path: root/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test')
17 files changed, 1740 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/BureaucracyTest.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/BureaucracyTest.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a381e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/BureaucracyTest.php
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+class BureaucracyTest extends \DokuWikiTest
+ const FORM_PREFIX_HTML = '<form class="bureaucracy__plugin" id="bureaucracy__plugin1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="" accept-charset="utf-8"><div class="no">
+<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="bureaucracy[$$id]" value="1" /><fieldset ><legend></legend>';
+ const FORM_SUFFIX_HTML = '</fieldset>
+ protected $pluginsEnabled = ['bureaucracy'];
+ /**
+ * Simulate sending of bureaucracy form
+ *
+ * @param string|array $form_syntax syntax to build a bureaucracy form
+ * @param string $template_syntax syntax used as a page template for the "action template"
+ * @param array & $validation_errors field labels that were invalid
+ * @param string|array ...$values values passed to form handler
+ *
+ * @return string content of newly created page
+ */
+ protected function send_form_action_template($form_syntax, $template_syntax, &$validation_errors, ...$values)
+ {
+ $id = uniqid('page', true);
+ $template_id = uniqid('template', true);
+ //create full form syntax
+ if (is_array($form_syntax)) {
+ $form_syntax = implode("\n", $form_syntax);
+ }
+ $form_syntax = "<form>\naction template $template_id $id\n$form_syntax\n</form>";
+ saveWikiText($template_id, $template_syntax, 'summary');
+ /** @var \syntax_plugin_bureaucracy $syntax_plugin */
+ $syntax_plugin = plugin_load('syntax', 'bureaucracy');
+ $data = $syntax_plugin->handle($form_syntax, 0, 0, new \Doku_Handler());
+ $actionData = $data['actions'][0];
+ /** @var \helper_plugin_bureaucracy_action $action */
+ $action = plugin_load('helper', $actionData['actionname']);
+ //this is the only form
+ $form_id = 0;
+ /** @var \helper_plugin_bureaucracy_field $field */
+ foreach ($data['fields'] as $i => $field) {
+ if (!isset($values[$i])) {
+ $values[$i] = null;
+ }
+ $isValid = $field->handle_post($values[$i], $data['fields'], $i, $form_id);
+ if (!$isValid) {
+ $validation_errors[] = $field->getParam('label');
+ }
+ }
+ $action->run(
+ $data['fields'],
+ $data['thanks'],
+ $actionData['argv']
+ );
+ return rawWiki($id);
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/actions_template.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/actions_template.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..befefc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/actions_template.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class syntax_plugin_bureaucracy_action_template_test extends DokuWikiTest {
+ protected $pluginsEnabled = array('bureaucracy');
+ public function testPrepareLanguagePlaceholderNoTranslate() {
+ $action = $this->getTemplateClass();
+ $action->prepareLanguagePlaceholder();
+ $this->assertEquals('en', $action->values['__lang__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('/@LANG@/', $action->patterns['__lang__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $action->values['__trans__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('/@TRANS@/', $action->patterns['__trans__']);
+ }
+ public function testPrepareLanguagePlaceholderTranslateDefaultNS() {
+ global $conf;
+ global $ID;
+ $conf['plugin']['translation']['translations'] = 'de';
+ $ID = 'bla';
+ plugin_enable('translation');
+ if (null === plugin_load('helper', 'translation')) return;
+ $action = $this->getTemplateClass();
+ $action->prepareLanguagePlaceholder();
+ $this->assertEquals('en', $action->values['__lang__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('/@LANG@/', $action->patterns['__lang__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('', $action->values['__trans__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('/@TRANS@/', $action->patterns['__trans__']);
+ }
+ public function testPrepareLanguagePlaceholderTranslateLanguageNS() {
+ global $conf;
+ global $ID;
+ $conf['plugin']['translation']['translations'] = 'de';
+ $ID = 'de:bla';
+ plugin_enable('translation');
+ $translation = plugin_load('helper', 'translation');
+ if (null === $translation) return;
+ $action = $this->getTemplateClass();
+ $action->prepareLanguagePlaceholder();
+ $this->assertEquals('en', $action->values['__lang__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('/@LANG@/', $action->patterns['__lang__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('de', $action->values['__trans__']);
+ $this->assertEquals('/@TRANS@/', $action->patterns['__trans__']);
+ }
+ public function testProcessFields() {
+ $data = array();
+ /** @var helper_plugin_bureaucracy_fieldstatic $staticfield */
+ $staticfield = plugin_load('helper', 'bureaucracy_fieldstatic');
+ $staticfield->initialize(array('text', 'text1'));
+ $data[] = $staticfield;
+ $action = $this->getTemplateClass();
+ $action->prepareFieldReplacements($data, '_', '');
+ $this->assertEquals('/(@@|##)text1(?:\|(.*?))\1/si', $action->patterns['text1']);
+ $this->assertEquals('$2', $action->values['text1']);
+ $this->assertEmpty($action->targetpages);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return helper_plugin_bureaucracy_actiontemplate
+ */
+ private function getTemplateClass() {
+ /** @var helper_plugin_bureaucracy_actiontemplate $templateaction */
+ $templateaction = plugin_load('helper', 'bureaucracy_actiontemplate');
+ $templateaction->patterns = array();
+ $templateaction->values = array();
+ $templateaction->targetpages = array();
