path: root/www/wiki/includes/ActorMigration.php
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authorYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
committerYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
commitfc7369835258467bf97eb64f184b93691f9a9fd5 (patch)
treedaabd60089d2dd76d9f5fb416b005fbe159c799d /www/wiki/includes/ActorMigration.php
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/includes/ActorMigration.php')
1 files changed, 383 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/includes/ActorMigration.php b/www/wiki/includes/ActorMigration.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..161c7a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/includes/ActorMigration.php
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+ * Methods to help with the actor table migration
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+ *
+ *
+ * @file
+ */
+use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
+use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
+use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase;
+ * This class handles the logic for the actor table migration.
+ *
+ * This is not intended to be a long-term part of MediaWiki; it will be
+ * deprecated and removed along with $wgActorTableSchemaMigrationStage.
+ *
+ * @since 1.31
+ */
+class ActorMigration {
+ /**
+ * Define fields that use temporary tables for transitional purposes
+ * @var array Keys are '$key', values are arrays with four fields:
+ * - table: Temporary table name
+ * - pk: Temporary table column referring to the main table's primary key
+ * - field: Temporary table column referring actor.actor_id
+ * - joinPK: Main table's primary key
+ */
+ private static $tempTables = [
+ 'rev_user' => [
+ 'table' => 'revision_actor_temp',
+ 'pk' => 'revactor_rev',
+ 'field' => 'revactor_actor',
+ 'joinPK' => 'rev_id',
+ 'extra' => [
+ 'revactor_timestamp' => 'rev_timestamp',
+ 'revactor_page' => 'rev_page',
+ ],
+ ],
+ ];
+ /**
+ * Fields that formerly used $tempTables
+ * @var array Key is '$key', value is the MediaWiki version in which it was
+ * removed from $tempTables.
+ */
+ private static $formerTempTables = [];
+ /**
+ * Define fields that use non-standard mapping
+ * @var array Keys are the user id column name, values are arrays with two
+ * elements (the user text column name and the actor id column name)
+ */
+ private static $specialFields = [
+ 'ipb_by' => [ 'ipb_by_text', 'ipb_by_actor' ],
+ ];
+ /** @var array|null Cache for `self::getJoin()` */
+ private $joinCache = null;
+ /** @var int One of the MIGRATION_* constants */
+ private $stage;
+ /** @private */
+ public function __construct( $stage ) {
+ $this->stage = $stage;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Static constructor
+ * @return ActorMigration
+ */
+ public static function newMigration() {
+ return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getActorMigration();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an SQL condition to test if a user field is anonymous
+ * @param string $field Field name or SQL fragment
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function isAnon( $field ) {
+ return $this->stage === MIGRATION_NEW ? "$field IS NULL" : "$field = 0";
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return an SQL condition to test if a user field is non-anonymous
+ * @param string $field Field name or SQL fragment
+ * @return string
+ */
+ public function isNotAnon( $field ) {
+ return $this->stage === MIGRATION_NEW ? "$field IS NOT NULL" : "$field != 0";
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
+ * field being fetched.
+ * @return string[] [ $text, $actor ]
+ */
+ private static function getFieldNames( $key ) {
+ if ( isset( self::$specialFields[$key] ) ) {
+ return self::$specialFields[$key];
+ }
+ return [ $key . '_text', substr( $key, 0, -5 ) . '_actor' ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get SELECT fields and joins for the actor key
+ *
+ * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
+ * field being fetched.
+ * @return array With three keys:
+ * - tables: (string[]) to include in the `$table` to `IDatabase->select()`
+ * - fields: (string[]) to include in the `$vars` to `IDatabase->select()`
+ * - joins: (array) to include in the `$join_conds` to `IDatabase->select()`
+ * All tables, fields, and joins are aliased, so `+` is safe to use.
