path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua
diff options
authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..04399662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/mw.text.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+local mwtext = {}
+local php
+local options
+local util = require 'libraryUtil'
+local checkType = util.checkType
+local checkTypeForNamedArg = util.checkTypeForNamedArg
+function mwtext.setupInterface( opts )
+ -- Boilerplate
+ mwtext.setupInterface = nil
+ php = mw_interface
+ mw_interface = nil
+ options = opts
+ -- Register this library in the "mw" global
+ mw = mw or {}
+ mw.text = mwtext
+ package.loaded['mw.text'] = mwtext
+function mwtext.trim( s, charset )
+ charset = charset or '\t\r\n\f '
+ s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, '^[' .. charset .. ']*(.-)[' .. charset .. ']*$', '%1' )
+ return s
+local htmlencode_map = {
+ ['>'] = '&gt;',
+ ['<'] = '&lt;',
+ ['&'] = '&amp;',
+ ['"'] = '&quot;',
+ ["'"] = '&#039;',
+ ['\194\160'] = '&nbsp;',
+local htmldecode_map = {}
+for k, v in pairs( htmlencode_map ) do
+ htmldecode_map[v] = k
+local decode_named_entities = nil
+function mwtext.encode( s, charset )
+ charset = charset or '<>&"\'\194\160'
+ s = mw.ustring.gsub( s, '[' .. charset .. ']', function ( m )
+ if not htmlencode_map[m] then
+ local e = string.format( '&#%d;', mw.ustring.codepoint( m ) )
+ htmlencode_map[m] = e
+ htmldecode_map[e] = m
+ end
+ return htmlencode_map[m]
+ end )
+ return s
+function mwtext.decode( s, decodeNamedEntities )
+ local dec
+ if decodeNamedEntities then
+ if decode_named_entities == nil then
+ decode_named_entities = php.getEntityTable()
+ setmetatable( decode_named_entities, { __index = htmldecode_map } )
+ end
+ dec = decode_named_entities
+ else
+ dec = htmldecode_map
+ end
+ -- string.gsub is safe here, because only ASCII chars are in the pattern
+ s = string.gsub( s, '(&(#?x?)([a-zA-Z0-9]+);)', function ( m, flg, name )
+ if not dec[m] then
+ local n = nil
+ if flg == '#' then
+ n = tonumber( name, 10 )
+ elseif flg == '#x' then
+ n = tonumber( name, 16 )
+ end
+ if n and n <= 0x10ffff then
+ n = mw.ustring.char( n )
+ if n then
+ htmldecode_map[m] = n
+ htmlencode_map[n] = m
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return dec[m]
+ end )
+ return s
+local nowikiRepl1 = {
+ ['"'] = '&#34;',
+ ['&'] = '&#38;',
+ ["'"] = '&#39;',
+ ['<'] = '&#60;',
+ ['='] = '&#61;',
+ ['>'] = '&#62;',
+ ['['] = '&#91;',
+ [']'] = '&#93;',
+ ['{'] = '&#123;',
+ ['|'] = '&#124;',
+ ['}'] = '&#125;',
+local nowikiRepl2 = {
+ ["\n#"] = "\n&#35;", ["\r#"] = "\r&#35;",
+ ["\n*"] = "\n&#42;", ["\r*"] = "\r&#42;",
+ ["\n:"] = "\n&#58;", ["\r:"] = "\r&#58;",
+ ["\n;"] = "\n&#59;", ["\r;"] = "\r&#59;",
+ ["\n "] = "\n&#32;", ["\r "] = "\r&#32;",
+ ["\n\n"] = "\n&#10;", ["\r\n"] = "&#13;\n",
+ ["\n\r"] = "\n&#13;", ["\r\r"] = "\r&#13;",
+ ["\n\t"] = "\n&#9;", ["\r\t"] = "\r&#9;",
+local nowikiReplMagic = {}
+for sp, esc in pairs( {
+ [' '] = '&#32;',
+ ['\t'] = '&#9;',
+ ['\r'] = '&#13;',
+ ['\n'] = '&#10;',
+ ['\f'] = '&#12;',
+} ) do
+ nowikiReplMagic['ISBN' .. sp] = 'ISBN' .. esc
+ nowikiReplMagic['RFC' .. sp] = 'RFC' .. esc
+ nowikiReplMagic['PMID' .. sp] = 'PMID' .. esc
+function mwtext.nowiki( s )
+ -- string.gsub is safe here, because we're only caring about ASCII chars
+ s = string.gsub( s, '["&\'<=>%[%]{|}]', nowikiRepl1 )
+ s = '\n' .. s
+ s = string.gsub( s, '[\r\n][#*:; \n\r\t]', nowikiRepl2 )
+ s = string.gsub( s, '([\r\n])%-%-%-%-', '%1&#45;---' )
+ s = string.sub( s, 2 )
+ s = string.gsub( s, '__', '_&#95;' )
+ s = string.gsub( s, '://', '&#58;//' )
+ s = string.gsub( s, 'ISBN%s', nowikiReplMagic )
+ s = string.gsub( s, 'RFC%s', nowikiReplMagic )
+ s = string.gsub( s, 'PMID%s', nowikiReplMagic )
+ for k, v in pairs( options.nowiki_protocols ) do
+ s = string.gsub( s, k, v )
+ end
+ return s
+function mwtext.tag( name, attrs, content )
+ local named = false
+ if type( name ) == 'table' then
+ named = true
+ name, attrs, content =, name.attrs, name.content
+ checkTypeForNamedArg( 'tag', 'name', name, 'string' )
+ checkTypeForNamedArg( 'tag', 'attrs', attrs, 'table', true )
+ else
+ checkType( 'tag', 1, name, 'string' )
+ checkType( 'tag', 2, attrs, 'table', true )
+ end
+ local ret = { '<' .. name }
