path: root/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/ext-split.js
diff options
authorYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
committerYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
commitfc7369835258467bf97eb64f184b93691f9a9fd5 (patch)
treedaabd60089d2dd76d9f5fb416b005fbe159c799d /www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/ext-split.js
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/ext-split.js')
1 files changed, 246 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/ext-split.js b/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/ext-split.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29dd20ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/CodeEditor/modules/ace/ext-split.js
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+ace.define("ace/split",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/lang","ace/lib/event_emitter","ace/editor","ace/virtual_renderer","ace/edit_session"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+var oop = require("./lib/oop");
+var lang = require("./lib/lang");
+var EventEmitter = require("./lib/event_emitter").EventEmitter;
+var Editor = require("./editor").Editor;
+var Renderer = require("./virtual_renderer").VirtualRenderer;
+var EditSession = require("./edit_session").EditSession;
+var Split = function(container, theme, splits) {
+ this.BELOW = 1;
+ this.BESIDE = 0;
+ this.$container = container;
+ this.$theme = theme;
+ this.$splits = 0;
+ this.$editorCSS = "";
+ this.$editors = [];
+ this.$orientation = this.BESIDE;
+ this.setSplits(splits || 1);
+ this.$cEditor = this.$editors[0];
+ this.on("focus", function(editor) {
+ this.$cEditor = editor;
+ }.bind(this));
+ oop.implement(this, EventEmitter);
+ this.$createEditor = function() {
+ var el = document.createElement("div");
+ el.className = this.$editorCSS;
+ = "position: absolute; top:0px; bottom:0px";
+ this.$container.appendChild(el);
+ var editor = new Editor(new Renderer(el, this.$theme));
+ editor.on("focus", function() {
+ this._emit("focus", editor);
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.$editors.push(editor);
+ editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize);
+ return editor;
+ };
+ this.setSplits = function(splits) {
+ var editor;
+ if (splits < 1) {
+ throw "The number of splits have to be > 0!";
+ }
+ if (splits == this.$splits) {
+ return;
+ } else if (splits > this.$splits) {
+ while (this.$splits < this.$editors.length && this.$splits < splits) {
+ editor = this.$editors[this.$splits];
+ this.$container.appendChild(editor.container);
+ editor.setFontSize(this.$fontSize);
+ this.$splits ++;
+ }
+ while (this.$splits < splits) {
+ this.$createEditor();
+ this.$splits ++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (this.$splits > splits) {
+ editor = this.$editors[this.$splits - 1];
+ this.$container.removeChild(editor.container);
+ this.$splits --;
+ }
+ }
+ this.resize();
+ };
+ this.getSplits = function() {
+ return this.$splits;
+ };
+ this.getEditor = function(idx) {
+ return this.$editors[idx];
+ };
+ this.getCurrentEditor = function() {
+ return this.$cEditor;
+ };
+ this.focus = function() {
+ this.$cEditor.focus();
+ };
+ this.blur = function() {
+ this.$cEditor.blur();
+ };
+ this.setTheme = function(theme) {
+ this.$editors.forEach(function(editor) {
+ editor.setTheme(theme);
+ });
+ };
+ this.setKeyboardHandler = function(keybinding) {
+ this.$editors.forEach(function(editor) {
+ editor.setKeyboardHandler(keybinding);
+ });
+ };
+ this.forEach = function(callback, scope) {
+ this.$editors.forEach(callback, scope);
+ };
+ this.$fontSize = "";
+ this.setFontSize = function(size) {
+ this.$fontSize = size;
+ this.forEach(function(editor) {
+ editor.setFontSize(size);
+ });
+ };
+ this.$cloneSession = function(session) {
+ var s = new EditSession(session.getDocument(), session.getMode());
+ var undoManager = session.getUndoManager();
+ if (undoManager) {
+ var undoManagerProxy = new UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, s);
+ s.setUndoManager(undoManagerProxy);
+ }
+ s.$informUndoManager = lang.delayedCall(function() { s.$deltas = []; });
+ s.setTabSize(session.getTabSize());
+ s.setUseSoftTabs(session.getUseSoftTabs());
+ s.setOverwrite(session.getOverwrite());
+ s.setBreakpoints(session.getBreakpoints());
+ s.setUseWrapMode(session.getUseWrapMode());
+ s.setUseWorker(session.getUseWorker());
+ s.setWrapLimitRange(session.$wrapLimitRange.min,
+ session.$wrapLimitRange.max);
+ s.$foldData = session.$cloneFoldData();
+ return s;
+ };
+ this.setSession = function(session, idx) {
+ var editor;
+ if (idx == null) {
+ editor = this.$cEditor;
+ } else {
+ editor = this.$editors[idx];
+ }
+ var isUsed = this.$editors.some(function(editor) {
+ return editor.session === session;
+ });
+ if (isUsed) {
+ session = this.$cloneSession(session);
+ }
+ editor.setSession(session);
+ return session;
+ };
+ this.getOrientation = function() {
+ return this.$orientation;
+ };
+ this.setOrientation = function(orientation) {
+ if (this.$orientation == orientation) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.$orientation = orientation;
+ this.resize();
+ };
+ this.resize = function() {
+ var width = this.$container.clientWidth;
+ var height = this.$container.clientHeight;
+ var editor;
+ if (this.$orientation == this.BESIDE) {
+ var editorWidth = width / this.$splits;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.$splits; i++) {
+ editor = this.$editors[i];
+ = editorWidth + "px";
+ = "0px";
+ = i * editorWidth + "px";
+ = height + "px";
+ editor.resize();
+ }
+ } else {
+ var editorHeight = height / this.$splits;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.$splits; i++) {
+ editor = this.$editors[i];
+ = width + "px";
+ = i * editorHeight + "px";
+ = "0px";
+ = editorHeight + "px";
+ editor.resize();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+function UndoManagerProxy(undoManager, session) {
+ this.$u = undoManager;
+ this.$doc = session;
+(function() {
+ this.execute = function(options) {
+ this.$u.execute(options);
+ };
+ this.undo = function() {
+ var selectionRange = this.$u.undo(true);
+ if (selectionRange) {
+ this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange);
+ }
+ };
+ this.redo = function() {
+ var selectionRange = this.$u.redo(true);
+ if (selectionRange) {
+ this.$doc.selection.setSelectionRange(selectionRange);
+ }
+ };
+ this.reset = function() {
+ this.$u.reset();
+ };
+ this.hasUndo = function() {
+ return this.$u.hasUndo();
+ };
+ this.hasRedo = function() {
+ return this.$u.hasRedo();
+ };
+exports.Split = Split;
+ace.define("ace/ext/split",["require","exports","module","ace/split"], function(require, exports, module) {
+"use strict";
+module.exports = require("../split");
+ (function() {
+ ace.require(["ace/ext/split"], function() {});
+ })();
+ \ No newline at end of file