+ */
+ public function getJoin( $key ) {
+ if ( !isset( $this->joinCache[$key] ) ) {
+ $tables = [];
+ $fields = [];
+ $joins = [];
+ list( $text, $actor ) = self::getFieldNames( $key );
+ if ( $this->stage === MIGRATION_OLD ) {
+ $fields[$key] = $key;
+ $fields[$text] = $text;
+ $fields[$actor] = 'NULL';
+ } else {
+ $join = $this->stage === MIGRATION_NEW ? 'JOIN' : 'LEFT JOIN';
+ if ( isset( self::$tempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ $t = self::$tempTables[$key];
+ $alias = "temp_$key";
+ $tables[$alias] = $t['table'];
+ $joins[$alias] = [ $join, "{$alias}.{$t['pk']} = {$t['joinPK']}" ];
+ $joinField = "{$alias}.{$t['field']}";
+ } else {
+ $joinField = $actor;
+ }
+ $alias = "actor_$key";
+ $tables[$alias] = 'actor';
+ $joins[$alias] = [ $join, "{$alias}.actor_id = {$joinField}" ];
+ if ( $this->stage === MIGRATION_NEW ) {
+ $fields[$key] = "{$alias}.actor_user";
+ $fields[$text] = "{$alias}.actor_name";
+ } else {
+ $fields[$key] = "COALESCE( {$alias}.actor_user, $key )";
+ $fields[$text] = "COALESCE( {$alias}.actor_name, $text )";
+ }
+ $fields[$actor] = $joinField;
+ }
+ $this->joinCache[$key] = [
+ 'tables' => $tables,
+ 'fields' => $fields,
+ 'joins' => $joins,
+ ];
+ }
+ return $this->joinCache[$key];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get UPDATE fields for the actor
+ *
+ * @param IDatabase $dbw Database to use for creating an actor ID, if necessary
+ * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
+ * field being fetched.
+ * @param UserIdentity $user User to set in the update
+ * @return array to merge into `$values` to `IDatabase->update()` or `$a` to `IDatabase->insert()`
+ */
+ public function getInsertValues( IDatabase $dbw, $key, UserIdentity $user ) {
+ if ( isset( self::$tempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Must use getInsertValuesWithTempTable() for $key" );
+ }
+ list( $text, $actor ) = self::getFieldNames( $key );
+ $ret = [];
+ if ( $this->stage <= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ) {
+ $ret[$key] = $user->getId();
+ $ret[$text] = $user->getName();
+ }
+ if ( $this->stage >= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ) {
+ // We need to be able to assign an actor ID if none exists
+ if ( !$user instanceof User && !$user->getActorId() ) {
+ $user = User::newFromAnyId( $user->getId(), $user->getName(), null );
+ }
+ $ret[$actor] = $user->getActorId( $dbw );
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get UPDATE fields for the actor
+ *
+ * @param IDatabase $dbw Database to use for creating an actor ID, if necessary
+ * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
+ * field being fetched.
+ * @param UserIdentity $user User to set in the update
+ * @return array with two values:
+ * - array to merge into `$values` to `IDatabase->update()` or `$a` to `IDatabase->insert()`
+ * - callback to call with the the primary key for the main table insert
+ * and extra fields needed for the temp table.
+ */
+ public function getInsertValuesWithTempTable( IDatabase $dbw, $key, UserIdentity $user ) {
+ if ( isset( self::$formerTempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ wfDeprecated( __METHOD__ . " for $key", self::$formerTempTables[$key] );
+ } elseif ( !isset( self::$tempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "Must use getInsertValues() for $key" );
+ }
+ list( $text, $actor ) = self::getFieldNames( $key );
+ $ret = [];
+ $callback = null;
+ if ( $this->stage <= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ) {
+ $ret[$key] = $user->getId();
+ $ret[$text] = $user->getName();
+ }
+ if ( $this->stage >= MIGRATION_WRITE_BOTH ) {
+ // We need to be able to assign an actor ID if none exists
+ if ( !$user instanceof User && !$user->getActorId() ) {
+ $user = User::newFromAnyId( $user->getId(), $user->getName(), null );
+ }
+ $id = $user->getActorId( $dbw );
+ if ( isset( self::$tempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ $func = __METHOD__;
+ $callback = function ( $pk, array $extra ) use ( $dbw, $key, $id, $func ) {
+ $t = self::$tempTables[$key];
+ $set = [ $t['field'] => $id ];
+ foreach ( $t['extra'] as $to => $from ) {
+ if ( !array_key_exists( $from, $extra ) ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "$func callback: \$extra[$from] is not provided" );
+ }
+ $set[$to] = $extra[$from];
+ }
+ $dbw->upsert(
+ $t['table'],
+ [ $t['pk'] => $pk ] + $set,
+ [ $t['pk'] ],
+ $set,
+ $func
+ );
+ };
+ } else {
+ $ret[$actor] = $id;
+ $callback = function ( $pk, array $extra ) {
+ };
+ }
+ } elseif ( isset( self::$tempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ $func = __METHOD__;
+ $callback = function ( $pk, array $extra ) use ( $key, $func ) {
+ $t = self::$tempTables[$key];
+ foreach ( $t['extra'] as $to => $from ) {
+ if ( !array_key_exists( $from, $extra ) ) {
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException( "$func callback: \$extra[$from] is not provided" );
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ } else {
+ $callback = function ( $pk, array $extra ) {
+ };
+ }
+ return [ $ret, $callback ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get WHERE condition for the actor
+ *
+ * @param IDatabase $db Database to use for quoting and list-making
+ * @param string $key A key such as "rev_user" identifying the actor
+ * field being fetched.