+ $templateaction->pagename = array();
+ return $templateaction;
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/actions_template_noreplace.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/actions_template_noreplace.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc54878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/actions_template_noreplace.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_actions_template_test extends BureaucracyTest {
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'This is <noreplace>test</noreplace>.',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'This is test.',
+ [],
+ '<noreplace></noreplace> not removed.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '%Y-%m-%d <noreplace>%Y-%m-%d</noreplace>.',
+ '',
+ '',
+ date('Y-m-d') . ' %Y-%m-%d.',
+ [],
+ 'Date replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@@test@@ <noreplace>@@test@@</noreplace>.',
+ 'textbox test',
+ 'something',
+ 'something @@test@@.',
+ [],
+ 'Field value replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '<noreplace>@ID@ @USER@ @MAIL@</noreplace>',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '@ID@ @USER@ @MAIL@',
+ [],
+ 'DokuWiki replacement paterns for templates replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '<noreplace>@FORMPAGE_ID@ @FORMPAGE_NS@ @FORMPAGE_CURNS@</noreplace>',
+ '',
+ '',
+ [],
+ '@FORMPAGE_*@ replacement paterns replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '<noreplace><noinclude>TEST</noinclude></noreplace>',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '<noinclude>TEST</noinclude>',
+ [],
+ 'noinclude tag inside <replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '<noreplace>@NSBASE@</noreplace>',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '@NSBASE@',
+ [],
+ '"@NSBASE@" replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '<noreplace>%%</noreplace>',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '%%',
+ [],
+ '"%%" replaced inside <noreplace></noreplace>.',
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param string $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_noreplace_tag(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ if (empty($expectedValidationErrors)) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_date.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_date.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3164630
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_date.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+use \Doku_Form;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_date_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'Date:@@dateLabel@@',
+ 'date "dateLabel"',
+ '2018-05-15',
+ 'Date:2018-05-15',
+ [],
+ 'valid date',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Date:@@dateLabel@@',
+ 'date "dateLabel"',
+ '2018.05.15',
+ null,
+ ['dateLabel'],
+ 'invalid date',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Date: @DATE(@@dateLabel@@)@',
+ 'date "dateLabel"',
+ '2018-02-15',
+ 'Date: 2018/02/15 00:00',
+ [],
+ 'formatted date with $conf[\'dformat\'] format',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Month: @DATE(@@dateLabel@@,%%m)@',
+ 'date "dateLabel"',
+ '2018-02-15',
+ 'Month: 02',
+ [],
+ 'formatted date with custom format',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param string $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_date_submit(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ if (empty($expectedValidationErrors)) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_field_date_render()
+ {
+ $formSyntax = 'date "dateLabel"';
+ $instr = p_get_instructions("<form>\n$formSyntax\n</form>");
+ $actualHTML = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info);
+ $expectedFieldHTML = '<label><span>dateLabel <sup>*</sup></span> <input type="text" name="bureaucracy[0]" class="datepicker edit required" maxlength="10" required="required" /></label>';
+ $expectedHTML = self::FORM_PREFIX_HTML . "\n$expectedFieldHTML\n" . self::FORM_SUFFIX_HTML;
+ $this->assertEquals(trim($expectedHTML), trim($actualHTML));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_email.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_email.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3c522a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_email.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+use \Doku_Form;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_email_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'Mail: @@emailLabel@@',
+ '',
+ 'Mail:',
+ [],
+ 'valid email',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mail: @@emailLabel@@',
+ '@MAIL@',
+ 'Mail: @MAIL@',
+ [],
+ '@MAIL@ placeholder for user\'s email adress',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mail: @@emailLabel@@',
+ 'invalid@example',
+ 'Mail: invalid@example',
+ [],
+ 'local email addresses are allowed',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mail: @@emailLabel@@',
+ 'invalid[at]',
+ null,
+ ['emailLabel'],
+ 'invalid email',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_email_submit(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $label = 'emailLabel';
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ "email \"$label\"",
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ if (empty($expectedValidationErrors)) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_field_email_render()
+ {
+ $formSyntax = 'email emailLabel';
+ $instr = p_get_instructions("<form>\n$formSyntax\n</form>");
+ $actualHTML = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info);
