path: root/bin/wiki/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api/tests/integration/CategoryTraverserTest.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/wiki/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api/tests/integration/CategoryTraverserTest.php')
1 files changed, 203 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/wiki/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api/tests/integration/CategoryTraverserTest.php b/bin/wiki/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api/tests/integration/CategoryTraverserTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7161447d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wiki/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api/tests/integration/CategoryTraverserTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test;
+use Mediawiki\Api\CategoryLoopException;
+use Mediawiki\Api\Service\CategoryTraverser;
+use Mediawiki\DataModel\Page;
+use Mediawiki\DataModel\PageIdentifier;
+use Mediawiki\DataModel\Title;
+use Mediawiki\DataModel\Revision;
+use Mediawiki\DataModel\Content;
+class CategoryTraverserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /** @var TestEnvironment */
+ protected $testEnvironment;
+ /** @var \Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiFactory */
+ protected $factory;
+ /** @var \Mediawiki\Api\Service\CategoryTraverser */
+ protected $traverser;
+ public function setUp() {
+ parent::setUp();
+ $this->testEnvironment = TestEnvironment::newDefault();
+ $this->factory = $this->testEnvironment->getFactory();
+ $this->traverser = $this->factory->newCategoryTraverser();
+ }
+ /**
+ * A convenience wrapper around a PageDeleter.
+ * @param string[] $titles The titles to delete.
+ */
+ public function deletePages( $titles ) {
+ $deleter = $this->factory->newPageDeleter();
+ foreach ( $titles as $t ) {
+ // @todo Properly delete?
+ // $deleter->deleteFromPageTitle( new Title( $t ) );
+ $this->savePage( $t, '' );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A convenience wrapper to a RevisionSaver.
+ * @param string $title The title of the new page.
+ * @param string $content The wikitext to save to the page.
+ * @return Page The saved Page.
+ */
+ protected function savePage( $title, $content ) {
+ $pageIdentifier = new PageIdentifier( new Title( $title ) );
+ $revision = new Revision( new Content( $content ), $pageIdentifier );
+ $this->factory->newRevisionSaver()->save( $revision );
+ return $this->factory->newPageGetter()->getFromPageIdentifier( $pageIdentifier );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get a list of all pages in a category or any of its descendants.
+ */
+ public function testDescendants() {
+ $rootCat = $this->savePage( 'Category:Root category', '' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:Sub category B', '[[Category:Root category]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:Sub category C', '[[Category:Root category]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Test page A1', 'Testing. [[Category:Root category]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Test page B1', 'Testing. [[Category:Sub category B]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Test page B2', 'Testing. [[Category:Sub category B]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Test page C1', 'Testing. [[Category:Sub category C]]' );
+ $this->testEnvironment->runJobs();
+ $callback = function ( Page $pageInfo, Page $parentCat ) {
+ $parentCatName = $parentCat->getPageIdentifier()->getTitle()->getText();
+ $thisPageName = $pageInfo->getPageIdentifier()->getTitle()->getText();
+ if ( $parentCatName === 'Category:Root category' ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'Test page A1', $thisPageName );
+ }
+ if ( $parentCatName === 'Category:Sub category C' ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'Test page C1', $thisPageName );
+ }
+ };
+ $this->traverser->addCallback( CategoryTraverser::CALLBACK_PAGE, $callback );
+ $decendants = $this->traverser->descend( $rootCat );
+ $this->assertCount( 4, $decendants->toArray() );
+ $this->deletePages( [
+ 'Category:Root category',
+ 'Category:Sub category B',
+ 'Category:Sub category C',
+ 'Test page A1',
+ 'Test page B1',
+ 'Test page B2',
+ 'Test page C1',
+ ] );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Make sure there aren't duplicate results when there are multiple paths to
+ * the same page.
+ */
+ public function testDescendantsWithMultiplePaths() {
+ $grandparent = $this->savePage( 'Category:Grandparent', '' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:Parent 1', '[[Category:Grandparent]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:Parent 2', '[[Category:Grandparent]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Parent 1', '[[Category:Grandparent]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Child 1', '[[Category:Parent 1]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Child 2', '[[Category:Parent 1]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Child 3', '[[Category:Parent 2]]' );
+ $this->testEnvironment->runJobs();
+ $decendants = $this->traverser->descend( $grandparent );
+ $this->assertCount( 4, $decendants->toArray() );
+ $this->deletePages( [
+ 'Category:Grandparent',
+ 'Category:Parent 1',
+ 'Category:Parent 2',
+ 'Child 1',
+ 'Child 2',
+ 'Child 3',
+ ] );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Categories should only be traversed once. For example, in the following graph, 'C' can be
+ * reached as a child of 'A' or of 'B', but only the first arrival will proceed to 'D':
+ *
+ * A
+ * | \
+ * | B
+ * | /
+ * C
+ * |
+ * D
+ *
+ */
+ public function testDescendantsOnlyVisitCatsOnce() {
+ global $wgVisitedCats;
+ $wgVisitedCats = [];
+ $catA = $this->savePage( 'Category:A cat', '' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:B cat', 'Testing. [[Category:A cat]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:C cat', 'Testing. [[Category:A cat]][[Category:B cat]]' );
+ $this->savePage( 'Category:D cat', 'Testing. [[Category:C cat]]' );
+ $this->testEnvironment->runJobs();
+ $callback = function ( Page $pageInfo, Page $parentCat ) {
+ global $wgVisitedCats;
+ $wgVisitedCats[] = $parentCat->getPageIdentifier()->getTitle()->getText();
+ };
+ $this->traverser->addCallback( CategoryTraverser::CALLBACK_CATEGORY, $callback );
+ $descendants = $this->traverser->descend( $catA );
+ $this->assertCount( 0, $descendants->toArray() );
+ $this->assertCount( 3, $wgVisitedCats );
+ $this->deletePages( [
+ 'Category:A cat',
+ 'Category:B cat',
+ 'Category:C cat',
+ 'Category:D cat',
+ ] );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Category loops are caught on descent.
+ *
+ * E
+ * / \
+ * F G
+ * / \
+ * H I
+ * |
+ * E <-- throw an Exception when we get to this repetition
+ *
+ */
+ public function testDescendIntoLoop() {
+ $catA = $this->savePage( 'Category:E cat', '[[Category:H cat]]' );
+ $catB = $this->savePage( 'Category:F cat', '[[Category:E cat]]' );
+ $catC = $this->savePage( 'Category:G cat', '[[Category:E cat]]' );
+ $catD = $this->savePage( 'Category:H cat', '[[Category:F cat]]' );
+ $catE = $this->savePage( 'Category:I cat', '[[Category:F cat]]' );
+ $this->testEnvironment->runJobs();
+ $haveCaught = false;
+ try {
+ $this->traverser->descend( $catA );
+ } catch ( CategoryLoopException $ex ) {
+ $haveCaught = true;
+ $expectedCatLoop = [
+ 'Category:E cat',
+ 'Category:F cat',
+ 'Category:H cat',
+ ];
+ // Build a simplified representation of the thrown loop pages, to get around different
+ // revision IDs.
+ $actualCatLoop = [];
+ foreach ( $ex->getCategoryPath()->toArray() as $p ) {
+ $actualCatLoop[] = $p->getPageIdentifier()->getTitle()->getText();
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedCatLoop, $actualCatLoop );
+ }
+ $this->assertTrue( $haveCaught );
+ $this->deletePages( [
+ 'Category:E cat',
+ 'Category:F cat',
+ 'Category:G cat',
+ 'Category:H cat',
+ 'Category:I cat',
+ ] );
+ }