+ * @param UserIdentity|UserIdentity[] $users Users to test for
+ * @param bool $useId If false, don't try to query by the user ID.
+ * Intended for use with rc_user since it has an index on
+ * (rc_user_text,rc_timestamp) but not (rc_user,rc_timestamp).
+ * @return array With three keys:
+ * - tables: (string[]) to include in the `$table` to `IDatabase->select()`
+ * - conds: (string) to include in the `$cond` to `IDatabase->select()`
+ * - orconds: (array[]) array of alternatives in case a union of multiple
+ * queries would be more efficient than a query with OR. May have keys
+ * 'actor', 'userid', 'username'.
+ * - joins: (array) to include in the `$join_conds` to `IDatabase->select()`
+ * All tables and joins are aliased, so `+` is safe to use.
+ */
+ public function getWhere( IDatabase $db, $key, $users, $useId = true ) {
+ $tables = [];
+ $conds = [];
+ $joins = [];
+ if ( $users instanceof UserIdentity ) {
+ $users = [ $users ];
+ }
+ // Get information about all the passed users
+ $ids = [];
+ $names = [];
+ $actors = [];
+ foreach ( $users as $user ) {
+ if ( $useId && $user->getId() ) {
+ $ids[] = $user->getId();
+ } else {
+ $names[] = $user->getName();
+ }
+ $actorId = $user->getActorId();
+ if ( $actorId ) {
+ $actors[] = $actorId;
+ }
+ }
+ list( $text, $actor ) = self::getFieldNames( $key );
+ // Combine data into conditions to be ORed together
+ $actorNotEmpty = [];
+ if ( $this->stage === MIGRATION_OLD ) {
+ $actors = [];
+ $actorEmpty = [];
+ } elseif ( isset( self::$tempTables[$key] ) ) {
+ $t = self::$tempTables[$key];
+ $alias = "temp_$key";
+ $tables[$alias] = $t['table'];
+ $joins[$alias] = [
+ $this->stage === MIGRATION_NEW ? 'JOIN' : 'LEFT JOIN',
+ "{$alias}.{$t['pk']} = {$t['joinPK']}"
+ ];
+ $joinField = "{$alias}.{$t['field']}";
+ $actorEmpty = [ $joinField => null ];
+ if ( $this->stage !== MIGRATION_NEW ) {
+ // Otherwise the resulting test can evaluate to NULL, and
+ // NOT(NULL) is NULL rather than true.
+ $actorNotEmpty = [ "$joinField IS NOT NULL" ];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $joinField = $actor;
+ $actorEmpty = [ $joinField => 0 ];
+ }
+ if ( $actors ) {
+ $conds['actor'] = $db->makeList(
+ $actorNotEmpty + [ $joinField => $actors ], IDatabase::LIST_AND
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $this->stage < MIGRATION_NEW && $ids ) {
+ $conds['userid'] = $db->makeList(
+ $actorEmpty + [ $key => $ids ], IDatabase::LIST_AND
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $this->stage < MIGRATION_NEW && $names ) {
+ $conds['username'] = $db->makeList(
+ $actorEmpty + [ $text => $names ], IDatabase::LIST_AND
+ );
+ }
+ return [
+ 'tables' => $tables,
+ 'conds' => $conds ? $db->makeList( array_values( $conds ), IDatabase::LIST_OR ) : '1=0',
+ 'orconds' => $conds,
+ 'joins' => $joins,
+ ];
+ }