $page, 'req_time' => time() ) );
+ return $page;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return $row->result;
+ }
+ }
+ static private function getDataFromText( $contents, $format, $mappings, $source, $prefixLength = 0 ) {
+ // For now, this is only done for the CSV formats.
+ if ( is_array( $format ) ) {
+ list( $format, $delimiter ) = $format;
+ } else {
+ $delimiter = ',';
+ }
+ if ( $format == 'xml' ) {
+ return self::getXMLData( $contents );
+ } elseif ( $format == 'xml with xpath' ) {
+ return self::getXPathData( $contents, $mappings, $source );
+ } elseif ( $format == 'csv' ) {
+ return self::getCSVData( $contents, false, $delimiter );
+ } elseif ( $format == 'csv with header' ) {
+ return self::getCSVData( $contents, true, $delimiter );
+ } elseif ( $format == 'json' ) {
+ return self::getJSONData( $contents, $prefixLength );
+ } elseif ( $format == 'gff' ) {
+ return self::getGFFData( $contents );
+ } else {
+ return wfMessage( 'externaldata-web-invalid-format', $format )->text();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks whether this URL is allowed, based on the
+ * $edgAllowExternalDataFrom whitelist
+ */
+ static public function isURLAllowed( $url ) {
+ // this code is based on Parser::maybeMakeExternalImage()
+ global $edgAllowExternalDataFrom;
+ $data_from = $edgAllowExternalDataFrom;
+ $text = false;
+ if ( empty( $data_from ) ) {
+ return true;
+ } elseif ( is_array( $data_from ) ) {
+ foreach ( $data_from as $match ) {
+ if ( strpos( $url, $match ) === 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ if ( strpos( $url, $data_from ) === 0 ) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static public function getDataFromURL( $url, $format, $mappings, $postData = null, $cacheExpireTime, $prefixLength ) {
+ $url_contents = self::fetchURL( $url, $postData, $cacheExpireTime );
+ // Show an error message if there's nothing there.
+ if ( empty( $url_contents ) ) {
+ return "Error: No contents found at URL $url.";
+ }
+ return self::getDataFromText( $url_contents, $format, $mappings, $url, $prefixLength );
+ }
+ static private function getDataFromPath( $path, $format, $mappings ) {
+ if ( !file_exists( $path ) ) {
+ return "Error: No file found.";
+ }
+ $file_contents = file_get_contents( $path );
+ // Show an error message if there's nothing there.
+ if ( empty( $file_contents ) ) {
+ return "Error: Unable to get file contents.";
+ }
+ return self::getDataFromText( $file_contents, $format, $mappings, $path );
+ }
+ static public function getDataFromFile( $file, $format, $mappings ) {
+ global $edgFilePath;
+ if ( array_key_exists( $file, $edgFilePath ) ) {
+ return self::getDataFromPath( $edgFilePath[$file], $format, $mappings );
+ } else {
+ return "Error: No file is set for ID \"$file\".";
+ }
+ }
+ static public function getDataFromDirectory( $directory, $fileName, $format, $mappings ) {
+ global $edgDirectoryPath;
+ if ( array_key_exists( $directory, $edgDirectoryPath ) ) {
+ $directoryPath = $edgDirectoryPath[$directory];
+ $path = realpath( $directoryPath . $fileName );
+ if ( $path !== false && strpos( $path, $directoryPath ) === 0 ) {
+ return self::getDataFromPath( $path, $format, $mappings );
+ } else {
+ return "Error: File name \"$fileName\" is not allowed for directory ID \"$directory\".";
+ }
+ } else {
+ return "Error: No directory is set for ID \"$directory\".";
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Recursive function, used by getSOAPData().
+ */
+ static public function getValuesForKeyInTree( $key, $tree ) {
+ // The passed-in tree can be either an array or a stdObject -
+ // we need it to be an array.
+ if ( is_object( $tree ) ) {
+ $tree = get_object_vars( $tree );
+ }
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ( $tree as $curKey => $curValue ) {
+ if ( is_object( $curValue ) || is_array( $curValue ) ) {
+ $additionalValues = self::getValuesForKeyInTree( $key, $curValue );
+ $values = array_merge( $values, $additionalValues );
+ } elseif ( $curKey == $key ) {
+ $values[] = $curValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }
+ static public function getSOAPData( $url, $requestName, $requestData, $responseName, $mappings) {
+ $client = new SoapClient( $url );
+ try {
+ $result = $client->$requestName( $requestData );
+ } catch ( Exception $e ) {
+ return "Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage();
+ }
+ $realResultJSON = $result->$responseName;
+ if ( $realResultJSON == '' ) {
+ return 'Error: no data found for this set of "requestData" fields.';
+ }
+ $realResult = json_decode( $realResultJSON );
+ $errorKey = '#Error:';
+ if ( array_key_exists( $errorKey, $realResult ) ) {
+ return 'Error: ' . $realResult->$errorKey;
+ }
+ $values = array();
+ foreach ( $mappings as $fieldName ) {
+ $values[$fieldName] = self::getValuesForKeyInTree( $fieldName, $realResult );
+ }
+ return $values;
+ }