path: root/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit')
9 files changed, 968 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/ApiUserTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/ApiUserTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7e0da7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/ApiUserTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Mediawiki\Api\ApiUser;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\ApiUser
+ */
+class ApiUserTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideValidConstruction
+ */
+ public function testValidConstruction( $user, $pass, $domain = null ) {
+ $apiUser = new ApiUser( $user, $pass, $domain );
+ $this->assertSame( $user, $apiUser->getUsername() );
+ $this->assertSame( $pass, $apiUser->getPassword() );
+ $this->assertSame( $domain, $apiUser->getDomain() );
+ }
+ public function provideValidConstruction() {
+ return [
+ [ 'user', 'pass' ],
+ [ 'user', 'pass', 'domain' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideInvalidConstruction
+ */
+ public function testInvalidConstruction( $user, $pass, $domain = null ) {
+ $this->setExpectedException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
+ new ApiUser( $user, $pass, $domain );
+ }
+ public function provideInvalidConstruction() {
+ return [
+ [ 'user', '' ],
+ [ '', 'pass' ],
+ [ '', '' ],
+ [ 'user', [] ],
+ [ 'user', 455667 ],
+ [ 34567, 'pass' ],
+ [ [], 'pass' ],
+ [ 'user', 'pass', [] ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideTestEquals
+ */
+ public function testEquals( ApiUser $user1, ApiUser $user2, $shouldEqual ) {
+ $this->assertSame( $shouldEqual, $user1->equals( $user2 ) );
+ $this->assertSame( $shouldEqual, $user2->equals( $user1 ) );
+ }
+ public function provideTestEquals() {
+ return [
+ [ new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa' ), new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa' ), true ],
+ [ new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa', 'domain' ), new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa', 'domain' ), true ],
+ [ new ApiUser( 'DIFF', 'passa' ), new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa' ), false ],
+ [ new ApiUser( 'usera', 'DIFF' ), new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa' ), false ],
+ [ new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa' ), new ApiUser( 'DIFF', 'passa' ), false ],
+ [ new ApiUser( 'usera', 'passa' ), new ApiUser( 'usera', 'DIFF' ), false ],
+ ];
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/FluentRequestTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/FluentRequestTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..93af921e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/FluentRequestTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Mediawiki\Api\FluentRequest;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\FluentRequest
+ */
+class FluentRequestTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testFactory() {
+ $this->assertInstanceOf( 'Mediawiki\Api\FluentRequest', FluentRequest::factory() );
+ }
+ public function testConstructionDefaults() {
+ $request = new FluentRequest();
+ $this->assertEquals( [], $request->getParams() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [], $request->getHeaders() );
+ }
+ public function testSetParams() {
+ $request = new FluentRequest();
+ $params = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
+ $request->setParams( $params );
+ $this->assertEquals( $params, $request->getParams() );
+ }
+ public function testSetParam() {
+ $request = new FluentRequest();
+ $request->setParam( 'paramName', 'fooValue' );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 'paramName' => 'fooValue' ], $request->getParams() );
+ }
+ public function testAddParams() {
+ $request = new FluentRequest();
+ $params = [ 'a' => 'foo', 'b' => 'bar' ];
+ $request->addParams( $params );
+ $this->assertEquals( $params, $request->getParams() );
+ }
+ public function testSetHeaders() {
+ $request = new FluentRequest();
+ $params = [ 'foo', 'bar' ];
+ $request->setHeaders( $params );
+ $this->assertEquals( $params, $request->getHeaders() );
+ }
+ public function testSetAction() {
+ $request = new FluentRequest();
+ $request->setAction( 'fooAction' );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 'action' => 'fooAction' ], $request->getParams() );
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/Guzzle/ClientFactoryTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/Guzzle/ClientFactoryTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d84d0333
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/Guzzle/ClientFactoryTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit\Guzzle;
+use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
+use Mediawiki\Api\Guzzle\ClientFactory;
+use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
+ * @author Christian Schmidt
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\Guzzle\ClientFactory
+ */
+class ClientFactoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testNoConfig() {
+ $clientFactory = new ClientFactory();
+ $client = $clientFactory->getClient();
+ $this->assertSame( $client, $clientFactory->getClient() );
+ $config = $client->getConfig();
+ $this->assertEquals( $config['headers']['User-Agent'], 'Addwiki - mediawiki-api-base' );
+ $this->assertFalse( empty( $config['cookies'] ) );
+ }
+ public function testUserAgent() {
+ $clientFactory = new ClientFactory( [ 'user-agent' => 'Foobar' ] );
+ $client = $clientFactory->getClient();
+ $this->assertNull( $client->getConfig( 'user-agent' ) );
+ $config = $client->getConfig();
+ $this->assertEquals( $config['headers']['User-Agent'], 'Foobar' );
+ }
+ public function testHeaders() {