+ for k, v in pairs( attrs or {} ) do
+ if type( k ) ~= 'string' then
+ error( "bad named argument attrs to 'tag' (keys must be strings, found " .. type( k ) .. ")", 2 )
+ end
+ if string.match( k, '[\t\r\n\f /<>"\'=]' ) then
+ error( "bad named argument attrs to 'tag' (invalid key '" .. k .. "')", 2 )
+ end
+ local tp = type( v )
+ if tp == 'boolean' then
+ if v then
+ ret[#ret+1] = ' ' .. k
+ end
+ elseif tp == 'string' or tp == 'number' then
+ ret[#ret+1] = string.format( ' %s="%s"', k, mwtext.encode( tostring( v ) ) )
+ else
+ error( "bad named argument attrs to 'tag' (value for key '" .. k .. "' may not be " .. tp .. ")", 2 )
+ end
+ end
+ local tp = type( content )
+ if content == nil then
+ ret[#ret+1] = '>'
+ elseif content == false then
+ ret[#ret+1] = ' />'
+ elseif tp == 'string' or tp == 'number' then
+ ret[#ret+1] = '>'
+ ret[#ret+1] = content
+ ret[#ret+1] = '</' .. name .. '>'
+ else
+ if named then
+ checkTypeForNamedArg( 'tag', 'content', content, 'string, number, nil, or false' )
+ else
+ checkType( 'tag', 3, content, 'string, number, nil, or false' )
+ end
+ end
+ return table.concat( ret )
+function mwtext.unstrip( s )
+ return php.unstrip( s )
+function mwtext.unstripNoWiki( s )
+ return php.unstripNoWiki( s )
+function mwtext.killMarkers( s )
+ return php.killMarkers( s )
+function mwtext.split( text, pattern, plain )
+ local ret = {}
+ for m in mwtext.gsplit( text, pattern, plain ) do
+ ret[#ret+1] = m
+ end
+ return ret
+function mwtext.gsplit( text, pattern, plain )
+ local s, l = 1, mw.ustring.len( text )
+ return function ()
+ if s then
+ local e, n = mw.ustring.find( text, pattern, s, plain )
+ local ret
+ if not e then
+ ret = mw.ustring.sub( text, s )
+ s = nil
+ elseif n < e then
+ -- Empty separator!
+ ret = mw.ustring.sub( text, s, e )
+ if e < l then
+ s = e + 1
+ else
+ s = nil
+ end
+ else
+ ret = e > s and mw.ustring.sub( text, s, e - 1 ) or ''
+ s = n + 1
+ end
+ return ret
+ end
+ end, nil, nil
+function mwtext.listToText( list, separator, conjunction )
+ separator = separator or options.comma
+ conjunction = conjunction or options['and']
+ local n = #list
+ local ret
+ if n > 1 then
+ ret = table.concat( list, separator, 1, n - 1 ) .. conjunction .. list[n]
+ else
+ ret = tostring( list[1] or '' )
+ end
+ return ret
+function mwtext.truncate( text, length, ellipsis, adjustLength )
+ local l = mw.ustring.len( text )
+ if l <= math.abs( length ) then
+ return text
+ end
+ ellipsis = ellipsis or options.ellipsis
+ local elen = 0
+ if adjustLength then
+ elen = mw.ustring.len( ellipsis )
+ end
+ local ret
+ if math.abs( length ) <= elen then
+ ret = ellipsis
+ elseif length > 0 then
+ ret = mw.ustring.sub( text, 1, length - elen ) .. ellipsis
+ else
+ ret = ellipsis .. mw.ustring.sub( text, length + elen )
+ end
+ if mw.ustring.len( ret ) < l then
+ return ret
+ else
+ return text
+ end
+-- Check for stuff that can't even be passed to PHP properly and other stuff
+-- that gives different error messages in different versions of PHP
+local function checkForJsonEncode( t, seen, lvl )
+ local tp = type( t )
+ if tp == 'table' then
+ if seen[t] then
+ error( "mw.text.jsonEncode: Cannot use recursive tables", lvl )
+ end
+ seen[t] = 1
+ for k, v in pairs( t ) do
+ if type( k ) == 'number' then
+ if k >= math.huge or k <= -math.huge then
+ error( string.format( "mw.text.jsonEncode: Cannot use 'inf' as a table key", type( k ) ), lvl )
+ end
+ elseif type( k ) ~= 'string' then
+ error( string.format( "mw.text.jsonEncode: Cannot use type '%s' as a table key", type( k ) ), lvl )
+ end
+ checkForJsonEncode( v, seen, lvl + 1 )
+ end
+ seen[t] = nil
+ elseif tp == 'number' then
+ if t ~= t or t >= math.huge or t <= -math.huge then
+ error( "mw.text.jsonEncode: Cannot encode non-finite numbers", lvl )
+ end
+ elseif tp ~= 'boolean' and tp ~= 'string' and tp ~= 'nil' then
+ error( string.format( "mw.text.jsonEncode: Cannot encode type '%s'", tp ), lvl )
+ end
+function mwtext.jsonEncode( value, flags )
+ checkForJsonEncode( value, {}, 3 )
+ return php.jsonEncode( value, flags )
+function mwtext.jsonDecode( json, flags )
+ return php.jsonDecode( json, flags )
+-- Matches PHP Scribunto_LuaTextLibrary constants
+mwtext.JSON_TRY_FIXING = 2
+mwtext.JSON_PRETTY = 4
+return mwtext