path: root/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/tldts/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/tldts/')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# tldts - Blazing Fast URL Parsing
+`tldts` is a JavaScript library to extract hostnames, domains, public suffixes, top-level domains and subdomains from URLs.
+1. Tuned for **performance** (order of 0.1 to 1 μs per input)
+2. Handles both URLs and hostnames
+3. Full Unicode/IDNA support
+4. Support parsing email addresses
+5. Detect IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
+6. Continuously updated version of the public suffix list
+7. **TypeScript**, ships with `umd`, `esm`, `cjs` bundles and *type definitions*
+8. Small bundles and small memory footprint
+9. Battle tested: full test coverage and production use
+# Install
+npm install --save tldts
+# Usage
+Using the command-line interface:
+$ npx tldts ''
+ "domain": "",
+ "hostname": "",
+ "isIcann": true,
+ "isIp": false,
+ "isPrivate": false,
+ "publicSuffix": "org",
+ "subdomain": "www"
+const { parse } = require('tldts');
+// Retrieving hostname related informations of a given URL
+// { domain: '',
+// hostname: '',
+// isIcann: true,
+// isIp: false,
+// isPrivate: false,
+// publicSuffix: 'org',
+// subdomain: 'www' }
+Modern *ES6 modules import* is also supported:
+import { parse } from 'tldts';
+Alternatively, you can try it *directly in your browser* here:
+# API
+* `tldts.parse(url | hostname, options)`
+* `tldts.getHostname(url | hostname, options)`
+* `tldts.getDomain(url | hostname, options)`
+* `tldts.getPublicSuffix(url | hostname, options)`
+* `tldts.getSubdomain(url, | hostname, options)`
+The behavior of `tldts` can be customized using an `options` argument for all
+the functions exposed as part of the public API. This is useful to both change
+the behavior of the library as well as fine-tune the performance depending on
+your inputs.
+ // Use suffixes from ICANN section (default: true)
+ allowIcannDomains: boolean;
+ // Use suffixes from Private section (default: false)
+ allowPrivateDomains: boolean;
+ // Extract and validate hostname (default: true)
+ // When set to `false`, inputs will be considered valid hostnames.
+ extractHostname: boolean;
+ // Validate hostnames after parsing (default: true)
+ // If a hostname is not valid, not further processing is performed. When set
+ // to `false`, inputs to the library will be considered valid and parsing will
+ // proceed regardless.
+ validateHostname: boolean;
+ // Perform IP address detection (default: true).
+ detectIp: boolean;
+ // Assume that both URLs and hostnames can be given as input (default: true)
+ // If set to `false` we assume only URLs will be given as input, which
+ // speed-ups processing.
+ mixedInputs: boolean;
+ // Specifies extra valid suffixes (default: null)
+ validHosts: string[] | null;
+The `parse` method returns handy **properties about a URL or a hostname**.
+const tldts = require('tldts');
+// { domain: '',
+// hostname: '',
+// isIcann: true,
+// isIp: false,
+// isPrivate: false,
+// publicSuffix: 'com',
+// subdomain: 'spark-public.s3' }
+tldts.parse('', { allowPrivateDomains: true })
+// { domain: '',
+// hostname: '',
+// isIcann: false,
+// isIp: false,
+// isPrivate: true,
+// publicSuffix: '',
+// subdomain: '' }
+// { domain: 'domain.unknown',
+// hostname: 'domain.unknown',
+// isIcann: false,
+// isIp: false,
+// isPrivate: true,
+// publicSuffix: 'unknown',
+// subdomain: '' }
+tldts.parse('') // IPv4
+// { domain: null,
+// hostname: '',
+// isIcann: null,
+// isIp: true,
+// isPrivate: null,
+// publicSuffix: null,
+// subdomain: null }
+tldts.parse('https://[::1]') // IPv6
+// { domain: null,
+// hostname: '::1',
+// isIcann: null,
+// isIp: true,
+// isPrivate: null,
+// publicSuffix: null,
+// subdomain: null }
+tldts.parse('') // email
+// { domain: '',
+// hostname: '',
+// isIcann: true,
+// isIp: false,
+// isPrivate: false,
+// publicSuffix: '',
+// subdomain: '' }
+| Property Name | Type | Description |
+|:-------------- |:------ |:------------------------------------------- |
+| `hostname` | `str` | `hostname` of the input extracted automatically |
+| `domain` | `str` | Domain (tld + sld) |
+| `subdomain` | `str` | Sub domain (what comes after `domain`) |
+| `publicSuffix` | `str` | Public Suffix (tld) of `hostname` |
+| `isIcann` | `bool` | Does TLD come from ICANN part of the list |
+| `isPrivate` | `bool` | Does TLD come from Private part of the list |
+| `isIP` | `bool` | Is `hostname` an IP address? |
+## Single purpose methods
+These methods are shorthands if you want to retrieve only a single value (and
+will perform better than `parse` because less work will be needed).
