/* global sinon */ ( function ( $, mw, QUnit ) { 'use strict'; var addons, nested; /** * Make a safe copy of localEnv: * - Creates a new object that inherits, instead of modifying the original. * This prevents recursion in the event that a test suite stores inherits * hooks object statically and passes it to multiple QUnit.module() calls. * - Supporting QUnit 1.x 'setup' and 'teardown' hooks * (deprecated in QUnit 1.16, removed in QUnit 2). */ function makeSafeEnv( localEnv ) { var wrap = localEnv ? Object.create( localEnv ) : {}; if ( wrap.setup ) { wrap.beforeEach = wrap.beforeEach || wrap.setup; } if ( wrap.teardown ) { wrap.afterEach = wrap.afterEach || wrap.teardown; } return wrap; } /** * Add bogus to url to prevent IE crazy caching * * @param {string} value a relative path (eg. 'data/foo.js' * or 'data/test.php?foo=bar'). * @return {string} Such as 'data/foo.js?131031765087663960' */ QUnit.fixurl = function ( value ) { return value + ( /\?/.test( value ) ? '&' : '?' ) + String( new Date().getTime() ) + String( parseInt( Math.random() * 100000, 10 ) ); }; /** * Configuration */ // For each test() that is asynchronous, allow this time to pass before // killing the test and assuming timeout failure. QUnit.config.testTimeout = 60 * 1000; // Reduce default animation duration from 400ms to 0ms for unit tests // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle $.fx.speeds._default = 0; // Add a checkbox to QUnit header to toggle MediaWiki ResourceLoader debug mode. QUnit.config.urlConfig.push( { id: 'debug', label: 'Enable ResourceLoaderDebug', tooltip: 'Enable debug mode in ResourceLoader', value: 'true' } ); /** * SinonJS * * Glue code for nicer integration with QUnit setup/teardown * Inspired by http://sinonjs.org/releases/sinon-qunit-1.0.0.js */ sinon.assert.fail = function ( msg ) { QUnit.assert.ok( false, msg ); }; sinon.assert.pass = function ( msg ) { QUnit.assert.ok( true, msg ); }; sinon.config = { injectIntoThis: true, injectInto: null, properties: [ 'spy', 'stub', 'mock', 'sandbox' ], // Don't fake timers by default useFakeTimers: false, useFakeServer: false }; // Extend QUnit.module with: // - Add support for QUnit 1.x 'setup' and 'teardown' hooks // - Add a Sinon sandbox to the test context. // - Add a test fixture to the test context. ( function () { var orgModule = QUnit.module; QUnit.module = function ( name, localEnv, executeNow ) { var orgExecute, orgBeforeEach, orgAfterEach; if ( nested ) { // In a nested module, don't re-add our hooks, QUnit does that already. return orgModule.apply( this, arguments ); } if ( arguments.length === 2 && typeof localEnv === 'function' ) { executeNow = localEnv; localEnv = undefined; } if ( executeNow ) { // Wrap executeNow() so that we can detect nested modules orgExecute = executeNow; executeNow = function () { var ret; nested = true; ret = orgExecute.apply( this, arguments ); nested = false; return ret; }; } localEnv = makeSafeEnv( localEnv ); orgBeforeEach = localEnv.beforeEach; orgAfterEach = localEnv.afterEach; localEnv.beforeEach = function () { // Sinon sandbox var config = sinon.getConfig( sinon.config ); config.injectInto = this; sinon.sandbox.create( config ); // Fixture element this.fixture = document.createElement( 'div' ); this.fixture.id = 'qunit-fixture'; document.body.appendChild( this.fixture ); if ( orgBeforeEach ) { return orgBeforeEach.apply( this, arguments ); } }; localEnv.afterEach = function () { var ret; if ( orgAfterEach ) { ret = orgAfterEach.apply( this, arguments ); } this.sandbox.verifyAndRestore(); this.fixture.parentNode.removeChild( this.fixture ); return ret; }; return orgModule( name, localEnv, executeNow ); }; }() ); /** * Reset mw.config and others to a fresh copy of the live config for each test(), * and restore it back to the live one afterwards. * * @param {Object} [localEnv] * @example (see test suite at the bottom of this file) * */ QUnit.newMwEnvironment = ( function () { var warn, error, liveConfig, liveMessages, MwMap = mw.config.constructor, // internal use only ajaxRequests = []; liveConfig = mw.config; liveMessages = mw.messages; function suppressWarnings() { if ( warn === undefined ) { warn = mw.log.warn; error = mw.log.error; mw.log.warn = mw.log.error = $.noop; } } function restoreWarnings() { // Guard against calls not balanced with suppressWarnings() if ( warn !