+ $clientFactory = new ClientFactory( [
+ 'headers' => [
+ 'User-Agent' => 'Foobar',
+ 'X-Foo' => 'Bar',
+ ]
+ ] );
+ $client = $clientFactory->getClient();
+ $headers = $client->getConfig( 'headers' );
+ $this->assertCount( 2, $headers );
+ $this->assertEquals( $headers['User-Agent'], 'Foobar' );
+ $this->assertEquals( $headers['X-Foo'], 'Bar' );
+ }
+ public function testHandler() {
+ $handler = HandlerStack::create();
+ $clientFactory = new ClientFactory( [ 'handler' => $handler ] );
+ $client = $clientFactory->getClient();
+ $this->assertSame( $handler, $client->getConfig( 'handler' ) );
+ }
+ public function testMiddleware() {
+ $invoked = false;
+ $middleware = function () use ( &$invoked ) {
+ return function () use ( &$invoked ) {
+ $invoked = true;
+ };
+ };
+ $clientFactory = new ClientFactory( [ 'middleware' => [ $middleware ] ] );
+ $client = $clientFactory->getClient();
+ $this->assertNull( $client->getConfig( 'middleware' ) );
+ $request = $this->getMockBuilder( RequestInterface::class )->getMock();
+ $handler = $client->getConfig( 'handler' );
+ $handler->remove( 'http_errors' );
+ $handler->remove( 'allow_redirects' );
+ $handler->remove( 'cookies' );
+ $handler->remove( 'prepare_body' );
+ $handler( $request, [] );
+ $this->assertTrue( $invoked );
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/Guzzle/MiddlewareFactoryTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/Guzzle/MiddlewareFactoryTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cf7270a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/Guzzle/MiddlewareFactoryTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit\Guzzle;
+use GuzzleHttp\Client;
+use GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException;
+use GuzzleHttp\Handler\MockHandler;
+use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
+use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
+use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
+use Mediawiki\Api\Guzzle\MiddlewareFactory;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @todo test interaction with logger
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\Guzzle\MiddlewareFactory
+ */
+class MiddlewareFactoryTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testRetriesConnectException() {
+ $queue = [
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 1', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new Response( 200, [ 'X-Foo' => 'Bar' ] ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 1000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ public function testRetries500Errors() {
+ $queue = [
+ new Response( 500 ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 1000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ public function testRetriesSomeMediawikiApiErrorHeaders() {
+ $queue = [
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'ratelimited' ] ),
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'maxlag' ] ),
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'readonly' ] ),
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'internal_api_error_DBQueryError' ] ),
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'DoNotRetryThisHeader' ] ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ [ 'DoNotRetryThisHeader' ],
+ $response->getHeader( 'mediawiki-api-error' )
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ public function testRetryAntiAbuseMeasure() {
+ $antiAbusejson = json_encode(
+ [
+ 'error' => [
+ 'info' => 'anti-abuse measure'
+ ]
+ ]
+ );
+ $queue = [
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'failed-save' ], $antiAbusejson ),
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'DoNotRetryThisHeader' ] ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'DoNotRetryThisHeader', $response->getHeaderLine( 'mediawiki-api-error' ) );
+ }
+ public function testRetryLimit() {
+ $queue = [
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 1', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 2', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 3', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 4', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 5', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new ConnectException( 'Error 6', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue );
+ $this->setExpectedException(
+ 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException',
+ 'Error 6'
+ );
+ $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ }
+ public function testConnectExceptionRetryDelay() {
+ $queue = [
+ new ConnectException( '+1 second delay', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new ConnectException( '+2 second delay', new Request( 'GET', 'test' ) ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 1000, 2000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ public function testServerErrorRetryDelay() {
+ $queue = [
+ new Response( 500 ),
+ new Response( 503 ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 1000, 2000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ public function testRelativeRetryDelayHeaderRetryDelay() {
+ $queue = [
+ new Response( 200, [ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'maxlag', 'retry-after' => 10 ] ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $this->getClient( $queue, $delays )->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 10000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ public function testAbsoluteRetryDelayHeaderRetryDelay() {
+ $queue = [
+ new Response(
+ 200,
+ [
+ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'maxlag',
+ 'retry-after' => gmdate( DATE_RFC1123, time() + 600 ),
+ ]
+ ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertCount( 1, $delays );
+ // Allow 5 second delay while running this test.
