path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/CommonTests.lua
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authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/CommonTests.lua
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/CommonTests.lua')
1 files changed, 387 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/CommonTests.lua b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/CommonTests.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fef18edf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/tests/phpunit/engines/LuaCommon/CommonTests.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+local testframework = require 'Module:TestFramework'
+local test = {}
+function test.clone1()
+ local x = 1
+ local y = mw.clone( x )
+ return ( x == y )
+function test.clone2()
+ local x = { 'a' }
+ local y = mw.clone( x )
+ assert( x ~= y )
+ return testframework.deepEquals( x, y )
+function test.clone2b()
+ local x = { 'a' }
+ local y = mw.clone( x )
+ assert( x ~= y )
+ y[2] = 'b'
+ return testframework.deepEquals( x, y )
+function test.clone3()
+ local mt = { __add = function() end }
+ local x = {}
+ setmetatable( x, mt )
+ local y = mw.clone( x )
+ assert( getmetatable( x ) ~= getmetatable( y ) )
+ return testframework.deepEquals( getmetatable( x ), getmetatable( y ) )
+function test.clone4()
+ local x = {}
+ x.x = x
+ local y = mw.clone( x )
+ assert( x ~= y )
+ return y == y.x
+function test.setfenv1()
+ setfenv( 0, {} )
+function test.setfenv2()
+ setfenv( 1000, {} )
+function test.setfenv3()
+ local function jailbreak()
+ setfenv( 2, {} )
+ end
+ local new_setfenv, new_getfenv = mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncsForTest( { [_G] = true }, {} )
+ setfenv( jailbreak, {setfenv = new_setfenv} )
+ jailbreak()
+function test.setfenv4()
+ -- Set an unprotected environment at a higher stack level than a protected
+ -- environment. It's assumed that any higher-level environment will protect
+ -- itself with its own setfenv wrapper, so this succeeds.
+ local function level3()
+ local protected = {setfenv = setfenv, getfenv = getfenv, mw = mw}
+ local function level2()
+ local function level1()
+ setfenv( 3, {} )
+ end
+ local env = {}
+ env.setfenv, env.getfenv = mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncsForTest(
+ {[protected] = true}, {} )
+ setfenv( level1, env )()
+ end
+ setfenv( level2, protected )()
+ end
+ local unprotected = {setfenv = setfenv, getfenv = getfenv, mw = mw}
+ setfenv( level3, unprotected )()
+ assert( getfenv( level3 ) ~= unprotected )
+ return 'ok'
+function test.setfenv5()
+ local function allowed()
+ (function() setfenv( 2, {} ) end )()
+ end
+ local new_setfenv, new_getfenv = mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncsForTest( { [_G] = true }, {} )
+ setfenv( allowed, {setfenv = new_setfenv} )()
+ return 'ok'
+function test.setfenv6()
+ local function target() end
+ local function jailbreak()
+ setfenv( target, {} )
+ end
+ local new_setfenv, new_getfenv = mw.makeProtectedEnvFuncsForTest( {}, { [target] = true } )
+ setfenv( jailbreak, {setfenv = new_setfenv} )()
+function test.setfenv7()
+ setfenv( {}, {} )
+function test.getfenv1()
+ assert( getfenv( 1 ) == _G )
+ return 'ok'
+function test.getfenv2()
+ getfenv( 0 )
+function test.getfenv3()
+ local function foo()
+ return getfenv( 2 )
+ end
+ local function bar()
+ return foo()
+ end
+ -- The "at level #" bit varies between environments, so
+ -- catch the error and strip that part out
+ local ok, err = pcall( bar )
+ if not ok then
+ err = string.gsub( err, '^%S+:%d+: ', '' )
+ err = string.gsub( err, ' at level %d$', '' )
+ error( err )
+ end
+function test.executeExpensiveCalls( n )
+ for i = 1, n do
+ mw.incrementExpensiveFunctionCount()
+ end
+ return 'Did not error out'
+function test.stringMetatableHidden1()
+ return getmetatable( "" )
+function test.stringMetatableHidden2()
+ = 42
+ return ("").foo
+local pairs_test_table = {}
+setmetatable( pairs_test_table, {
+ __pairs = function () return 1, 2, 3, 'ignore' end,
+ __ipairs = function () return 4, 5, 6, 'ignore' end,
+} )
+function test.noLeaksViaPackageLoaded()
+ assert( package.loaded.debug == debug, "package.loaded.debug ~= debug" )
+ assert( package.loaded.string == string, "package.loaded.string ~= string" )
+ assert( package.loaded.math == math, "package.loaded.math ~= math" )
+ assert( == io, " ~= io" )
+ assert( package.loaded.os == os, "package.loaded.os ~= os" )
+ assert( package.loaded.table == table, "package.loaded.table ~= table" )
+ assert( package.loaded._G == _G , "package.loaded._G ~= _G " )
+ assert( package.loaded.coroutine == coroutine, "package.loaded.coroutine ~= coroutine" )
+ assert( package.loaded.package == package, "package.loaded.package ~= package" )
+ return 'ok'
+test.loadData = {}
+function test.loadData.get( ... )
+ local d = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ for i = 1, select( '#', ... ) do
+ local k = select( i, ... )
+ d = d[k]
+ end
+ return d
+function test.loadData.set( v, ... )
+ local d = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ local n = select( '#', ... )
+ for i = 1, n - 1 do
+ local k = select( i, ... )
+ d = d[k]
+ end
+ d[select( n, ... )] = v
+ return d[select( n, ... )]
+function test.loadData.recursion()
+ local d = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ return d == d.t, d.t == d.t.t, d.table2 == d.table
+function test.loadData.iterate( func )
+ local d = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ local ret = {}
+ for k, v in func( d.table ) do
+ ret[k] = v
+ end
+ return ret
+function test.loadData.setmetatable()
+ local d = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ setmetatable( d, {} )
+ return 'setmetatable succeeded'
+function test.loadData.rawset()
+ -- We can't easily prevent rawset (and it's not worth trying to redefine
+ -- it), but we can make sure it doesn't affect other instances of the data
+ local d1 = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ local d2 = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ rawset( d1, 'str', 'ugh' )
+ local d3 = mw.loadData( 'Module:CommonTests-data' )
+ return d1.str, d2.str, d3.str