== undefined ) { mw.log.warn = warn; mw.log.error = error; warn = error = undefined; } } function freshConfigCopy( custom ) { var copy; // Tests should mock all factors that directly influence the tested code. // For backwards compatibility though we set mw.config to a fresh copy of the live // config. This way any modifications made to mw.config during the test will not // affect other tests, nor the global scope outside the test runner. // This is a shallow copy, since overriding an array or object value via "custom" // should replace it. Setting a config property means you override it, not extend it. // NOTE: It is important that we suppress warnings because extend() will also access // deprecated properties and trigger deprecation warnings from mw.log#deprecate. suppressWarnings(); copy = $.extend( {}, liveConfig.get(), custom ); restoreWarnings(); return copy; } function freshMessagesCopy( custom ) { return $.extend( /* deep */true, {}, liveMessages.get(), custom ); } /** * @param {jQuery.Event} event * @param {jqXHR} jqXHR * @param {Object} ajaxOptions */ function trackAjax( event, jqXHR, ajaxOptions ) { ajaxRequests.push( { xhr: jqXHR, options: ajaxOptions } ); } return function ( orgEnv ) { var localEnv, orgBeforeEach, orgAfterEach; localEnv = makeSafeEnv( orgEnv ); // MediaWiki env testing localEnv.config = localEnv.config || {}; localEnv.messages = localEnv.messages || {}; orgBeforeEach = localEnv.beforeEach; orgAfterEach = localEnv.afterEach; localEnv.beforeEach = function () { // Greetings, mock environment! mw.config = new MwMap(); mw.config.set( freshConfigCopy( localEnv.config ) ); mw.messages = new MwMap(); mw.messages.set( freshMessagesCopy( localEnv.messages ) ); // Update reference to mw.messages mw.jqueryMsg.setParserDefaults( { messages: mw.messages } ); this.suppressWarnings = suppressWarnings; this.restoreWarnings = restoreWarnings; // Start tracking ajax requests $( document ).on( 'ajaxSend', trackAjax ); if ( orgBeforeEach ) { return orgBeforeEach.apply( this, arguments ); } }; localEnv.afterEach = function () { var timers, pending, $activeLen, ret; if ( orgAfterEach ) { ret = orgAfterEach.apply( this, arguments ); } // Stop tracking ajax requests $( document ).off( 'ajaxSend', trackAjax ); // As a convenience feature, automatically restore warnings if they're // still suppressed by the end of the test. restoreWarnings(); // Farewell, mock environment! mw.config = liveConfig; mw.messages = liveMessages; // Restore reference to mw.messages mw.jqueryMsg.setParserDefaults( { messages: liveMessages } ); // Tests should use fake timers or wait for animations to complete // Check for incomplete animations/requests/etc and throw if there are any. if ( $.timers && $.timers.length !== 0 ) { timers = $.timers.length; $.each( $.timers, function ( i, timer ) { var node = timer.elem; mw.log.warn( 'Unfinished animation #' + i + ' in ' + timer.queue + ' queue on ' + mw.html.element( node.nodeName.toLowerCase(), $( node ).getAttrs() ) ); } ); // Force animations to stop to give the next test a clean start $.timers = []; $.fx.stop(); throw new Error( 'Unfinished animations: ' + timers ); } // Test should use fake XHR, wait for requests, or call abort() $activeLen = $.active; if ( $activeLen !== undefined && $activeLen !== 0 ) { pending = ajaxRequests.filter( function ( ajax ) { return ajax.xhr.state() === 'pending'; } ); if ( pending.length !== $activeLen ) { mw.log.warn( 'Pending requests does not match jQuery.active count' ); } // Force requests to stop to give the next test a clean start ajaxRequests.forEach( function ( ajax, i ) { mw.log.warn( 'AJAX request #' + i + ' (state: ' + ajax.xhr.state() + ')', ajax.options ); ajax.xhr.abort(); } ); ajaxRequests = []; throw new Error( 'Pending AJAX requests: ' + pending.length + ' (active: ' + $activeLen + ')' ); } return ret; }; return localEnv; }; }() ); // $.when stops as soon as one fails, which makes sense in most // practical scenarios, but not in a unit test where we really do // need to wait until all of them are finished. QUnit.whenPromisesComplete = function () { var altPromises = []; $.each( arguments, function ( i, arg ) { var alt = $.Deferred(); altPromises.push( alt ); // Whether this one fails or not, forwards it to // the 'done' (resolve) callback of the alternative promise. arg.always( alt.resolve ); } ); return $.when.apply( $, altPromises ); }; /** * Recursively convert a node to a plain object representing its structure. * Only considers attributes and contents (elements and text nodes). * Attribute values are compared strictly and not normalised. * * @param {Node} node * @return {Object|string} Plain JavaScript value representing the node. */ function getDomStructure( node ) { var $node, children, processedChildren, i, len, el; $node = $( node ); if ( node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { children = $node.contents(); processedChildren = []; for ( i = 0, len = children.length; i < len; i++ ) { el = children[ i ]; if ( el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE || el.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { processedChildren.push( getDomStructure( el ) ); } } return { tagName: node.tagName, attributes: $node.getAttrs(), contents: processedChildren }; } else { // Should be text node return $node.text(); } } /** * Gets structure of node for this HTML. * * @param {string} html HTML markup for one or more nodes. */ function getHtmlStructure( html ) { var el = $( '
