( function ( $, mw, OO ) { 'use strict'; var ApiSandbox, Util, WidgetMethods, Validators, $content, panel, booklet, oldhash, windowManager, fullscreenButton, formatDropdown, api = new mw.Api(), bookletPages = [], availableFormats = {}, resultPage = null, suppressErrors = true, updatingBooklet = false, pages = {}, moduleInfoCache = {}, baseRequestParams; /** * A wrapper for a widget that provides an enable/disable button * * @class * @private * @constructor * @param {OO.ui.Widget} widget * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ function OptionalWidget( widget, config ) { var k; config = config || {}; this.widget = widget; this.$cover = config.$cover || $( '
' ).addClass( 'mw-apisandbox-optionalWidget-cover' ); this.checkbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget( config.checkbox ) .on( 'change', this.onCheckboxChange, [], this ); OptionalWidget[ 'super' ].call( this, config ); // Forward most methods for convenience for ( k in this.widget ) { if ( $.isFunction( this.widget[ k ] ) && !this[ k ] ) { this[ k ] = this.widget[ k ].bind( this.widget ); } } this.$cover.on( 'click', this.onOverlayClick.bind( this ) ); this.$element .addClass( 'mw-apisandbox-optionalWidget' ) .append( this.$cover, $( '
' ).addClass( 'mw-apisandbox-optionalWidget-fields' ).append( $( '
' ).addClass( 'mw-apisandbox-optionalWidget-widget' ).append( widget.$element ), $( '
' ).addClass( 'mw-apisandbox-optionalWidget-checkbox' ).append( this.checkbox.$element ) ) ); this.setDisabled( widget.isDisabled() ); } OO.inheritClass( OptionalWidget, OO.ui.Widget ); OptionalWidget.prototype.onCheckboxChange = function ( checked ) { this.setDisabled( !checked ); }; OptionalWidget.prototype.onOverlayClick = function () { this.setDisabled( false ); if ( $.isFunction( this.widget.focus ) ) { this.widget.focus(); } }; OptionalWidget.prototype.setDisabled = function ( disabled ) { OptionalWidget[ 'super' ].prototype.setDisabled.call( this, disabled ); this.widget.setDisabled( this.isDisabled() ); this.checkbox.setSelected( !this.isDisabled() ); this.$cover.toggle( this.isDisabled() ); return this; }; WidgetMethods = { textInputWidget: { getApiValue: function () { return this.getValue(); }, setApiValue: function ( v ) { if ( v === undefined ) { v = this.paramInfo[ 'default' ]; } this.setValue( v ); }, apiCheckValid: function () { var that = this; return this.getValidity().then( function () { return $.Deferred().resolve( true ).promise(); }, function () { return $.Deferred().resolve( false ).promise(); } ).done( function ( ok ) { ok = ok || suppressErrors; that.setIcon( ok ? null : 'alert' ); that.setIconTitle( ok ? '' : mw.message( 'apisandbox-alert-field' ).plain() ); } ); } }, dateTimeInputWidget: { getValidity: function () { if ( !Util.apiBool( this.paramInfo.required ) || this.getApiValue() !== '' ) { return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); } else { return $.Deferred().reject().promise(); } } }, tokenWidget: { alertTokenError: function ( code, error ) { windowManager.openWindow( 'errorAlert', { title: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-results-fixtoken-fail', this.paramInfo.tokentype ), message: error, actions: [ { action: 'accept', label: OO.ui.msg( 'ooui-dialog-process-dismiss' ), flags: 'primary' } ] } ); }, fetchToken: function () { this.pushPending(); return api.getToken( this.paramInfo.tokentype ) .done( this.setApiValue.bind( this ) ) .fail( this.alertTokenError.bind( this ) ) .always( this.popPending.bind( this ) ); }, setApiValue: function ( v ) { WidgetMethods.textInputWidget.setApiValue.call( this, v ); if ( v === '123ABC' ) { this.fetchToken(); } } }, passwordWidget: { getApiValueForDisplay: function () { return ''; } }, toggleSwitchWidget: { getApiValue: function () { return this.getValue() ? 1 : undefined; }, setApiValue: function ( v ) { this.setValue( Util.apiBool( v ) ); }, apiCheckValid: function () { return $.Deferred().resolve( true ).promise(); } }, dropdownWidget: { getApiValue: function () { var item = this.getMenu().findSelectedItem(); return item === null ? undefined : item.getData(); }, setApiValue: function ( v ) { var menu = this.getMenu(); if ( v === undefined ) { v = this.paramInfo[ 'default' ]; } if ( v === undefined ) { menu.selectItem(); } else { menu.selectItemByData( String( v ) ); } }, apiCheckValid: function () { var ok = this.getApiValue() !== undefined || suppressErrors; this.setIcon( ok ? null : 'alert' ); this.setIconTitle( ok ? '' : mw.message( 'apisandbox-alert-field' ).plain() ); return $.Deferred().resolve( ok ).promise(); } }, tagWidget: { getApiValue: function () { var items = this.getValue(); if ( items.join( '' ).indexOf( '|' ) === -1 ) { return items.join( '|' ); } else { return '\x1f' + items.join( '\x1f' ); } }, setApiValue: function ( v ) { if ( v === undefined || v === '' || v === '\x1f' ) { this.setValue( [] ); } else { v = String( v ); if ( v.indexOf( '\x1f' ) !== 0 ) { this.setValue( v.split( '|' ) ); } else { this.setValue( v.substr( 1 ).split( '\x1f' ) ); } } }, apiCheckValid: function () { var ok = true, pi = this.paramInfo; if ( !suppressErrors ) { ok = this.getApiValue() !== undefined && !( pi.allspecifier !== undefined && this.getValue().length > 1 && this.getValue().indexOf( pi.allspecifier ) !== -1 ); } this.setIcon( ok ? null : 'alert' ); this.setIconTitle( ok ? '' : mw.message( 'apisandbox-alert-field' ).plain() ); return $.Deferred().resolve( ok ).promise(); }, createTagItemWidget: function ( data, label ) { var item = OO.ui.TagMultiselectWidget.prototype.createTagItemWidget.call( this, data, label ); if ( this.paramInfo.deprecatedvalues && this.paramInfo.deprecatedvalues.indexOf( data ) >= 0 ) { item.$element.addClass( 'apihelp-deprecated-value' ); } return item; } }, optionalWidget: { getApiValue: function () { return this.isDisabled() ? undefined : this.widget.getApiValue(); }, setApiValue: function ( v ) { this.setDisabled( v === undefined ); this.widget.setApiValue( v ); }, apiCheckValid: function () { if ( this.isDisabled() ) { return $.Deferred().resolve( true ).promise(); } else { return this.widget.apiCheckValid(); } } }, submoduleWidget: { single: function () { var v = this.isDisabled() ? this.paramInfo[ 'default' ] : this.getApiValue(); return v === undefined ? [] : [ { value: v, path: this.paramInfo.submodules[ v ] } ]; }, multi: function () { var map = this.paramInfo.submodules, v = this.isDisabled() ? this.paramInfo[ 'default' ] : this.getApiValue(); return v === undefined || v === '' ? [] : String( v ).split( '|' ).map( function ( v ) { return { value: v, path: map[ v ] }; } ); } }, uploadWidget: { getApiValueForDisplay: function () { return '...'; }, getApiValue: function () { return this.getValue(); }, setApiValue: function () { // Can't, sorry. }, apiCheckValid: function () { var ok = this.getValue() !== null || suppressErrors; this.setIcon( ok ? null : 'alert' ); this.setIconTitle( ok ? '' : mw.message( 'apisandbox-alert-field' ).plain() ); return $.Deferred().resolve( ok ).promise(); } } }; Validators = { generic: function () { return !Util.apiBool( this.paramInfo.required ) || this.getApiValue() !== ''; } }; /** * @class mw.special.ApiSandbox.Util * @private */ Util = { /** * Fetch API module info * * @param {string} module Module to fetch data for * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ fetchModuleInfo: function ( module ) { var apiPromise, deferred = $.Deferred(); if ( moduleInfoCache.hasOwnProperty( module ) ) { return deferred .resolve( moduleInfoCache[ module ] ) .promise( { abort: function () {} } ); } else { apiPromise = api.post( { action: 'paraminfo', modules: module, helpformat: 'html', uselang: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) } ).done( function ( data ) { var info; if ( data.warnings && data.warnings.paraminfo ) { deferred.reject( '???', data.warnings.paraminfo[ '*' ] ); return; } info = data.paraminfo.modules; if ( !info || info.length !== 1 || info[ 0 ].path !== module ) { deferred.reject( '???', 'No module data returned' ); return; } moduleInfoCache[ module ] = info[ 0 ]; deferred.resolve( info[ 0 ] ); } ).fail( function ( code, details ) { if ( code === 'http' ) { details = 'HTTP error: ' + details.exception; } else if ( details.error ) { details = details.error.info; } deferred.reject( code, details ); } ); return deferred .promise( { abort: apiPromise.abort } ); } }, /** * Mark all currently-in-use tokens as bad */ markTokensBad: function () { var page, subpages, i, checkPages = [ pages.main ]; while ( checkPages.length ) { page = checkPages.shift(); if ( page.tokenWidget ) { api.badToken( page.tokenWidget.paramInfo.tokentype ); } subpages = page.getSubpages(); for ( i = 0; i < subpages.length; i++ ) { if ( pages.hasOwnProperty( subpages[ i ].key ) ) { checkPages.push( pages[ subpages[ i ].key ] ); } } } }, /** * Test an API boolean * * @param {Mixed} value * @return {boolean} */ apiBool: function ( value ) { return value !== undefined && value !== false; }, /** * Create a widget for a parameter. * * @param {Object} pi Parameter info from API * @param {Object} opts Additional options * @return {OO.ui.Widget} */ createWidgetForParameter: function ( pi, opts ) { var widget, innerWidget, finalWidget, items, $content, func, multiModeButton = null, multiModeInput = null, multiModeAllowed = false; opts = opts || {}; switch ( pi.type ) { case 'boolean': widget = new OO.ui.ToggleSwitchWidget(); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.toggleSwitchWidget ); pi.required = true; // Avoid wrapping in the non-required widget break; case 'string': case 'user': if ( Util.apiBool( pi.multi ) ) { widget = new OO.ui.TagMultiselectWidget( { allowArbitrary: true, allowDuplicates: Util.apiBool( pi.allowsduplicates ), $overlay: true } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.tagWidget ); } else { widget = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { required: Util.apiBool( pi.required ) } ); } if ( !Util.apiBool( pi.multi ) ) { widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); widget.setValidation( Validators.generic ); } if ( pi.tokentype ) { widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.tokenWidget ); } break; case 'text': widget = new OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget( { required: Util.apiBool( pi.required ) } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); widget.setValidation( Validators.generic ); break; case 'password': widget = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { type: 'password', required: Util.apiBool( pi.required ) } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.passwordWidget ); widget.setValidation( Validators.generic ); multiModeAllowed = true; multiModeInput = widget; break; case 'integer': widget = new OO.ui.NumberInputWidget( { required: Util.apiBool( pi.required ), isInteger: true } ); widget.setIcon = widget.input.setIcon.bind( widget.input ); widget.setIconTitle = widget.input.setIconTitle.bind( widget.input ); widget.getValidity = widget.input.getValidity.bind( widget.input ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); if ( Util.apiBool( pi.enforcerange ) ) { widget.setRange( pi.min || -Infinity, pi.max || Infinity ); } multiModeAllowed = true; multiModeInput = widget; break; case 'limit': widget = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { required: Util.apiBool( pi.required ) } ); widget.setValidation( function ( value ) { var n, pi = this.paramInfo; if ( value === 'max' ) { return true; } else { n = +value; return !isNaN( n ) && isFinite( n ) && Math.floor( n ) === n && n >= pi.min && n <= pi.apiSandboxMax; } } ); pi.min = pi.min || 0; pi.apiSandboxMax = mw.config.get( 'apihighlimits' ) ? pi.highmax : pi.max; widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); multiModeAllowed = true; multiModeInput = widget; break; case 'timestamp': widget = new mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeInputWidget( { formatter: { format: '${year|0}-${month|0}-${day|0}T${hour|0}:${minute|0}:${second|0}${zone|short}' }, required: Util.apiBool( pi.required ), clearable: false } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.textInputWidget ); $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.dateTimeInputWidget ); multiModeAllowed = true; break; case 'upload': widget = new OO.ui.SelectFileWidget(); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.uploadWidget ); break; case 'namespace': items = $.map( mw.config.get( 'wgFormattedNamespaces' ), function ( name, ns ) { if ( ns === '0' ) { name = mw.message( 'blanknamespace' ).text(); } return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { data: ns, label: name } ); } ).sort( function ( a, b ) { return a.data - b.data; } ); if ( Util.apiBool( pi.multi ) ) { if ( pi.allspecifier !== undefined ) { items.unshift( new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { data: pi.allspecifier, label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-multivalue-all-namespaces', pi.allspecifier ).text() } ) ); } widget = new OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget( { menu: { items: items }, $overlay: true } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.tagWidget ); } else { widget = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( { menu: { items: items }, $overlay: true } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.dropdownWidget ); } break; default: if ( !Array.isArray( pi.type ) ) { throw new Error( 'Unknown parameter type ' + pi.type ); } items = pi.type.map( function ( v ) { var config = { data: String( v ), label: String( v ), classes: [] }; if ( pi.deprecatedvalues && pi.deprecatedvalues.indexOf( v ) >= 0 ) { config.classes.push( 'apihelp-deprecated-value' ); } return new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( config ); } ); if ( Util.apiBool( pi.multi ) ) { if ( pi.allspecifier !== undefined ) { items.unshift( new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { data: pi.allspecifier, label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-multivalue-all-values', pi.allspecifier ).text() } ) ); } widget = new OO.ui.MenuTagMultiselectWidget( { menu: { items: items }, $overlay: true } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.tagWidget ); if ( Util.apiBool( pi.submodules ) ) { widget.getSubmodules = WidgetMethods.submoduleWidget.multi; widget.on( 'change', ApiSandbox.updateUI ); } } else { widget = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( { menu: { items: items }, $overlay: true } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.dropdownWidget ); if ( Util.apiBool( pi.submodules ) ) { widget.getSubmodules = WidgetMethods.submoduleWidget.single; widget.getMenu().on( 'select', ApiSandbox.updateUI ); } if ( pi.deprecatedvalues ) { widget.getMenu().on( 'select', function ( item ) { this.$element.toggleClass( 'apihelp-deprecated-value', pi.deprecatedvalues.indexOf( item.data ) >= 0 ); }, [], widget ); } } break; } if ( Util.apiBool( pi.multi ) && multiModeAllowed ) { innerWidget = widget; multiModeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-add-multi' ).text() } ); $content = innerWidget.$element.add( multiModeButton.$element ); widget = new OO.ui.PopupTagMultiselectWidget( { allowArbitrary: true, allowDuplicates: Util.apiBool( pi.allowsduplicates ), $overlay: true, popup: { classes: [ 'mw-apisandbox-popup' ], padded: true, $content: $content } } ); widget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( widget, WidgetMethods.tagWidget ); func = function () { if ( !innerWidget.isDisabled() ) { innerWidget.apiCheckValid().done( function ( ok ) { if ( ok ) { widget.addTag( innerWidget.getApiValue() ); innerWidget.setApiValue( undefined ); } } ); return false; } }; if ( multiModeInput ) { multiModeInput.on( 'enter', func ); } multiModeButton.on( 'click', func ); } if ( Util.apiBool( pi.required ) || opts.nooptional ) { finalWidget = widget; } else { finalWidget = new OptionalWidget( widget ); finalWidget.paramInfo = pi; $.extend( finalWidget, WidgetMethods.optionalWidget ); if ( widget.getSubmodules ) { finalWidget.getSubmodules = widget.getSubmodules.bind( widget ); finalWidget.on( 'disable', function () { setTimeout( ApiSandbox.updateUI ); } ); } finalWidget.setDisabled( true ); } widget.setApiValue( pi[ 'default' ] ); return finalWidget; }, /** * Parse an HTML string and call Util.fixupHTML() * * @param {string} html HTML to parse * @return {jQuery} */ parseHTML: function ( html ) { var $ret = $( $.parseHTML( html ) ); return Util.fixupHTML( $ret ); }, /** * Parse an i18n message and call Util.fixupHTML() * * @param {string} key Key of message to get * @param {...Mixed} parameters Values for $N replacements * @return {jQuery} */ parseMsg: function () { var $ret = mw.message.apply( mw.message, arguments ).parseDom(); return Util.fixupHTML( $ret ); }, /** * Fix HTML for ApiSandbox display * * Fixes are: * - Add target="_blank" to any links * * @param {jQuery} $html DOM to process * @return {jQuery} */ fixupHTML: function ( $html ) { $html.filter( 'a' ).add( $html.find( 'a' ) ) .filter( '[href]:not([target])' ) .attr( 'target', '_blank' ); return $html; }, /** * Format a request and return a bunch of menu option widgets * * @param {Object} displayParams Query parameters, sanitized for display. * @param {Object} rawParams Query parameters. You should probably use displayParams instead. * @return {OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget[]} Each item's data should be an OO.ui.FieldLayout */ formatRequest: function ( displayParams, rawParams ) { var jsonInput, items = [ new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { label: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-request-format-url-label' ), data: new OO.ui.FieldLayout( new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { readOnly: true, value: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ) + '?' + $.param( displayParams ) } ), { label: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-request-url-label' ) } ) } ), new OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget( { label: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-request-format-json-label' ), data: new OO.ui.FieldLayout( jsonInput = new OO.ui.MultilineTextInputWidget( { classes: [ 'mw-apisandbox-textInputCode' ], readOnly: true, autosize: true, maxRows: 6, value: JSON.stringify( displayParams, null, '\t' ) } ), { label: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-request-json-label' ) } ).on( 'toggle', function ( visible ) { if ( visible ) { // Call updatePosition instead of adjustSize // because the latter has weird caching // behavior and the former bypasses it. jsonInput.updatePosition(); } } ) } ) ]; mw.hook( 'apisandbox.formatRequest' ).fire( items, displayParams, rawParams ); return items; }, /** * Event handler for when formatDropdown's selection changes */ onFormatDropdownChange: function () { var i, menu = formatDropdown.getMenu(), items = menu.getItems(), selectedField = menu.findSelectedItem() ? menu.findSelectedItem().getData() : null; for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { items[ i ].getData().toggle( items[ i ].getData() === selectedField ); } } }; /** * Interface to ApiSandbox UI * * @class mw.special.ApiSandbox */ ApiSandbox = { /** * Initialize the UI * * Automatically called on $.ready() */ init: function () { var $toolbar; ApiSandbox.isFullscreen = false; $content = $( '#mw-apisandbox' ); windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager(); $( 'body' ).append( windowManager.