( function ( mw, $ ) { var UP; /** * Used to represent an upload in progress on the frontend. * Most of the functionality is implemented in mw.Api.plugin.upload, * but this model class will tie it together as well as let you perform * actions in a logical way. * * A simple example: * * var file = new OO.ui.SelectFileWidget(), * button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Save' } ), * upload = new mw.Upload; * * button.on( 'click', function () { * upload.setFile( file.getValue() ); * upload.setFilename( file.getValue().name ); * upload.upload(); * } ); * * $( 'body' ).append( file.$element, button.$element ); * * You can also choose to {@link #uploadToStash stash the upload} and * {@link #finishStashUpload finalize} it later: * * var file, // Some file object * upload = new mw.Upload, * stashPromise = $.Deferred(); * * upload.setFile( file ); * upload.uploadToStash().then( function () { * stashPromise.resolve(); * } ); * * stashPromise.then( function () { * upload.setFilename( 'foo' ); * upload.setText( 'bar' ); * upload.finishStashUpload().then( function () { * console.log( 'Done!' ); * } ); * } ); * * @class mw.Upload * * @constructor * @param {Object|mw.Api} [apiconfig] A mw.Api object (or subclass), or configuration * to pass to the constructor of mw.Api. */ function Upload( apiconfig ) { this.api = ( apiconfig instanceof mw.Api ) ? apiconfig : new mw.Api( apiconfig ); this.watchlist = false; this.text = ''; this.comment = ''; this.filename = null; this.file = null; this.setState( Upload.State.NEW ); this.imageinfo = undefined; } UP = Upload.prototype; /** * Get the mw.Api instance used by this Upload object. * * @return {jQuery.Promise} * @return {Function} return.done * @return {mw.Api} return.done.api */ UP.getApi = function () { return $.Deferred().resolve( this.api ).promise(); }; /** * Set the text of the file page, to be created on file upload. * * @param {string} text */ UP.setText = function ( text ) { this.text = text; }; /** * Set the filename, to be finalized on upload. * * @param {string} filename */ UP.setFilename = function ( filename ) { this.filename = filename; }; /** * Set the stashed file to finish uploading. * * @param {string} filekey */ UP.setFilekey = function ( filekey ) { var upload = this; this.setState( Upload.State.STASHED ); this.stashPromise = $.Deferred().resolve( function ( data ) { return upload.api.uploadFromStash( filekey, data ); } ); }; /** * Sets the filename based on the filename as it was on the upload. */ UP.setFilenameFromFile = function () { var file = this.getFile(); if ( !file ) { return; } if ( file.nodeType && file.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) { // File input element, use getBasename to cut out the path this.setFilename( this.getBasename( file.value ) ); } else if ( file.name ) { // HTML5 FileAPI File object, but use getBasename to be safe this.setFilename( this.getBasename( file.name ) ); } else { // If we ever implement uploading files from clipboard, they might not have a name this.setFilename( '?' ); } }; /** * Set the file to be uploaded. * * @param {HTMLInputElement|File|Blob} file */ UP.setFile = function ( file ) { this.file = file; }; /** * Set whether the file should be watchlisted after upload. * * @param {boolean} watchlist */ UP.setWatchlist = function ( watchlist ) { this.watchlist = watchlist; }; /** * Set the edit comment for the upload. * * @param {string} comment */ UP.setComment = function ( comment ) { this.comment = comment; }; /** * Get the text of the file page, to be created on file upload. * * @return {string} */ UP.getText = function () { return this.text; }; /** * Get the filename, to be finalized on upload. * * @return {string} */ UP.getFilename = function () { return this.filename; }; /** * Get the file being uploaded. * * @return {HTMLInputElement|File|Blob} */ UP.getFile = function () { return this.file; }; /** * Get the boolean for whether the file will be watchlisted after upload. * * @return {boolean} */ UP.getWatchlist = function () { return this.watchlist; }; /** * Get the current value of the edit comment for the upload. * * @return {string} */ UP.getComment = function () { return this.comment; }; /** * Gets the base filename from a path name. * * @param {string} path * @return {string} */ UP.getBasename = function ( path ) { if ( path === undefined || path === null ) { return ''; } // Find the index of the last path separator in the // path, and add 1. Then, take the entire string after that. return path.slice( Math.max( path.lastIndexOf( '/' ), path.lastIndexOf( '\\' ) ) + 1 ); }; /** * Sets the state and state details (if any) of the upload. * * @param {mw.Upload.State} state * @param {Object} stateDetails */ UP.setState = function ( state, stateDetails ) { this.state = state; this.stateDetails = stateDetails; }; /** * Gets the state of the upload. * * @return {mw.Upload.State} */ UP.getState = function () { return this.state; }; /** * Gets details of the current state. * * @return {string} */ UP.getStateDetails = function () { return this.stateDetails; }; /** * Get the imageinfo object for the finished upload. * Only available once the upload is finished! Don't try to get it * beforehand. * * @return {Object|undefined} */ UP.getImageInfo = function () { return this.imageinfo; }; /** * Upload the file directly. * * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ UP.upload = function () { var upload = this; if ( !this.getFile() ) { return $.Deferred().reject( 'No file to upload. Call setFile to add one.' ); } if ( !this.getFilename() ) { return $.Deferred().reject( 'No filename set. Call setFilename to add one.' ); } this.setState( Upload.State.UPLOADING ); return this.api.chunkedUpload( this.getFile(), { watchlist: ( this.getWatchlist() ) ? 1 : undefined, comment: this.getComment(), filename: this.getFilename(), text: this.getText() } ).then( function ( result ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.UPLOADED ); upload.imageinfo = result.upload.imageinfo; return result; }, function ( errorCode, result ) { if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.warnings ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.WARNING, result ); } else { upload.setState( Upload.State.ERROR, result ); } return $.Deferred().reject( errorCode, result ); } ); }; /** * Upload the file to the stash to be completed later. * * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ UP.uploadToStash = function () { var upload = this; if ( !this.getFile() ) { return $.Deferred().reject( 'No file to upload. Call setFile to add one.' ); } if ( !this.getFilename() ) { this.setFilenameFromFile(); } this.setState( Upload.State.UPLOADING ); this.stashPromise = this.api.chunkedUploadToStash( this.getFile(), { filename: this.getFilename() } ).then( function ( finishStash ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.STASHED ); return finishStash; }, function ( errorCode, result ) { if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.warnings ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.WARNING, result ); } else { upload.setState( Upload.State.ERROR, result ); } return $.Deferred().reject( errorCode, result ); } ); return this.stashPromise; }; /** * Finish a stash upload. * * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ UP.finishStashUpload = function () { var upload = this; if ( !this.stashPromise ) { return $.Deferred().reject( 'This upload has not been stashed, please upload it to the stash first.' ); } return this.stashPromise.then( function ( finishStash ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.UPLOADING ); return finishStash( { watchlist: ( upload.getWatchlist() ) ? 1 : undefined, comment: upload.getComment(), filename: upload.getFilename(), text: upload.getText() } ).then( function ( result ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.UPLOADED ); upload.imageinfo = result.upload.imageinfo; return result; }, function ( errorCode, result ) { if ( result && result.upload && result.upload.warnings ) { upload.setState( Upload.State.WARNING, result ); } else { upload.setState( Upload.State.ERROR, result ); } return $.Deferred().reject( errorCode, result ); } ); } ); }; /** * @enum mw.Upload.State * State of uploads represented in simple terms. */ Upload.State = { /** Upload not yet started */ NEW: 0, /** Upload finished, but there was a warning */ WARNING: 1, /** Upload finished, but there was an error */ ERROR: 2, /** Upload in progress */ UPLOADING: 3, /** Upload finished, but not published, call #finishStashUpload */ STASHED: 4, /** Upload finished and published */ UPLOADED: 5 }; mw.Upload = Upload; }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );