/*! * OOUI v0.26.4 * https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI * * Copyright 2011–2018 OOUI Team and other contributors. * Released under the MIT license * http://oojs.mit-license.org * * Date: 2018-04-17T22:23:58Z */ ( function ( OO ) { 'use strict'; /** * @class * @extends OO.ui.Theme * * @constructor */ OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme = function OoUiWikimediaUITheme() { // Parent constructor OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme.parent.call( this ); }; /* Setup */ OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme, OO.ui.Theme ); /* Methods */ /** * @inheritdoc */ OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme.prototype.getElementClasses = function ( element ) { // Parent method var variant, isFramed, isActive, isToolOrGroup, variants = { warning: false, invert: false, progressive: false, destructive: false }, // Parent method classes = OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme.parent.prototype.getElementClasses.call( this, element ); if ( element instanceof OO.ui.IconWidget && element.$element.hasClass( 'oo-ui-checkboxInputWidget-checkIcon' ) ) { // Icon on CheckboxInputWidget variants.invert = true; } else if ( element.supports( [ 'hasFlag' ] ) ) { isFramed = element.supports( [ 'isFramed' ] ) && element.isFramed(); isActive = element.supports( [ 'isActive' ] ) && element.isActive(); isToolOrGroup = ( OO.ui.Tool && element instanceof OO.ui.Tool ) || ( OO.ui.ToolGroup && element instanceof OO.ui.ToolGroup ); if ( // Button with a dark background isFramed && ( isActive || element.isDisabled() || element.hasFlag( 'primary' ) ) || // Toolbar with a dark background isToolOrGroup && element.hasFlag( 'primary' ) ) { // … use white icon / indicator, regardless of other flags variants.invert = true; } else if ( !isFramed && element.isDisabled() ) { // Frameless disabled button, always use black icon / indicator regardless of other flags variants.invert = false; } else if ( !element.isDisabled() ) { // Any other kind of button, use the right colored icon / indicator if available variants.progressive = element.hasFlag( 'progressive' ) || // Active tools/toolgroups ( isToolOrGroup && isActive ) || // Pressed or selected outline option widgets ( OO.ui.OutlineOptionWidget && element instanceof OO.ui.OutlineOptionWidget && ( element.isPressed() || element.isSelected() ) ); variants.destructive = element.hasFlag( 'destructive' ); variants.warning = element.hasFlag( 'warning' ); } } for ( variant in variants ) { classes[ variants[ variant ] ? 'on' : 'off' ].push( 'oo-ui-image-' + variant ); } return classes; }; /** * @inheritdoc */ OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme.prototype.getDialogTransitionDuration = function () { return 250; }; /* Instantiation */ OO.ui.theme = new OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme(); }( OO ) ); //# sourceMappingURL=oojs-ui-wikimediaui.js.map