CREATE TABLE /*_*/categorylinks_tmp ( -- Key to page_id of the page defined as a category member. cl_from int unsigned NOT NULL default 0, -- Name of the category. -- This is also the page_title of the category's description page; -- all such pages are in namespace 14 (NS_CATEGORY). cl_to varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', -- A binary string obtained by applying a sortkey generation algorithm -- (Collation::getSortKey()) to page_title, or cl_sortkey_prefix . "\n" -- . page_title if cl_sortkey_prefix is nonempty. cl_sortkey varbinary(230) NOT NULL default '', -- A prefix for the raw sortkey manually specified by the user, either via -- [[Category:Foo|prefix]] or {{defaultsort:prefix}}. If nonempty, it's -- concatenated with a line break followed by the page title before the sortkey -- conversion algorithm is run. We store this so that we can update -- collations without reparsing all pages. -- Note: If you change the length of this field, you also need to change -- code in LinksUpdate.php. See T27254. cl_sortkey_prefix varchar(255) binary NOT NULL default '', -- This isn't really used at present. Provided for an optional -- sorting method by approximate addition time. cl_timestamp timestamp NOT NULL, -- Stores $wgCategoryCollation at the time cl_sortkey was generated. This -- can be used to install new collation versions, tracking which rows are not -- yet updated. '' means no collation, this is a legacy row that needs to be -- updated by updateCollation.php. In the future, it might be possible to -- specify different collations per category. cl_collation varbinary(32) NOT NULL default '', -- Stores whether cl_from is a category, file, or other page, so we can -- paginate the three categories separately. This never has to be updated -- after the page is created, since none of these page types can be moved to -- any other. cl_type ENUM('page', 'subcat', 'file') NOT NULL default 'page', PRIMARY KEY (cl_from,cl_to) ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; INSERT INTO /*_*/categorylinks_tmp SELECT * FROM /*_*/categorylinks; DROP TABLE /*_*/categorylinks; ALTER TABLE /*_*/categorylinks_tmp RENAME TO /*_*/categorylinks; -- We always sort within a given category, and within a given type. FIXME: -- Formerly this index didn't cover cl_type (since that didn't exist), so old -- callers won't be using an index: fix this? CREATE INDEX /*i*/cl_sortkey ON /*_*/categorylinks (cl_to,cl_type,cl_sortkey,cl_from); -- Used by the API (and some extensions) CREATE INDEX /*i*/cl_timestamp ON /*_*/categorylinks (cl_to,cl_timestamp); -- Used when updating collation (e.g. updateCollation.php) CREATE INDEX /*i*/cl_collation_ext ON /*_*/categorylinks (cl_collation, cl_to, cl_type, cl_from);