/*! * OOjs v2.2.0 optimised for jQuery * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOjs * * Copyright 2011-2018 OOjs Team and other contributors. * Released under the MIT license * https://oojs.mit-license.org * * Date: 2018-04-03T19:45:13Z */ ( function ( global ) { 'use strict'; var /** * Namespace for all classes, static methods and static properties. * @class OO * @singleton */ oo = {}, // Optimisation: Local reference to Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty hasOwn = oo.hasOwnProperty, // Marking this as "exported" doesn't work when parserOptions.sourceType is module // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars toString = oo.toString; /* Class Methods */ /** * Utility to initialize a class for OO inheritance. * * Currently this just initializes an empty static object. * * @param {Function} fn */ oo.initClass = function ( fn ) { fn.static = fn.static || {}; }; /** * Inherit from prototype to another using Object#create. * * Beware: This redefines the prototype, call before setting your prototypes. * * Beware: This redefines the prototype, can only be called once on a function. * If called multiple times on the same function, the previous prototype is lost. * This is how prototypal inheritance works, it can only be one straight chain * (just like classical inheritance in PHP for example). If you need to work with * multiple constructors consider storing an instance of the other constructor in a * property instead, or perhaps use a mixin (see OO.mixinClass). * * function Thing() {} * Thing.prototype.exists = function () {}; * * function Person() { * Person.super.apply( this, arguments ); * } * OO.inheritClass( Person, Thing ); * Person.static.defaultEyeCount = 2; * Person.prototype.walk = function () {}; * * function Jumper() { * Jumper.super.apply( this, arguments ); * } * OO.inheritClass( Jumper, Person ); * Jumper.prototype.jump = function () {}; * * Jumper.static.defaultEyeCount === 2; * var x = new Jumper(); * x.jump(); * x.walk(); * x instanceof Thing && x instanceof Person && x instanceof Jumper; * * @param {Function} targetFn * @param {Function} originFn * @throws {Error} If target already inherits from origin */ oo.inheritClass = function ( targetFn, originFn ) { var targetConstructor; if ( !originFn ) { throw new Error( 'inheritClass: Origin is not a function (actually ' + originFn + ')' ); } if ( targetFn.prototype instanceof originFn ) { throw new Error( 'inheritClass: Target already inherits from origin' ); } targetConstructor = targetFn.prototype.constructor; // [DEPRECATED] Provide .parent as alias for code supporting older browsers which // allows people to comply with their style guide. targetFn.super = targetFn.parent = originFn; targetFn.prototype = Object.create( originFn.prototype, { // Restore constructor property of targetFn constructor: { value: targetConstructor, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } } ); // Extend static properties - always initialize both sides oo.initClass( originFn ); targetFn.static = Object.create( originFn.static ); }; /** * Copy over *own* prototype properties of a mixin. * * The 'constructor' (whether implicit or explicit) is not copied over. * * This does not create inheritance to the origin. If you need inheritance, * use OO.inheritClass instead. * * Beware: This can redefine a prototype property, call before setting your prototypes. * * Beware: Don't call before OO.inheritClass. * * function Foo() {} * function Context() {} * * // Avoid repeating this code * function ContextLazyLoad() {} * ContextLazyLoad.prototype.getContext = function () { * if ( !this.context ) { * this.context = new Context(); * } * return this.context; * }; * * function FooBar() {} * OO.inheritClass( FooBar, Foo ); * OO.mixinClass( FooBar, ContextLazyLoad ); * * @param {Function} targetFn * @param {Function} originFn */ oo.mixinClass = function ( targetFn, originFn ) { var key; if ( !originFn ) { throw new Error( 'mixinClass: Origin is not a function (actually ' + originFn + ')' ); } // Copy prototype properties for ( key in originFn.prototype ) { if ( key !== 'constructor' && hasOwn.call( originFn.prototype, key ) ) { targetFn.prototype[ key ] = originFn.prototype[ key ]; } } // Copy static properties - always initialize both sides oo.initClass( targetFn ); if ( originFn.static ) { for ( key in originFn.static ) { if ( hasOwn.call( originFn.static, key ) ) { targetFn.static[ key ] = originFn.static[ key ]; } } } else { oo.initClass( originFn ); } }; /** * Test whether one class is a subclass of another, without instantiating it. * * Every class is considered a subclass of Object and of itself. * * @param {Function} testFn The class to be tested * @param {Function} baseFn The base class * @return {boolean} Whether testFn is a subclass of baseFn (or equal to it) */ oo.isSubclass = function ( testFn, baseFn ) { return testFn === baseFn || testFn.prototype instanceof baseFn; }; /* Object Methods */ /** * Get a deeply nested property of an object using variadic arguments, protecting against * undefined property errors. * * `quux = OO.getProp( obj, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' );` is equivalent to `quux = obj.foo.bar.baz;` * except that the former protects against JS errors if one of the intermediate properties * is undefined. Instead of throwing an error, this function will return undefined in * that case. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {...Mixed} [keys] * @return {Object|undefined} obj[arguments[1]][arguments[2]].... or undefined */ oo.getProp = function ( obj ) { var i, retval = obj; for ( i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) { if ( retval === undefined || retval === null ) { // Trying to access a property of undefined or null causes an error return undefined; } retval = retval[ arguments[ i ] ]; } return retval; }; /** * Set a deeply nested property of an object using variadic arguments, protecting against * undefined property errors. * * `oo.setProp( obj, 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' );` is equivalent to `obj.foo.bar = baz;` except that * the former protects against JS errors if one of the intermediate properties is * undefined. Instead of throwing an error, undefined intermediate properties will be * initialized to an empty object. If an intermediate property is not an object, or if obj itself * is not an object, this function will silently abort. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {...Mixed} [keys] * @param {Mixed} [value] */ oo.setProp = function ( obj ) { var i, prop = obj; if ( Object( obj ) !== obj || arguments.length < 2 ) { return; } for ( i = 1; i < arguments.length - 2; i++ ) { if ( prop[ arguments[ i ] ] === undefined ) { prop[ arguments[ i ] ] = {}; } if ( Object( prop[ arguments[ i ] ] ) !== prop[ arguments[ i ] ] ) { return; } prop = prop[ arguments[ i ] ]; } prop[ arguments[ arguments.length - 2 ] ] = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ]; }; /** * Delete a deeply nested property of an object using variadic arguments, protecting against * undefined property errors, and deleting resulting empty objects. * * @param {Object} obj * @param {...Mixed} [keys] */ oo.deleteProp = function ( obj ) { var i, prop = obj, props = [ prop ]; if ( Object( obj ) !== obj || arguments.length < 2 ) { return; } for ( i = 1; i < arguments.length - 1; i++ ) { if ( prop[ arguments[ i ] ] === undefined || Object( prop[ arguments[ i ] ] ) !== prop[ arguments[ i ] ] ) { return; } prop = prop[ arguments[ i ] ]; props.push( prop ); } delete prop[ arguments[ i ] ]; // Walk back through props removing any plain empty objects while ( props.length > 1 && ( prop = props.pop() ) && oo.isPlainObject( prop ) && !Object.keys( prop ).length ) { delete props[ props.length - 1 ][ arguments[ props.length ] ]; } }; /** * Create a new object that is an instance of the same * constructor as the input, inherits from the same object * and contains the same own properties. * * This makes a shallow non-recursive copy of own properties. * To create a recursive copy of plain objects, use #copy. * * var foo = new Person( mom, dad ); * foo.setAge( 21 ); * var foo2 = OO.cloneObject( foo ); * foo.setAge( 22 ); * * // Then * foo2 !== foo; // true * foo2 instanceof Person; // true * foo2.getAge(); // 21 * foo.getAge(); // 22 * * @param {Object} origin * @return {Object} Clone of origin */ oo.cloneObject = function ( origin ) { var key, r; r = Object.create( origin.constructor.prototype ); for ( key in origin ) { if ( hasOwn.call( origin, key ) ) { r[ key ] = origin[ key ]; } } return r; }; /** * Get an array of all property values in an object. * * @param {Object} obj Object to get values from * @return {Array} List of object values */ oo.getObjectValues = function ( obj ) { var key, values; if ( obj !== Object( obj ) ) { throw new TypeError( 'Called on non-object' ); } values = []; for ( key in obj ) { if ( hasOwn.call( obj, key ) ) { values[ values.length ] = obj[ key ]; } } return values; }; /** * Use binary search to locate an element in a sorted array. * * searchFunc is given an element from the array. `searchFunc(elem)` must return a number * above 0 if the element we're searching for is to the right of (has a higher index than) elem, * below 0 if it is to the left of elem, or zero if it's equal to elem. * * To search for a specific value with a comparator function (a `function cmp(a,b)` that returns * above 0 if `a > b`, below 0 if `a < b`, and 0 if `a == b`), you can use * `searchFunc = cmp.bind( null, value )`. * * @param {Array} arr Array to search in * @param {Function} searchFunc Search function * @param {boolean} [forInsertion] If not found, return index where val could be inserted * @return {number|null} Index where val was found, or null if not found */ oo.binarySearch = function ( arr, searchFunc, forInsertion ) { var mid, cmpResult, left = 0, right = arr.length; while ( left < right ) { // Equivalent to Math.floor( ( left + right ) / 2 ) but much faster // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise mid = ( left + right ) >> 1; cmpResult = searchFunc( arr[ mid ] ); if ( cmpResult < 0 ) { right = mid; } else if ( cmpResult > 0 ) { left = mid + 1; } else { return mid; } } return forInsertion ? right : null; }; /** * Recursively compare properties between two objects. * * A false result may be caused by property inequality or by properties in one object missing from * the other. An asymmetrical test may also be performed, which checks only that properties in the * first object are present in the second object, but not the inverse. * * If either a or b is null or undefined it will be treated as an empty object. * * @param {Object|undefined|null} a First object to compare * @param {Object|undefined|null} b Second object to compare * @param {boolean} [asymmetrical] Whether to check only that a's values are equal to b's * (i.e. a is a subset of b) * @return {boolean} If the objects contain the same values as each other */ oo.compare = function ( a, b, asymmetrical ) { var aValue, bValue, aType, bType, k; if ( a === b ) { return true; } a = a || {}; b = b || {}; if ( typeof a.nodeType === 'number' && typeof a.isEqualNode === 'function' ) { return a.isEqualNode( b ); } for ( k in a ) { if ( !hasOwn.call( a, k ) || a[ k ] === undefined || a[ k ] === b[ k ] ) { // Ignore undefined values, because there is no conceptual difference between // a key that is absent and a key that is present but whose value is undefined. continue; } aValue = a[ k ]; bValue = b[ k ]; aType = typeof aValue; bType = typeof bValue; if ( aType !