path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.title.lua
diff options
authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.title.lua
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.title.lua')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.title.lua b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.title.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5cd72abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.title.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+local title = {}
+local php
+local NS_MEDIA = -2
+local util = require 'libraryUtil'
+local checkType = util.checkType
+local checkTypeForIndex = util.checkTypeForIndex
+local function checkNamespace( name, argIdx, arg )
+ if type( arg ) == 'string' and tostring( tonumber( arg ) ) == arg then
+ arg = tonumber( arg )
+ end
+ if type( arg ) == 'number' then
+ arg = math.floor( arg + 0.5 )
+ if not[arg] then
+ local msg = string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (unrecognized namespace number '%s')",
+ argIdx, name, arg
+ )
+ error( msg, 3 )
+ end
+ elseif type( arg ) == 'string' then
+ local ns =[arg]
+ if not ns then
+ local msg = string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (unrecognized namespace name '%s')",
+ argIdx, name, arg
+ )
+ error( msg, 3 )
+ end
+ arg =
+ else
+ local msg = string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (string or number expected, got %s)",
+ argIdx, name, type( arg )
+ )
+ error( msg, 3 )
+ end
+ return arg
+local function lt( a, b )
+ if a.interwiki ~= b.interwiki then
+ return a.interwiki < b.interwiki
+ end
+ if a.namespace ~= b.namespace then
+ return a.namespace < b.namespace
+ end
+ return a.text < b.text
+local function makeTitleObject( data )
+ if not data then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local obj = {}
+ local checkSelf = util.makeCheckSelfFunction( 'mw.title', 'title', obj, 'title object' );
+ local ns =[data.namespace]
+ data.isContentPage = ns.isContent
+ data.isExternal = data.interwiki ~= ''
+ data.isSpecialPage = data.namespace ==
+ data.isTalkPage = ns.isTalk
+ data.subjectNsText =
+ data.canTalk = ~= nil
+ data.prefixedText = data.text
+ if data.nsText ~= '' then
+ data.prefixedText = string.gsub( data.nsText .. ':' .. data.prefixedText, '_', ' ' )
+ end
+ if data.interwiki ~= '' then
+ data.prefixedText = data.interwiki .. ':' .. data.prefixedText
+ end
+ local firstSlash, lastSlash
+ if ns.hasSubpages then
+ firstSlash, lastSlash = string.match( data.text, '^[^/]*().*()/[^/]*$' )
+ end
+ if firstSlash then
+ data.isSubpage = true
+ data.rootText = string.sub( data.text, 1, firstSlash - 1 )
+ data.baseText = string.sub( data.text, 1, lastSlash - 1 )
+ data.subpageText = string.sub( data.text, lastSlash + 1 )
+ else
+ data.isSubpage = false
+ data.rootText = data.text
+ data.baseText = data.text
+ data.subpageText = data.text
+ end
+ function data:inNamespace( ns )
+ checkSelf( self, 'inNamespace' )
+ ns = checkNamespace( 'inNamespace', 1, ns )
+ return ns == self.namespace
+ end
+ function data:inNamespaces( ... )
+ checkSelf( self, 'inNamespaces' )
+ for i = 1, select( '#', ... ) do
+ local ns = checkNamespace( 'inNamespaces', i, select( i, ... ) )
+ if ns == self.namespace then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ function data:hasSubjectNamespace( ns )
+ checkSelf( self, 'hasSubjectNamespace' )
+ ns = checkNamespace( 'hasSubjectNamespace', 1, ns )
+ return ns ==[self.namespace]
+ end
+ function data:isSubpageOf( title )
+ checkSelf( self, 'isSubpageOf' )
+ checkType( 'isSubpageOf', 1, title, 'table' )
+ return self.interwiki == title.interwiki and
+ self.namespace == title.namespace and
+ title.text .. '/' == string.sub( self.text, 1, #title.text + 1 )
+ end
+ function data:subPageTitle( text )
+ checkSelf( self, 'subpageTitle' )
+ checkType( 'subpageTitle', 1, text, 'string' )
+ return title.makeTitle( data.namespace, data.text .. '/' .. text )
+ end
+ function data:partialUrl()
+ checkSelf( self, 'partialUrl' )
+ return data.thePartialUrl
+ end
+ function data:fullUrl( query, proto )
+ checkSelf( self, 'fullUrl' )
+ return php.getUrl( self.fullText, 'fullUrl', query, proto )
+ end
+ function data:localUrl( query )
+ checkSelf( self, 'localUrl' )
+ return php.getUrl( self.fullText, 'localUrl', query )
+ end
+ function data:canonicalUrl( query )
+ checkSelf( self, 'canonicalUrl' )
+ return php.getUrl( self.fullText, 'canonicalUrl', query )
+ end
+ function data:getContent()
+ checkSelf( self, 'getContent' )
+ local content = php.getContent( self.fullText )
+ data.getContent = function ( self )
+ checkSelf( self, 'getContent' )
+ return content
+ end
+ return content
+ end
+ -- Known fields, both those defined above and any dynamically handled in
+ -- __index. Truthy values represent read-only, and falsey values represent
+ -- read-write. If the value is the string 'e', expensive data will be loaded
+ -- if the field is read.
