path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.uri.lua
diff options
authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.uri.lua
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.uri.lua')
1 files changed, 623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.uri.lua b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.uri.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ff00eae8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.uri.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+local uri = {}
+local urifuncs = {}
+local urimt = {}
+local php
+local util = require 'libraryUtil'
+local checkType = util.checkType
+local checkTypeForIndex = util.checkTypeForIndex
+function uri.setupInterface( options )
+ -- Boilerplate
+ uri.setupInterface = nil
+ php = mw_interface
+ mw_interface = nil
+ -- Store options
+ php.options = options
+ -- Register this library in the "mw" global
+ mw = mw or {}
+ mw.uri = uri
+ package.loaded['mw.uri'] = uri
+local function rawencode( s, space )
+ space = space or '%20'
+ local ret = string.gsub( s, '([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-])', function ( c )
+ if c == ' ' then
+ return space
+ else
+ return string.format( '%%%02X', string.byte( c, 1, 1 ) )
+ end
+ end );
+ return ret
+local function wikiencode( s )
+ local ret = string.gsub( s, '([^a-zA-Z0-9!$()*,./:;@~_-])', function ( c )
+ if c == ' ' then
+ return '_'
+ else
+ return string.format( '%%%02X', string.byte( c, 1, 1 ) )
+ end
+ end );
+ return ret
+local function rawdecode( s )
+ local ret = string.gsub( s, '%%(%x%x)', function ( hex )
+ return string.char( tonumber( hex, 16 ) )
+ end );
+ return ret
+function uri.encode( s, enctype )
+ checkType( 'encode', 1, s, 'string' )
+ enctype = string.upper( enctype or 'QUERY' )
+ if enctype == 'QUERY' then
+ return rawencode( s, '+' )
+ elseif enctype == 'PATH' then
+ return rawencode( s, '%20' )
+ elseif enctype == 'WIKI' then
+ return wikiencode( s )
+ else
+ error( "bad argument #2 to 'encode' (expected QUERY, PATH, or WIKI)", 2 )
+ end
+function uri.decode( s, enctype )
+ checkType( 'decode', 1, s, 'string' )
+ enctype = string.upper( enctype or 'QUERY' )
+ if enctype == 'QUERY' then
+ return rawdecode( string.gsub( s, '%+', ' ' ) )
+ elseif enctype == 'PATH' then
+ return rawdecode( s )
+ elseif enctype == 'WIKI' then
+ return rawdecode( string.gsub( s, '_', ' ' ) )
+ else
+ error( "bad argument #2 to 'decode' (expected QUERY, PATH, or WIKI)", 2 )
+ end
+function uri.anchorEncode( s )
+ checkType( 'anchorEncode', 1, s, 'string' )
+ return php.anchorEncode( s )
+function uri.localUrl( page, query )
+ checkType( 'localurl', 1, page, 'string' )
+ if query ~= nil and type( query ) ~= 'string' and type( query ) ~= 'table' then
+ checkType( 'localurl', 2, query, 'string or table' )
+ end
+ local url = php.localUrl( page, query )
+ if not url then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return url )
+function uri.fullUrl( page, query )
+ checkType( 'fullurl', 1, page, 'string' )
+ if query ~= nil and type( query ) ~= 'string' and type( query ) ~= 'table' then
+ checkType( 'fullurl', 2, query, 'string or table' )
+ end
+ local url = php.fullUrl( page, query )
+ if not url then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return url )
+function uri.canonicalUrl( page, query )
+ checkType( 'canonicalurl', 1, page, 'string' )
+ if query ~= nil and type( query ) ~= 'string' and type( query ) ~= 'table' then
+ checkType( 'canonicalurl', 2, query, 'string or table' )
+ end
+ local url = php.canonicalUrl( page, query )
+ if not url then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return url )
+function s )
+ if s == nil or type( s ) == 'string' then
+ local obj = {
+ -- Yes, technically all this does nothing.