+ $expectedFieldHTML = '<label><span>emailLabel <sup>*</sup></span> <input type="text" name="bureaucracy[0]" class="edit required" required="required" /></label>';
+ $expectedHTML = self::FORM_PREFIX_HTML . "\n$expectedFieldHTML\n" . self::FORM_SUFFIX_HTML;
+ $this->assertEquals(trim($expectedHTML), trim($actualHTML));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_file.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_file.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..628bff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_file.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class syntax_plugin_bureaucracy_fieldfile_test extends DokuWikiTest {
+ protected $pluginsEnabled = array('bureaucracy');
+ /**
+ * Parse doku $syntax and check if any resulting xhtml element can be selected by $pqSelector
+ *
+ * @param $syntax
+ * @param $pqSelector
+ */
+ protected function assertPqSelector($syntax, $pqSelector) {
+ $xhtml = p_render('xhtml', p_get_instructions($syntax), $info);
+ $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($xhtml);
+ $result = pq($pqSelector, $doc);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $result->length, "selector: \"$pqSelector\" not found in\n$xhtml\n");
+ }
+ /**
+ * Chceck if defined namespace doesn't violate $standardArgs
+ */
+ function test_syntax() {
+ $standardArgs = array(
+ '!' => 'input[type=file].edit',
+ '^' => 'input[type=file][required].edit.required',
+ '@' => 'input[type=file][required].edit.required',
+ '! /regex/' => 'input[type=file].edit',
+ '@ /regex/ "**Example error"' => 'input[type=file][required].edit.required'
+ );
+ //upload namespace not defined
+ foreach ($standardArgs as $arg => $pqSelector) {
+ $input = "<form>\nfile \"Some label\" $arg\n</form>";
+ $this->assertPqSelector($input, $pqSelector);
+ }
+ //upload namespace defined, nothing shoud change in syntax
+ foreach ($standardArgs as $arg => $pqSelector) {
+ $input = "<form>\nfile \"Some label\" upload:here $arg\n</form>";
+ $this->assertPqSelector($input, $pqSelector);
+ }
+ //upload namespace in ""
+ foreach ($standardArgs as $arg => $pqSelector) {
+ $input = "<form>\nfile \"Some label\" \"upload:here\" $arg\n</form>";
+ $this->assertPqSelector($input, $pqSelector);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the bureaucracy form syntax and simulate a file upload
+ *
+ * @param $form_syntax bureaucracy form syntax containg only one file field
+ * @return string a name of the uploaded file
+ */
+ protected function simulate_file_upload($form_syntax) {
+ $media = 'img.png';
+ $media_src = mediaFN('wiki:dokuwiki-128.png');
+ $syntax_plugin = new syntax_plugin_bureaucracy();
+ $data = $syntax_plugin->handle($form_syntax, 0, 0, new Doku_Handler());
+ $actionData = $data['actions'][0];
+ $action = plugin_load('helper', $actionData['actionname']);
+ $fileField = $data['fields'][0];
+ //mock file upload
+ $file = array(
+ 'name' => $media,
+ 'type' => 'image/png',
+ 'size' => filesize($media_src),
+ 'tmp_name' => $media_src
+ );
+ //this is the only field
+ $index = 0;
+ //this is the only form
+ $form_id = 0;
+ $fileField->handle_post($file, $data['fields'], $index, $form_id);
+ //upload file
+ $action->run(
+ $data['fields'],
+ $data['thanks'],
+ $actionData['argv']
+ );
+ return $media;
+ }
+ function test_action_template_upload_default() {
+ $template_id = 'template_upload_default';
+ $id = 'upload_default';
+ saveWikiText($template_id, 'Value:@@Some label@@', 'summary');
+ $form_syntax = "<form>action template $template_id $id\nfile \"Some label\"\n</form>";
+ $media = $this->simulate_file_upload($form_syntax);
+ //check if file exists where we suspect it to be
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists(mediaFN("$id:$media")));
+ }
+ function test_action_template_upload_absolute() {
+ $template_id = 'template_upload_absolute';
+ $id = 'upload_absolute';
+ $upload_ns = 'upload:ns';
+ saveWikiText($template_id, 'Value:@@Some label@@', 'summary');
+ $form_syntax = "<form>action template $template_id $id\nfile \"Some label\" $upload_ns\n</form>";
+ $media = $this->simulate_file_upload($form_syntax);
+ //check if file exists where we suspect it to be
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists(mediaFN("$upload_ns:$media")));
+ }
+ function test_action_template_upload_relative() {
+ $template_id = 'template_upload_relative';
+ $id = 'upload_relative';
+ $upload_ns_rel = 'upload:ns';
+ $upload_ns = ".:$upload_ns_rel";
+ saveWikiText($template_id, 'Value:@@Some label@@', 'summary');
+ $form_syntax = "<form>action template $template_id $id\nfile \"Some label\" \"$upload_ns\"\n</form>";
+ $media = $this->simulate_file_upload($form_syntax);
+ //check if file exists where we suspect it to be
+ $this->assertTrue(file_exists(mediaFN("$id:$upload_ns:$media")));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_hidden.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_hidden.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..386b28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_hidden.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+use \Doku_Form;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_hidden_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'hidden:@@hiddenLabel@@',
+ 'default value of the hidden field',
+ 'default value of the hidden field',
+ 'hidden:default value of the hidden field',
+ [],
+ 'valid hidden',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_hidden_submit(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $defaultValue,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $label = 'hiddenLabel';
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ "hidden \"$label\" \"=$defaultValue\"",
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ if (empty($expectedValidationErrors)) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_field_time_render()
+ {
+ $formSyntax = 'hidden hiddenLabel "=default value of the hidden field"';
+ $instr = p_get_instructions("<form>\n$formSyntax\n</form>");
+ $actualHTML = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info);
+ $hiddenFormPrefix = '<form class="bureaucracy__plugin" id="bureaucracy__plugin1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="" accept-charset="utf-8"><div class="no">
+<input type="hidden" name="sectok" value="" /><input type="hidden" name="bureaucracy[$$id]" value="1" />';
+ $expectedFieldHTML = '<input type="hidden" name="bureaucracy[0]" value="default value of the hidden field" />';
+ $hiddenFormSuffix = '</div></form>';
+ $expectedHTML = "$hiddenFormPrefix$expectedFieldHTML$hiddenFormSuffix";
+ $this->assertEquals(trim($expectedHTML), trim($actualHTML));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_multiselect.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_multiselect.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9445dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_multiselect.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+use Doku_Form;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_multiselect_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'fruits: @@multiSelectLabel@@',
+ 'multiselect "multiSelectLabel" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges" =Peaches,Oranges',
+ ['Peaches','Apples'],
+ 'fruits: Peaches, Apples',
+ [],
+ 'default separator',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'fruits: @@multiSelectLabel(;)@@',
+ 'multiselect "multiSelectLabel" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges" =Peaches,Oranges',
+ ['Peaches','Apples'],
+ 'fruits: Peaches;Apples',
+ [],
+ 'custom separator',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_multiselect_submit(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_field_multiselect_render()
+ {
+ $formSyntax = 'multiselect "multiSelectLabel" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges" =Peaches,Oranges';
+ $instr = p_get_instructions("<form>\n$formSyntax\n</form>");
+ $actualHTML = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info);
+ $expectedFieldHTML = '<label><span>multiSelectLabel <sup>*</sup></span> <select name="bureaucracy[0][]" multiple="multiple">
+<option value="Peaches" selected="selected">Peaches</option><option value="Apples">Apples</option><option value="Oranges" selected="selected">Oranges</option>
+ $expectedHTML = self::FORM_PREFIX_HTML . "\n$expectedFieldHTML\n" . self::FORM_SUFFIX_HTML;
+ $this->assertEquals(trim($expectedHTML), trim($actualHTML));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_radio.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_radio.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34839f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_radio.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+use Doku_Form;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_radio_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'fruits:@@radioLabel@@',
+ 'radio "radioLabel" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges"',
+ 'Peaches',
+ 'fruits:Peaches',
+ [],
+ 'first option chosen',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_radio_submit(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $label = 'radio';
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_field_date_render()
+ {
+ $formSyntax = 'radio "radioLabel" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges"';
+ $instr = p_get_instructions("<form>\n$formSyntax\n</form>");
+ $actualHTML = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info);
+ $expectedFieldHTML = '<label class="radiolabel "><span>radioLabel <sup>*</sup></span></label><label><input type="radio" name="bureaucracy[0]" value="Peaches" /> <span>Peaches</span></label>
+<label><input type="radio" name="bureaucracy[0]" value="Apples" /> <span>Apples</span></label>
+<label><input type="radio" name="bureaucracy[0]" value="Oranges" /> <span>Oranges</span></label>';
+ $expectedHTML = self::FORM_PREFIX_HTML . "\n$expectedFieldHTML\n" . self::FORM_SUFFIX_HTML;
+ $this->assertEquals(trim($expectedHTML), trim($actualHTML));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_time.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_time.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b027d8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_time.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_time_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'time:@@timeLabel@@',
+ 'time timeLabel',
+ '10:32',
+ 'time:10:32',
+ [],
+ 'valid time without seconds',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'time:@@timeLabel@@',
+ 'time timeLabel',
+ '10:32:44',
+ 'time:10:32:44',
+ [],
+ 'valid time with seconds',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'time:@@timeLabel@@',
+ 'time timeLabel',
+ '1032',
+ null,
+ ['timeLabel'],
+ 'invalid time',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param string $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string[] $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ */
+ public function test_field_time_submit(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ if (empty($expectedValidationErrors)) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_field_time_render()
+ {
+ $formSyntax = 'time "timeLabel"';
+ $instr = p_get_instructions("<form>\n$formSyntax\n</form>");
+ $actualHTML = p_render('xhtml', $instr, $info);
+ $expectedFieldHTML = '<label><span>timeLabel <sup>*</sup></span> <input type="text" name="bureaucracy[0]" class="timefield edit required" maxlength="8" required="required" /></label>';
+ $expectedHTML = self::FORM_PREFIX_HTML . "\n$expectedFieldHTML\n" . self::FORM_SUFFIX_HTML;
+ $this->assertEquals(trim($expectedHTML), trim($actualHTML));
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_user.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_user.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ade9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_user.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class syntax_plugin_bureaucracy_fielduser_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ /**
+ * Create some users
+ */
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ /** @var \DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
+ global $auth;
+ $auth->createUser("user1", "54321", "user1Name", "");
+ $auth->createUser("user2", "543210", "user2Name", "");
+ $auth->createUser("mwuser", "12345", "Wiki User", "", ['group1', 'group2']);
+ }
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'user:@@user@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:mwuser',
+ [],
+ 'default substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user@@',
+ 'user user',
+ '',
+ 'user:',
+ ['user'],
+ 'error for empty substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user@@',
+ 'user user !',
+ '',
+ 'user:',
+ [],
+ 'ok for empty substitution in optional field',
+ ],
+ [
+ '',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:Wiki User',
+ [],
+ 'name substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user.mail@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ '',
+ [],
+ 'mail substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user.grps@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:group1, group2',
+ [],
+ 'groups substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user.grps(;)@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:group1;group2',
+ [],
+ 'groups substitution custom delimiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user.grps())@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:group1)group2',
+ [],
+ 'groups substitution custom delimiter with brackets',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user.no_sutch_attribute@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:@@user.no_sutch_attribute@@',
+ [],
+ 'template unknown attribute substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:##user##',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:mwuser',
+ [],
+ 'hash substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:##user.mail##',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ '',
+ [],
+ 'hash substitution with attribute',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:##user@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'user:##user@@',
+ [],
+ 'hash substitution sign mismatch',
+ ],
+ [
+ "user:@@user@@\n\nmail:@@user.mail@@\n\ngrps:@@user.grps(\n)@@",
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ "user:mwuser\n\\n\ngrps:group1\ngroup2",
+ [],
+ 'multiple replacements',
+ ],
+ [
+ "grps1:@@user.grps(\n)@@\n\ngrps2:@@user.grps(())@@",
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ "grps1:group1\ngroup2\n\ngrps2:group1()group2",
+ [],
+ 'groups twice',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'grps:@@user.grps(end))@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'grps:group1end)group2',
+ [],
+ 'groups special glue',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'grps:@@user.grps()@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'mwuser',
+ 'grps:group1group2',
+ [],
+ 'groups with empty delimiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'user:@@user@@',
+ 'user user',
+ 'non_existant_user',
+ 'user:non_existant_user',
+ ['user'],
+ 'error for non existant user',
+ ],
+ [
+ '',
+ 'user user',
+ 'non_existant_user',
+ '',
+ ['user'],
+ 'error for non existant user with attribute',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param string $postedValue value of 'user' field
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_user(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_users.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_users.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633be20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_users.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class syntax_plugin_bureaucracy_fieldusers_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ /**
+ * Create some users
+ */
+ public function setUp(): void
+ {
+ parent::setUp();
+ /** @var \DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
+ global $auth;
+ $auth->createUser('user1', '54321', 'user1Name', '');
+ $auth->createUser('user2', '543210', 'user2Name', '');
+ $auth->createUser('mwuser', '12345', 'Wiki User', '', ['group1', 'group2']);
+ }
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'users:@@users@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1, user2',
+ [],
+ 'default substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users@@',
+ 'users users',
+ '',
+ 'users:',
+ ['users'],
+ 'error for empty substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users(;)@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1;user2',
+ [],
+ 'custom delimiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ "users:@@users(\n)@@",
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ "users:user1\nuser2",
+ [],
+ 'newline delimiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users()@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1user2',
+ [],
+ 'empty delimiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ '',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1Name, user2Name',
+ [],
+ 'names substitution default delitmiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users(;).name@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1Name;user2Name',
+ [],
+ 'names substitution custom delitmiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users.mail@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ ',',
+ [],
+ 'mail substitution default delitmiter',
+ ],
+ [
+ "mails:@@users.mail@@\n\nnames:@@users(\n).name@@",
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ ",\n\nnames:user1Name\nuser2Name",
+ [],
+ 'multiple replacements',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'not_existing1, not_existing2',
+ 'users:not_existing1, not_existing2',
+ ['users'],
+ 'unknown users should cause errors',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@users.unknown_attribute@@',
+ 'users users',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:@@users.unknown_attribute@@',
+ [],
+ 'non existant attribute is not replaced',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@*]]@@', // the label must be something to break a regex when not properly quoted
+ 'users "*]]"',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1, user2',
+ [],
+ 'ensure label desn\'t break regex',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'users:@@tHis Is UsEr@@',
+ 'users "tHis Is UsEr"',
+ 'user1, user2',
+ 'users:user1, user2',
+ [],
+ 'label with spaces and mixed case',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param string $postedValue value of 'users' field
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_users(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_yesno.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_yesno.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26bd785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/field_yesno.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_field_yesno_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ 'cb:@@checkbox@@',
+ '"=Yes"',
+ '"!No"',
+ '1',
+ 'cb:Yes',
+ [],
+ 'default checked substitution',
+ ],
+ [
+ 'cb:@@checkbox@@',
+ '"=Yes"',
+ '"!No"',
+ '0',
+ 'cb:No',
+ [],
+ 'default unchecked substitution',
+ ],
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param $YesValue
+ * @param $NoValue
+ * @param $isChecked
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_field_yesno(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $YesValue,
+ $NoValue,
+ $isChecked,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $label = 'checkbox';
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ "yesno \"$label\" $YesValue $NoValue",
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $isChecked
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/general.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/general.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b3e0cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/general.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ * General tests for the bureaucracy plugin
+ *
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class general_plugin_bureaucracy_test extends DokuWikiTest {
+ /**
+ * Simple test to make sure the is in correct format
+ */
+ public function test_plugininfo() {
+ $file = __DIR__.'/../';
+ $this->assertFileExists($file);
+ $info = confToHash($file);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('base', $info);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('author', $info);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('email', $info);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('date', $info);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('name', $info);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('desc', $info);
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey('url', $info);
+ $this->assertEquals('bureaucracy', $info['base']);
+ $this->assertRegExp('/^https?:\/\//', $info['url']);
+ $this->assertTrue(mail_isvalid($info['email']));
+ $this->assertRegExp('/^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d$/', $info['date']);
+ $this->assertTrue(false !== strtotime($info['date']));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test to ensure that every conf['...'] entry in conf/default.php has a corresponding meta['...'] entry in
+ * conf/metadata.php.
+ */
+ public function test_plugin_conf() {
+ $conf_file = __DIR__.'/../conf/default.php';
+ if (file_exists($conf_file)){
+ include($conf_file);
+ }
+ $meta_file = __DIR__.'/../conf/metadata.php';
+ if (file_exists($meta_file)) {
+ include($meta_file);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals(gettype($conf), gettype($meta),'Both ' . DOKU_PLUGIN . 'bureaucracy/conf/default.php and ' . DOKU_PLUGIN . 'bureaucracy/conf/metadata.php have to exist and contain the same keys.');
+ if (gettype($conf) != 'NULL' && gettype($meta) != 'NULL') {
+ foreach($conf as $key => $value) {
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $meta, 'Key $meta[\'' . $key . '\'] missing in ' . DOKU_PLUGIN . 'bureaucracy/conf/metadata.php');
+ }
+ foreach($meta as $key => $value) {
+ $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $conf, 'Key $conf[\'' . $key . '\'] missing in ' . DOKU_PLUGIN . 'bureaucracy/conf/default.php');
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/input.txt b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/input.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b395ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/input.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+action template userstpl users:%Y:@@What's your Name?@@:start
+Fieldset "A set of fields"
+Textbox "Employee Name" "=Your Name"
+number "Your Age" >13 <99
+email "Your E-Mail Address"
+textbox "Occupation (optional)" !