+ $this->assertGreaterThan( 600000 - 5000, $delays[0] );
+ }
+ public function testPastRetryDelayHeaderRetryDelay() {
+ $queue = [
+ new Response(
+ 200,
+ [
+ 'mediawiki-api-error' => 'maxlag',
+ 'retry-after' => 'Fri, 31 Dec 1999 23:59:59 GMT',
+ ]
+ ),
+ new Response( 200 ),
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getClient( $queue, $delays );
+ $response = $client->request( 'GET', '/' );
+ $this->assertEquals( 200, $response->getStatusCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 1000 ], $delays );
+ }
+ private function getClient( array $queue, &$delays = null ) {
+ $mock = new MockHandler( $queue );
+ $handler = HandlerStack::create( $mock );
+ $middlewareFactory = new MiddlewareFactory();
+ $handler->push( $middlewareFactory->retry() );
+ $delayMocker = $this->getDelayMocker( $delays );
+ $handler->push( $delayMocker );
+ return new Client( [ 'handler' => $handler ] );
+ }
+ private function getDelayMocker( &$delays ) {
+ return function ( callable $handler ) use ( &$delays ) {
+ return function ( $request, array $options ) use ( $handler, &$delays ) {
+ if ( isset( $options['delay'] ) ) {
+ $delays[] = $options['delay'];
+ unset( $options['delay'] );
+ }
+ return $handler( $request, $options );
+ };
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MediawikiApiTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MediawikiApiTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a55f6739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MediawikiApiTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Mediawiki\Api\ApiUser;
+use Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi;
+use Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest;
+use Mediawiki\Api\UsageException;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
+use stdClass;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi
+ */
+class MediawikiApiTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function provideValidConstruction() {
+ return [
+ [ 'localhost' ],
+ [ '' ],
+ [ '' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideValidConstruction
+ */
+ public function testValidConstruction( $apiLocation ) {
+ new MediawikiApi( $apiLocation );
+ $this->assertTrue( true );
+ }
+ public function provideInvalidConstruction() {
+ return [
+ [ null ],
+ [ 12345678 ],
+ [ [] ],
+ [ new stdClass() ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideInvalidConstruction
+ */
+ public function testInvalidConstruction( $apiLocation ) {
+ $this->setExpectedException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
+ new MediawikiApi( $apiLocation );
+ }
+ private function getMockClient() {
+ return $this->getMock( 'GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface' );
+ }
+ private function getMockResponse( $responseValue ) {
+ $mock = $this->getMock( 'Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface' );
+ $mock->expects( $this->any() )
+ ->method( 'getBody' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( json_encode( $responseValue ) ) );
+ return $mock;
+ }
+ private function getExpectedRequestOpts( $params, $paramsLocation ) {
+ return [
+ $paramsLocation => array_merge( $params, [ 'format' => 'json' ] ),
+ 'headers' => [ 'User-Agent' => 'addwiki-mediawiki-client' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ public function testGetRequestThrowsUsageExceptionOnError() {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $client->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue(
+ $this->getMockResponse( [ 'error' => [
+ 'code' => 'imacode',
+ 'info' => 'imamsg',
+ ] ] )
+ ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ try{
+ $api->getRequest( new SimpleRequest( 'foo' ) );
+ $this->fail( 'No Usage Exception Thrown' );
+ }
+ catch ( UsageException $e ) {
+ $this->assertEquals( 'imacode', $e->getApiCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'imamsg', $e->getRawMessage() );
+ }
+ }
+ public function testPostRequestThrowsUsageExceptionOnError() {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $client->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue(
+ $this->getMockResponse( [ 'error' => [
+ 'code' => 'imacode',
+ 'info' => 'imamsg',
+ ] ] )
+ ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ try{
+ $api->postRequest( new SimpleRequest( 'foo' ) );
+ $this->fail( 'No Usage Exception Thrown' );
+ }
+ catch ( UsageException $e ) {
+ $this->assertSame( 'imacode', $e->getApiCode() );
+ $this->assertSame( 'imamsg', $e->getRawMessage() );
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideActionsParamsResults
+ */
