path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/bit32.lua
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authorYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
committerYaco <>2021-10-19 20:30:39 -0300
commit8c201ace3699b4928daf41eb7b4cdcb4565c6f3b (patch)
treefbd98f026864e9c1919d3ee740b6799ca0c651e2 /www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/bit32.lua
parente3880a1c86acaa3bbd05786ad2f5c586e6511a58 (diff)
adds Scribunto
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/bit32.lua')
1 files changed, 209 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/bit32.lua b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/bit32.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3063bfde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Scribunto/includes/engines/LuaCommon/lualib/bit32.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+-- An implementation of the lua 5.2 bit32 library, in pure Lua
+-- Note that in Lua, "x % n" is defined such that will always return a number
+-- between 0 and n-1 for positive n. We take advantage of that a lot here.
+local bit32 = {}
+local function checkint( name, argidx, x, level )
+ local n = tonumber( x )
+ if not n then
+ error( string.format(
+ "bad argument #%d to '%s' (number expected, got %s)",
+ argidx, name, type( x )
+ ), level + 1 )
+ end
+ return math.floor( n )
+local function checkint32( name, argidx, x, level )
+ local n = tonumber( x )
+ if not n then
+ error( string.format(
+ "bad argument #%d to '%s' (number expected, got %s)",
+ argidx, name, type( x )
+ ), level + 1 )
+ end
+ return math.floor( n ) % 0x100000000
+function bit32.bnot( x )
+ x = checkint32( 'bnot', 1, x, 2 )
+ -- In two's complement, -x = not(x) + 1
+ -- So not(x) = -x - 1
+ return ( -x - 1 ) % 0x100000000
+-- Logic tables for and/or/xor. We do pairs of bits here as a tradeoff between
+-- table space and speed. If you change the number of bits, also change the
+-- constants 2 and 4 in comb() below, and the initial value in and
+-- bit32.btest
+local logic_and = {
+ [0] = { [0] = 0, 0, 0, 0},
+ [1] = { [0] = 0, 1, 0, 1},
+ [2] = { [0] = 0, 0, 2, 2},
+ [3] = { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3},
+local logic_or = {
+ [0] = { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3},
+ [1] = { [0] = 1, 1, 3, 3},
+ [2] = { [0] = 2, 3, 2, 3},
+ [3] = { [0] = 3, 3, 3, 3},
+local logic_xor = {
+ [0] = { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3},
+ [1] = { [0] = 1, 0, 3, 2},
+ [2] = { [0] = 2, 3, 0, 1},
+ [3] = { [0] = 3, 2, 1, 0},
+-- @param name string Function name
+-- @param args table Function args
+-- @param nargs number Arg count
+-- @param s number Start value, 0-3
+-- @param t table Logic table
+-- @return number result
+local function comb( name, args, nargs, s, t )
+ for i = 1, nargs do
+ args[i] = checkint32( name, i, args[i], 3 )
+ end
+ local pow = 1
+ local ret = 0
+ for b = 0, 31, 2 do
+ local c = s
+ for i = 1, nargs do
+ c = t[c][args[i] % 4]
+ args[i] = math.floor( args[i] / 4 )
+ end
+ ret = ret + c * pow
+ pow = pow * 4
+ end
+ return ret
+function ... )
+ return comb( 'band', { ... }, select( '#', ... ), 3, logic_and )
+function bit32.bor( ... )
+ return comb( 'bor', { ... }, select( '#', ... ), 0, logic_or )
+function bit32.bxor( ... )
+ return comb( 'bxor', { ... }, select( '#', ... ), 0, logic_xor )
+function bit32.btest( ... )
+ return comb( 'btest', { ... }, select( '#', ... ), 3, logic_and ) ~= 0
+function bit32.extract( n, field, width )
+ n = checkint32( 'extract', 1, n, 2 )
+ field = checkint( 'extract', 2, field, 2 )
+ width = checkint( 'extract', 3, width or 1, 2 )
+ if field < 0 then
+ error( "bad argument #2 to 'extract' (field cannot be negative)", 2 )
+ end
+ if width <= 0 then
+ error( "bad argument #3 to 'extract' (width must be positive)", 2 )
+ end
+ if field + width > 32 then
+ error( 'trying to access non-existent bits', 2 )
+ end
+ return math.floor( n / 2^field ) % 2^width
+function bit32.replace( n, v, field, width )
+ n = checkint32( 'replace', 1, n, 2 )
+ v = checkint32( 'replace', 2, v, 2 )
+ field = checkint( 'replace', 3, field, 2 )
+ width = checkint( 'replace', 4, width or 1, 2 )
+ if field < 0 then
+ error( "bad argument #3 to 'replace' (field cannot be negative)", 2 )
+ end
+ if width <= 0 then
+ error( "bad argument #4 to 'replace' (width must be positive)", 2 )
+ end
+ if field + width > 32 then
+ error( 'trying to access non-existent bits', 2 )
+ end
+ local f = 2^field
+ local w = 2^width
+ local fw = f * w
+ return ( n % f ) + ( v % w ) * f + math.floor( n / fw ) * fw
+-- For the shifting functions, anything over 32 is the same as 32
+-- and limiting to 32 prevents overflow/underflow
+local function checkdisp( name, x )
+ x = checkint( name, 2, x, 3 )
+ return math.min( math.max( -32, x ), 32 )
+function bit32.lshift( x, disp )
+ x = checkint32( 'lshift', 1, x, 2 )
+ disp = checkdisp( 'lshift', disp )
+ return math.floor( x * 2^disp ) % 0x100000000
+function bit32.rshift( x, disp )
+ x = checkint32( 'rshift', 1, x, 2 )
+ disp = checkdisp( 'rshift', disp )
+ return math.floor( x / 2^disp ) % 0x100000000
+function bit32.arshift( x, disp )
+ x = checkint32( 'arshift', 1, x, 2 )
+ disp = checkdisp( 'arshift', disp )
+ if disp <= 0 then
+ -- Non-positive displacement == left shift
+ -- (since exponent is non-negative, the multipication can never result
+ -- in a fractional part)
+ return ( x * 2^-disp ) % 0x100000000
+ elseif x < 0x80000000 then
+ -- High bit is 0 == right shift
+ -- (since exponent is positive, the division will never increase x)
+ return math.floor( x / 2^disp )
+ elseif disp > 31 then
+ -- Shifting off all bits
+ return 0xffffffff
+ else
+ -- 0x100000000 - 2 ^ ( 32 - disp ) creates a number with the high disp
+ -- bits set. So shift right then add that number.
+ return math.floor( x / 2^disp ) + ( 0x100000000 - 2 ^ ( 32 - disp ) )
+ end
+-- For the rotation functions, disp works mod 32.
+-- Note that lrotate( x, disp ) == rrotate( x, -disp ).
+function bit32.lrotate( x, disp )
+ x = checkint32( 'lrotate', 1, x, 2 )
+ disp = checkint( 'lrotate', 2, disp, 2 ) % 32
+ local x = x * 2^disp
+ return ( x % 0x100000000 ) + math.floor( x / 0x100000000 )
+function bit32.rrotate( x, disp )
+ x = checkint32( 'rrotate', 1, x, 2 )
+ disp = -checkint( 'rrotate', 2, disp, 2 ) % 32
+ local x = x * 2^disp
+ return ( x % 0x100000000 ) + math.floor( x / 0x100000000 )
+return bit32