setContext( $context );
$this->mIncluding = $including;
$this->mShowAll = $showAll;
if ( $userName !== null && $userName !== '' ) {
$nt = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $userName );
if ( is_null( $nt ) ) {
$this->outputUserDoesNotExist( $userName );
} else {
$this->mUserName = $nt->getText();
$user = User::newFromName( $this->mUserName, false );
if ( $user ) {
$this->mUser = $user;
if ( !$user || ( $user->isAnon() && !User::isIP( $user->getName() ) ) ) {
$this->outputUserDoesNotExist( $userName );
if ( $search !== '' && !$this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) {
$this->mSearch = $search;
$nt = Title::newFromText( $this->mSearch );
if ( $nt ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
$this->mQueryConds[] = 'LOWER(img_name)' .
$dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(),
strtolower( $nt->getDBkey() ), $dbr->anyString() );
if ( !$including ) {
if ( $this->getRequest()->getText( 'sort', 'img_date' ) == 'img_date' ) {
$this->mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING;
} else {
$this->mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_ASCENDING;
} else {
$this->mDefaultDirection = IndexPager::DIR_DESCENDING;
parent::__construct( $context );
* Get the user relevant to the ImageList
* @return User|null
function getRelevantUser() {
return $this->mUser;
* Add a message to the output stating that the user doesn't exist
* @param string $userName Unescaped user name
protected function outputUserDoesNotExist( $userName ) {
wfEscapeWikiText( $userName ),
* Build the where clause of the query.
* Replaces the older mQueryConds member variable.
* @param string $table Either "image" or "oldimage"
* @return array The query conditions.
protected function buildQueryConds( $table ) {
$prefix = $table === 'image' ? 'img' : 'oi';
$conds = [];
if ( !is_null( $this->mUserName ) ) {
// getQueryInfoReal() should have handled the tables and joins.
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
$actorWhere = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getWhere(
$prefix . '_user',
User::newFromName( $this->mUserName, false )
$conds[] = $actorWhere['conds'];
if ( $this->mSearch !== '' ) {
$nt = Title::newFromText( $this->mSearch );
if ( $nt ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
$conds[] = 'LOWER(' . $prefix . '_name)' .
$dbr->buildLike( $dbr->anyString(),
strtolower( $nt->getDBkey() ), $dbr->anyString() );
if ( $table === 'oldimage' ) {
// Don't want to deal with revdel.
// Future fixme: Show partial information as appropriate.
// Would have to be careful about filtering by username when username is deleted.
$conds['oi_deleted'] = 0;
// Add mQueryConds in case anyone was subclassing and using the old variable.
return $conds + $this->mQueryConds;
* @return array
function getFieldNames() {
if ( !$this->mFieldNames ) {
$this->mFieldNames = [
'img_timestamp' => $this->msg( 'listfiles_date' )->text(),
'img_name' => $this->msg( 'listfiles_name' )->text(),
'thumb' => $this->msg( 'listfiles_thumb' )->text(),
'img_size' => $this->msg( 'listfiles_size' )->text(),
if ( is_null( $this->mUserName ) ) {
// Do not show username if filtering by username
$this->mFieldNames['img_user_text'] = $this->msg( 'listfiles_user' )->text();
// img_description down here, in order so that its still after the username field.
$this->mFieldNames['img_description'] = $this->msg( 'listfiles_description' )->text();
if ( !$this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) && !$this->mShowAll ) {
$this->mFieldNames['count'] = $this->msg( 'listfiles_count' )->text();
if ( $this->mShowAll ) {
$this->mFieldNames['top'] = $this->msg( 'listfiles-latestversion' )->text();
return $this->mFieldNames;
function isFieldSortable( $field ) {
if ( $this->mIncluding ) {
return false;
$sortable = [ 'img_timestamp', 'img_name', 'img_size' ];
/* For reference, the indicies we can use for sorting are:
* On the image table: img_user_timestamp/img_usertext_timestamp/img_actor_timestamp,
* img_size, img_timestamp
* On oldimage: oi_usertext_timestamp/oi_actor_timestamp, oi_name_timestamp
* In particular that means we cannot sort by timestamp when not filtering
* by user and including old images in the results. Which is sad.
if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) && !is_null( $this->mUserName ) ) {
// If we're sorting by user, the index only supports sorting by time.
if ( $field === 'img_timestamp' ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} elseif ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' )
&& $this->mShowAll /* && mUserName === null */
) {
// no oi_timestamp index, so only alphabetical sorting in this case.
if ( $field === 'img_name' ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return in_array( $field, $sortable );
function getQueryInfo() {
// Hacky Hacky Hacky - I want to get query info
// for two different tables, without reimplementing
// the pager class.