$element ); windowManager.addWindows( { errorAlert: new OO.ui.MessageDialog() } ); fullscreenButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-fullscreen' ).text(), title: mw.message( 'apisandbox-fullscreen-tooltip' ).text() } ).on( 'click', ApiSandbox.toggleFullscreen ); $toolbar = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-apisandbox-toolbar' ) .append( fullscreenButton.$element, new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-submit' ).text(), flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ] } ).on( 'click', ApiSandbox.sendRequest ).$element, new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-reset' ).text(), flags: 'destructive' } ).on( 'click', ApiSandbox.resetUI ).$element ); booklet = new OO.ui.BookletLayout( { outlined: true, autoFocus: false } ); panel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { classes: [ 'mw-apisandbox-container' ], content: [ booklet ], expanded: false, framed: true } ); pages.main = new ApiSandbox.PageLayout( { key: 'main', path: 'main' } ); // Parse the current hash string if ( !ApiSandbox.loadFromHash() ) { ApiSandbox.updateUI(); } // If the hashchange event exists, use it. Otherwise, fake it. // And, of course, IE has to be dumb. if ( 'onhashchange' in window && ( document.documentMode === undefined || document.documentMode >= 8 ) ) { $( window ).on( 'hashchange', ApiSandbox.loadFromHash ); } else { setInterval( function () { if ( oldhash !== location.hash ) { ApiSandbox.loadFromHash(); } }, 1000 ); } $content .empty() .append( $( '

' ).append( Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-intro' ) ) ) .append( $( '

' ).attr( 'id', 'mw-apisandbox-ui' ) .append( $toolbar ) .append( panel.$element ) ); $( window ).on( 'resize', ApiSandbox.resizePanel ); ApiSandbox.resizePanel(); }, /** * Toggle "fullscreen" mode */ toggleFullscreen: function () { var $body = $( document.body ), $ui = $( '#mw-apisandbox-ui' ); ApiSandbox.isFullscreen = !ApiSandbox.isFullscreen; $body.toggleClass( 'mw-apisandbox-fullscreen', ApiSandbox.isFullscreen ); $ui.toggleClass( 'mw-body-content', ApiSandbox.isFullscreen ); if ( ApiSandbox.isFullscreen ) { fullscreenButton.setLabel( mw.message( 'apisandbox-unfullscreen' ).text() ); fullscreenButton.setTitle( mw.message( 'apisandbox-unfullscreen-tooltip' ).text() ); OO.ui.getDefaultOverlay().prepend( $ui ); } else { fullscreenButton.setLabel( mw.message( 'apisandbox-fullscreen' ).text() ); fullscreenButton.setTitle( mw.message( 'apisandbox-fullscreen-tooltip' ).text() ); $content.append( $ui ); } ApiSandbox.resizePanel(); }, /** * Set the height of the panel based on the current viewport. */ resizePanel: function () { var height = $( window ).height(), contentTop = $content.offset().top; if ( ApiSandbox.isFullscreen ) { height -= panel.$element.offset().top - $( '#mw-apisandbox-ui' ).offset().top; panel.$element.height( height - 1 ); } else { // Subtract the height of the intro text height -= panel.$element.offset().top - contentTop; panel.$element.height( height - 10 ); $( window ).scrollTop( contentTop - 5 ); } }, /** * Update the current query when the page hash changes * * @return {boolean} Successful */ loadFromHash: function () { var params, m, re, hash = location.hash; if ( oldhash === hash ) { return false; } oldhash = hash; if ( hash === '' ) { return false; } // I'm surprised this doesn't seem to exist in jQuery or mw.util. params = {}; hash = hash.replace( /\+/g, '%20' ); re = /([^&=#]+)=?([^&#]*)/g; while ( ( m = re.exec( hash ) ) ) { params[ decodeURIComponent( m[ 1 ] ) ] = decodeURIComponent( m[ 2 ] ); } ApiSandbox.updateUI( params ); return true; }, /** * Update the pages in the booklet * * @param {Object} [params] Optional query parameters to load */ updateUI: function ( params ) { var i, page, subpages, j, removePages, addPages = []; if ( !$.isPlainObject( params ) ) { params = undefined; } if ( updatingBooklet ) { return; } updatingBooklet = true; try { if ( params !== undefined ) { pages.main.loadQueryParams( params ); } addPages.push( pages.main ); if ( resultPage !== null ) { addPages.push( resultPage ); } pages.main.apiCheckValid(); i = 0; while ( addPages.length ) { page = addPages.shift(); if ( bookletPages[ i ] !