-- -- Slots represent an n:m relation between revisions and content objects. -- A content object can have a specific "role" in one or more revisions. -- Each revision can have multiple content objects, each having a different role. -- CREATE TABLE /*_*/slots ( -- reference to rev_id slot_revision_id bigint unsigned NOT NULL, -- reference to role_id slot_role_id smallint unsigned NOT NULL, -- reference to content_id slot_content_id bigint unsigned NOT NULL, -- The revision ID of the revision that originated the slot's content. -- To find revisions that changed slots, look for slot_origin = slot_revision_id. slot_origin bigint unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY ( slot_revision_id, slot_role_id ) ) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/; -- Index for finding revisions that modified a specific slot CREATE INDEX /*i*/slot_revision_origin_role ON /*_*/slots (slot_revision_id, slot_origin, slot_role_id);