+ public function testGetActionReturnsResult( $expectedResult, $action, $params = [] ) {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $params = array_merge( [ 'action' => $action ], $params );
+ $client->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'GET', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $params, 'query' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( $expectedResult ) ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $result = $api->getRequest( new SimpleRequest( $action, $params ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedResult, $result );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideActionsParamsResults
+ */
+ public function testPostActionReturnsResult( $expectedResult, $action, $params = [] ) {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $params = array_merge( [ 'action' => $action ], $params );
+ $client->expects( $this->once() )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $params, 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( $expectedResult ) ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $result = $api->postRequest( new SimpleRequest( $action, $params ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedResult, $result );
+ }
+ private function getNullFilePointer() {
+ if ( !file_exists( '/dev/null' ) ) {
+ // windows
+ return fopen( 'NUL', 'r' );
+ }
+ return fopen( '/dev/null', 'r' );
+ }
+ public function testPostActionWithFileReturnsResult() {
+ $dummyFile = $this->getNullFilePointer();
+ $params = [
+ 'filename' => 'foo.jpg',
+ 'file' => $dummyFile,
+ ];
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $client->expects( $this->once() )->method( 'request' )->with(
+ 'POST',
+ null,
+ [
+ 'multipart' => [
+ [ 'name' => 'action', 'contents' => 'upload' ],
+ [ 'name' => 'filename', 'contents' => 'foo.jpg' ],
+ [ 'name' => 'file', 'contents' => $dummyFile ],
+ [ 'name' => 'format', 'contents' => 'json' ],
+ ],
+ 'headers' => [ 'User-Agent' => 'addwiki-mediawiki-client' ],
+ ]
+ )->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( [ 'success ' => 1 ] ) ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $result = $api->postRequest( new SimpleRequest( 'upload', $params ) );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 'success ' => 1 ], $result );
+ }
+ public function provideActionsParamsResults() {
+ return [
+ [ [ 'key' => 'value' ], 'logout' ],
+ [ [ 'key' => 'value' ], 'logout', [ 'param1' => 'v1' ] ],
+ [ [ 'key' => 'value', 'key2' => 1212, [] ], 'logout' ],
+ ];
+ }
+ public function testGoodLoginSequence() {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $user = new ApiUser( 'U1', 'P1' );
+ $eq1 = [
+ 'action' => 'login',
+ 'lgname' => 'U1',
+ 'lgpassword' => 'P1',
+ ];
+ $client->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $eq1, 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( [ 'login' => [
+ 'result' => 'NeedToken',
+ 'token' => 'IamLoginTK',
+ ] ] ) ) );
+ $params = array_merge( $eq1, [ 'lgtoken' => 'IamLoginTK' ] );
+ $response = $this->getMockResponse( [ 'login' => [ 'result' => 'Success' ] ] );
+ $client->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $params, 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $response ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $this->assertTrue( $api->login( $user ) );
+ $this->assertSame( 'U1', $api->isLoggedin() );
+ }
+ public function testBadLoginSequence() {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $user = new ApiUser( 'U1', 'P1' );
+ $eq1 = [
+ 'action' => 'login',
+ 'lgname' => 'U1',
+ 'lgpassword' => 'P1',
+ ];
+ $client->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $eq1, 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( [ 'login' => [
+ 'result' => 'NeedToken',
+ 'token' => 'IamLoginTK',
+ ] ] ) ) );
+ $params = array_merge( $eq1, [ 'lgtoken' => 'IamLoginTK' ] );
+ $response = $this->getMockResponse( [ 'login' => [ 'result' => 'BADTOKENorsmthin' ] ] );
+ $client->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $params, 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $response ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $this->setExpectedException( 'Mediawiki\Api\UsageException' );
+ $api->login( $user );
+ }
+ public function testLogout() {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $client->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( [ 'action' => 'logout' ], 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( [] ) ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $this->assertTrue( $api->logout() );
+ }
