path: root/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/snippets/actionscript.js
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authorYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
committerYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
commitfc7369835258467bf97eb64f184b93691f9a9fd5 (patch)
treedaabd60089d2dd76d9f5fb416b005fbe159c799d /www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/snippets/actionscript.js
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/snippets/actionscript.js')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/snippets/actionscript.js b/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/snippets/actionscript.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc899d16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/snippets/actionscript.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+ace.define("ace/snippets/actionscript",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+exports.snippetText = "snippet main\n\
+ package {\n\
+ import flash.display.*;\n\
+ import flash.Events.*;\n\
+ \n\
+ public class Main extends Sprite {\n\
+ public function Main ( ) {\n\
+ trace(\"start\");\n\
+ stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;\n\
+ stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);\n\
+ }\n\
+ \n\
+ private function resizeListener (e:Event):void {\n\
+ trace(\"The application window changed size!\");\n\
+ trace(\"New width: \" + stage.stageWidth);\n\
+ trace(\"New height: \" + stage.stageHeight);\n\
+ }\n\
+ \n\
+ }\n\
+ \n\
+ }\n\
+snippet class\n\
+ ${1:public|internal} class ${2:name} ${3:extends } {\n\
+ public function $2 ( ) {\n\
+ (\"start\");\n\
+ }\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet all\n\
+ package name {\n\
+ ${1:public|internal|final} class ${2:name} ${3:extends } {\n\
+ private|public| static const FOO = \"abc\";\n\
+ private|public| static var BAR = \"abc\";\n\
+ // class initializer - no JIT !! one time setup\n\
+ if Cababilities.os == \"Linux|MacOS\" {\n\
+ FOO = \"other\";\n\
+ }\n\
+ // constructor:\n\
+ public function $2 ( ){\n\
+ super2();\n\
+ trace(\"start\");\n\
+ }\n\
+ public function name (a, b...){\n\
+ lable:break\n\
+ }\n\
+ }\n\
+ }\n\
+ function A(){\n\
+ // A can only be accessed within this file\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet switch\n\
+ switch(${1}){\n\
+ case ${2}:\n\
+ ${3}\n\
+ break;\n\
+ default:\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet case\n\
+ case ${1}:\n\
+ ${2}\n\
+ break;\n\
+snippet package\n\
+ package ${1:package}{\n\
+ ${2}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet wh\n\
+ while ${1:cond}{\n\
+ ${2}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet do\n\
+ do {\n\
+ ${2}\n\
+ } while (${1:cond})\n\
+snippet while\n\
+ while ${1:cond}{\n\
+ ${2}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet for enumerate names\n\
+ for (${1:var} in ${2:object}){\n\
+ ${3}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet for enumerate values\n\
+ for each (${1:var} in ${2:object}){\n\
+ ${3}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet get_set\n\
+ function get ${1:name} {\n\
+ return ${2}\n\
+ }\n\
+ function set $1 (newValue) {\n\
+ ${3}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet interface\n\
+ interface name {\n\
+ function method(${1}):${2:returntype};\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet try\n\
+ try {\n\
+ ${1}\n\
+ } catch (error:ErrorType) {\n\
+ ${2}\n\
+ } finally {\n\
+ ${3}\n\
+ }\n\
+# For Loop (same as c.snippet)\n\
+snippet for for (..) {..}\n\
+ for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++}) {\n\
+ ${4:/* code */}\n\
+ }\n\
+# Custom For Loop\n\
+snippet forr\n\
+ for (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${3:$1 < 10}; $1${4:++}) {\n\
+ ${5:/* code */}\n\
+ }\n\
+# If Condition\n\
+snippet if\n\
+ if (${1:/* condition */}) {\n\
+ ${2:/* code */}\n\
+ }\n\
+snippet el\n\
+ else {\n\
+ ${1}\n\
+ }\n\
+# Ternary conditional\n\
+snippet t\n\
+ ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${3:b}\n\
+snippet fun\n\
+ function ${1:function_name}(${2})${3}\n\
+ {\n\
+ ${4:/* code */}\n\
+ }\n\
+# FlxSprite (usefull when using the flixel library)\n\
+snippet FlxSprite\n\
+ package\n\
+ {\n\
+ import org.flixel.*\n\
+ public class ${1:ClassName} extends ${2:FlxSprite}\n\
+ {\n\
+ public function $1(${3: X:Number, Y:Number}):void\n\
+ {\n\
+ super(X,Y);\n\
+ ${4: //code...}\n\
+ }\n\
+ override public function update():void\n\
+ {\n\
+ super.update();\n\
+ ${5: //code...}\n\
+ }\n\
+ }\n\
+ }\n\
+exports.scope = "actionscript";