== bType || ( ( aType === 'string' || aType === 'number' || aType === 'boolean' ) && aValue !== bValue ) || ( aValue === Object( aValue ) && !oo.compare( aValue, bValue, true ) ) ) { return false; } } // If the check is not asymmetrical, recursing with the arguments swapped will verify our result return asymmetrical ? true : oo.compare( b, a, true ); }; /** * Create a plain deep copy of any kind of object. * * Copies are deep, and will either be an object or an array depending on `source`. * * @param {Object} source Object to copy * @param {Function} [leafCallback] Applied to leaf values after they are cloned but before they are added to the clone * @param {Function} [nodeCallback] Applied to all values before they are cloned. If the nodeCallback returns a value other than undefined, the returned value is used instead of attempting to clone. * @return {Object} Copy of source object */ oo.copy = function ( source, leafCallback, nodeCallback ) { var key, destination; if ( nodeCallback ) { // Extensibility: check before attempting to clone source. destination = nodeCallback( source ); if ( destination !== undefined ) { return destination; } } if ( Array.isArray( source ) ) { // Array (fall through) destination = new Array( source.length ); } else if ( source && typeof source.clone === 'function' ) { // Duck type object with custom clone method return leafCallback ? leafCallback( source.clone() ) : source.clone(); } else if ( source && typeof source.cloneNode === 'function' ) { // DOM Node return leafCallback ? leafCallback( source.cloneNode( true ) ) : source.cloneNode( true ); } else if ( oo.isPlainObject( source ) ) { // Plain objects (fall through) destination = {}; } else { // Non-plain objects (incl. functions) and primitive values return leafCallback ? leafCallback( source ) : source; } // source is an array or a plain object for ( key in source ) { destination[ key ] = oo.copy( source[ key ], leafCallback, nodeCallback ); } // This is an internal node, so we don't apply the leafCallback. return destination; }; /** * Generate a hash of an object based on its name and data. * * Performance optimization: * * To avoid two objects with the same values generating different hashes, we utilize the replacer * argument of JSON.stringify and sort the object by key as it's being serialized. This may or may * not be the fastest way to do this; we should investigate this further. * * Objects and arrays are hashed recursively. When hashing an object that has a .getHash() * function, we call that function and use its return value rather than hashing the object * ourselves. This allows classes to define custom hashing. * * @param {Object} val Object to generate hash for * @return {string} Hash of object */ oo.getHash = function ( val ) { return JSON.stringify( val, oo.getHash.keySortReplacer ); }; /** * Sort objects by key (helper function for OO.getHash). * * This is a callback passed into JSON.stringify. * * @method getHash_keySortReplacer * @param {string} key Property name of value being replaced * @param {Mixed} val Property value to replace * @return {Mixed} Replacement value */ oo.getHash.keySortReplacer = function ( key, val ) { var normalized, keys, i, len; if ( val && typeof val.getHashObject === 'function' ) { // This object has its own custom hash function, use it val = val.getHashObject(); } if ( !Array.isArray( val ) && Object( val ) === val ) { // Only normalize objects when the key-order is ambiguous // (e.g. any object not an array). normalized = {}; keys = Object.keys( val ).sort(); i = 0; len = keys.length; for ( ; i < len; i += 1 ) { normalized[ keys[ i ] ] = val[ keys[ i ] ]; } return normalized; } else { // Primitive values and arrays get stable hashes // by default. Lets those be stringified as-is. return val; } }; /** * Get the unique values of an array, removing duplicates * * @param {Array} arr Array * @return {Array} Unique values in array */ oo.unique = function ( arr ) { return arr.reduce( function ( result, current ) { if ( result.indexOf( current ) === -1 ) { result.push( current ); } return result; }, [] ); }; /** * Compute the union (duplicate-free merge) of a set of arrays. * * Arrays values must be convertable to object keys (strings). * * By building an object (with the values for keys) in parallel with * the array, a new item's existence in the union can be computed faster. * * @param {...Array} arrays Arrays to union * @return {Array} Union of the arrays */ oo.simpleArrayUnion = function () { var i, ilen, arr, j, jlen, obj = {}, result = []; for ( i = 0, ilen = arguments.length; i < ilen; i++ ) { arr = arguments[ i ]; for ( j = 0, jlen = arr.length; j < jlen; j++ ) { if ( !obj[ arr[ j ] ] ) { obj[ arr[ j ] ] = true; result.push( arr[ j ] ); } } } return