path: root/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/wiki/extensions/Translate/i18n/core/en.json')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/i18n/core/en.json b/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
index e8a53bbf..ec0d22c0 100644
--- a/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
+++ b/www/wiki/extensions/Translate/i18n/core/en.json
@@ -4,17 +4,14 @@
- "Santhosh.thottingal"
+ "Santhosh.thottingal",
+ "MarcoAurelio"
"translate": "Translate",
"translate-extensionname": "Translate",
"translate-desc": "[[Special:Translate|Special page]] for translating MediaWiki and beyond",
- "translate-taskui-view": "Show all messages",
- "translate-taskui-untranslated": "Show untranslated messages",
- "translate-taskui-optional": "Show optional messages",
- "translate-taskui-acceptqueue": "Only messages I can mark as reviewed",
- "translate-taskui-reviewall": "Review all translations",
+ "translate-fuzzybot-desc": "This is a special system account used by the MediaWiki [ Translate extension] used to maintain translations.\nThis account is part of the MediaWiki software and it is not owned by any user.",
"translate-taskui-export-to-file": "Export in native format",
"translate-taskui-export-as-po": "Export for off-line translation",
"translate-taction-translate": "Translate",
@@ -26,7 +23,6 @@
"translate-page-no-such-language": "Specified language was invalid.",
"translate-page-no-such-group": "Specified group was invalid.",
"translate-page-disabled": "Translations to this language in this group have been disabled.\nReason:\n\n<em>$1</em>",
- "translate-page-disabled-source": "$1 is the source language of this page.",
"translate-language-disabled": "Translation to this language is disabled.",
"translate-page-settings-legend": "Settings",
"translate-page-group": "Group",
@@ -37,6 +33,7 @@
"translate-page-navigation-legend": "Navigation",
"translate-page-showing": "Showing messages from $1 to $2 of $3.",
"translate-page-showing-all": "Showing $1 {{PLURAL:$1|message|messages}}.",
+ "translate-page-showing-none": "No messages to show.",
"translate-page-paging-links": "[ $1 ] [ $2 ]",
"translate-next": "Next page",
"translate-prev": "Previous page",
@@ -44,7 +41,6 @@
"translate-page-description-hasoptional": "This message group contains optional messages.\nOptional messages should only be translated when your language has special requirements\nlike not using spaces or transliterating proper names. $1",
"translate-page-description-hasoptional-open": "Show optional messages.",
"translate-page-edit": "edit",
- "translate-ext-url": "<hr />Website: $1",
"translate-optional": "(optional)",
"translate-ignored": "(ignored)",
"translate-edit-title": "Edit \"$1\"",
@@ -60,7 +56,11 @@
"translate-use-suggestion": "Replace current translation with this suggestion.",
"translate-edit-nopermission": "You need translation rights to translate messages.",
"translate-edit-askpermission": "Get permission",
- "translate-edit-tag-warning": "",
+ "exporttranslations": "Export translations",
+ "translate-export-form-format": "Format",
+ "translate-export-invalid-format": "Please specify a valid format.",
+ "translate-export-not-supported": "Translation export is not supported.",
+ "translate-export-format-notsupported": "The specified export format is not supported by the message group.",
"translate-magic-pagename": "Extended MediaWiki translation",
"translate-magic-help": "You can translate special pages aliases, magic words and namespace names.\n\nSpecial page aliases and magic words can have multiple translations.\nTranslations are separated by a comma (,).\nNamespaces can have only one translation.\n\nTranslating the project talk namespace <code>$1 talk</code> may be complicated.\n<code>$1</code> is replaced with the project sitename (for example <code>{{ns:project_talk}}</code>).\nIf it is not possible in your language to form a valid expression without changing the sitename, please let us know on [[Support]].\n\nYou need to be a translator to save changes.\nChanges are not saved until you click the save button below.",
"translate-magic-module": "Module:",
@@ -101,12 +101,22 @@
"translate-pref-editassistlang-help": "Comma separated list of language codes.\nTranslation of a message in these languages are shown when you are translating.\nThe default list of languages depends on your language.",
"translate-pref-editassistlang-bad": "Invalid language code in the list:\n<nowiki>$1</nowiki>.",
"right-translate": "Edit using the translate interface",
+ "action-translate": "edit using the translate interface",
"right-translate-manage": "Manage message groups",
"action-translate-manage": "manage message groups",
"right-translate-import": "Import offline translations",
"action-translate-import": "import offline translations",
"right-translate-messagereview": "Review translations",
+ "action-translate-messagereview": "review translations",
"right-translate-groupreview": "Change workflow state of message groups",
+ "action-translate-groupreview": "change workflow state of message groups",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations": "Translations",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations-only-label": "Translations",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations-only-desc": "Changes to translated pages.",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations-filter-label": "Not translations",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations-filter-desc": "All changes that are not translations.",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations-site-label": "Site messages",
+ "translate-rcfilters-translations-site-desc": "Customizations of site messages in MediaWiki namespace.",
"translate-rc-translation-filter": "Filter translations:",
"translate-rc-translation-filter-no": "Do nothing",
"translate-rc-translation-filter-only": "Show translations only",
@@ -169,6 +179,7 @@