== page ) { for ( j = i; j < bookletPages.length; j++ ) { if ( bookletPages[ j ].getName() === page.getName() ) { bookletPages.splice( j, 1 ); } } bookletPages.splice( i, 0, page ); booklet.addPages( [ page ], i ); } i++; if ( page.getSubpages ) { subpages = page.getSubpages(); for ( j = 0; j < subpages.length; j++ ) { if ( !pages.hasOwnProperty( subpages[ j ].key ) ) { subpages[ j ].indentLevel = page.indentLevel + 1; pages[ subpages[ j ].key ] = new ApiSandbox.PageLayout( subpages[ j ] ); } if ( params !== undefined ) { pages[ subpages[ j ].key ].loadQueryParams( params ); } addPages.splice( j, 0, pages[ subpages[ j ].key ] ); pages[ subpages[ j ].key ].apiCheckValid(); } } } if ( bookletPages.length > i ) { removePages = bookletPages.splice( i, bookletPages.length - i ); booklet.removePages( removePages ); } if ( !booklet.getCurrentPageName() ) { booklet.selectFirstSelectablePage(); } } finally { updatingBooklet = false; } }, /** * Reset button handler */ resetUI: function () { suppressErrors = true; pages = { main: new ApiSandbox.PageLayout( { key: 'main', path: 'main' } ) }; resultPage = null; ApiSandbox.updateUI(); }, /** * Submit button handler * * @param {Object} [params] Use this set of params instead of those in the form fields. * The form fields will be updated to match. */ sendRequest: function ( params ) { var page, subpages, i, query, $result, $focus, progress, $progressText, progressLoading, deferreds = [], paramsAreForced = !!params, displayParams = {}, checkPages = [ pages.main ]; // Blur any focused widget before submit, because // OO.ui.ButtonWidget doesn't take focus itself (T128054) $focus = $( '#mw-apisandbox-ui' ).find( document.activeElement ); if ( $focus.length ) { $focus[ 0 ].blur(); } suppressErrors = false; // save widget state in params (or load from it if we are forced) if ( paramsAreForced ) { ApiSandbox.updateUI( params ); } params = {}; while ( checkPages.length ) { page = checkPages.shift(); deferreds.push( page.apiCheckValid() ); page.getQueryParams( params, displayParams ); subpages = page.getSubpages(); for ( i = 0; i < subpages.length; i++ ) { if ( pages.hasOwnProperty( subpages[ i ].key ) ) { checkPages.push( pages[ subpages[ i ].key ] ); } } } if ( !paramsAreForced ) { // forced params means we are continuing a query; the base query should be preserved baseRequestParams = $.extend( {}, params ); } $.when.apply( $, deferreds ).done( function () { var formatItems, menu, selectedLabel; if ( $.inArray( false, arguments ) !== -1 ) { windowManager.openWindow( 'errorAlert', { title: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-submit-invalid-fields-title' ), message: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-submit-invalid-fields-message' ), actions: [ { action: 'accept', label: OO.ui.msg( 'ooui-dialog-process-dismiss' ), flags: 'primary' } ] } ); return; } query = $.param( displayParams ); formatItems = Util.formatRequest( displayParams, params ); // Force a 'fm' format with wrappedhtml=1, if available if ( params.format !== undefined ) { if ( availableFormats.hasOwnProperty( params.format + 'fm' ) ) { params.format = params.format + 'fm'; } if ( params.format.substr( -2 ) === 'fm' ) { params.wrappedhtml = 1; } } progressLoading = false; $progressText = $( '' ).text( mw.message( 'apisandbox-sending-request' ).text() ); progress = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget( { progress: false, $content: $progressText } ); $result = $( '
' ) .append( progress.$element ); resultPage = page = new OO.ui.PageLayout( '|results|' ); page.setupOutlineItem = function () { this.outlineItem.setLabel( mw.message( 'apisandbox-results' ).text() ); }; if ( !formatDropdown ) { formatDropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownWidget( { menu: { items: [] }, $overlay: true } ); formatDropdown.getMenu().on( 'select', Util.onFormatDropdownChange ); } menu = formatDropdown.getMenu(); selectedLabel = menu.findSelectedItem() ? menu.findSelectedItem().getLabel() : ''; if ( typeof selectedLabel !== 'string' ) { selectedLabel = selectedLabel.text(); } menu.clearItems().addItems( formatItems ); menu.chooseItem( menu.getItemFromLabel( selectedLabel ) || menu.findFirstSelectableItem() ); // Fire the event to update field visibilities Util.onFormatDropdownChange(); page.$element.empty() .append( new OO.ui.FieldLayout( formatDropdown, { label: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-request-selectformat-label' ) } ).$element, formatItems.map( function ( item ) { return item.getData().$element; } ), $result ); ApiSandbox.updateUI(); booklet.setPage( '|results|' ); location.href = oldhash = '#' + query; api.post( params, { contentType: 'multipart/form-data', dataType: 'text', xhr: function () { var xhr = new window.XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.upload.