# DataValues Geo Small library for **parsing, formatting and representing coordinates**. This library supports multiple coordinate formats, it is well tested, and it is used by the software behind Wikipedia and Wikidata. 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In most cases you will be using this one * `DdCoordinateParser` - Parses decimal degree coordinates * `DmCoordinateParser` - Parses decimal minute coordinates * `DmsCoordinateParser` - Parses degree minute second coordinates * `FloatCoordinateParser` - Parses float coordinates * `GlobeCoordinateParser` - Parses coordinates into `GlobeCoordinateValue` objects To **turn a coordinate object into a string** you use one of the coordinate formatters. ```php $formatter = new LatLongFormatter(); $coordinateString = $formatter->format(new LatLongValue(42.23, 13.37)); ``` These formatters are provided: * `LatLongFormatter` - Formats a `LatLongValue` into any of the supported formats * `GlobeCoordinateFormatter` - Formats a `GlobeCoordinateValue` To **represent a set of coordinates** you use one of the Value Objects. `LatLongValue` has a float latitude and longitude. `GlobeCoordinateValue` wraps `LatLongValue` and adds a precision and a globe identifier. The **supported coordinate formats** are: * Degree minute second (`55° 45' 20.8296", -37° 37' 3.4788"` or `55° 45' 20.8296" N, 37° 37' 3.4788" W`) * Decimal minute (`55° 30', -37° 30'` or `55° 30' N, 37° 30' W`) * Decimal degree (`55.7557860°, -37.6176330°` or `55.7557860° N, 37.6176330° W`) * Float (`55.7557860, -37.6176330` or `55.7557860 N, 37.6176330 W`) The parsers and formatters allow you to customize the used symbols for degrees, minutes and seconds and to change the letters used to indicate direction (N, E, S, W). ## Requirements **Geo 4.x:** PHP 7.1 or later (tested with PHP 7.1 up to PHP 7.3) **Geo 3.x:** PHP 5.5 or later (tested with PHP 5.5 up to PHP 7.2 and HHVM) ## Installation To add this package as a local, per-project dependency to your project, simply add a dependency on `data-values/geo` to your project's `composer.json` file. Here is a minimal example of a `composer.json` file that just defines a dependency on version 4.x of this package: ```json { "require": { "data-values/geo": "^4.0.0" } } ``` ## Running the tests For tests only composer test For style checks only composer cs For a full CI run composer ci ## Authors DataValues Geo is based upon and contains a lot of code written by [Jeroen De Dauw](https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw) for the [Maps](https://github.com/JeroenDeDauw/Maps) and [Semantic MediaWiki](https://semantic-mediawiki.org/) projects. Significant contributions where made by the Wikidata team, as [Wikimedia Germany](https://wikimedia.de/en) employees for the [Wikidata project](https://wikidata.org/). ## Release notes ### 4.1.0 (dev) * Added "PHP strict types" to all files * `LatLongValue` no longer extends `DataValueObject` * `GlobeCoordinateValue` no longer extends `DataValueObject` ### 4.0.1 (2018-08-10) * Fixed parsing of coordinates with lowercase S/W directions * Fixed parsing DMS coordinates that omit a single minute number ### 3.0.1 (2018-08-01) * Fixed parsing of coordinates with lowercase S/W directions ### 2.1.2 (2018-08-01) * Fixed parsing of coordinates with lowercase S/W directions ### 4.0.0 (2018-07-13) * Updated minimum required PHP version from 5.5.9 to 7.1 * Added scalar type hints * Added return type hints * Added nullable type hints * Made constant visibility explicit * Constructing an invalid `LatLongValue` now causes `InvalidArgumentException` instead of `OutOfRangeException` ### 3.0.0 (2018-03-20) * Removed `DATAVALUES_GEO_VERSION` constant * The parsers no longer extend `StringValueParser` * They no longer have public methods `setOptions` and `getOptions` * They no longer have protected field `options` * They no longer have protected methods `requireOption`, `defaultOption` and `stringParse` * `GlobeCoordinateParser` and `LatLongParser` no longer have protected method `getOption` * Made several protected fields and methods private * All fields of `LatLongValue` * The `detect…Precision` methods in `GlobeCoordinateParser` * `LatLongParser::getParsers` * Removed public static method `LatLongParser::areCoordinates` * Dropped