# shared-resources [![Latest Stable Version](https://poser.pugx.org/onoi/shared-resources/version.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/onoi/shared-resources) [![Packagist download count](https://poser.pugx.org/onoi/shared-resources/d/total.png)](https://packagist.org/packages/onoi/shared-resources) [![Dependency Status](https://www.versioneye.com/php/onoi:shared-resources/badge.png)](https://www.versioneye.com/php/onoi:shared-resources) Some resources in this package were part of the [Semantic MediaWiki][smw] code base and are now deployed as separate library so that [ResourceLoader][rl] modules can be used independently. ## Requirements PHP 5.3 / HHVM 3.3 or later ## Installation The recommended installation method for this library is to add the dependency to your [composer.json][composer]. ```json { "require": { "onoi/shared-resources": "~0.4" } } ``` ## Usage Define a dependency or load a specifc resource module. ``` $GLOBALS['wgResourceModules']['ext.something'] = array( ... 'dependencies' => array( 'onoi.md5', 'onoi.blobstore' ); ); ``` ``` mw.loader.using( 'onoi.md5' ).done( function () { // do something } ); ``` ### Resources - `onoi.md5` (1.1.0) - `onoi.blockUI` (2.70) - `onoi.rangeslider` (2.1.2) - `onoi.localForage` (1.4.2) - `onoi.async` (1.0) - `onoi.qtip` (3.0.3) - `onoi.jstorage` (0.4.12) - `onoi.blobstore` (0.1) - `onoi.clipboard` (1.5.15) - `onoi.dataTables` (`jquery.dataTables` 1.10.15) - `onoi.bootstrap.tab` (v4.0.0-alpha.6) ## Contribution and support If you want to contribute work to the project please subscribe to the developers mailing list and have a look at the [contribution guidelinee](/CONTRIBUTING.md). A list of people who have made contributions in the past can be found [here][contributors]. * [File an issue](https://github.com/onoi/shared-resources/issues) * [Submit a pull request](https://github.com/onoi/shared-resources/pulls) ## Release notes - 0.4.1 (2017-04-22) - Replaced `jquery.dataTables` 1.10.13 with 1.10.15 - 0.4 (2017-04-15) - Addedd `onoi.dataTables` using `jquery.dataTables` 1.10.13 - Addedd `onoi.highlight` using `jquery.highlight` - Addedd `onoi.bootstrap.tab` using Bootstrap (v4.0.0-alpha.6): tab.js - Replaced `clipboard.js` v1.5.15 with v1.6.1 - Replaced `localForage.js` 1.4.2 with 1.5.0 - 0.3 (2016-12-17) - Addedd `onoi.clipboard` 1.5.15 - 0.2 (2016-05-25) - Addedd `onoi.qtip` 3.0.3 - Replaced `onoi.localForage` 1.4.0 with 1.4.2 - Replaced `onoi.md5` 2.3.0 with 1.1.0 as some issues were encountered when loading it as resource - 0.1 (2016-04-05) - Initial release ## License [GNU General Public License 2.0 or later][license]. Libraries and third-party plug-ins are deployed with their respective published licenses. - [MD5](https://github.com/blueimp/JavaScript-MD5), MIT license - [jquery.blockUI](http://malsup.com/jquery/block/), Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses - [ion.rangeSlider](https://github.com/IonDen/ion.rangeSlider), MIT license - [Mozilla localForage](https://github.com/mozilla/localForage/releases), Apache License 2.0 - [jquery.async](http://mess.genezys.net/jquery/jquery.async.php) Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses - [jStorage](https://github.com/andris9/jStorage), Unlicense - [jquery.qtip](http://qtip2.com/), Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses - [jquery.dataTables](https://datatables.net/), MIT licenses - [jquery.highlight](http://bartaz.github.io/sandbox.js/jquery.highlight.html/), MIT licenses - [clipboard.js](https://github.com/zenorocha/clipboard.js), MIT License - [Bootstrap](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap), MIT licenses - `onoi.blobstore` (0.1, GPL 2+) [composer]: https://getcomposer.org/ [contributors]: https://github.com/onoi/shared-resources/graphs/contributors [license]: https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html [travis]: https://travis-ci.org/onoi/shared-resources [smw]: https://github.com/SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki/ [rl]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/ResourceLoader