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( e ) { if ( !progressLoading ) { if ( e.lengthComputable ) { progress.setProgress( e.loaded * 100 / e.total ); } else { progress.setProgress( false ); } } } ); xhr.addEventListener( 'progress', function ( e ) { if ( !progressLoading ) { progressLoading = true; $progressText.text( mw.message( 'apisandbox-loading-results' ).text() ); } if ( e.lengthComputable ) { progress.setProgress( e.loaded * 100 / e.total ); } else { progress.setProgress( false ); } } ); return xhr; } } ) .catch( function ( code, data, result, jqXHR ) { var deferred = $.Deferred(); if ( code !== 'http' ) { // Not really an error, work around mw.Api thinking it is. deferred.resolve( result, jqXHR ); } else { // Just forward it. deferred.reject.apply( deferred, arguments ); } return deferred.promise(); } ) .then( function ( data, jqXHR ) { var m, loadTime, button, clear, ct = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( 'Content-Type' ), loginSuppressed = jqXHR.getResponseHeader( 'MediaWiki-Login-Suppressed' ) || 'false'; $result.empty(); if ( loginSuppressed !== 'false' ) { $( '
' ) .addClass( 'warning' ) .append( Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-results-login-suppressed' ) ) .appendTo( $result ); } if ( /^text\/mediawiki-api-prettyprint-wrapped(?:;|$)/.test( ct ) ) { data = JSON.parse( data ); if ( data.modules.length ) { mw.loader.load( data.modules ); } if ( data.status && data.status !== 200 ) { $( '
' ) .addClass( 'api-pretty-header api-pretty-status' ) .append( Util.parseMsg( 'api-format-prettyprint-status', data.status, data.statustext ) ) .appendTo( $result ); } $result.append( Util.parseHTML( data.html ) ); loadTime = data.time; } else if ( ( m = data.match( /][\s\S]*<\/pre>/ ) ) ) { $result.append( Util.parseHTML( m[ 0 ] ) ); if ( ( m = data.match( /"wgBackendResponseTime":\s*(\d+)/ ) ) ) { loadTime = parseInt( m[ 1 ], 10 ); } } else { $( '
' )
								.addClass( 'api-pretty-content' )
								.text( data )
								.appendTo( $result );
						if ( paramsAreForced || data[ 'continue' ] ) {
								$( '
' ).append( new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-continue' ).text() } ).on( 'click', function () { ApiSandbox.sendRequest( $.extend( {}, baseRequestParams, data[ 'continue' ] ) ); } ).setDisabled( !data[ 'continue' ] ).$element, ( clear = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-continue-clear' ).text() } ).on( 'click', function () { ApiSandbox.updateUI( baseRequestParams ); clear.setDisabled( true ); booklet.setPage( '|results|' ); } ).setDisabled( !paramsAreForced ) ).$element, new OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget( { $overlay: true, framed: false, icon: 'info', popup: { $content: $( '
' ).append( Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-continue-help' ) ), padded: true, width: 'auto' } } ).$element ) ); } if ( typeof loadTime === 'number' ) { $result.append( $( '
' ).append( new OO.ui.LabelWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-request-time', loadTime ).text() } ).$element ) ); } if ( jqXHR.getResponseHeader( 'MediaWiki-API-Error' ) === 'badtoken' ) { // Flush all saved tokens in case one of them is the bad one. Util.markTokensBad(); button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-results-fixtoken' ).text() } ); button.on( 'click', ApiSandbox.fixTokenAndResend ) .on( 'click', button.setDisabled, [ true ], button ) .$element.appendTo( $result ); } }, function ( code, data ) { var details = 'HTTP error: ' + data.exception; $result.empty() .append( new OO.ui.LabelWidget( { label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-results-error', details ).text(), classes: [ 'error' ] } ).$element ); } ); } ); }, /** * Handler for the "Correct token and resubmit" button * * Used on a 'badtoken' error, it re-fetches token parameters for all * pages and then re-submits the query. */ fixTokenAndResend: function () { var page, subpages, i, k, ok = true, tokenWait = { dummy: true }, checkPages = [ pages.main ], success = function ( k ) { delete tokenWait[ k ]; if ( ok && $.isEmptyObject( tokenWait ) ) { ApiSandbox.sendRequest(); } }, failure = function ( k ) { delete tokenWait[ k ]; ok = false; }; while ( checkPages.length ) { page = checkPages.shift(); if ( page.tokenWidget ) { k = page.apiModule + page.tokenWidget.paramInfo.name; tokenWait[ k ] = page.tokenWidget.fetchToken(); tokenWait[ k ] .done( success.bind( page.tokenWidget, k ) ) .fail( failure.bind( page.tokenWidget, k ) ); } subpages = page.getSubpages(); for ( i = 0; i < subpages.length; i++ ) { if ( pages.hasOwnProperty( subpages[ i ].key ) ) { checkPages.push( pages[ subpages[ i ].key ] ); } } } success( 'dummy', '' ); }, /** * Reset validity indicators