setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_URL, $url ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, 15 ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONNECTION_FAILURE_REPEAT, 2 ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_SOCKET_CLIENT_FLAGS, STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT | STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD, 'POST' ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false ); $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_FOLLOWLOCATION, true ); } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function ping() { if ( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_URL ) === null ) { return false; } $urlComponents = $this->getUrlComponents( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_URL ) ); $resource = $this->getResourceFromSocketClient( $urlComponents, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT ); if ( !$resource ) { return false; } stream_set_timeout( $resource, $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT ) ); $httpMessage = ( "HEAD " . $urlComponents['path'] . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" . "Host: " . $urlComponents['host'] . "\r\n" . "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ); $res = @fwrite( $resource, $httpMessage ); if ( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_FOLLOWLOCATION ) && $res !== false ) { $this->setOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_URL, $this->tryToFindFollowLocation( $resource, $urlComponents ) ); } @fclose( $resource ); return $res !== false; } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function setOption( $name, $value ) { $this->options[$name] = $value; } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getOption( $name ) { return isset( $this->options[$name] ) ? $this->options[$name] : null; } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getLastTransferInfo( $name = null ) { return $this->lastTransferInfo; } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getLastError() { return $this->errstr; } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function getLastErrorCode() { return $this->errno; } /** * @since 1.1 * * {@inheritDoc} */ public function execute() { $urlComponents = $this->getUrlComponents( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_URL ) ); $resource = $this->getResourceFromSocketClient( $urlComponents, $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_SOCKET_CLIENT_FLAGS ) ); // Defaults $requestResponse = new RequestResponse( array( 'host' => $urlComponents['host'], 'port' => $urlComponents['port'], 'path' => $urlComponents['path'], 'responseMessage' => "$this->errstr ($this->errno)", 'followedLocation' => false, 'wasCompleted' => false, 'wasAccepted' => false, 'connectionFailure' => -1, 'requestProcTime' => microtime( true ) ) ); $this->doMakeSocketRequest( $urlComponents, $resource, $requestResponse ); $this->postResponseToCallback( $requestResponse ); return $requestResponse->get( 'wasCompleted' ); } protected function getResourceFromSocketClient( $urlComponents, $flags ) { $context = stream_context_create(); stream_context_set_option( $context, 'ssl', 'verify_peer', $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_SSL_VERIFYPEER ) ); $resource = @stream_socket_client( $urlComponents['host'] . ':'. $urlComponents['port'], $this->errno, $this->errstr, $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT ), $flags, $context ); return $resource; } private function doMakeSocketRequest( $urlComponents, $resource, RequestResponse &$requestResponse ) { if ( !$resource ) { return; } $requestCompleted = false; stream_set_timeout( $resource, $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT ) ); $httpMessage = ( strtoupper( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD ) ) . " " . $urlComponents['path'] . " HTTP/1.1\r\n" . "Host: " . $urlComponents['host'] . "\r\n" . "Content-Type: " . $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE ) . "\r\n" . "Content-Length: " . strlen( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT ) ) . "\r\n" . "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" . $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONTENT ) ); // Sometimes a response can fail (busy server, timeout etc.), try as for // as many times the FAILURE_REPEAT option dictates for ( $repeats = 0; $repeats < $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_CONNECTION_FAILURE_REPEAT ); $repeats++ ) { if ( $requestCompleted = @fwrite( $resource, $httpMessage ) ) { break; } } // Fetch the acknowledge response $this->lastTransferInfo = @fgets( $resource ); @fclose( $resource ); $requestResponse->set( 'responseMessage', $this->lastTransferInfo ); $requestResponse->set( 'followedLocation', $this->followedLocation ); $requestResponse->set( 'wasCompleted', (bool)$requestCompleted ); $requestResponse->set( 'wasAccepted', (bool)preg_match( '#^HTTP/\d\.\d 202 #', $this->lastTransferInfo ) ); $requestResponse->set( 'connectionFailure', $repeats ); } private function getUrlComponents( $url ) { $urlComponents = parse_url( $url ); $port = 80; $urlComponents['scheme'] = isset( $urlComponents['scheme'] ) ? $urlComponents['scheme'] : ''; $urlComponents['host'] = isset( $urlComponents['host'] ) ? $urlComponents['host'] : ''; $urlComponents['path'] = isset( $urlComponents['path'] ) ? $urlComponents['path'] : ''; if ( isset( $urlComponents['scheme'] ) && $urlComponents['scheme'] == 'https' ) { $urlComponents['host'] = "tls://" . $urlComponents['host']; $port = 443; } if ( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_SOCKET_PORT ) !== null ) { $port = $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_SOCKET_PORT ); } $urlComponents['port'] = isset( $urlComponents['port'] ) ? $urlComponents['port'] : $port; return array( 'scheme' => $urlComponents['scheme'], 'host' => $urlComponents['host'], 'port' => $urlComponents['port'], 'path' => $urlComponents['path'] ); } private function postResponseToCallback( RequestResponse $requestResponse ) { $requestResponse->set( 'requestProcTime', microtime( true ) - $requestResponse->get( 'requestProcTime' ) ); if ( is_callable( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_ON_COMPLETED_CALLBACK ) ) && $requestResponse->get( 'wasCompleted' ) ) { call_user_func_array( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_ON_COMPLETED_CALLBACK ), array( $requestResponse ) ); } if ( is_callable( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_ON_FAILED_CALLBACK ) ) && ( !$requestResponse->get( 'wasCompleted' ) || !$requestResponse->get( 'wasAccepted' ) ) ) { call_user_func_array( $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_ON_FAILED_CALLBACK ), array( $requestResponse ) ); } } private function tryToFindFollowLocation( $resource, $urlComponents ) { // $response = ''; $host = str_replace( 'tls://', '', $urlComponents['host'] ); while( !feof( $resource ) ) $response .= fread( $resource, 8192 ); // Only try to match a 301 message (Moved Permanently) if ( preg_match( '#^HTTP/\d\.\d 301 #', $response ) && preg_match('/^Location: (.+?)$/m', $response, $matches ) ) { $this->followedLocation = true; if ( substr( $matches[1], 0, 1 ) == "/" ) { return $urlComponents['scheme'] . "://" . $host . trim( $matches[1] ); } return trim( $matches[1] ); } // Return the URL we know return $this->getOption( ONOI_HTTP_REQUEST_URL ); } }