+ local readOnlyFields = {
+ fragment = false,
+ fullText = true,
+ rootPageTitle = true,
+ basePageTitle = true,
+ talkPageTitle = true,
+ subjectPageTitle = true,
+ fileExists = true,
+ file = true,
+ protectionLevels = true,
+ cascadingProtection = true,
+ exists = 'e',
+ isRedirect = 'e',
+ contentModel = 'e',
+ id = 'e',
+ redirectTarget = true,
+ }
+ for k in pairs( data ) do
+ readOnlyFields[k] = true
+ end
+ local function pairsfunc( t, k )
+ local v
+ repeat
+ k = next( readOnlyFields, k )
+ if k == nil then
+ return nil
+ end
+ v = t[k]
+ until v ~= nil
+ return k, v
+ end
+ return setmetatable( obj, {
+ __eq = title.equals,
+ __lt = lt,
+ __pairs = function ( t )
+ return pairsfunc, t, nil
+ end,
+ __index = function ( t, k )
+ if k == 'exists' and data.namespace == NS_MEDIA then
+ k = 'fileExists'
+ end
+ if readOnlyFields[k] == 'e' and data[k] == nil then
+ for k,v in pairs( php.getExpensiveData( t.fullText ) ) do
+ data[k] = v
+ end
+ end
+ if k == 'fullText' then
+ if data.fragment ~= '' then
+ return data.prefixedText .. '#' .. data.fragment
+ else
+ return data.prefixedText
+ end
+ end
+ if k == 'rootPageTitle' then
+ return title.makeTitle( data.namespace, data.rootText )
+ end
+ if k == 'basePageTitle' then
+ return title.makeTitle( data.namespace, data.baseText )
+ end
+ if k == 'talkPageTitle' then
+ local ns =[data.namespace].talk
+ if not ns then
+ return nil
+ end
+ if == data.namespace then
+ return obj
+ end
+ return title.makeTitle(, data.text )
+ end
+ if k == 'subjectPageTitle' then
+ local ns =[data.namespace].subject
+ if == data.namespace then
+ return obj
+ end
+ return title.makeTitle(, data.text )
+ end
+ if k == 'file' then
+ if data.file == nil then
+ data.file = php.getFileInfo( data.prefixedText )
+ end
+ return data.file or nil
+ end
+ if k == 'fileExists' then -- Kept for backward compatibility. Since 1.25, file.exists is preferred over this
+ return t.file and t.file.exists
+ end
+ if k == 'protectionLevels' then
+ if data.protectionLevels == nil then
+ data.protectionLevels = php.protectionLevels( data.prefixedText )
+ end
+ return data.protectionLevels
+ end
+ if k == 'cascadingProtection' then
+ if data.cascadingProtection == nil then
+ data.cascadingProtection = php.cascadingProtection( data.prefixedText )
+ end
+ return data.cascadingProtection
+ end
+ if k == 'redirectTarget' then
+ if data.redirectTarget == nil then
+ data.redirectTarget = makeTitleObject( php.redirectTarget( data.prefixedText ) ) or false
+ end
+ return data.redirectTarget
+ end
+ return data[k]
+ end,
+ __newindex = function ( t, k, v )
+ if k == 'fragment' then
+ checkTypeForIndex( k, v, 'string' )
+ v = string.gsub( v, '[%s_]+', ' ' )
+ v = string.gsub( v, '^(.-) ?$', '%1' )
+ data[k] = v
+ elseif readOnlyFields[k] then
+ error( "index '" .. k .. "' is read only", 2 )
+ else
+ readOnlyFields[k] = v and false -- assigns nil if v == nil, false otherwise
+ rawset( t, k, v )
+ end
+ end,
+ __tostring = function ( t )
+ return t.prefixedText
+ end
+ } )
+function title.setupInterface( options )
+ -- Boilerplate
+ title.setupInterface = nil
+ php = mw_interface
+ mw_interface = nil
+ NS_MEDIA = options.NS_MEDIA
+ -- Set current title
+ title.getCurrentTitle = function ()
+ return makeTitleObject( mw.clone( options.thisTitle ) )
+ end
+ -- Register this library in the "mw" global
+ mw = mw or {}
+ mw.title = title
+ package.loaded['mw.title'] = title
+function text_or_id, defaultNamespace )
+ return makeTitleObject( php.newTitle( text_or_id, defaultNamespace ) )
+function title.makeTitle( ns, title, fragment, interwiki )
+ return makeTitleObject( php.makeTitle( ns, title, fragment, interwiki ) )
+function title.equals( a, b )
+ return a.interwiki == b.interwiki and
+ a.namespace == b.namespace and
+ a.text == b.text
+function a, b )
+ if a.interwiki ~= b.interwiki then
+ return a.interwiki < b.interwiki and -1 or 1
+ end
+ if a.namespace ~= b.namespace then
+ return a.namespace < b.namespace and -1 or 1
+ end
+ if a.text ~= b.text then
+ return a.text < b.text and -1 or 1
+ end
+ return 0
+return title