( function ( mw ) { /** * Wrapper for the RC form with hide/show links * Must be constructed after the model is initialized. * * @extends OO.ui.Widget * * @constructor * @param {mw.rcfilters.dm.FiltersViewModel} filtersModel Changes list view model * @param {mw.rcfilters.dm.ChangesListViewModel} changeListModel Changes list view model * @param {mw.rcfilters.Controller} controller RCfilters controller * @param {jQuery} $formRoot Root element of the form to attach to * @param {Object} config Configuration object */ mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget = function MwRcfiltersUiFormWrapperWidget( filtersModel, changeListModel, controller, $formRoot, config ) { config = config || {}; // Parent mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget.parent.call( this, $.extend( {}, config, { $element: $formRoot } ) ); this.changeListModel = changeListModel; this.filtersModel = filtersModel; this.controller = controller; this.$submitButton = this.$element.find( 'form input[type=submit]' ); this.$element .on( 'click', 'a[data-params]', this.onLinkClick.bind( this ) ); this.$element .on( 'submit', 'form', this.onFormSubmit.bind( this ) ); // Events this.changeListModel.connect( this, { invalidate: 'onChangesModelInvalidate', update: 'onChangesModelUpdate' } ); // Initialize this.cleanUpFieldset(); this.$element .addClass( 'mw-rcfilters-ui-FormWrapperWidget' ); }; /* Initialization */ OO.inheritClass( mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget, OO.ui.Widget ); /** * Respond to link click * * @param {jQuery.Event} e Event * @return {boolean} false */ mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget.prototype.onLinkClick = function ( e ) { this.controller.updateChangesList( $( e.target ).data( 'params' ) ); return false; }; /** * Respond to form submit event * * @param {jQuery.Event} e Event * @return {boolean} false */ mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget.prototype.onFormSubmit = function ( e ) { var data = {}; // Collect all data from form $( e.target ).find( 'input:not([type="hidden"],[type="submit"]), select' ).each( function () { var value = ''; if ( !$( this ).is( ':checkbox' ) || $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { value = $( this ).val(); } data[ $( this ).prop( 'name' ) ] = value; } ); this.controller.updateChangesList( data ); return false; }; /** * Respond to model invalidate */ mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget.prototype.onChangesModelInvalidate = function () { this.$submitButton.prop( 'disabled', true ); }; /** * Respond to model update, replace the show/hide links with the ones from the * server so they feature the correct state. * * @param {jQuery|string} $changesList Updated changes list * @param {jQuery} $fieldset Updated fieldset * @param {string} noResultsDetails Type of no result error * @param {boolean} isInitialDOM Whether $changesListContent is the existing (already attached) DOM */ mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget.prototype.onChangesModelUpdate = function ( $changesList, $fieldset, noResultsDetails, isInitialDOM ) { this.$submitButton.prop( 'disabled', false ); // Replace the entire fieldset this.$element.empty().append( $fieldset.contents() ); if ( !isInitialDOM ) { // Make sure enhanced RC re-initializes correctly mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( this.$element ); } this.cleanUpFieldset(); }; /** * Clean up the old-style show/hide that we have implemented in the filter list */ mw.rcfilters.ui.FormWrapperWidget.prototype.cleanUpFieldset = function () { this.$element.find( '.clshowhideoption[data-feature-in-structured-ui=1]' ).each( function () { // HACK: Remove the text node after the span. // If there isn't one, we're at the end, so remove the text node before the span. // This would be unnecessary if we added separators with CSS. if ( this.nextSibling && this.nextSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { this.parentNode.removeChild( this.nextSibling ); } else if ( this.previousSibling && this.previousSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { this.parentNode.removeChild( this.previousSibling ); } // Remove the span itself this.parentNode.removeChild( this ); } ); // Hide namespaces and tags this.$element.find( '.namespaceForm' ).detach(); this.$element.find( '.mw-tagfilter-label' ).closest( 'tr' ).detach(); // Hide Related Changes page name form this.$element.find( '.targetForm' ).detach(); // misc: limit, days, watchlist info msg this.$element.find( '.rclinks, .cldays, .wlinfo' ).detach(); if ( !this.$element.find( '.mw-recentchanges-table tr' ).length ) { this.$element.find( '.mw-recentchanges-table' ).detach(); this.$element.find( 'hr' ).detach(); } // Get rid of all
s, which are inside rcshowhide // If we still have content in rcshowhide, the
s are // gone. Instead, the CSS now has a rule to mark all s // inside .rcshowhide with display:block; to simulate newlines // where they're actually needed. this.$element.find( 'br' ).detach(); if ( !this.$element.find( '.rcshowhide' ).contents().length ) { this.$element.find( '.rcshowhide' ).detach(); } if ( this.$element.find( '.cloption' ).text().trim() === '' ) { this.$element.find( '.cloption-submit' ).detach(); } this.$element.find( '.rclistfrom, .rcnotefrom, .rcoptions-listfromreset' ).detach(); // Get rid of the legend this.$element.find( 'legend' ).detach(); // Check if the element is essentially empty, and detach it if it is if ( !this.$element.text().trim().length ) { this.$element.detach(); } }; }( mediaWiki ) );