path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/ustring/make-normalization-table.php
diff options
authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/ustring/make-normalization-table.php
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/ustring/make-normalization-table.php')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/ustring/make-normalization-table.php b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/ustring/make-normalization-table.php
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f35ff7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/ustring/make-normalization-table.php
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+if ( PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && PHP_SAPI !== 'phpdbg' ) {
+ die( "This script may only be executed from the command line.\n" );
+$datafile = null;
+if ( count( $argv ) > 1 ) {
+ $datafile = $argv[1];
+ if ( !file_exists( $datafile ) ) {
+ die( "The specified file '$datafile' does not exist\n" );
+ }
+} else {
+ foreach ( [
+ __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../core/vendor/wikimedia/utfnormal/src/',
+ __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../vendor/wikimedia/utfnormal/src/',
+ ] as $tryfile ) {
+ $tryfile = realpath( $tryfile );
+ if ( file_exists( $tryfile ) ) {
+ $datafile = $tryfile;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$datafile ) {
+ die( "Cannot find Please specify the path explicitly.\n" );
+ }
+$datafileK = null;
+if ( count( $argv ) > 2 ) {
+ $datafileK = $argv[2];
+ if ( !file_exists( $datafileK ) ) {
+ die( "The specified file '$datafileK' does not exist\n" );
+ }
+} else {
+ foreach ( [
+ dirname( $datafile ) . '/',
+ __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../core/vendor/wikimedia/utfnormal/src/',
+ __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../vendor/wikimedia/utfnormal/src/',
+ ] as $tryfile ) {
+ $tryfile = realpath( $tryfile );
+ if ( file_exists( $tryfile ) ) {
+ $datafileK = $tryfile;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !$datafileK ) {
+ die( "Cannot find Please specify the path explicitly.\n" );
+ }
+class UtfNormal {
+ public static $utfCheckNFC = null;
+ public static $utfCombiningClass = null;
+ public static $utfCanonicalDecomp = null;
+ public static $utfCanonicalComp = null;
+ public static $utfCompatibilityDecomp = null;
+class_alias( UtfNormal::class, \UtfNormal\Validator::class );
+echo "Loading data file $datafile...\n";
+require_once $datafile;
+echo "Loading data file $datafileK...\n";
+require_once $datafileK;
+if ( !UtfNormal::$utfCheckNFC ||
+ !UtfNormal::$utfCombiningClass ||
+ !UtfNormal::$utfCanonicalDecomp ||
+ !UtfNormal::$utfCanonicalComp
+) {
+ die( "Data file $datafile did not contain needed data.\n" );
+if ( !UtfNormal::$utfCompatibilityDecomp ) {
+ die( "Data file $datafileK did not contain needed data.\n" );
+// @codingStandardsIgnoreLine MediaWiki.NamingConventions.PrefixedGlobalFunctions
+function uord( $c, $firstOnly ) {
+ $ret = unpack( 'N*', mb_convert_encoding( $c, 'UTF-32BE', 'UTF-8' ) );
+ return $firstOnly ? $ret[1] : $ret;
+echo "Creating normalization table...\n";
+$X = fopen( __DIR__ . '/normalization-data.lua', 'w' );
+if ( !$X ) {
+ die( "Failed to open normalization-data.lua\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "-- This file is automatically generated by make-normalization-table.php\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "local normal = {\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- Characters that might change depending on the following combiner\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- (minus any that are themselves combiners, those are added later)\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\tcheck = {\n" );
+foreach ( UtfNormal::$utfCheckNFC as $k => $v ) {
+ if ( isset( UtfNormal::$utfCombiningClass[$k] ) ) {
+ // Skip, because it's in the other table already
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t[0x%06x] = 1,\n", uord( $k, true ) );
+fprintf( $X, "\t},\n\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- Combining characters, mapped to combining class\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\tcombclass = {\n" );
+$comb = [];