+### getHostname(url | hostname, options?)
+Returns the hostname from a given string.
+const { getHostname } = require('tldts');
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+getHostname(''); // returns ``
+### getDomain(url | hostname, options?)
+Returns the fully qualified domain from a given string.
+const { getDomain } = require('tldts');
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+getDomain(''); // returns ``
+### getSubdomain(url | hostname, options?)
+Returns the complete subdomain for a given string.
+const { getSubdomain } = require('tldts');
+getSubdomain(''); // returns ``
+getSubdomain(''); // returns `fr`
+getSubdomain(''); // returns ``
+getSubdomain(''); // returns `foo`
+getSubdomain(''); // returns ``
+getSubdomain(''); // returns ``
+getSubdomain(''); // returns `fr`
+getSubdomain(''); // returns `secure`
+### getPublicSuffix(url | hostname, options?)
+Returns the [public suffix][] for a given string.
+const { getPublicSuffix } = require('tldts');
+getPublicSuffix(''); // returns `com`
+getPublicSuffix(''); // returns `com`
+getPublicSuffix(''); // returns ``
+getPublicSuffix(''); // returns `com`
+getPublicSuffix('', { allowPrivateDomains: true }); // returns ``
+getPublicSuffix(''); // returns `unknown`
+# Troubleshooting
+## Retrieving subdomain of `localhost` and custom hostnames
+`tldts` methods `getDomain` and `getSubdomain` are designed to **work only with *known and valid* TLDs**.
+This way, you can trust what a domain is.
+`localhost` is a valid hostname but not a TLD. You can pass additional options to each method exposed by `tldts`:
+const tldts = require('tldts');
+tldts.getDomain('localhost'); // returns null
+tldts.getSubdomain('vhost.localhost'); // returns null
+tldts.getDomain('localhost', { validHosts: ['localhost'] }); // returns 'localhost'
+tldts.getSubdomain('vhost.localhost', { validHosts: ['localhost'] }); // returns 'vhost'
+## Updating the TLDs List
+`tldts` made the opinionated choice of shipping with a list of suffixes directly
+in its bundle. There is currently no mechanism to update the lists yourself, but
+we make sure that the version shipped is always up-to-date.
+If you keep `tldts` updated, the lists should be up-to-date as well!
+# Performance
+`tldts` is the *fastest JavaScript library* available for parsing hostnames. It is able to parse *millions of inputs per second* (typically 2-3M depending on your hardware and inputs). It also offers granular options to fine-tune the behavior and performance of the library depending on the kind of inputs you are dealing with (e.g.: if you know you only manipulate valid hostnames you can disable the hostname extraction step with `{ extractHostname: false }`).
+Please see [this detailed comparison](./comparison/ with other available libraries.
+## Contributors
+`tldts` is based upon the excellent `tld.js` library and would not exist without
+the many contributors who worked on the project:
+<a href="graphs/contributors"><img src="" /></a>
+This project would not be possible without the amazing Mozilla's
+[public suffix list][]. Thank you for your hard work!
+# License
+[MIT License](LICENSE).
+[public suffix list]:
+[list the recent changes]:
+[changes Atom Feed]:
+[public suffix]: