Wikimedia ObjectFactory ======================= Construct objects from configuration instructions. ObjectFactory is used to convert a specification array into a live object. The specification array must contain a `class` key with string value that specifies the class name to instantiate or a `factory` key with a callable (is_callable() === true). It can optionally contain an `args` key that provides arguments to pass to the constructor/callable. Values in the arguments collection which are Closure instances will be expanded by invoking them with no arguments before passing the resulting value on to the constructor/callable. This can be used to pass live objects to the constructor/callable. This behavior can be suppressed by adding `closure_expansion => false` to the specification. The specification may also contain a `calls` key that describes method calls to make on the newly created object before returning it. This pattern is often known as "setter injection". The value of this key is expected to be an associative array with method names as keys and argument lists as values. The argument list will be expanded (or not) in the same way as the `args` key for the main object. Installation ------------ ``` $ composer require wikimedia/object-factory ``` Usage ----- ``` [ 'class' => PDO::class, 'args' => [ 'mysql:dbname=testdb;host=', 'dbuser', 'dbpass', ], ], ]; $db = ObjectFactory::getObjectFromSpec( $specs['testDB'] ): ``` License ------- Wikimedia ObjectFactory is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 and any later version (GPL-2.0-or-later). See the [`COPYING`](COPYING) file for more details.