path: root/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/@metascraper/helpers/index.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/@metascraper/helpers/index.js')
1 files changed, 335 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/@metascraper/helpers/index.js b/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/@metascraper/helpers/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..010ece95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/wiki/ImportarDesdeURL/node_modules/@metascraper/helpers/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+'use strict'
+const {
+ castArray,
+ chain,
+ eq,
+ first,
+ flow,
+ get,
+ includes,
+ isArray,
+ isEmpty,
+ isNumber,
+ isString,
+ lte,
+ replace,
+ size,
+ toLower,
+ trim,
+ invoke,
+ isNil
+} = require('lodash')
+const langs = require('iso-639-3').map(({ iso6391 }) => iso6391)
+const condenseWhitespace = require('condense-whitespace')
+const urlRegex = require('url-regex')({ exact: true })
+const isRelativeUrl = require('is-relative-url')
+const fileExtension = require('file-extension')
+const _normalizeUrl = require('normalize-url')
+const smartquotes = require('smartquotes')
+const { decodeHTML } = require('entities')
+const mimeTypes = require('mime-types')
+const hasValues = require('has-values')
+const chrono = require('chrono-node')
+const truncate = require('truncate')
+const isIso = require('isostring')
+const toTitle = require('title')
+const isUri = require('is-uri')
+const { URL } = require('url')
+const mem = require('mem')
+const VIDEO = 'video'
+const AUDIO = 'audio'
+const IMAGE = 'image'
+const imageExtensions = chain(require('image-extensions'))
+ .reduce((acc, ext) => ({ ...acc, [ext]: IMAGE }), {})
+ .value()
+const audioExtensions = chain(require('audio-extensions'))
+ .difference(['mp4'])
+ .reduce((acc, ext) => ({ ...acc, [ext]: AUDIO }), {})
+ .value()
+const videoExtensions = chain(require('video-extensions'))
+ .reduce((acc, ext) => ({ ...acc, [ext]: VIDEO }), {})
+ .value()
+const EXTENSIONS = {
+ ...imageExtensions,
+ ...audioExtensions,
+ ...videoExtensions
+const REGEX_BY = /^[\s\n]*by|@[\s\n]*/i
+const REGEX_LOCATION = /^[A-Z\s]+\s+[-—–]\s+/
+const REGEX_TITLE_SEPARATOR = /^[^|\-/•—]+/
+const AUTHOR_MAX_LENGTH = 128
+const removeLocation = value => replace(value, REGEX_LOCATION, '')
+const isUrl = (url, { relative = false } = {}) =>
+ relative ? isRelativeUrl(url) || urlRegex.test(url) : urlRegex.test(url)
+const absoluteUrl = (baseUrl, relativePath) => {
+ if (isEmpty(relativePath)) return baseUrl
+ return new URL(relativePath, baseUrl).toString()
+const sanetizeUrl = (url, opts) =>
+ _normalizeUrl(url, {
+ stripWWW: false,
+ sortQueryParameters: false,
+ removeTrailingSlash: false,
+ ...opts
+ })
+const normalizeUrl = (baseUrl, relativePath, opts) => {
+ return sanetizeUrl(absoluteUrl(baseUrl, relativePath), opts)
+const removeBy = flow([value => value.replace(REGEX_BY, ''), trim])
+const removeSeparator = title => {
+ const newTitle = (REGEX_TITLE_SEPARATOR.exec(title) || [])[0] || title
+ return newTitle.trim()
+const createTitle = flow([condenseWhitespace, smartquotes])
+const titleize = (src, opts = {}) => {
+ let title = createTitle(src)
+ if (opts.removeBy) title = removeBy(title)
+ if (opts.removeSeparator) title = removeSeparator(title)
+ if (opts.capitalize) title = toTitle(title)
+ return title
+const defaultFn = el => el.text().trim()
+const $filter = ($, domNodes, fn = defaultFn) => {
+ const el = domNodes.filter((i, el) => fn($(el))).first()
+ return fn(el)
+const isAuthor = (str, opts = { relative: false }) =>
+ !isUrl(str, opts) &&
+ !isEmpty(str) &&
+ isString(str) &&
+ lte(size(str), AUTHOR_MAX_LENGTH)
+const getAuthor = (str, opts = { removeBy: true }) => titleize(str, opts)
+const protocol = url => {
+ const { protocol = '' } = new URL(url)
+ return protocol.replace(':', '')
+const isMediaTypeUrl = (url, type, opts) =>
+ isUrl(url, opts) && isMediaTypeExtension(url, type)
+const isMediaTypeExtension = (url, type) =>
+ eq(type, get(EXTENSIONS, extension(url)))
+const isMediaUrl = (url, opts) =>
+ isImageUrl(url, opts) || isVideoUrl(url, opts) || isAudioUrl(url, opts)