+ protocol = nil,
+ user = nil,
+ password = nil,
+ host = nil,
+ port = nil,
+ path = nil,
+ query = nil,
+ fragment = nil,
+ }
+ setmetatable( obj, urimt )
+ obj:parse( s or php.options.defaultUrl )
+ return obj
+ elseif type( s ) == 'table' then
+ local obj = {
+ protocol = s.protocol,
+ user = s.user,
+ password = s.password,
+ host =,
+ port = s.port,
+ path = s.path,
+ query = mw.clone( s.query ),
+ fragment = s.fragment,
+ }
+ setmetatable( obj, urimt )
+ return obj
+ else
+ checkType( 'new', 1, s, 'string or table or nil' )
+ end
+function uri.validate( obj )
+ checkType( 'validate', 1, obj, 'table' )
+ local err = {}
+ if obj.protocol then
+ if type( obj.protocol ) ~= 'string' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.protocol must be a string, not ' .. type( obj.protocol )
+ elseif not string.match( obj.protocol, '^[^:/?#]+$' ) then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .protocol'
+ end
+ end
+ if obj.user then
+ if type( obj.user ) ~= 'string' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.user must be a string, not ' .. type( obj.user )
+ elseif not string.match( obj.user, '^[^:@/?#]*$' ) then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .user'
+ end
+ end
+ if obj.password then
+ if type( obj.password ) ~= 'string' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.password must be a string, not ' .. type( obj.password )
+ elseif not string.match( obj.password, '^[^:@/?#]*$' ) then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .password'
+ end
+ end
+ if then
+ if type( ) ~= 'string' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.host must be a string, not ' .. type( )
+ elseif not string.match(, '^[^:/?#]*$' ) then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .host'
+ end
+ end
+ if obj.port then
+ if type( obj.port ) ~= 'number' or math.floor( obj.port ) ~= obj.port then
+ err[#err+1] = '.port must be an integer, not ' .. type( obj.port )
+ elseif obj.port < 1 or obj.port > 65535 then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .port'
+ end
+ end
+ local authority = obj.user or obj.password or or obj.port
+ if not obj.path then
+ err[#err+1] = 'missing .path'
+ elseif type( obj.path ) ~= 'string' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.path must be a string, not ' .. type( obj.path )
+ elseif authority and not ( obj.path == '' or string.match( obj.path, '^/[^?#]*$' ) ) then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .path'
+ elseif not authority and not (
+ obj.path == '' or
+ obj.path == '/' or
+ string.match( obj.path, '^/[^?#/][^?#]*$' ) or
+ obj.protocol and string.match( obj.path, '^[^?#/][^?#]*$' ) or
+ not obj.protocol and string.match( obj.path, '^[^?#/:]+$' ) or
+ not obj.protocol and string.match( obj.path, '^[^?#/:]+/[^?#]*$' )
+ ) then
+ err[#err+1] = 'invalid .path'
+ end
+ if obj.query and type( obj.query ) ~= 'table' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.query must be a table, not ' .. type( obj.query )
+ end
+ if obj.fragment and type( obj.fragment ) ~= 'string' then
+ err[#err+1] = '.fragment must be a string, not ' .. type( obj.fragment )
+ end
+ return #err == 0, table.concat( err, '; ' )
+-- Lua tables are unsorted, but we want to preserve the insertion order.
+-- So, track the insertion order explicitly.
+local function makeQueryTable()
+ local ret = {}
+ local keys = {}
+ local seenkeys = {}
+ setmetatable( ret, {
+ __newindex = function ( t, k, v )
+ if seenkeys[k] and not t[k] then
+ for i = 1, #keys do
+ if keys[i] == k then
+ table.remove( keys, i )
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ seenkeys[k] = 1
+ keys[#keys+1] = k
+ rawset( t, k, v )
+ end,
+ __pairs = function ( t )
+ local i, l = 0, #keys
+ return function ()
+ while i < l do
+ i = i + 1
+ local k = keys[i]
+ if t[k] ~= nil then
+ return k, t[k]
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ } )
+ return ret
+function uri.parseQueryString( s, i, j )
+ checkType( 'parseQueryString', 1, s, 'string' )
+ checkType( 'parseQueryString', 2, i, 'number', true )
+ checkType( 'parseQueryString', 3, j, 'number', true )
+ s = string.gsub( string.sub( s, i or 1, j or -1 ), '%+', ' ' )
+ i = 1
+ j = string.len( s )
+ local qs = makeQueryTable()
+ if string.sub( s, i, 1 ) == '?' then
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ while i <= j do
+ local amp = string.find( s, '&', i, true )
+ if not amp or amp > j then
+ amp = j + 1
+ end
+ local eq = string.find( s, '=', i, true )
+ local k, v
+ if not eq or eq > amp then
+ k = rawdecode( string.sub( s, i, amp - 1 ) )
+ v = false
+ else
+ k = rawdecode( string.sub( s, i, eq - 1 ) )
+ v = rawdecode( string.sub( s, eq + 1, amp - 1 ) )
+ end
+ if qs[k] then
+ if type( qs[k] ) ~= 'table' then
+ qs[k] = { qs[k], v }
+ else
+ table.insert( qs[k], v )
+ end
+ else
+ qs[k] = v
+ end
+ i = amp + 1
+ end
+ return qs
+function uri.buildQueryString( qs )
+ checkType( 'buildQueryString', 1, qs, 'table' )
+ local t = {}
+ for k, v in pairs( qs ) do
+ if type( v ) ~= 'table' then
+ v = { v }
+ end
+ for i = 1, #v do
+ t[#t+1] = '&'
+ t[#t+1] = rawencode( k, '+' )
+ if v[i] then
+ t[#t+1] = '='
+ t[#t+1] = rawencode( v[i], '+' )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat( t, '', 2 )
+-- Fields mapped to whether they're handled by __index
+local knownFields = {
+ protocol = false,
+ user = false,
+ password = false,
+ host = false,
+ port = false,
+ path = false,
+ query = false,
+ fragment = false,
+ userInfo = true,
+ hostPort = true,
+ authority = true,
+ queryString = true,
+ relativePath = true,
+local function pairsfunc( t, k )
+ local v, f
+ repeat
+ k, f = next( knownFields, k )
+ if k == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if f then
+ v = t[k]
+ else
+ v = rawget( t, k )
+ end
+ until v ~= nil
+ return k, v
+function urimt:__pairs()
+ return pairsfunc, self, nil
+function urimt:__index( key )
+ if urifuncs[key] then
+ return urifuncs[key]
+ end
+ if key == 'userInfo' then
+ local user = rawget( self, 'user' )
+ local password = rawget( self, 'password' )
+ if user and password then
+ return user .. ':' .. password
+ else
+ return user
+ end
+ end
+ if key == 'hostPort' then
+ local host = rawget( self, 'host' )
+ local port = rawget( self, 'port' )
+ if port then
+ return ( host or '' ) .. ':' .. port
+ else
+ return host
+ end
+ end
+ if key == 'authority' then
+ local info = self.userInfo
+ local hostPort = self.hostPort
+ if info then
+ return info .. '@' .. ( hostPort or '' )
+ else
+ return hostPort
+ end
+ end
+ if key == 'queryString' then
+ local query = rawget( self, 'query' )
+ if not query then
+ return nil
+ end
+ return uri.buildQueryString( query )
+ end
+ if key == 'relativePath' then
+ local ret = rawget( self, 'path' ) or ''
+ local qs = self.queryString
+ if qs then
+ ret = ret .. '?' .. qs
+ end
+ local fragment = rawget( self, 'fragment' )
+ if fragment then
+ ret = ret .. '#' .. fragment
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ return nil
+function urimt:__newindex( key, value )
+ if key == 'userInfo' then
+ local user, password = nil, nil
+ if value then
+ checkTypeForIndex( key, value, 'string' )
+ local i = string.find( value, ':', 1, true )
+ if i then
+ user = string.sub( value, 1, i - 1 )
+ password = string.sub( value, i + 1 )
+ else
+ user = value
+ end
+ end
+ rawset( self, 'user', user )
