path: root/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bower_components/ckeditor/samples/old/ajax.html
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authorYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
committerYaco <>2020-06-04 11:01:00 -0300
commitfc7369835258467bf97eb64f184b93691f9a9fd5 (patch)
treedaabd60089d2dd76d9f5fb416b005fbe159c799d /www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bower_components/ckeditor/samples/old/ajax.html
first commit
Diffstat (limited to 'www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bower_components/ckeditor/samples/old/ajax.html')
1 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bower_components/ckeditor/samples/old/ajax.html b/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bower_components/ckeditor/samples/old/ajax.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3fd487e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/www/crm/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bower_components/ckeditor/samples/old/ajax.html
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2003-2018, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
+For licensing, see or
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Ajax &mdash; CKEditor Sample</title>
+ <script src="../../ckeditor.js"></script>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="sample.css">
+ <script>
+ var editor, html = '';
+ function createEditor() {
+ if ( editor )
+ return;
+ // Create a new editor inside the <div id="editor">, setting its value to html
+ var config = {};
+ editor = CKEDITOR.appendTo( 'editor', config, html );
+ }
+ function removeEditor() {
+ if ( !editor )
+ return;
+ // Retrieve the editor contents. In an Ajax application, this data would be
+ // sent to the server or used in any other way.
+ document.getElementById( 'editorcontents' ).innerHTML = html = editor.getData();
+ document.getElementById( 'contents' ).style.display = '';
+ // Destroy the editor.
+ editor.destroy();
+ editor = null;
+ }
+ </script>
+ <h1 class="samples">
+ <a href="index.html">CKEditor Samples</a> &raquo; Create and Destroy Editor Instances for Ajax Applications
+ </h1>
+ <div class="warning deprecated">
+ This sample is not maintained anymore. Check out its <a href="">brand new version in CKEditor SDK</a>.
+ </div>
+ <div class="description">
+ <p>
+ This sample shows how to create and destroy CKEditor instances on the fly. After the removal of CKEditor the content created inside the editing
+ area will be displayed in a <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> element.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ For details of how to create this setup check the source code of this sample page
+ for JavaScript code responsible for the creation and destruction of a CKEditor instance.
+ </p>
+ </div>
+ <p>Click the buttons to create and remove a CKEditor instance.</p>
+ <p>
+ <input onclick="createEditor();" type="button" value="Create Editor">
+ <input onclick="removeEditor();" type="button" value="Remove Editor">
+ </p>
+ <!-- This div will hold the editor. -->
+ <div id="editor">
+ </div>
+ <div id="contents" style="display: none">
+ <p>
+ Edited Contents:
+ </p>
+ <!-- This div will be used to display the editor contents. -->
+ <div id="editorcontents">
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div id="footer">
+ <hr>
+ <p>
+ CKEditor - The text editor for the Internet - <a class="samples" href=""></a>
+ </p>
+ <p id="copy">
+ Copyright &copy; 2003-2018, <a class="samples" href="">CKSource</a> - Frederico
+ Knabben. All rights reserved.
+ </p>
+ </div>