+const isVideoUrl = (url, opts) => isMediaTypeUrl(url, VIDEO, opts)
+const isAudioUrl = (url, opts) => isMediaTypeUrl(url, AUDIO, opts)
+const isImageUrl = (url, opts) => isMediaTypeUrl(url, IMAGE, opts)
+const isMediaExtension = url =>
+ isImageExtension(url) || isVideoExtension(url) || isAudioExtension(url)
+const isVideoExtension = url => isMediaTypeExtension(url, VIDEO)
+const isAudioExtension = url => isMediaTypeExtension(url, AUDIO)
+const isImageExtension = url => isMediaTypeExtension(url, IMAGE)
+const extension = (str = '') => {
+ const url = new URL(str, isRelativeUrl(str) ? 'http://localhost' : undefined)
+ url.hash = ''
+ = ''
+ return fileExtension(url.toString())
+const description = (value, opts) =>
+ isString(value) && getDescription(value, opts)
+const getDescription = (
+ str,
+ { truncateLength = TRUNCATE_MAX_LENGTH, ...opts } = {}
+) => {
+ const description = removeLocation(truncate(str, truncateLength))
+ return titleize(description, opts)
+const publisher = value => isString(value) && condenseWhitespace(value)
+const author = value => isAuthor(value) && getAuthor(value)
+const url = (value, { url = '' } = {}) => {
+ if (isEmpty(value)) return null
+ try {
+ const absoluteUrl = normalizeUrl(url, value)
+ if (isUrl(absoluteUrl)) return absoluteUrl
+ } catch (_) {}
+ return isUri(value) ? value : null
+const date = value => {
+ if (!(isString(value) || isNumber(value))) return false
+ // remove whitespace for easier parsing
+ if (isString(value)) trim(value)
+ // convert isodates to restringify, because sometimes they are truncated
+ if (isIso(value)) return new Date(value).toISOString()
+ // try to parse with the built-in date parser
+ const native = new Date(value)
+ if (!isNaN(native.getTime())) return native.toISOString()
+ // try to parse a complex date string
+ const parsed = chrono.parseDate(value)
+ if (parsed) return parsed.toISOString()
+const lang = value => {
+ if (isEmpty(value)) return false
+ const lang = toLower(value.trim().substring(0, 2))
+ const isLang = includes(langs, lang)
+ return isLang ? lang : false
+const title = (value, { removeSeparator = false } = {}) =>
+ isString(value) && titleize(value, { removeSeparator })
+const isMime = (contentType, type) => {
+ const ext = mimeTypes.extension(contentType)
+ return eq(type, get(EXTENSIONS, ext))
+const jsonld = mem(
+ (url, $) => {
+ let data = {}
+ try {
+ data = JSON.parse(
+ $('script[type="application/ld+json"]')
+ .first()
+ .contents()
+ .text()
+ )
+ } catch (err) {}
+ return first(castArray(data))
+ },
+ { cacheKey: url => url }
+const $jsonld = propName => ($, url) => {
+ const json = jsonld(url, $)
+ const value = get(json, propName)
+ return isEmpty(value) ? value : decodeHTML(value)
+const image = url
+const logo = url
+const video = (value, opts) => {
+ const urlValue = url(value, opts)
+ return isVideoUrl(urlValue) && urlValue
+const audio = (value, opts) => {
+ const urlValue = url(value, opts)
+ return isAudioUrl(urlValue) && urlValue
+const validator = {
+ date,
+ audio,
+ author,
+ video,
+ title,
+ publisher,
+ image,
+ logo,
+ url,
+ description,
+ lang
+ * Create a property mapper with validator inside.
+ */
+const createValidator = fn => ({ from, to = from }) => async args => {
+ const data = await fn(args)
+ const value = get(data, from)
+ return invoke(validator, to, value)
+ * Wrap a rule into a validator
+ */
+const createWrap = (fn, opts) => rule => ({ htmlDom, url }) => {
+ const value = rule(htmlDom, url)
+ return fn(value, opts)
+const hasValue = value =>
+ isNil(value) || value === false || value === 0 || value === ''
+ ? false
+ : hasValues(value)
+module.exports = {
+ $filter,
+ $jsonld,
+ absoluteUrl,
+ audio,
+ author,
+ createValidator,
+ createWrap,
+ date,
+ description,
+ extension,
+ hasValue,
+ image,
+ isArray,
+ isAudioExtension,
+ isAudioUrl,
+ isAuthor,
+ isImageExtension,
+ isImageUrl,
+ isMediaExtension,
+ isMediaUrl,
+ isMime,
+ isString,
+ isUrl,
+ isVideoExtension,
+ isVideoUrl,
+ jsonld,
+ lang,
+ logo,
+ normalizeUrl,
+ protocol,
+ publisher,
+ sanetizeUrl,
+ title,
+ titleize,
+ url,
+ validator,
+ video