checkPHPExtension( 'exif' ); $this->setMwGlobals( 'wgShowEXIF', true ); } /** * @covers File::formatMetadata */ public function testInvalidDate() { $file = $this->dataFile( 'broken_exif_date.jpg', 'image/jpeg' ); // Throws an error if bug hit $meta = $file->formatMetadata(); $this->assertNotEquals( false, $meta, 'Valid metadata extracted' ); // Find date exif entry $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'visible', $meta ); $dateIndex = null; foreach ( $meta['visible'] as $i => $data ) { if ( $data['id'] == 'exif-datetimeoriginal' ) { $dateIndex = $i; } } $this->assertNotNull( $dateIndex, 'Date entry exists in metadata' ); $this->assertEquals( '0000:01:00 00:02:27', $meta['visible'][$dateIndex]['value'], 'File with invalid date metadata (T31471)' ); } /** * @param mixed $input * @param mixed $output * @dataProvider provideResolveMultivalueValue * @covers FormatMetadata::resolveMultivalueValue */ public function testResolveMultivalueValue( $input, $output ) { $formatMetadata = new FormatMetadata(); $class = new ReflectionClass( FormatMetadata::class ); $method = $class->getMethod( 'resolveMultivalueValue' ); $method->setAccessible( true ); $actualInput = $method->invoke( $formatMetadata, $input ); $this->assertEquals( $output, $actualInput ); } public function provideResolveMultivalueValue() { return [ 'nonArray' => [ 'foo', 'foo' ], 'multiValue' => [ [ 'first', 'second', 'third', '_type' => 'ol' ], 'first' ], 'noType' => [ [ 'first', 'second', 'third' ], 'first' ], 'typeFirst' => [ [ '_type' => 'ol', 'first', 'second', 'third' ], 'first' ], 'multilang' => [ [ 'en' => 'first', 'de' => 'Erste', '_type' => 'lang' ], [ 'en' => 'first', 'de' => 'Erste', '_type' => 'lang' ], ], 'multilang-multivalue' => [ [ 'en' => [ 'first', 'second' ], 'de' => [ 'Erste', 'Zweite' ], '_type' => 'lang' ], [ 'en' => 'first', 'de' => 'Erste', '_type' => 'lang' ], ], ]; } /** * @param mixed $input * @param mixed $output * @dataProvider provideGetFormattedData * @covers FormatMetadata::getFormattedData */ public function testGetFormattedData( $input, $output ) { $this->assertEquals( $output, FormatMetadata::getFormattedData( $input ) ); } public function provideGetFormattedData() { return [ [ [ 'Software' => 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)' ], [ 'Software' => 'Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Macintosh)' ], ], [ [ 'Software' => [ 'FotoWare FotoStation' ] ], [ 'Software' => 'FotoWare FotoStation' ], ], [ [ 'Software' => [ [ 'Capture One PRO', '3.7.7' ] ] ], [ 'Software' => 'Capture One PRO (Version 3.7.7)' ], ], [ [ 'Software' => [ [ 'FotoWare ColorFactory', '' ] ] ], [ 'Software' => 'FotoWare ColorFactory (Version )' ], ], [ [ 'Software' => [ 'x-default' => ' 4.0.12', '_type' => 'lang' ] ], [ 'Software' => '' ], ], [ // // WebMHandler.php turns both 'muxingapp' & 'writingapp' to 'Software' [ 'Software' => [ [ 'Lavf57.25.100' ], [ 'Lavf57.25.100' ] ] ], [ 'Software' => "" ], ], ]; } }