+ public function testLogoutOnFailure() {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $client->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'POST', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( [ 'action' => 'logout' ], 'form_params' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( null ) ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $this->assertFalse( $api->logout() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideVersions
+ */
+ public function testGetVersion( $apiValue, $expectedVersion ) {
+ $client = $this->getMockClient();
+ $params = [ 'action' => 'query', 'meta' => 'siteinfo', 'continue' => '' ];
+ $client->expects( $this->exactly( 1 ) )
+ ->method( 'request' )
+ ->with( 'GET', null, $this->getExpectedRequestOpts( $params, 'query' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( $this->getMockResponse( [
+ 'query' => [
+ 'general' => [
+ 'generator' => $apiValue,
+ ],
+ ],
+ ] ) ) );
+ $api = new MediawikiApi( '', $client );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expectedVersion, $api->getVersion() );
+ }
+ public function provideVersions() {
+ return [
+ [ 'MediaWiki 1.25wmf13', '1.25' ],
+ [ 'MediaWiki 1.24.1', '1.24.1' ],
+ [ 'MediaWiki 1.19', '1.19' ],
+ [ 'MediaWiki 1.0.0', '1.0.0' ],
+ ];
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MediawikiSessionTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MediawikiSessionTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..667a526f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MediawikiSessionTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi;
+use Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiSession;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiSession
+ */
+class MediawikiSessionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @return PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject|MediawikiApi
+ */
+ private function getMockApi() {
+ return $this->getMockBuilder( '\Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiApi' )
+ ->disableOriginalConstructor()
+ ->getMock();
+ }
+ public function testConstruction() {
+ $session = new MediawikiSession( $this->getMockApi() );
+ $this->assertInstanceOf( '\Mediawiki\Api\MediawikiSession', $session );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideTokenTypes
+ */
+ public function testGetToken( $tokenType ) {
+ $mockApi = $this->getMockApi();
+ $mockApi->expects( $this->exactly( 2 ) )
+ ->method( 'postRequest' )
+ ->with( $this->isInstanceOf( '\Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( [
+ 'query' => [
+ 'tokens' => [
+ $tokenType => 'TKN-' . $tokenType,
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ) );
+ $session = new MediawikiSession( $mockApi );
+ // Although we make 2 calls to the method we assert the tokens method about is only called once
+ $this->assertEquals( 'TKN-' . $tokenType, $session->getToken() );
+ $this->assertEquals( 'TKN-' . $tokenType, $session->getToken() );
+ // Then clearing the tokens and calling again should make a second call!
+ $session->clearTokens();
+ $this->assertEquals( 'TKN-' . $tokenType, $session->getToken() );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideTokenTypes
+ */
+ public function testGetTokenPre125( $tokenType ) {
+ $mockApi = $this->getMockApi();
+ $mockApi->expects( $this->at( 0 ) )
+ ->method( 'postRequest' )
+ ->with( $this->isInstanceOf( '\Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( [
+ 'warnings' => [
+ 'query' => [
+ '*' => "Unrecognized value for parameter 'meta': tokens",
+ ]
+ ]
+ ] ) );
+ $mockApi->expects( $this->at( 1 ) )
+ ->method( 'postRequest' )
+ ->with( $this->isInstanceOf( '\Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest' ) )
+ ->will( $this->returnValue( [
+ 'tokens' => [
+ $tokenType => 'TKN-' . $tokenType,
+ ]
+ ] ) );
+ $session = new MediawikiSession( $mockApi );
+ // Although we make 2 calls to the method we assert the tokens method about is only called once
+ $this->assertSame( 'TKN-' . $tokenType, $session->getToken() );
+ $this->assertSame( 'TKN-' . $tokenType, $session->getToken() );
+ }
+ public function provideTokenTypes() {
+ return [
+ [ 'csrf' ],
+ [ 'edit' ],
+ ];
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MultipartRequestTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MultipartRequestTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..993c29e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/MultipartRequestTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Exception;
+use Mediawiki\Api\MultipartRequest;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
+class MultipartRequestTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testBasics() {
+ $request = new MultipartRequest();
+ $this->assertEquals( [], $request->getMultipartParams() );
+ // One parameter.