+foreach ( UtfNormal::$utfCombiningClass as $k => $v ) {
+ $cp = uord( $k, true );
+ $comb[$cp] = 1;
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t[0x%06x] = %d,\n", $cp, $v );
+fprintf( $X, "\t},\n\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- Characters mapped to what they decompose to\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- Note Hangul to Jamo is done separately below\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\tdecomp = {\n" );
+foreach ( UtfNormal::$utfCanonicalDecomp as $k => $v ) {
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t[0x%06x] = { ", uord( $k, true ) );
+ $fmt = "0x%06x";
+ foreach ( uord( $v, false ) as $c ) {
+ fprintf( $X, $fmt, $c );
+ $fmt = ", 0x%06x";
+ }
+ fprintf( $X, " },\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t},\n\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\tdecompK = {\n" );
+foreach ( UtfNormal::$utfCompatibilityDecomp as $k => $v ) {
+ if ( isset( UtfNormal::$utfCanonicalDecomp[$k] ) && UtfNormal::$utfCanonicalDecomp[$k] === $v ) {
+ // Skip duplicates
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t[0x%06x] = { ", uord( $k, true ) );
+ $fmt = "0x%06x";
+ foreach ( uord( $v, false ) as $c ) {
+ fprintf( $X, $fmt, $c );
+ $fmt = ", 0x%06x";
+ }
+ fprintf( $X, " },\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t},\n\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- Character-pairs mapped to what they compose to\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t-- Note Jamo to Hangul is done separately below\n" );
+$t = [];
+foreach ( UtfNormal::$utfCanonicalComp as $k => $v ) {
+ $k = uord( $k, false );
+ if ( count( $k ) == 1 ) {
+ // No idea why these are in the file
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( isset( $comb[$k[1]] ) ) {
+ // Non-starter, no idea why these are in the file either
+ continue;
+ }
+ $t[$k[1]][$k[2]] = uord( $v, true );
+fprintf( $X, "\tcomp = {\n" );
+ksort( $t );
+foreach ( $t as $k1 => $v1 ) {
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t[0x%06x] = {\n", $k1 );
+ ksort( $v1 );
+ foreach ( $v1 as $k2 => $v2 ) {
+ if ( $k2 < 0 ) {
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t\t[-1] = 0x%06x,\n", $v2 );
+ } else {
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t\t[0x%06x] = 0x%06x,\n", $k2, $v2 );
+ }
+ }
+ fprintf( $X, "\t\t},\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\t},\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "}\n" );
+fprintf( $X, "\n%s\n", <<<LUA
+-- All combining characters need to be checked, so just do that
+setmetatable( normal.check, { __index = normal.combclass } )
+-- Handle Hangul to Jamo decomposition
+setmetatable( normal.decomp, { __index = function ( _, k )
+ if k >= 0xac00 and k <= 0xd7a3 then
+ -- Decompose a Hangul syllable into Jamo
+ k = k - 0xac00
+ local ret = {
+ 0x1100 + math.floor( k / 588 ),
+ 0x1161 + math.floor( ( k % 588 ) / 28 )
+ }
+ if k % 28 ~= 0 then
+ ret[3] = 0x11a7 + ( k % 28 )
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ return nil
+end } )
+-- Handle Jamo to Hangul composition
+local jamo_l_v_mt = { __index = function ( t, k )
+ if k >= 0x1161 and k <= 0x1175 then
+ -- Jamo leading + Jamo vowel
+ return t.base + 28 * ( k - 0x1161 )
+ end
+ return nil
+end }
+local hangul_jamo_mt = { __index = function ( t, k )
+ if k >= 0x11a7 and k <= 0x11c2 then
+ -- Hangul + jamo final
+ return t.base + k - 0x11a7
+ end
+ return nil
+end }
+setmetatable( normal.comp, { __index = function ( t, k )
+ if k >= 0x1100 and k <= 0x1112 then
+ -- Jamo leading, return a second table that combines with a Jamo vowel
+ local t2 = { base = 0xac00 + 588 * ( k - 0x1100 ) }
+ setmetatable( t2, jamo_l_v_mt )
+ t[k] = t2 -- cache it
+ return t2
+ elseif k >= 0xac00 and k <= 0xd7a3 and k % 28 == 16 then
+ -- Hangul. "k % 28 == 16" picks out just the ones that are
+ -- Jamo leading + vowel, no final. Return a second table that combines
+ -- with a Jamo final.
+ local t2 = { base = k }
+ setmetatable( t2, hangul_jamo_mt )
+ t[k] = t2 -- cache it
+ return t2
+ end
+ return nil
+end } )
+-- Compatibility decomposition falls back to the normal decomposition
+setmetatable( normal.decompK, { __index = normal.decomp } )
+return normal
+fclose( $X );