+return testframework.getTestProvider( {
+ { name = 'clone', func = test.clone1,
+ expect = { true },
+ },
+ { name = 'clone table', func = test.clone2,
+ expect = { true },
+ },
+ { name = 'clone table then modify', func = test.clone2b,
+ expect = { false, { 2 }, nil, 'b' },
+ },
+ { name = 'clone table with metatable', func = test.clone3,
+ expect = { true },
+ },
+ { name = 'clone recursive table', func = test.clone4,
+ expect = { true },
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv global', func = test.setfenv1,
+ expect = "'setfenv' cannot set the global environment, it is protected",
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv invalid level', func = test.setfenv2,
+ expect = "'setfenv' cannot set an environment at a level greater than 10",
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv invalid environment', func = test.setfenv3,
+ expect = "'setfenv' cannot set the requested environment, it is protected",
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv on unprotected past protected', func = test.setfenv4,
+ expect = { 'ok' },
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv from inside protected', func = test.setfenv5,
+ expect = { 'ok' },
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv protected function', func = test.setfenv6,
+ expect = "'setfenv' cannot be called on a protected function",
+ },
+ { name = 'setfenv on a non-function', func = test.setfenv7,
+ expect = "'setfenv' can only be called with a function or integer as the first argument",
+ },
+ { name = 'getfenv(1)', func = test.getfenv1,
+ expect = { 'ok' },
+ },
+ { name = 'getfenv(0)', func = test.getfenv2,
+ expect = "'getfenv' cannot get the global environment",
+ },
+ { name = 'getfenv with tail call', func = test.getfenv3,
+ expect = "no function environment for tail call",
+ },
+ { name = 'Not quite too many expensive function calls',
+ func = test.executeExpensiveCalls, args = { 10 },
+ expect = { 'Did not error out' }
+ },
+ { name = 'Too many expensive function calls',
+ func = test.executeExpensiveCalls, args = { 11 },
+ expect = 'too many expensive function calls'
+ },
+ { name = 'string metatable is hidden', func = test.stringMetatableHidden1,
+ expect = { nil }
+ },
+ { name = 'string is not string metatable', func = test.stringMetatableHidden2,
+ expect = { nil }
+ },
+ { name = 'pairs with __pairs',
+ func = pairs, args = { pairs_test_table },
+ expect = { 1, 2, 3 },
+ },
+ { name = 'ipairs with __ipairs',
+ func = ipairs, args = { pairs_test_table },
+ expect = { 4, 5, 6 },
+ },
+ { name = 'package.loaded does not leak references to out-of-environment objects',
+ func = test.noLeaksViaPackageLoaded,
+ expect = { 'ok' },
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, returning non-table',
+ func = mw.loadData, args = { 'Module:CommonTests-data-fail1' },
+ expect = "Module:CommonTests-data-fail1 returned string, table expected",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, containing function',
+ func = mw.loadData, args = { 'Module:CommonTests-data-fail2' },
+ expect = "data for mw.loadData contains unsupported data type 'function'",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, containing table-with-metatable',
+ func = mw.loadData, args = { 'Module:CommonTests-data-fail3' },
+ expect = "data for mw.loadData contains a table with a metatable",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, containing function as key',
+ func = mw.loadData, args = { 'Module:CommonTests-data-fail4' },
+ expect = "data for mw.loadData contains unsupported data type 'function'",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, containing table-with-metatable as key',
+ func = mw.loadData, args = { 'Module:CommonTests-data-fail5' },
+ expect = "data for mw.loadData contains a table as a key",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (true)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'true' },
+ expect = { true }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (false)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'false' },
+ expect = { false }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (NaN)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'NaN' },
+ expect = { 0/0 }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (inf)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'inf' },
+ expect = { 1/0 }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (num)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'num' },
+ expect = { 12.5 }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (str)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'str' },
+ expect = { 'foo bar' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (table.2)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 'table', 2 },
+ expect = { 'two' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter (t.t.t.t.str)',
+ func = test.loadData.get, args = { 't', 't', 't', 't', 'str' },
+ expect = { 'foo bar' }
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, getter recursion',
+ func = test.loadData.recursion,
+ expect = { true, true, true },
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, pairs',
+ func = test.loadData.iterate, args = { pairs },
+ expect = { { 'one', 'two', 'three', foo = 'bar' } },
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, ipairs',
+ func = test.loadData.iterate, args = { ipairs },
+ expect = { { 'one', 'two', 'three' } },
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, setmetatable',
+ func = test.loadData.setmetatable,
+ expect = "cannot change a protected metatable"
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, setter (1)',
+ func = test.loadData.set, args = { 'ugh', 'str' },
+ expect = "table from mw.loadData is read-only",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, setter (2)',
+ func = test.loadData.set, args = { 'ugh', 'table', 2 },
+ expect = "table from mw.loadData is read-only",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, setter (3)',
+ func = test.loadData.set, args = { 'ugh', 't' },
+ expect = "table from mw.loadData is read-only",
+ },
+ { name = 'mw.loadData, rawset',
+ func = test.loadData.rawset,
+ expect = { 'ugh', 'foo bar', 'foo bar' },
+ },
+} )