path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/HtmlLibraryTests.lua
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authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/HtmlLibraryTests.lua
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/HtmlLibraryTests.lua')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/HtmlLibraryTests.lua b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/HtmlLibraryTests.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9ea1234
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/HtmlLibraryTests.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+ Tests for the mw.html module
+ @license GNU GPL v2+
+ @author Marius Hoch < >
+local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework'
+local function getEmptyTestDiv()
+ return mw.html.create( 'div' )
+local function testHelper( obj, method, ... )
+ return obj[method]( obj, ... )
+-- Test attrbutes which will always be paired in the same order
+local testAttrs = { foo = 'bar', ab = 'cd' }
+setmetatable( testAttrs, { __pairs = function ( t )
+ local keys = { 'ab', 'foo' }
+ local i = 0
+ return function()
+ i = i + 1
+ if i <= #keys then
+ return keys[i], t[keys[i]]
+ end
+ end
+end } )
+-- More complex test functions
+local function testMultiAddClass()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():addClass( 'foo' ):addClass( 'bar' )
+local function testCssAndCssText()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():css( 'foo', 'bar' ):cssText( 'abc:def' ):css( 'g', 'h' )
+local function testTagDone()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():tag( 'span' ):done()
+local function testNodeDone()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():node( getEmptyTestDiv() ):done()
+local function testTagNodeAllDone()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():tag( 'p' ):node( getEmptyTestDiv() ):allDone()
+local function testAttributeOverride()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'good', 'MediaWiki' ):attr( 'good', 'Wikibase' )
+local function testAttributeRemoval()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'a', 'b' ):attr( 'a', nil )
+local function testGetAttribute()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'town', 'Berlin' ):getAttr( 'town' )
+local function testGetAttributeEscaping()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'foo', '<ble"&rgh>' ):getAttr( 'foo' )
+local function testNodeSelfClosingDone()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():node( mw.html.create( 'br' ) ):done()
+local function testNodeAppendToSelfClosing()
+ return mw.html.create( 'img' ):node( getEmptyTestDiv() )
+local function testWikitextAppendToSelfClosing()
+ return mw.html.create( 'hr' ):wikitext( 'foo' )
+local function testCreateWithValue( val )
+ return mw.html.create( val ):wikitext( 'foo' ):tag( 'div' ):attr( 'a', 'b' ):allDone()
+local function testCssRemoval()
+ return getEmptyTestDiv():css( 'color', 'red' ):css( 'color', nil )
+local function testComplex()
+ local builder = getEmptyTestDiv()
+ builder:addClass( 'firstClass' ):attr( 'what', 'ever' )
+ builder:tag( 'meh' ):attr( 'whynot', 'Русский' ):tag( 'hr' ):attr( 'a', 'b' )
+ builder:node( mw.html.create( 'hr' ) )
+ builder:node( getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'abc', 'def' ):css( 'width', '-1px' ) )
+ return builder
+local function testStripMarker()
+ local expect = '<div foo="' .. mw.html.stripMarkers.nowiki .. '"></div>'
+ local actual = tostring( getEmptyTestDiv():attr( 'foo', mw.html.stripMarkers.nowiki ) )
+ if actual ~= expect then
+ error( actual .. ' ~= ' .. expect )
+ end
+ return 'ok'
+-- Tests
+local tests = {
+ -- Simple (inline) tests
+ { name = 'mw.html.create', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
+ args = { 'table' },
+ expect = { '<table></table>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.create (self closing)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
+ args = { 'br' },
+ expect = { '<br />' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.create (self closing - forced)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
+ args = { 'div', { selfClosing = true } },
+ expect = { '<div />' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.create (invalid tag 1)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
+ args = { '$$$$' },
+ expect = "invalid tag name '$$$$'"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.create (invalid tag 2)', func = mw.html.create, type='ToString',
+ args = { {} },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'mw.html.create' (string expected, got table)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.wikitext', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'wikitext', 'Plain text' },
+ expect = { '<div>Plain text</div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.wikitext (invalid input)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'wikitext', 'Plain text', {} },
+ expect = "bad argument #2 to 'wikitext' (string or number expected, got table)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.newline', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'newline' },
+ expect = { '<div>\n</div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.tag', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'tag', 'span' },
+ -- tag is only supposed to return the new (inner) node
+ expect = { '<span></span>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', 'bar' },
+ expect = { '<div foo="bar"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (nil noop)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', nil },
+ expect = { '<div></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (table 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = 'bar' } },
+ expect = { '<div foo="bar"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (table 2)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', testAttrs },
+ expect = { '<div ab="cd" foo="bar"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid name 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 123, 'bar' },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' (string expected, got number)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid name 2)', func = testHelper,
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', '§§§§', 'foo' },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' (invalid attribute name '§§§§')"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (table no value)', func = testHelper,
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = 'bar' }, 'foo' },
+ expect = "bad argument #2 to 'attr' (if argument #1 is a table, argument #2 must be left empty)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', true },
+ expect = "bad argument #2 to 'attr' (string, number or nil expected, got boolean)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = {} } },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
+ '(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 2)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { 1, 2 ,3 } },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
+ '(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 3)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { foo = 'bar', blah = true } },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
+ '(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (invalid table 4)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', { [{}] = 'foo' } },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'attr' " ..