dependence on the DataValues Common library * Removed long deprecated class aliases * `DataValues\GlobeCoordinateValue` (now in `DataValues\Geo\Values`) * `DataValues\LatLongValue` (now in `DataValues\Geo\Values`) * `DataValues\Geo\Formatters\GeoCoordinateFormatter` (now `LatLongFormatter`) * `DataValues\Geo\Parsers\GeoCoordinateParser` (now `LatLongParser`) ### 2.1.1 (2017-08-09) * Allow use with ~0.4.0 of DataValues/Common ### 2.1.0 (2017-08-09) * Remove MediaWiki integration * Make use of the …::class feature * Add .gitattributes to exclude not needed files from git exports * Use Wikibase CodeSniffer instead of Mediawiki's * Move to short array syntax ### 2.0.1 (2017-06-26) * Fixed `GlobeCoordinateValue::newFromArray` and `LatLongValue::newFromArray` not accepting mixed values. * Deprecated `GlobeCoordinateValue::newFromArray` and `LatLongValue::newFromArray`. * Updated minimum required PHP version from 5.3 to 5.5.9. ### 2.0.0 (2017-05-09) * `GlobeCoordinateValue` does not accept empty strings as globes any more. * `GlobeCoordinateValue` does not accept precisions outside the [-360..+360] interval any more. * Changed hash calculation of `GlobeCoordinateValue` in an incompatible way. * Renamed `GeoCoordinateFormatter` to `LatLongFormatter`, leaving a deprecated alias. * Renamed `GeoCoordinateParser` to `LatLongParser`, leaving a deprecated alias. * Renamed `GeoCoordinateParserBase` to `LatLongParserBase`. * Deprecated `LatLongParser::areCoordinates`. ### 1.2.2 (2017-03-14) * Fixed multiple rounding issues in `GeoCoordinateFormatter`. ### 1.2.1 (2016-12-16) * Fixed another IEEE issue in `GeoCoordinateFormatter`. ### 1.2.0 (2016-11-11) * Added missing inline documentation to public methods and constants. * Added a basic PHPCS rule set, can be run with `composer phpcs`. ### 1.1.8 (2016-10-12) * Fixed an IEEE issue in `GeoCoordinateFormatter` * Fixed a PHP 7.1 compatibility issue in a test ### 1.1.7 (2016-05-25) * Made minor documentation improvements ### 1.1.6 (2016-04-02) * Added compatibility with DataValues Common 0.3.x ### 1.1.5 (2015-12-28) * The component can now be installed together with DataValues Interfaces 0.2.x ### 1.1.4 (2014-11-25) * Add fall back to default on invalid precision to more places. ### 1.1.3 (2014-11-19) * Fall back to default on invalid precision instead of dividing by zero. ### 1.1.2 (2014-11-18) * Precision detection in `GlobeCoordinateParser` now has a lower bound of 0.00000001° ### 1.1.1 (2014-10-21) * Removed remaining uses of class aliases from messages and comments * Fixed some types in documentation ### 1.1.0 (2014-10-09) * Made the component installable with DataValues 1.x * `GeoCoordinateFormatter` now supports precision in degrees * `GlobeCoordinateFormatter` now passes the globe precision to the `GeoCoordinateFormatter` it uses * Introduced `FORMAT_NAME` class constants on ValueParsers in order to use them as expectedFormat * Changed ValueParsers to pass rawValue and expectedFormat arguments when constructing a `ParseException` ### 1.0.0 (2014-07-31) * All classes and interfaces have been moved into the `DataValues\Geo` namespace * `DataValues\LatLongValue` has been left as deprecated alias * `DataValues\GlobeCoordinateValue` has been left as deprecated alias * Globe in `GlobeCoordinateValue` now defaults to `http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q2` ### 0.2.0 (2014-07-07) * Removed deprecated `GeoCoordinateValue` * Added `GlobeMath` ### 0.1.2 (2014-01-22) * Added support for different levels of spacing in GeoCoordinateFormatter ### 0.1.1 (2013-11-30) * Added support for direction notation to GeoCoordinateFormatter * Decreased complexity of GeoCoordinateFormatter * Decreased complexity and coupling of GeoCoordinateFormatterTest ### 0.1.0 (2013-11-17) Initial release with these features: * LatLongValue * GlobeCoordinateValue * GeoCoordinateFormatter * GlobeCoordinateFormatter * DdCoordinateParser * DmCoordinateParser * DmsCoordinateParser * FloatCoordinateParser * GeoCoordinateParser * GlobeCoordinateParser ## Links * [DataValues Geo on Packagist](https://packagist.org/packages/data-values/geo) * [DataValues Geo on TravisCI](https://travis-ci.org/DataValues/Geo) * [DataValues on Wikimedia's Phabricator](https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/122/)