path: root/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/arg/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/arg/')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/arg/ b/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/arg/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b152dedf
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+++ b/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/arg/
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+# Arg
+`arg` is yet another command line option parser.
+## Installation
+Use Yarn or NPM to install.
+$ yarn add arg
+$ npm install arg
+## Usage
+`arg()` takes 1 or 2 arguments:
+1. An array of CLI arguments (_Optional_, defaults to `process.argv.slice(2)`)
+2. Options argument (see below)
+It returns an object with any values present on the command-line (missing options are thus
+missing from the resulting object). Arg performs no validation/requirement checking - we
+leave that up to the application.
+All parameters that aren't consumed by options (commonly referred to as "extra" parameters)
+are added to `result._`, which is _always_ an array (even if no extra parameters are passed,
+in which case an empty array is returned).
+const arg = require('arg');
+const args = arg([argument_array,] options);
+For example:
+$ node ./hello.js --port=1234 -n 'My name' foo bar --tag qux --tag=qix -- --foobar
+// hello.js
+const arg = require('arg');
+const args = arg({
+ // Types
+ '--help': Boolean,
+ '--version': Boolean,
+ '--port': Number, // --port <number> or --port=<number>
+ '--name': String, // --name <string> or --name=<string>
+ '--tag': [String], // --tag <string> or --tag=<string>
+ // Aliases
+ '-v': '--version',
+ '-n': '--name', // -n <string>; result is stored in --name
+ '--label': '--name' // --label <string> or --label=<string>;
+ // result is stored in --name
+ _: ["foo", "bar", "--foobar"],
+ '--port': 1234,
+ '--name': "My name",
+ '--tag': ["qux", "qix"]
+The values for each key=&gt;value pair is either a type (function or [function]) or a string (indicating an alias).
+- In the case of a function, the string value of the argument's value is passed to it,
+ and the return value is used as the ultimate value.
+- In the case of an array, the only element _must_ be a type function. Array types indicate
+ that the argument may be passed multiple times, and as such the resulting value in the returned
+ object is an array with all of the values that were passed using the specified flag.
+- In the case of a string, an alias is established. If a flag is passed that matches the _key_,
+ then the _value_ is substituted in its place.
+Type functions are passed three arguments:
+1. The parameter value (always a string)
+2. The parameter name (e.g. `--label`)
+3. The previous value for the destination (useful for reduce-like operatons or for supporting `-v` multiple times, etc.)
+This means the built-in `String`, `Number`, and `Boolean` type constructors "just work" as type functions.
+# License
+Copyright &copy; 2017 by ZEIT, Inc. Released under the [MIT License](