' ).append( html )[ 0 ]; return getDomStructure( el ); } /** * Add-on assertion helpers */ // Define the add-ons addons = { // Expect boolean true assertTrue: function ( actual, message ) { this.pushResult( { result: actual === true, actual: actual, expected: true, message: message } ); }, // Expect boolean false assertFalse: function ( actual, message ) { this.pushResult( { result: actual === false, actual: actual, expected: false, message: message } ); }, // Expect numerical value less than X lt: function ( actual, expected, message ) { this.pushResult( { result: actual < expected, actual: actual, expected: 'less than ' + expected, message: message } ); }, // Expect numerical value less than or equal to X ltOrEq: function ( actual, expected, message ) { this.pushResult( { result: actual <= expected, actual: actual, expected: 'less than or equal to ' + expected, message: message } ); }, // Expect numerical value greater than X gt: function ( actual, expected, message ) { this.pushResult( { result: actual > expected, actual: actual, expected: 'greater than ' + expected, message: message } ); }, // Expect numerical value greater than or equal to X gtOrEq: function ( actual, expected, message ) { this.pushResult( { result: actual >= true, actual: actual, expected: 'greater than or equal to ' + expected, message: message } ); }, /** * Asserts that two HTML strings are structurally equivalent. * * @param {string} actualHtml Actual HTML markup. * @param {string} expectedHtml Expected HTML markup * @param {string} message Assertion message. */ htmlEqual: function ( actualHtml, expectedHtml, message ) { var actual = getHtmlStructure( actualHtml ), expected = getHtmlStructure( expectedHtml ); this.pushResult( { result: QUnit.equiv( actual, expected ), actual: actual, expected: expected, message: message } ); }, /** * Asserts that two HTML strings are not structurally equivalent. * * @param {string} actualHtml Actual HTML markup. * @param {string} expectedHtml Expected HTML markup. * @param {string} message Assertion message. */ notHtmlEqual: function ( actualHtml, expectedHtml, message ) { var actual = getHtmlStructure( actualHtml ), expected = getHtmlStructure( expectedHtml ); this.pushResult( { result: !QUnit.equiv( actual, expected ), actual: actual, expected: expected, message: message, negative: true } ); } }; $.extend( QUnit.assert, addons ); /** * Small test suite to confirm proper functionality of the utilities and * initializations defined above in this file. */ QUnit.module( 'testrunner', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( { setup: function () { this.mwHtmlLive = mw.html; mw.html = { escape: function () { return 'mocked'; } }; }, teardown: function () { mw.html = this.mwHtmlLive; }, config: { testVar: 'foo' }, messages: { testMsg: 'Foo.' } } ) ); QUnit.test( 'Setup', function ( assert ) { assert.equal( mw.html.escape( 'foo' ), 'mocked', 'setup() callback was ran.' ); assert.equal( mw.config.get( 'testVar' ), 'foo', 'config object applied' ); assert.equal( mw.messages.get( 'testMsg' ), 'Foo.', 'messages object applied' ); mw.config.set( 'testVar', 'bar' ); mw.messages.set( 'testMsg', 'Bar.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Teardown', function ( assert ) { assert.equal( mw.config.get( 'testVar' ), 'foo', 'config object restored and re-applied after test()' ); assert.equal( mw.messages.get( 'testMsg' ), 'Foo.', 'messages object restored and re-applied after test()' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Loader status', function ( assert ) { var i, len, state, modules = mw.loader.getModuleNames(), error = [], missing = []; for ( i = 0, len = modules.length; i < len; i++ ) { state = mw.loader.getState( modules[ i ] ); if ( state === 'error' ) { error.push( modules[ i ] ); } else if ( state === 'missing' ) { missing.push( modules[ i ] ); } } assert.deepEqual( error, [], 'Modules in error state' ); assert.deepEqual( missing, [], 'Modules in missing state' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'assert.htmlEqual', function ( assert ) { assert.htmlEqual( '