+ '(table keys must be strings, and values must be strings or numbers)'
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.getAttr (nil)', func = testHelper,
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'getAttr', 'foo' },
+ expect = { nil }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.getAttr (invalid name)', func = testHelper,
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'getAttr', 123 },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'getAttr' (string expected, got number)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.addClass', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass', 'foo' },
+ expect = { '<div class="foo"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.addClass (numeric argument)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass', 123 },
+ expect = { '<div class="123"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.addClass (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass', {} },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'addClass' (string, number or nil expected, got table)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'foo', 'bar' },
+ expect = { '<div style="foo:bar"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (numeric arguments)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 123, 456 },
+ expect = { '<div style="123:456"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (nil noop)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'foo', nil },
+ expect = { '<div></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (invalid name 1)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', function() end, 'bar' },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'css' (string or number expected, got function)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (table no value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', {}, 'bar' },
+ expect = "bad argument #2 to 'css' (if argument #1 is a table, argument #2 must be left empty)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'foo', {} },
+ expect = "bad argument #2 to 'css' (string, number or nil expected, got table)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (table)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', testAttrs },
+ expect = { '<div style="ab:cd;foo:bar"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (invalid table)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', { foo = 'bar', ab = true } },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'css' " ..
+ '(table keys and values must be strings or numbers)'
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.cssText', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', 'Unit tests, ftw' },
+ expect = { '<div style="Unit tests, ftw"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.cssText (numeric argument)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', 123 },
+ expect = { '<div style="123"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.cssText (invalid value)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', {} },
+ expect = "bad argument #1 to 'cssText' (string, number or nil expected, got table)"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html attribute escaping (value with double quotes)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', 'ble"rgh' },
+ expect = { '<div foo="ble&quot;rgh"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html attribute escaping 1', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', 'ble<rgh' },
+ expect = { '<div foo="ble&lt;rgh"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html attribute escaping 2', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'attr', 'foo', '<ble"&rgh>' },
+ expect = { '<div foo="&lt;ble&quot;&amp;rgh&gt;"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html attribute escaping (CSS)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'css', 'mu"ha', 'ha"ha' },
+ expect = { '<div style="mu&quot;ha:ha&quot;ha"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html attribute escaping (CSS raw)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText', 'mu"ha:-ha"ha' },
+ expect = { '<div style="mu&quot;ha:-ha&quot;ha"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.addClass (nil)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'addClass' },
+ expect = { '<div></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.cssText (nil)', func = testHelper, type='ToString',
+ args = { getEmptyTestDiv(), 'cssText' },
+ expect = { '<div></div>' }
+ },
+ -- Tests defined above
+ { name = 'mw.html.addClass (twice) ', func = testMultiAddClass, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div class="foo bar"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css.cssText.css', func = testCssAndCssText, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div style="foo:bar;abc:def;g:h"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.tag (using done)', func = testTagDone, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div><span></span></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.node (using done)', func = testNodeDone, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div><div></div></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.node (self closing, using done)', func = testNodeSelfClosingDone, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div><br /></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.node (append to self closing)', func = testNodeAppendToSelfClosing, type='ToString',
+ expect = "self-closing tags can't have child nodes"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.wikitext (append to self closing)', func = testWikitextAppendToSelfClosing, type='ToString',
+ expect = "self-closing tags can't have child nodes"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.tag.node (using allDone)', func = testTagNodeAllDone, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div><p><div></div></p></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (overrides)', func = testAttributeOverride, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div good="Wikibase"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.attr (removal)', func = testAttributeRemoval, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.getAttr', func = testGetAttribute, type='ToString',
+ expect = { 'Berlin' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.getAttr (escaping)', func = testGetAttributeEscaping, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<ble"&rgh>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.create (empty string)', func = testCreateWithValue, type='ToString',
+ args = {''},
+ expect = { 'foo<div a="b"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.create (nil)', func = testCreateWithValue, type='ToString',
+ args = {nil},
+ expect = { 'foo<div a="b"></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html.css (removal)', func = testCssRemoval, type='ToString',
+ expect = { '<div></div>' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html complex test', func = testComplex, type='ToString',
+ expect = {
+ '<div class="firstClass" what="ever"><meh whynot="Русский"><hr a="b" /></meh>' ..
+ '<hr /><div abc="def" style="width:-1px"></div></div>'
+ }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.html strip marker test', func = testStripMarker, type='ToString',
+ expect = { 'ok' }
+ },
+return testframework.getTestProvider( tests )