path: root/www/crm/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c/es_ES/%%55/554/554339A0%%dashboard.tpl.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'www/crm/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c/es_ES/%%55/554/554339A0%%dashboard.tpl.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/www/crm/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c/es_ES/%%55/554/554339A0%%dashboard.tpl.php b/www/crm/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c/es_ES/%%55/554/554339A0%%dashboard.tpl.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4356257d..00000000
--- a/www/crm/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c/es_ES/%%55/554/554339A0%%dashboard.tpl.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-<?php /* Smarty version 2.6.31, created on 2019-08-30 19:46:18
- compiled from CRM/common/dashboard.tpl */ ?>
-<?php require_once(SMARTY_CORE_DIR . 'core.load_plugins.php');
-smarty_core_load_plugins(array('plugins' => array(array('block', 'crmScope', 'CRM/common/dashboard.tpl', 1, false),array('modifier', 'json_encode', 'CRM/common/dashboard.tpl', 33, false),array('function', 'crmURL', 'CRM/common/dashboard.tpl', 43, false),array('function', 'crmKey', 'CRM/common/dashboard.tpl', 46, false),)), $this); ?>
-<?php $this->_tag_stack[] = array('crmScope', array('extensionKey' => "")); $_block_repeat=true;smarty_block_crmScope($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack)-1][1], null, $this, $_block_repeat);while ($_block_repeat) { ob_start(); ?><?php echo '
-<script type="text/javascript">
-CRM.$(function($) {
- // The set of options we can use to initialize jQuery.dashboard().
- var options = {
- widgetsByColumn: '; ?>
-<?php echo json_encode($this->_tpl_vars['contactDashlets']); ?>
-<?php echo ',
- // These define the urls and data objects used for all of the ajax requests to the server.
- ajaxCallbacks: {
- // jQuery.dashboard() POSTs the widget-to-column settings here.
- // The \'columns\' property of data is reserved for the widget-to-columns settings:
- // An array (keyed by zero-indexed column ID), of arrays (keyed by widget ID)
- // of ints; 1 if the widget is minimized. 0 if not.
- saveColumns: {
- url: '; ?>
-'<?php echo CRM_Utils_System::crmURL(array('p' => 'civicrm/ajax/dashboard','h' => 0), $this);?>
-'<?php echo ',
- data: {
- // columns: array(0 => array(widgetId => isMinimized, ...), ...),
- op: \'save_columns\', key: '; ?>
-"<?php echo smarty_function_crmKey(array('name' => 'civicrm/ajax/dashboard'), $this);?>
-"<?php echo '
- }
- },
- // jQuery.dashboard() GETs a widget\'s settings object and POST\'s a users submitted
- // settings back to the server. The return, in both cases, is an associative
- // array with the new settings markup and other info:
- //
- // Required properties:
- // * markup: HTML string. The inner HTML of the settings form. jQuery.dashboard()
- // provides the Save and Cancel buttons and wrapping <form> element. Can include
- // <input>s of any standard type and <select>s, nested in <div>s etc.
- //
- // Server-side executable script callbacks (See documentation for
- // ajaxCallbacks.getWidgets):
- // * initScript: Called when widget settings are initialising.
- // * script: Called when switching into settings mode. Executed every time
- // the widget goes into settings-edit mode.
- //
- // The \'id\' property of data is reserved for the widget ID.
- // The \'settings\' property of data is reserved for the user-submitted settings.
- // An array (keyed by the name="" attributes of <input>s), of <input> values.
- widgetSettings: {
- url: '; ?>
-'<?php echo CRM_Utils_System::crmURL(array('p' => 'civicrm/ajax/dashboard','h' => 0), $this);?>
-'<?php echo ',
- data: {
- // id: widgetId,
- // settings: array(name => value, ...),
- op: \'widget_settings\', key: '; ?>
-"<?php echo smarty_function_crmKey(array('name' => 'civicrm/ajax/dashboard'), $this);?>
-"<?php echo '
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var dashboard = $(\'#civicrm-dashboard\')
- .on(\'mouseover\', \'.widget-header\', function() {
- $(this).closest(\'.widget-wrapper\').addClass(\'db-hover-handle\');
- })
- .on(\'mouseout\', \'.widget-header\', function() {
- $(this).closest(\'.widget-wrapper\').removeClass(\'db-hover-handle\');
- })
- .dashboard(options);
- $(\'\').click(function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $.each(dashboard.widgets, function(id, widget) {
- widget.reloadContent();
- });
- });
-'; ?>
-<?php $_block_content = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $_block_repeat=false;echo smarty_block_crmScope($this->_tag_stack[count($this->_tag_stack)-1][1], $_block_content, $this, $_block_repeat); } array_pop($this->_tag_stack); ?> \ No newline at end of file