"translate-untranslated": "Untranslated",
"translate-percentage-complete": "Completion",
"translate-percentage-fuzzy": "Outdated",
+ "translate-percentage-proofread": "Reviewed",
"translate-languagestats-overall": "All message groups together",
"translate-ls-submit": "Show statistics",
"translate-ls-column-group": "Message group",
@@ -179,7 +190,7 @@
"translate-mgs-noempty": "Do not display languages which do not have any translations",
"translate-mgs-submit": "Show statistics",
"translate-mgs-column-language": "Language",
- "translate-mgs-totals": "All languages together",
+ "translate-mgs-totals": "All $1 {{PLURAL:$1|language|languages}} together",
"translate-mgs-invalid-group": "The specified group $1 does not exist.",
"translate-mgs-nothing": "Nothing to show for requested statistics.",
"supportedlanguages": "Supported languages",
@@ -188,10 +199,12 @@
"supportedlanguages-localsummary": "",
"supportedlanguages-portallink": "[$1] $2 - $3",
"supportedlanguages-portallink-nocldr": "[$1] $2",
+ "supportedlanguages-sqlite-error": "SQLite is not supported",
"supportedlanguages-translators": "{{PLURAL:$2|{{GENDER:$3|Translator}}|Translators}}: $1",
"supportedlanguages-recenttranslations": "recent translations",
"supportedlanguages-count": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|language|languages}} in total.",
"supportedlanguages-activity": "$1: $2 {{PLURAL:$2|edit|edits}} - last edit $3 {{PLURAL:$3|day|days}} ago",
+ "abusefilter-edit-builder-vars-translate-source-text": "Source text of translation unit",
"translate-save": "Save ($1)",
"translate-jssti-add": "Add to list",
"managemessagegroups": "Message group management",
@@ -232,9 +245,7 @@
"translate-js-summary": "Summary:",
"translate-js-save": "Save",
"translate-js-next": "Save and open next",
- "translate-js-nonext": "This was the last message on this page.",
"translate-js-skip": "Skip to next",
- "translate-js-save-failed": "Saving failed. Please report this error.",
"translate-js-history": "Translation history",
"translate-js-support": "Ask question",
"translate-js-support-title": "Ask for help if there is not enough information to translate this message correctly.",
@@ -251,21 +262,9 @@
"translate-documentation-language": "Message documentation",
"translate-searchprofile": "Translations",
"translate-searchprofile-tooltip": "Search from all translations",
+ "translate-searchprofile-note": "More search options are available with [$1 translation search].",
"translate-search-languagefilter": "Filter by language:",
"translate-search-nofilter": "No filtering",
- "translate-messagereview-submit": "Mark reviewed",
- "translate-messagereview-progress": "Marking as reviewed...",
- "translate-messagereview-failure": "Marking as reviewed failed: $1",
- "translate-messagereview-done": "Reviewed",
- "translate-messagereview-reviews": "Reviewed by {{PLURAL:$1|one user|$1 users}}",
- "translate-messagereview-reviewswithyou": "Reviewed by {{PLURAL:$1|you|$1 users including you}}",
- "api-error-invalidrevision": "Translation was not found",
- "api-error-unknownmessage": "Message was not found",
- "api-error-fuzzymessage": "Translation is marked as fuzzy",
- "api-error-owntranslation": "You cannot mark your own translations as reviewed",
- "translate-messagereview-no-fuzzy": "Fuzzy translations cannot be marked as reviewed.",
- "translate-messagereview-no-own": "You cannot mark your own translations as reviewed.",
- "translate-messagereview-doit": "Mark this translation as reviewed.",
"log-name-translationreview": "Translation review log",
"log-description-translationreview": "Log of all reviews to translations and message groups.",
"logentry-translationreview-message": "$1 {{GENDER:$2|reviewed}} translation $3",
@@ -305,7 +304,9 @@
"tux-status-translated": "Translated",
"tux-status-saving": "Saving...",
"tux-status-unsaved": "Unsaved",
+ "tux-save-unknown-error": "Unknown error occurred.",
"tux-editor-placeholder": "Your translation",
+ "tux-editor-editsummary-placeholder": "Optional summary",
"tux-editor-paste-original-button-label": "Paste source text",
"tux-editor-discard-changes-button-label": "Discard changes",
"tux-editor-save-button-label": "Save translation",
@@ -313,7 +314,7 @@
"tux-editor-cancel-button-label": "Cancel",
"tux-editor-confirm-button-label": "Confirm translation",
"tux-editor-proofread-button-label": "Mark as reviewed",
- "tux-editor-shortcut-info": "Press \"$1\" to save or \"$2\" to skip to next message or \"$3\" for other shortcuts.",
+ "tux-editor-shortcut-info": "Press \"$1\" to confirm and move to the next message, \"$2\" to skip, \"$4\" to provide summary or hold \"$3\" to see other shortcuts.",
"tux-editor-edit-desc": "Edit documentation",
"tux-editor-add-desc": "Add documentation",
"tux-editor-suggestions-title": "Suggestions",
@@ -368,9 +369,11 @@
"tux-editor-close-tooltip": "Close",
"tux-editor-expand-tooltip": "Expand",
"tux-editor-collapse-tooltip": "Collapse",
+ "tux-editor-message-tools-show-editor": "Show in wiki editor",
"tux-editor-message-tools-history": "History",
"tux-editor-message-tools-delete": "Delete",
"tux-editor-message-tools-translations": "All translations",
+ "tux-editor-message-tools-linktothis": "Link to this message",
"tux-editor-loading": "Loading...",
"translate-search-more-languages-info": "$1 more {{PLURAL:$1|language|languages}}",
"translate-statsbar-tooltip": "$1% translated, $2% reviewed",
@@ -379,5 +382,5 @@
"translate-ulsdep-title": "Configuration error",
"translate-ulsdep-body": "The Translate extension depends on the [ Universal Language Selector extension].",
"tux-session-expired": "You are no longer logged in. Please log in in a separate tab. Alternatively, make a copy of unsaved translations, log in, return to this page and enter your translations again.",
- "tux-nojs": "This page requires JavaScript."
+ "tux-nojs": "This tool does not work without JavaScript. JavaScript is disabled, failed to work, or this browser is unsupported."