for all widgets */ updateValidityIndicators: function () { var page, subpages, i, checkPages = [ pages.main ]; while ( checkPages.length ) { page = checkPages.shift(); page.apiCheckValid(); subpages = page.getSubpages(); for ( i = 0; i < subpages.length; i++ ) { if ( pages.hasOwnProperty( subpages[ i ].key ) ) { checkPages.push( pages[ subpages[ i ].key ] ); } } } } }; /** * PageLayout for API modules * * @class * @private * @extends OO.ui.PageLayout * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ ApiSandbox.PageLayout = function ( config ) { config = $.extend( { prefix: '' }, config ); this.displayText = config.key; this.apiModule = config.path; this.prefix = config.prefix; this.paramInfo = null; this.apiIsValid = true; this.loadFromQueryParams = null; this.widgets = {}; this.tokenWidget = null; this.indentLevel = config.indentLevel ? config.indentLevel : 0; ApiSandbox.PageLayout[ 'super' ].call( this, config.key, config ); this.loadParamInfo(); }; OO.inheritClass( ApiSandbox.PageLayout, OO.ui.PageLayout ); ApiSandbox.PageLayout.prototype.setupOutlineItem = function () { this.outlineItem.setLevel( this.indentLevel ); this.outlineItem.setLabel( this.displayText ); this.outlineItem.setIcon( this.apiIsValid || suppressErrors ? null : 'alert' ); this.outlineItem.setIconTitle( this.apiIsValid || suppressErrors ? '' : mw.message( 'apisandbox-alert-page' ).plain() ); }; /** * Fetch module information for this page's module, then create UI */ ApiSandbox.PageLayout.prototype.loadParamInfo = function () { var dynamicFieldset, dynamicParamNameWidget, that = this, removeDynamicParamWidget = function ( name, layout ) { dynamicFieldset.removeItems( [ layout ] ); delete that.widgets[ name ]; }, addDynamicParamWidget = function () { var name, layout, widget, button; // Check name is filled in name = dynamicParamNameWidget.getValue().trim(); if ( name === '' ) { dynamicParamNameWidget.focus(); return; } if ( that.widgets[ name ] !== undefined ) { windowManager.openWindow( 'errorAlert', { title: Util.parseMsg( 'apisandbox-dynamic-error-exists', name ), actions: [ { action: 'accept', label: OO.ui.msg( 'ooui-dialog-process-dismiss' ), flags: 'primary' } ] } ); return; } widget = Util.createWidgetForParameter( { name: name, type: 'string', 'default': '' }, { nooptional: true } ); button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { icon: 'trash', flags: 'destructive' } ); layout = new OO.ui.ActionFieldLayout( widget, button, { label: name, align: 'left' } ); button.on( 'click', removeDynamicParamWidget, [ name, layout ] ); that.widgets[ name ] = widget; dynamicFieldset.addItems( [ layout ], dynamicFieldset.getItems().length - 1 ); widget.focus(); dynamicParamNameWidget.setValue( '' ); }; this.$element.empty() .append( new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget( { progress: false, text: mw.message( 'apisandbox-loading', this.displayText ).text() } ).$element ); Util.fetchModuleInfo( this.apiModule ) .done( function ( pi ) { var prefix, i, j, descriptionContainer, widget, layoutConfig, button, widgetField, helpField, tmp, flag, count, items = [], deprecatedItems = [], buttons = [], filterFmModules = function ( v ) { return v.substr( -2 ) !== 'fm' || !availableFormats.hasOwnProperty( v.substr( 0, v.length - 2 ) ); }, widgetLabelOnClick = function () { var f = this.getField(); if ( $.isFunction( f.setDisabled ) ) { f.setDisabled( false ); } if ( $.isFunction( f.focus ) ) { f.focus(); } }; // This is something of a hack. We always want the 'format' and // 'action' parameters from the main module to be specified, // and for 'format' we also want to simplify the dropdown since // we always send the 'fm' variant. if ( that.apiModule === 'main' ) { for ( i = 0; i < pi.parameters.length; i++ ) { if ( pi.parameters[ i ].name === 'action' ) { pi.parameters[ i ].required = true; delete pi.parameters[ i ][ 'default' ]; } if ( pi.parameters[ i ].name === 'format' ) { tmp = pi.parameters[ i ].type; for ( j = 0; j < tmp.length; j++ ) { availableFormats[ tmp[ j ] ] = true; } pi.parameters[ i ].type = tmp.filter( filterFmModules ); pi.parameters[ i ][ 'default' ] = 'json'; pi.parameters[ i ].required = true; } } } // Hide the 'wrappedhtml' parameter on format modules if ( pi.group === 'format' ) { pi.parameters = pi.parameters.filter( function ( p ) { return p.name !== 'wrappedhtml'; } ); } that.paramInfo = pi; items.push( new OO.ui.FieldLayout( new OO.ui.Widget( {} ).toggle( false ), { align: 'top', label: Util.parseHTML( pi.description ) } ) ); if ( pi.helpurls.length ) { buttons.push( new OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget( { $overlay: true, label: mw.message( 'apisandbox-helpurls' ).text(), icon: 'help', popup: { width: 'auto', padded: true, $content: $( '