result; }; /** * Combine arrays (intersection or difference). * * An intersection checks the item exists in 'b' while difference checks it doesn't. * * Arrays values must be convertable to object keys (strings). * * By building an object (with the values for keys) of 'b' we can * compute the result faster. * * @private * @param {Array} a First array * @param {Array} b Second array * @param {boolean} includeB Whether to items in 'b' * @return {Array} Combination (intersection or difference) of arrays */ function simpleArrayCombine( a, b, includeB ) { var i, ilen, isInB, bObj = {}, result = []; for ( i = 0, ilen = b.length; i < ilen; i++ ) { bObj[ b[ i ] ] = true; } for ( i = 0, ilen = a.length; i < ilen; i++ ) { isInB = !!bObj[ a[ i ] ]; if ( isInB === includeB ) { result.push( a[ i ] ); } } return result; } /** * Compute the intersection of two arrays (items in both arrays). * * Arrays values must be convertable to object keys (strings). * * @param {Array} a First array * @param {Array} b Second array * @return {Array} Intersection of arrays */ oo.simpleArrayIntersection = function ( a, b ) { return simpleArrayCombine( a, b, true ); }; /** * Compute the difference of two arrays (items in 'a' but not 'b'). * * Arrays values must be convertable to object keys (strings). * * @param {Array} a First array * @param {Array} b Second array * @return {Array} Intersection of arrays */ oo.simpleArrayDifference = function ( a, b ) { return simpleArrayCombine( a, b, false ); }; /* global $ */ oo.isPlainObject = $.isPlainObject; /* global hasOwn */ ( function () { /** * @class OO.EventEmitter * * @constructor */ oo.EventEmitter = function OoEventEmitter() { // Properties /** * Storage of bound event handlers by event name. * * @property */ this.bindings = {}; }; oo.initClass( oo.EventEmitter ); /* Private helper functions */ /** * Validate a function or method call in a context * * For a method name, check that it names a function in the context object * * @private * @param {Function|string} method Function or method name * @param {Mixed} context The context of the call * @throws {Error} A method name is given but there is no context * @throws {Error} In the context object, no property exists with the given name * @throws {Error} In the context object, the named property is not a function */ function validateMethod( method, context ) { // Validate method and context if ( typeof method === 'string' ) { // Validate method if ( context === undefined || context === null ) { throw new Error( 'Method name "' + method + '" has no context.' ); } if ( typeof context[ method ] !== 'function' ) { // Technically the property could be replaced by a function before // call time. But this probably signals a typo. throw new Error( 'Property "' + method + '" is not a function' ); } } else if ( typeof method !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'Invalid callback. Function or method name expected.' ); } } /** * @private * @param {OO.EventEmitter} eventEmitter Event emitter * @param {string} event Event name * @param {Object} binding */ function addBinding( eventEmitter, event, binding ) { var bindings; // Auto-initialize bindings list if ( hasOwn.call( eventEmitter.bindings, event ) ) { bindings = eventEmitter.bindings[ event ]; } else { bindings = eventEmitter.bindings[ event ] = []; } // Add binding bindings.push( binding ); } /* Methods */ /** * Add a listener to events of a specific event. * * The listener can be a function or the string name of a method; if the latter, then the * name lookup happens at the time the listener is called. * * @param {string} event Type of event to listen to * @param {Function|string} method Function or method name to call when event occurs * @param {Array} [args] Arguments to pass to listener, will be prepended to emitted arguments * @param {Object} [context=null] Context object for function or method call * @chainable * @throws {Error} Listener argument is not a function or a valid method name */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.on = function ( event, method, args, context ) { validateMethod( method, context ); // Ensure consistent object shape (optimisation) addBinding( this, event, { method: method, args: args, context: ( arguments.length < 4 ) ? null : context, once: false } ); return this; }; /** * Add a one-time listener to a specific event. * * @param {string} event Type of event to listen to * @param {Function} listener Listener to call when event occurs * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.once = function ( event, listener ) { validateMethod( listener ); // Ensure consistent object shape (optimisation) addBinding( this, event, { method: listener, args: undefined, context: null, once: true } ); return this; }; /** * Remove a specific listener from a specific event. * * @param {string} event Type of event to remove listener from * @param {Function|string} [method] Listener to remove. Must be in the same form as was passed * to "on". Omit to remove all listeners. * @param {Object} [context=null] Context object function or method call * @chainable * @throws {Error} Listener argument is not a function or a valid method name */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.off = function ( event, method, context ) { var i, bindings; if ( arguments.length === 1 ) { // Remove all bindings for event delete this.bindings[ event ]; return this; } validateMethod( method, context ); if ( !hasOwn.call( this.bindings, event ) || !this.bindings[ event ].length ) { // No matching bindings return this; } // Default to null context if ( arguments.length < 3 ) { context = null; } // Remove matching handlers bindings = this.bindings[ event ]; i = bindings.length; while ( i-- ) { if ( bindings[ i ].method === method && bindings[ i ].context === context ) { bindings.splice( i, 1 ); } } // Cleanup if now empty if ( bindings.length === 0 ) { delete this.bindings[ event ]; } return this; }; /** * Emit an event. * * @param {string} event Type of event * @param {...Mixed} args First in a list of variadic arguments passed to event handler (optional) * @return {boolean} Whether the event was handled by at least one listener */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function ( event ) { var args = [], i, len, binding, bindings, method; if ( hasOwn.call( this.bindings, event ) ) { // Slicing ensures that we don't get tripped up by event handlers that add/remove bindings bindings = this.bindings[ event ].slice(); for ( i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++ ) { args.push( arguments[ i ] ); } for ( i = 0, len = bindings.length; i < len; i++ ) { binding = bindings[ i ]; if ( typeof binding.method === 'string' ) { // Lookup method by name (late binding) method = binding.context[ binding.method ]; } else { method = binding.method; } if ( binding.once ) { // Must unbind before calling method to avoid // any nested triggers. this.off( event, method ); } method.apply( binding.context, binding.args ? binding.args.concat( args ) : args ); } return true; } return false; }; /** * Connect event handlers to an object. * * @param {Object} context Object to call methods on when events occur * @param {Object.|Object.|Object.} methods List of * event bindings keyed by event name containing either method names, functions or arrays containing * method name or function followed by a list of arguments to be passed to callback before emitted * arguments. * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.connect = function ( context, methods ) { var method, args, event; for ( event in methods ) { method = methods[ event ]; // Allow providing additional args if ( Array.isArray( method ) ) { args = method.slice( 1 ); method = method[ 0 ]; } else { args = []; } // Add binding this.on( event, method, args, context ); } return this; }; /** * Disconnect event handlers from an object. * * @param {Object} context Object to disconnect methods from * @param {Object.|Object.|Object.} [methods] List of * event bindings keyed by event name. Values can be either method names, functions or arrays * containing a method name. * NOTE: To allow matching call sites with connect(), array values are allowed to contain the * parameters as well, but only the method name is used to find bindings. Tt is discouraged to * have multiple bindings for the same event to the same listener, but if used (and only the * parameters vary), disconnecting one variation of (event name, event listener, parameters) * will disconnect other variations as well. * @chainable */ oo.EventEmitter.prototype.disconnect = function ( context, methods ) { var i, event, method, bindings; if ( methods ) { // Remove specific connections to the context for ( event in methods ) { method = methods[ event ]; if ( Array.isArray( method ) ) { method = method[ 0 ]; } this.off( event, method, context ); } } else { // Remove all connections to the context for ( event in this.bindings ) { bindings = this.bindings[ event ]; i = bindings.length; while ( i-- ) { // bindings[i] may have been removed by the previous step's // this.off so check it still exists if ( bindings[ i ] && bindings[ i ].context === context ) { this.off( event, bindings[ i ].method, context ); } } } } return this; }; }() ); ( function () { /** * Contain and manage a list of OO.EventEmitter items. * * Aggregates and manages their events collectively. * * This mixin must be used in a class that also mixes in OO.EventEmitter. * * @abstract * @class OO.EmitterList * @constructor */ oo.EmitterList = function OoEmitterList() { this.items = []; this.aggregateItemEvents = {}; }; /* Events */ /** * Item has been added * * @event add * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Added item * @param {number} index Index items were added at */ /** * Item has been moved to a new index * * @event move * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Moved item * @param {number} index Index item was moved to * @param {number} oldIndex The original index the item was in */ /** * Item has been removed * * @event remove * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Removed item * @param {number} index Index the item was removed from */ /** * @event clear The list has been cleared of items */ /* Methods */ /** * Normalize requested index to fit into the bounds of the given array. * * @private * @static * @param {Array} arr Given array * @param {number|undefined} index Requested index * @return {number} Normalized index */ function normalizeArrayIndex( arr, index ) { return ( index === undefined || index < 0 || index >= arr.length ) ? arr.length : index; } /** * Get all items. * * @return {OO.EventEmitter[]} Items in the list */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.getItems = function () { return this.items.slice( 0 ); }; /** * Get the index of a specific item. * * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Requested item * @return {number} Index