Child paragraph with A link

Regular textA span
', '

Child paragraph with A link

Regular textA span
', 'Attribute order, spacing and quotation marks (equal)' ); assert.notHtmlEqual( '

Child paragraph with A link

Regular textA span
', '

Child paragraph with A link

Regular textA span
', 'Attribute order, spacing and quotation marks (not equal)' ); assert.htmlEqual( '', '', 'Multiple root nodes (equal)' ); assert.notHtmlEqual( '', '', 'Multiple root nodes (not equal, last label node is different)' ); assert.htmlEqual( 'fo"o
b>ar', 'fo"o
b>ar', 'Extra escaping is equal' ); assert.notHtmlEqual( 'foo<br/>bar', 'foo
bar', 'Text escaping (not equal)' ); assert.htmlEqual( 'fooexamplebar', 'fooexamplebar', 'Outer text nodes are compared (equal)' ); assert.notHtmlEqual( 'fooexamplebar', 'fooexamplequux', 'Outer text nodes are compared (last text node different)' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'testrunner-after', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'Teardown', function ( assert ) { assert.equal( mw.html.escape( '<' ), '<', 'teardown() callback was ran.' ); assert.equal( mw.config.get( 'testVar' ), null, 'config object restored to live in next module()' ); assert.equal( mw.messages.get( 'testMsg' ), null, 'messages object restored to live in next module()' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'testrunner-each', { beforeEach: function () { this.mwHtmlLive = mw.html; }, afterEach: function () { mw.html = this.mwHtmlLive; } } ); QUnit.test( 'beforeEach', function ( assert ) { assert.ok( this.mwHtmlLive, 'setup() ran' ); mw.html = null; } ); QUnit.test( 'afterEach', function ( assert ) { assert.equal( mw.html.escape( '<' ), '<', 'afterEach() ran' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'testrunner-each-compat', { setup: function () { this.mwHtmlLive = mw.html; }, teardown: function () { mw.html = this.mwHtmlLive; } } ); QUnit.test( 'setup', function ( assert ) { assert.ok( this.mwHtmlLive, 'setup() ran' ); mw.html = null; } ); QUnit.test( 'teardown', function ( assert ) { assert.equal( mw.html.escape( '<' ), '<', 'teardown() ran' ); } ); // Regression test for 'this.sandbox undefined' error, fixed by // ensuring Sinon setup/teardown is not re-run on inner module. QUnit.module( 'testrunner-nested', function () { QUnit.module( 'testrunner-nested-inner', function () { QUnit.test( 'Dummy', function ( assert ) { assert.ok( true, 'Nested modules supported' ); } ); } ); } ); QUnit.module( 'testrunner-hooks-outer', function () { var beforeHookWasExecuted = false, afterHookWasExecuted = false; QUnit.module( 'testrunner-hooks', { before: function () { beforeHookWasExecuted = true; // This way we can be sure that module `testrunner-hook-after` will always // be executed after module `testrunner-hooks` QUnit.module( 'testrunner-hooks-after' ); QUnit.test( '`after` hook for module `testrunner-hooks` was executed', function ( assert ) { assert.ok( afterHookWasExecuted ); } ); }, after: function () { afterHookWasExecuted = true; } } ); QUnit.test( '`before` hook was executed', function ( assert ) { assert.ok( beforeHookWasExecuted ); } ); } ); }( jQuery, mediaWiki, QUnit ) );