+password "Some password"
+file "File1"
+fieldset "HTML Checks <bold>bang</bold>" "<bold>bang</bold>" "<bold>bang</bold>"
+textbox "HTML check 1 <bold>bang</bold>" "=<bold>bang</bold>"
+password "HTML check 2 <bold>bang</bold>" "=<bold>bang</bold>"
+textarea "HTML check 3 <bold>bang</bold>" "=<bold>bang</bold>"
+static "HTML check 4 <bold>bang</bold>"
+wiki "HTML check 5 <bold>bang</bold>"
+fieldset "even more fields"
+select "Please select an option" "Peaches|Apples|Oranges"
+static "Some static text that could be an agreement"
+yesno "Read the agreement?"
+textarea "Tell me about your self"
+textbox "You need to write 'agree' here" /^agree$/
+fieldset "Create Your User Page"
+select "What's your Continent?" "Europe|N. America|S. America|Asia|Australia"
+textbox "What's your Name?"
+textarea "Enter a short bio" !
+yesno "Do have publication?"
+fieldset "Add your publications" "Do have publication?"
+textarea "Publications:"
+addpage users:publicationtemplate publications
+fieldset "Finish"
+submit "Submit Query"
+</form> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/replace_functions.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/replace_functions.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4104de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/replace_functions.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+namespace dokuwiki\plugin\bureaucracy\test;
+use \Doku_Form;
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class bureaucracy_replace_functions_test extends BureaucracyTest
+ public function dataProvider()
+ {
+ return [
+ [
+ '@curNS@',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '@curNS@',
+ [],
+ '"@function@" shouldn\'t be replaced.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@curNS()@',
+ '',
+ '',
+ '',
+ [],
+ '"@function()@" should return empty string.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '(@noNS(test):page)@)', //test doubled bracket
+ '',
+ '',
+ '(page)',
+ [],
+ '"@curNS(test:page))@" should return empty string.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@curNS(test:static:value)@',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'static',
+ [],
+ '@curNS()@ doesn\'t work.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@curNS(@@page@@)@',
+ 'textbox page',
+ 'some:test:page',
+ 'test',
+ [],
+ '@curNS()@ doesn\'t work.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@getNS(@@page@@)@',
+ 'textbox page',
+ 'some:test:page',
+ 'some:test',
+ [],
+ '@getNS()@ doesn\'t work.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@getNS(test:static:value)@',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'test:static',
+ [],
+ '@getNS()@ doesn\'t work.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@noNS(test:static:value)@',
+ '',
+ '',
+ 'value',
+ [],
+ '@noNS()@ doesn\'t work.',
+ ],
+ [
+ '@noNS(@@page@@)@',
+ 'textbox page',
+ 'some:test:page',
+ 'page',
+ [],
+ '@noNS()@ doesn\'t work.',
+ ]
+ ];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @dataProvider dataProvider
+ *
+ * @param string $templateSyntax
+ * @param string $formSyntax
+ * @param string $postedValue
+ * @param string $expectedWikiText
+ * @param string $expectedValidationErrors
+ * @param string $msg
+ *
+ */
+ public function test_NS_functions(
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $formSyntax,
+ $postedValue,
+ $expectedWikiText,
+ $expectedValidationErrors,
+ $msg
+ ) {
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ $formSyntax,
+ $templateSyntax,
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $postedValue
+ );
+ if (empty($expectedValidationErrors)) {
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedWikiText, $actualWikiText, $msg);
+ }
+ $this->assertEquals($expectedValidationErrors, $actualValidationErrors, $msg);
+ }
+ public function test_p_get_first_heading_function() {
+ //create page with heading
+ $wikitext = "====== Header 1 ======\n";
+ $page = 'some:test:page';
+ saveWikiText($page, $wikitext, 'summary');
+ $actualValidationErrors = [];
+ $actualWikiText = parent::send_form_action_template(
+ 'textbox page',
+ '@p_get_first_heading(@@page@@)@',
+ $actualValidationErrors,
+ $page
+ );
+ $this->assertEquals('Header 1', $actualWikiText);
+ }
diff --git a/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/syntax.test.php b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/syntax.test.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b552e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/www/lib/plugins/bureaucracy/_test/syntax.test.php
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * @group plugin_bureaucracy