of the item */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.getItemIndex = function ( item ) { return this.items.indexOf( item ); }; /** * Get number of items. * * @return {number} Number of items in the list */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.getItemCount = function () { return this.items.length; }; /** * Check if a list contains no items. * * @return {boolean} Group is empty */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return !this.items.length; }; /** * Aggregate the events emitted by the group. * * When events are aggregated, the group will listen to all contained items for the event, * and then emit the event under a new name. The new event will contain an additional leading * parameter containing the item that emitted the original event. Other arguments emitted from * the original event are passed through. * * @param {Object.} events An object keyed by the name of the event that should be * aggregated (e.g., ‘click’) and the value of the new name to use (e.g., ‘groupClick’). * A `null` value will remove aggregated events. * @throws {Error} If aggregation already exists */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.aggregate = function ( events ) { var i, item, add, remove, itemEvent, groupEvent; for ( itemEvent in events ) { groupEvent = events[ itemEvent ]; // Remove existing aggregated event if ( Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( this.aggregateItemEvents, itemEvent ) ) { // Don't allow duplicate aggregations if ( groupEvent ) { throw new Error( 'Duplicate item event aggregation for ' + itemEvent ); } // Remove event aggregation from existing items for ( i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++ ) { item = this.items[ i ]; if ( item.connect && item.disconnect ) { remove = {}; remove[ itemEvent ] = [ 'emit', this.aggregateItemEvents[ itemEvent ], item ]; item.disconnect( this, remove ); } } // Prevent future items from aggregating event delete this.aggregateItemEvents[ itemEvent ]; } // Add new aggregate event if ( groupEvent ) { // Make future items aggregate event this.aggregateItemEvents[ itemEvent ] = groupEvent; // Add event aggregation to existing items for ( i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++ ) { item = this.items[ i ]; if ( item.connect && item.disconnect ) { add = {}; add[ itemEvent ] = [ 'emit', groupEvent, item ]; item.connect( this, add ); } } } } }; /** * Add items to the list. * * @param {OO.EventEmitter|OO.EventEmitter[]} items Item to add or * an array of items to add * @param {number} [index] Index to add items at. If no index is * given, or if the index that is given is invalid, the item * will be added at the end of the list. * @chainable * @fires add * @fires move */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.addItems = function ( items, index ) { var i, oldIndex; if ( !Array.isArray( items ) ) { items = [ items ]; } if ( items.length === 0 ) { return this; } index = normalizeArrayIndex( this.items, index ); for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { oldIndex = this.items.indexOf( items[ i ] ); if ( oldIndex !== -1 ) { // Move item to new index index = this.moveItem( items[ i ], index ); this.emit( 'move', items[ i ], index, oldIndex ); } else { // insert item at index index = this.insertItem( items[ i ], index ); this.emit( 'add', items[ i ], index ); } index++; } return this; }; /** * Move an item from its current position to a new index. * * The item is expected to exist in the list. If it doesn't, * the method will throw an exception. * * @private * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Items to add * @param {number} newIndex Index to move the item to * @return {number} The index the item was moved to * @throws {Error} If item is not in the list */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.moveItem = function ( item, newIndex ) { var existingIndex = this.items.indexOf( item ); if ( existingIndex === -1 ) { throw new Error( 'Item cannot be moved, because it is not in the list.' ); } newIndex = normalizeArrayIndex( this.items, newIndex ); // Remove the item from the current index this.items.splice( existingIndex, 1 ); // If necessary, adjust new index after removal if ( existingIndex < newIndex ) { newIndex--; } // Move the item to the new index this.items.splice( newIndex, 0, item ); return newIndex; }; /** * Utility method to insert an item into the list, and * connect it to aggregate events. * * Don't call this directly unless you know what you're doing. * Use #addItems instead. * * This method can be extended in child classes to produce * different behavior when an item is inserted. For example, * inserted items may also be attached to the DOM or may * interact with some other nodes in certain ways. Extending * this method is allowed, but if overriden, the aggregation * of events must be preserved, or behavior of emitted events * will be broken. * * If you are extending this method, please make sure the * parent method is called. * * @protected * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Items to add * @param {number} index Index to add items at * @return {number} The index the item was added at */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.insertItem = function ( item, index ) { var events, event; // Add the item to event aggregation if ( item.connect && item.disconnect ) { events = {}; for ( event in this.aggregateItemEvents ) { events[ event ] = [ 'emit', this.aggregateItemEvents[ event ], item ]; } item.connect( this, events ); } index = normalizeArrayIndex( this.items, index ); // Insert into items array this.items.splice( index, 0, item ); return index; }; /** * Remove items. * * @param {OO.EventEmitter[]} items Items to remove * @chainable * @fires remove */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.removeItems = function ( items ) { var i, item, index; if ( !Array.isArray( items ) ) { items = [ items ]; } if ( items.length === 0 ) { return this; } // Remove specific items for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { item = items[ i ]; index = this.items.indexOf( item ); if ( index !== -1 ) { if ( item.connect && item.disconnect ) { // Disconnect all listeners from the item item.disconnect( this ); } this.items.splice( index, 1 ); this.emit( 'remove', item, index ); } } return this; }; /** * Clear all items * * @chainable * @fires clear */ oo.EmitterList.prototype.clearItems = function () { var i, item, cleared = this.items.splice( 0, this.items.length ); // Disconnect all items for ( i = 0; i < cleared.length; i++ ) { item = cleared[ i ]; if ( item.connect && item.disconnect ) { item.disconnect( this ); } } this.emit( 'clear' ); return this; }; }() ); /** * Manage a sorted list of OO.EmitterList objects. * * The sort order is based on a callback that compares two items. The return value of * callback( a, b ) must be less than zero if a < b, greater than zero if a > b, and zero * if a is equal to b. The callback should only return zero if the two objects are * considered equal. * * When an item changes in a way that could affect their sorting behavior, it must * emit the itemSortChange event. This will cause it to be re-sorted automatically. * * This mixin must be used in a class that also mixes in OO.EventEmitter. * * @abstract * @class OO.SortedEmitterList * @mixins OO.EmitterList * @constructor * @param {Function} sortingCallback Callback that compares two items. */ oo.SortedEmitterList = function OoSortedEmitterList( sortingCallback ) { // Mixin constructors oo.EmitterList.call( this ); this.sortingCallback = sortingCallback; // Listen to sortChange event and make sure // we re-sort the changed item when that happens this.aggregate( { sortChange: 'itemSortChange' } ); this.connect( this, { itemSortChange: 'onItemSortChange' } ); }; oo.mixinClass( oo.SortedEmitterList, oo.EmitterList ); /* Events */ /** * An item has changed properties that affect its sort positioning * inside the list. * * @private * @event itemSortChange */ /* Methods */ /** * Handle a case where an item changed a property that relates * to its sorted order * * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Item in the list */ oo.SortedEmitterList.prototype.onItemSortChange = function ( item ) { // Remove the item this.removeItems( item ); // Re-add the item so it is in the correct place this.addItems( item ); }; /** * Change the sorting callback for this sorted list. * * The callback receives two items. The return value of callback(a, b) must be less than zero * if a < b, greater than zero if a > b, and zero if a is equal to b. * * @param {Function} sortingCallback Sorting callback */ oo.SortedEmitterList.prototype.setSortingCallback = function ( sortingCallback ) { var items = this.getItems(); this.sortingCallback = sortingCallback; // Empty the list this.clearItems(); // Re-add the items in the new order this.addItems( items ); }; /** * Add items to the sorted list. * * @param {OO.EventEmitter|OO.EventEmitter[]} items Item to add or * an array of items to add * @chainable */ oo.SortedEmitterList.prototype.addItems = function ( items ) { var index, i, insertionIndex; if ( !Array.isArray( items ) ) { items = [ items ]; } if ( items.length === 0 ) { return this; } for ( i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { // Find insertion index insertionIndex = this.findInsertionIndex( items[ i ] ); // Check if the item exists using the sorting callback // and remove it first if it exists if ( // First make sure the insertion index is not at the end // of the list (which means it does not point to any actual // items) insertionIndex <= this.items.length && // Make sure there actually is an item in this index this.items[ insertionIndex ] && // The callback returns 0 if the items are equal this.sortingCallback( this.items[ insertionIndex ], items[ i ] ) === 0 ) { // Remove the existing item this.removeItems( this.items[ insertionIndex ] ); } // Insert item at the insertion index index = this.insertItem( items[ i ], insertionIndex ); this.emit( 'add', items[ i ], index ); } return this; }; /** * Find the index a given item should be inserted at. If the item is already * in the list, this will return the index where the item currently is. * * @param {OO.EventEmitter} item Items to insert * @return {number} The index the item should be inserted at */ oo.SortedEmitterList.prototype.findInsertionIndex = function ( item ) { var list = this; return oo.binarySearch( this.items, // Fake a this.sortingCallback.bind( null, item ) call here // otherwise this doesn't pass tests in phantomJS function ( otherItem ) { return list.sortingCallback( item, otherItem ); }, true ); }; /* global hasOwn */ /** * A map interface for associating arbitrary data with a symbolic name. Used in * place of a plain object to provide additional {@link #method-register registration} * or {@link #method-lookup lookup} functionality. * * See . * * @class OO.Registry * @mixins OO.EventEmitter * * @constructor */ oo.Registry = function OoRegistry() { // Mixin constructors oo.EventEmitter.call( this ); // Properties this.registry = {}; }; /* Inheritance */ oo.mixinClass( oo.Registry, oo.EventEmitter ); /* Events */ /** * @event register * @param {string} name * @param {Mixed} data */ /** * @event unregister * @param {string} name * @param {Mixed} data Data removed from registry */ /* Methods */ /** * Associate one or more symbolic names with some data. * * Any existing entry with the same name will be overridden. * * @param {string|string[]} name Symbolic name or list of symbolic names * @param {Mixed} data Data to associate with symbolic name * @fires register * @throws {Error} Name argument must be a string or array */ oo.Registry.prototype.register = function ( name, data ) { var i, len; if ( typeof name === 'string' ) { this.registry[ name ] = data; this.emit( 'register', name, data ); } else if ( Array.isArray( name ) ) { for ( i = 0, len = name.length; i < len; i++ ) { this.register( name[ i ], data ); } } else { throw new Error( 'Name must be a string or array, cannot be a ' + typeof name ); } }; /** * Remove one or more symbolic names from the registry * * @param {string|string[]} name Symbolic name or list of symbolic names * @fires unregister * @throws {Error} Name argument must be a string or array */ oo.Registry.prototype.unregister = function ( name ) { var i, len, data; if ( typeof name === 'string' ) { data = this.lookup( name ); if ( data !== undefined ) { delete this.registry[ name ]; this.emit( 'unregister', name, data ); } } else if ( Array.isArray( name ) ) { for ( i = 0, len = name.length; i < len; i++ ) { this.unregister( name[ i ] ); } } else { throw new Error( 'Name must be a string or array, cannot be a ' + typeof name ); } }; /** * Get data for a given symbolic name. * * @param {string} name Symbolic name * @return {Mixed|undefined} Data associated with symbolic name */ oo.Registry.prototype.lookup = function ( name ) { if ( hasOwn.call( this.registry, name ) ) { return this.registry[ name ]; } }; /** * @class OO.Factory * @extends OO.Registry * * @constructor */ oo.Factory = function OoFactory() { // Parent constructor oo.Factory.super.call( this ); }; /* Inheritance */ oo.inheritClass( oo.Factory, oo.Registry ); /* Methods */ /** * Register a constructor with the factory. * * Classes must have a static `name` property to be registered. * * function MyClass() {}; * OO.initClass( MyClass ); * // Adds a static property to the class defining a symbolic name * MyClass.static.name = 'mine'; * // Registers class with factory, available via symbolic name 'mine' * factory.register( MyClass ); * * @param {Function} constructor Constructor to use when creating object * @throws {Error} Name must be a string and must not be empty * @throws {Error} Constructor must be a function */ oo.Factory.prototype.register = function ( constructor ) { var name; if ( typeof constructor !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'constructor must be a function, cannot be a ' + typeof constructor ); } name = constructor.static && constructor.static.name; if ( typeof name !== 'string' || name === '' ) { throw new Error( 'Name must be a string and must not be empty' ); } // Parent method oo.Factory.super.prototype.register.call( this, name, constructor ); }; /** * Unregister a constructor from the factory. * * @param {Function} constructor Constructor to unregister * @throws {Error} Name must be a string and must not be empty * @throws {Error} Constructor must be a function */ oo.Factory.prototype.unregister = function ( constructor ) { var name; if ( typeof constructor !== 'function' ) { throw new Error( 'constructor must be a function, cannot be a ' + typeof constructor ); } name = constructor.static && constructor.static.name; if ( typeof name !== 'string' || name === '' ) { throw new Error( 'Name must be a string and must not be empty' ); } // Parent method oo.Factory.super.prototype.unregister.call( this, name ); }; /** * Create an object based on a name. * * Name is used to look up the constructor to use, while all additional arguments are passed to the * constructor directly, so leaving one out will pass an undefined to the constructor. * * @param {string} name Object name * @param {...Mixed} [args] Arguments to pass to the constructor * @return {Object} The new object * @throws {Error} Unknown object name */ oo.Factory.prototype.create = function ( name ) { var obj, i, args = [], constructor = this.lookup( name ); if ( !constructor ) { throw new Error( 'No class registered by that name: ' + name ); } // Convert arguments to array and shift the first argument (name) off for ( i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) { args.push( arguments[ i ] ); } // We can't use the "new" operator with .apply directly because apply needs a // context. So instead just do what "new" does: create an object that inherits from // the constructor's prototype (which also makes it an "instanceof" the constructor), // then invoke the constructor with the object as context, and return it (ignoring // the constructor's return value). obj = Object.create( constructor.prototype ); constructor.apply( obj, args ); return obj; }; /* eslint-env node */ /* istanbul ignore next */ if ( typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports ) { module.exports = oo; } else { global.OO = oo; } }( this ) );