+ $request->setParam( 'testparam', 'value' );
+ $request->addMultipartParams( [ 'testparam' => [ 'lorem' => 'ipsum' ] ] );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ [ 'testparam' => [ 'lorem' => 'ipsum' ] ],
+ $request->getMultipartParams()
+ );
+ // Another parameter.
+ $request->setParam( 'testparam2', 'value' );
+ $request->addMultipartParams( [ 'testparam2' => [ 'lorem2' => 'ipsum2' ] ] );
+ $this->assertEquals(
+ [
+ 'testparam' => [ 'lorem' => 'ipsum' ],
+ 'testparam2' => [ 'lorem2' => 'ipsum2' ],
+ ],
+ $request->getMultipartParams()
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * You are not allowed to set multipart parameters on a parameter that doesn't exist.
+ * @expectedException Exception
+ * @expectedExceptionMessage Parameter 'testparam' is not already set on this request.
+ */
+ public function testParamNotYetSet() {
+ $request = new MultipartRequest();
+ $request->addMultipartParams( [ 'testparam' => [] ] );
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/SimpleRequestTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/SimpleRequestTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..df979992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/SimpleRequestTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\SimpleRequest
+ */
+class SimpleRequestTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideValidConstruction
+ */
+ public function testValidConstruction( $action, $params, $expected, $headers = [] ) {
+ $request = new SimpleRequest( $action, $params, $headers );
+ $this->assertEquals( $expected, $request->getParams() );
+ $this->assertEquals( $headers, $request->getHeaders() );
+ }
+ public function provideValidConstruction() {
+ return [
+ [ 'action', [], [ 'action' => 'action' ] ],
+ [ '1123', [], [ 'action' => '1123' ] ],
+ [ 'a', [ 'b' => 'c' ], [ 'action' => 'a', 'b' => 'c' ] ],
+ [ 'a', [ 'b' => 'c', 'd' => 'e' ], [ 'action' => 'a', 'b' => 'c', 'd' => 'e' ] ],
+ [ 'a', [ 'b' => 'c|d|e|f' ], [ 'action' => 'a', 'b' => 'c|d|e|f' ] ],
+ [ 'foo', [], [ 'action' => 'foo' ] ,[ 'foo' => 'bar' ] ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider provideInvalidConstruction
+ */
+ public function testInvalidConstruction( $action, $params ) {
+ $this->setExpectedException( 'InvalidArgumentException' );
+ new SimpleRequest( $action, $params );
+ }
+ public function provideInvalidConstruction() {
+ return [
+ [ [], [] ],
+ ];
+ }
diff --git a/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/UsageExceptionTest.php b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/UsageExceptionTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b7d6072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/reevotech/vendor/addwiki/mediawiki-api-base/tests/Unit/UsageExceptionTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+namespace Mediawiki\Api\Test\Unit;
+use Mediawiki\Api\UsageException;
+use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
+ * @author Addshore
+ *
+ * @covers Mediawiki\Api\UsageException
+ */
+class UsageExceptionTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
+ public function testUsageExceptionWithNoParams() {
+ $e = new UsageException();
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'Code: ' . PHP_EOL .
+ 'Message: ' . PHP_EOL .
+ 'Result: []',
+ $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ $this->assertSame( '', $e->getApiCode() );
+ $this->assertEquals( [], $e->getApiResult() );
+ }
+ public function testUsageExceptionWithParams() {
+ $e = new UsageException( 'imacode', 'imamsg', [ 'foo' => 'bar' ] );
+ $this->assertSame( 'imacode', $e->getApiCode() );
+ $this->assertSame(
+ 'Code: imacode' . PHP_EOL .
+ 'Message: imamsg' . PHP_EOL .
+ 'Result: {"foo":"bar"}',
+ $e->getMessage()
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals( [ 'foo' => 'bar' ], $e->getApiResult() );
+ }