+ * @group plugins
+ */
+class syntax_plugin_bureaucracy_test extends DokuWikiTest {
+ protected $pluginsEnabled = array('bureaucracy');
+ public function test_generalFormOutput() {
+ $input = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/input.txt');
+ $xhtml = p_render('xhtml', p_get_instructions($input), $info);
+ $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($xhtml);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, pq('form.bureaucracy__plugin', $doc)->length);
+ $this->assertEquals(6, pq('form.bureaucracy__plugin fieldset', $doc)->length);
+ // standard input types
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'Employee Name', 'input[type=text][value=Your Name].edit', true);
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'Your Age', 'input[type=text].edit', true);
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'Your E-Mail Address', 'input[type=text].edit', true);
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'Occupation (optional)', 'input[type=text].edit');
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'Some password', 'input[type=password].edit', true);
+ // select field
+ $select = $this->checkField($doc, 'Please select an option', 'select');
+ $this->assertEquals(3, pq('option', $select)->length);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, pq('option:selected', $select)->length);
+ $this->assertEquals('Peaches', pq('option:selected', $select)->val());
+ // static text
+ $this->assertEquals(1, pq('p:contains(Some static text)', $doc)->length);
+ // checkbox
+ $cb = $this->checkField($doc, 'Read the agreement?', 'input[type=checkbox][value=1]');
+ $this->assertEquals('1', pq('input[type=hidden][value=0]', $cb->parent())->length);
+ // text area
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'Tell me about your self', 'textarea.edit', true);
+ // file field
+ $this->checkField($doc, 'File1', 'input[type=file].edit', true);
+ // submit button
+ $this->assertEquals(1, pq('button[type=submit]:contains(Submit Query)')->length);
+ }
+ public function test_HTMLinclusion() {
+ $input = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/input.txt');
+ $xhtml = p_render('xhtml', p_get_instructions($input), $info);
+ $doc = phpQuery::newDocument($xhtml);
+ // HTML Check - there should be no bold tag anywhere
+ $this->assertEquals(0, pq('bold', $doc)->length);
+ }
+ private function checkField($doc, $name, $check, $required=false) {
+ $field = pq('form.bureaucracy__plugin label span:contains(' . $name . ')', $doc);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $field->length, "find span of $name");
+ if($required){
+ $this->assertEquals(1, pq('sup', $field)->length, "is mandatory of $name");
+ }
+ $label = $field->parent();
+ $this->assertTrue($label->is('label'), "find label of $name");
+ $input = pq($check, $label);
+ $this->assertEquals(1, $input->length, "find check of $name");
+ return $input;
+ }
+ public function test_parseline() {
+ $match = 'textbox label0 "Test with spaces"
+textbox LabelWithoutSpaces
+textbox Label Without Spaces
+textbox "Label with spaces" "Text with a quote""in text"
+textbox Label2 " "
+textbox Label3 """"
+textbox Label4 " """ " """ " """
+textbox Label5 """ "
+textbox Label6 "" " "
+textbox Label7 " "" "
+textbox Label7 " ""
+ "" ss"
+textbox Label8';
+ $expected = array(
+ array('textbox', 'label0', 'Test with spaces'),
+ array('textbox', 'LabelWithoutSpaces'),
+ array('textbox', 'Label', 'Without', 'Spaces'),
+ array('textbox', 'Label with spaces', 'Text with a quote"in text'),
+ array('textbox', 'Label2', ' '),
+ array('textbox', 'Label3', '"'),
+ array('textbox', 'Label4', ' "', ' "', ' "'),
+ array('textbox', 'Label5', '" '),
+ array('textbox', 'Label6', '', ' '),
+ array('textbox', 'Label7', ' " '),
+ array('textbox', 'Label7', ' "
+ " ss'),
+ array('textbox', 'Label8')
+ );
+ $lines = explode("\n", $match);
+ $i = 0;
+ while(count($lines) > 0) {
+ $line = trim(array_shift($lines));
+ $syntaxcomponent = new syntax_plugin_bureaucracy();
+ $actual = $this->callNonaccessibleMethod($syntaxcomponent, '_parse_line', array($line, &$lines));
+ $this->assertEquals($expected[$i], $actual);
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Test not accessible methods..
+ *
+ * @param string|object $obj
+ * @param string $name
+ * @param array $args
+ * @return mixed
+ */
+ protected function callNonaccessibleMethod($obj, $name, array $args) {
+ $class = new ReflectionClass($obj);
+ $method = $class->getMethod($name);
+ $method->setAccessible(true);
+ return $method->invokeArgs($obj, $args);
+ }