/* Reuses colors from mediawiki.legacy/shared.css */ .mw-email-not-authenticated .mw-input, .mw-email-none .mw-input { border: 1px solid #fde29b; background-color: #fdf1d1; color: #000; } /* Authenticated email field has its own class too. Unstyled by default */ /* .mw-email-authenticated .mw-input { } */ /* This breaks due to nolabel styling */ #preferences > fieldset td.mw-label { width: 20%; } #preferences > fieldset table { width: 100%; } #preferences > fieldset table.mw-htmlform-matrix { width: auto; } /* The CSS below is also for JS enabled version, because we want to prevent FOUC */ /* * Hide, but keep accessible for screen-readers. * Like .mw-jump, #jump-to-nav from shared.css */ .client-js .mw-navigation-hint { overflow: hidden; height: 0; zoom: 1; } .client-nojs #preftoc { display: none; } .client-js #preferences > fieldset { display: none; } /* Only the 1st tab is shown by default in JS mode */ .client-js #preferences #mw-prefsection-personal { display: block; }