newRevisionSlots( [ $mainSlot, $auxSlot ] ); $this->assertSame( $mainSlot, $slots->getSlot( 'main' ) ); $this->assertSame( $auxSlot, $slots->getSlot( 'aux' ) ); $this->setExpectedException( RevisionAccessException::class ); $slots->getSlot( 'nothere' ); } /** * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::hasSlot */ public function testHasSlot() { $mainSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $auxSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new WikitextContent( 'B' ) ); $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( [ $mainSlot, $auxSlot ] ); $this->assertTrue( $slots->hasSlot( 'main' ) ); $this->assertTrue( $slots->hasSlot( 'aux' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $slots->hasSlot( 'AUX' ) ); $this->assertFalse( $slots->hasSlot( 'xyz' ) ); } /** * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::getContent */ public function testGetContent() { $mainContent = new WikitextContent( 'A' ); $auxContent = new WikitextContent( 'B' ); $mainSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', $mainContent ); $auxSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', $auxContent ); $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( [ $mainSlot, $auxSlot ] ); $this->assertSame( $mainContent, $slots->getContent( 'main' ) ); $this->assertSame( $auxContent, $slots->getContent( 'aux' ) ); $this->setExpectedException( RevisionAccessException::class ); $slots->getContent( 'nothere' ); } /** * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::getSlotRoles */ public function testGetSlotRoles_someSlots() { $mainSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $auxSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new WikitextContent( 'B' ) ); $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( [ $mainSlot, $auxSlot ] ); $this->assertSame( [ 'main', 'aux' ], $slots->getSlotRoles() ); } /** * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::getSlotRoles */ public function testGetSlotRoles_noSlots() { $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( [] ); $this->assertSame( [], $slots->getSlotRoles() ); } /** * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::getSlots */ public function testGetSlots() { $mainSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'main', new WikitextContent( 'A' ) ); $auxSlot = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( 'aux', new WikitextContent( 'B' ) ); $slotsArray = [ $mainSlot, $auxSlot ]; $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( $slotsArray ); $this->assertEquals( [ 'main' => $mainSlot, 'aux' => $auxSlot ], $slots->getSlots() ); } public function provideComputeSize() { yield [ 1, [ 'A' ] ]; yield [ 2, [ 'AA' ] ]; yield [ 4, [ 'AA', 'X', 'H' ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideComputeSize * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::computeSize */ public function testComputeSize( $expected, $contentStrings ) { $slotsArray = []; foreach ( $contentStrings as $key => $contentString ) { $slotsArray[] = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( strval( $key ), new WikitextContent( $contentString ) ); } $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( $slotsArray ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $slots->computeSize() ); } public function provideComputeSha1() { yield [ 'ctqm7794fr2dp1taki8a88ovwnvmnmj', [ 'A' ] ]; yield [ 'eyq8wiwlcofnaiy4eid97gyfy60uw51', [ 'AA' ] ]; yield [ 'lavctqfpxartyjr31f853drgfl4kj1g', [ 'AA', 'X', 'H' ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideComputeSha1 * @covers \MediaWiki\Storage\RevisionSlots::computeSha1 * @note this test is a bit brittle as the hashes are hardcoded, perhaps just check that strings * are returned and different Slots objects return different strings? */ public function testComputeSha1( $expected, $contentStrings ) { $slotsArray = []; foreach ( $contentStrings as $key => $contentString ) { $slotsArray[] = SlotRecord::newUnsaved( strval( $key ), new WikitextContent( $contentString ) ); } $slots = $this->newRevisionSlots( $slotsArray ); $this->assertSame( $expected, $slots->computeSha1() ); } }