CREATE TABLE /*_*/site_stats_tmp ( -- The single row should contain 1 here. ss_row_id int unsigned NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, -- Total number of edits performed. ss_total_edits bigint unsigned default 0, -- An approximate count of pages matching the following criteria: -- * in namespace 0 -- * not a redirect -- * contains the text '[[' -- See Article::isCountable() in includes/Article.php ss_good_articles bigint unsigned default 0, -- Total pages, theoretically equal to SELECT COUNT(*) FROM page; except faster ss_total_pages bigint default '-1', -- Number of users, theoretically equal to SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user; ss_users bigint default '-1', -- Number of users that still edit ss_active_users bigint default '-1', -- Number of images, equivalent to SELECT COUNT(*) FROM image ss_images int default 0 ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; INSERT INTO /*_*/site_stats_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/site_stats; DROP TABLE /*_*/site_stats; ALTER TABLE /*_*/site_stats_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/site_stats;