+ rawset( self, 'password', password )
+ return
+ end
+ if key == 'hostPort' then
+ local host, port = nil, nil
+ if value then
+ checkTypeForIndex( key, value, 'string' )
+ local i = string.find( value, ':', 1, true )
+ if i then
+ host = string.sub( value, 1, i - 1 )
+ port = tonumber( string.sub( value, i + 1 ) )
+ if not port then
+ error( string.format( "Invalid port in '%s'", value ), 2 )
+ end
+ else
+ host = value
+ end
+ end
+ rawset( self, 'host', host )
+ rawset( self, 'port', port )
+ return
+ end
+ if key == 'authority' then
+ if value then
+ checkTypeForIndex( key, value, 'string' )
+ local i = string.find( value, '@', 1, true )
+ if i then
+ self.userInfo = string.sub( value, 1, i - 1 )
+ self.hostPort = string.sub( value, i + 1 )
+ else
+ self.userInfo = nil
+ self.hostPort = value
+ end
+ else
+ self.userInfo = nil
+ self.hostPort = nil
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ if key == 'queryString' then
+ if value then
+ checkTypeForIndex( key, value, 'string' )
+ rawset( self, 'query', uri.parseQueryString( value ) )
+ else
+ rawset( self, 'query', nil )
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ if key == 'relativePath' then
+ local path, query, fragment = nil, nil, nil
+ if value then
+ checkTypeForIndex( key, value, 'string' )
+ local i, j = nil, string.len( value )
+ i = string.find( value, '#', 1, true )
+ if i and i <= j then
+ fragment = string.sub( value, i + 1, j )
+ j = i - 1
+ end
+ i = string.find( value, '?', 1, true )
+ if i and i <= j then
+ query = uri.parseQueryString( string.sub( value, i + 1, j ) )
+ j = i - 1
+ end
+ path = string.sub( value, 1, j )
+ end
+ rawset( self, 'path', path )
+ rawset( self, 'query', query )
+ rawset( self, 'fragment', fragment )
+ return
+ end
+ if knownFields[key] then
+ error( "index '" .. key .. "' is read only", 2 )
+ end
+ -- Default behavior
+ knownFields[key] = false
+ rawset( self, key, value )
+function urimt:__tostring()
+ local ret = ''
+ local protocol = self.protocol
+ local authority = self.authority
+ if protocol then
+ ret = protocol .. ':'
+ end
+ if authority then
+ ret = ret .. '//' .. authority
+ end
+ return ret .. self.relativePath
+urifuncs.validate = uri.validate
+function urifuncs:parse( s )
+ checkType( 'uri:parse', 1, s, 'string' )
+ -- Since Lua's patterns can't do (...)?, we have to try with and without each part.
+ local protocol, authority, relativePath = string.match( s, '^([^:/?#]+)://([^/?#]*)(.*)$' )
+ if not ( protocol or authority or relativePath ) then
+ authority, relativePath = string.match( s, '^//([^/?#]*)(.*)$' )
+ end
+ if not ( protocol or authority or relativePath ) then
+ protocol, relativePath = string.match( s, '^([^:/?#]+):(.*)$' )
+ end
+ if not ( protocol or authority or relativePath ) then
+ relativePath = s
+ end
+ -- Parse it into a temporary object, so if there's an error we didn't break the real one
+ local tmp = { protocol = protocol }
+ setmetatable( tmp, urimt )
+ if not pcall( urimt.__newindex, tmp, 'authority', authority ) then
+ error( 'Invalid port number in string', 2 )
+ end
+ tmp.relativePath = relativePath
+ -- Check for validity
+ local ok, err = uri.validate( tmp )
+ if not ok then
+ error( err, 2 )
+ end
+ -- Merge in fields
+ if tmp.protocol then
+ self.protocol = tmp.protocol
+ end
+ if tmp.user or tmp.password then
+ self.user, self.password = tmp.user, tmp.password
+ end
+ if then
+ =
+ end
+ if tmp.port then
+ self.port = tmp.port
+ end
+ if tmp.path then
+ self.path = tmp.path
+ end
+ if tmp.query then
+ self.query = tmp.query
+ end
+ if tmp.fragment then
+ self.fragment = tmp.fragment
+ end
+ return self
+function urifuncs:clone()
+ return self )
+function urifuncs:extend( parameters )
+ checkType( 'uri:extend', 1, parameters, 'table' )
+ local query = self.query
+ if not query then
+ query = makeQueryTable()
+ self.query = query
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs( parameters ) do
+ query[k] = v
+ end
+ return self
+-- Add all urifuncs as known fields
+for k in pairs( urifuncs ) do
+ knownFields[k] = true
+return uri