$qi = $this->getQueryInfoReal( $this->mTableName );
return $qi;
* Actually get the query info.
* This is to allow displaying both stuff from image and oldimage table.
* This is a bit hacky.
* @param string $table Either 'image' or 'oldimage'
* @return array Query info
protected function getQueryInfoReal( $table ) {
$prefix = $table === 'oldimage' ? 'oi' : 'img';
$tables = [ $table ];
$fields = $this->getFieldNames();
unset( $fields['img_description'] );
unset( $fields['img_user_text'] );
$fields = array_keys( $fields );
if ( $table === 'oldimage' ) {
foreach ( $fields as $id => &$field ) {
if ( substr( $field, 0, 4 ) !== 'img_' ) {
$field = $prefix . substr( $field, 3 ) . ' AS ' . $field;
$fields[array_search( 'top', $fields )] = "'no' AS top";
} else {
if ( $this->mShowAll ) {
$fields[array_search( 'top', $fields )] = "'yes' AS top";
$fields[array_search( 'thumb', $fields )] = $prefix . '_name AS thumb';
$options = $join_conds = [];
# Description field
$commentQuery = CommentStore::getStore()->getJoin( $prefix . '_description' );
$tables += $commentQuery['tables'];
$fields += $commentQuery['fields'];
$join_conds += $commentQuery['joins'];
$fields['description_field'] = "'{$prefix}_description'";
# User fields
$actorQuery = ActorMigration::newMigration()->getJoin( $prefix . '_user' );
$tables += $actorQuery['tables'];
$join_conds += $actorQuery['joins'];
$fields['img_user'] = $actorQuery['fields'][$prefix . '_user'];
$fields['img_user_text'] = $actorQuery['fields'][$prefix . '_user_text'];
$fields['img_actor'] = $actorQuery['fields'][$prefix . '_actor'];
# Depends on $wgMiserMode
# Will also not happen if mShowAll is true.
if ( isset( $this->mFieldNames['count'] ) ) {
$tables[] = 'oldimage';
# Need to rewrite this one
foreach ( $fields as &$field ) {
if ( $field == 'count' ) {
$field = 'COUNT(oi_archive_name) AS count';
unset( $field );
$columnlist = preg_grep( '/^img/', array_keys( $this->getFieldNames() ) );
$options = [ 'GROUP BY' => array_merge( [ $fields['img_user'] ], $columnlist ) ];
$join_conds['oldimage'] = [ 'LEFT JOIN', 'oi_name = img_name' ];
return [
'tables' => $tables,
'fields' => $fields,
'conds' => $this->buildQueryConds( $table ),
'options' => $options,
'join_conds' => $join_conds
* Override reallyDoQuery to mix together two queries.
* @note $asc is named $descending in IndexPager base class. However
* it is true when the order is ascending, and false when the order
* is descending, so I renamed it to $asc here.
* @param int $offset
* @param int $limit
* @param bool $asc
* @return array
* @throws MWException
function reallyDoQuery( $offset, $limit, $asc ) {
$prevTableName = $this->mTableName;
$this->mTableName = 'image';
list( $tables, $fields, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ) =
$this->buildQueryInfo( $offset, $limit, $asc );
$imageRes = $this->mDb->select( $tables, $fields, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds );
$this->mTableName = $prevTableName;
if ( !$this->mShowAll ) {
return $imageRes;
$this->mTableName = 'oldimage';
# Hacky...
$oldIndex = $this->mIndexField;
if ( substr( $this->mIndexField, 0, 4 ) !== 'img_' ) {
throw new MWException( "Expected to be sorting on an image table field" );
$this->mIndexField = 'oi_' . substr( $this->mIndexField, 4 );
list( $tables, $fields, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds ) =
$this->buildQueryInfo( $offset, $limit, $asc );
$oldimageRes = $this->mDb->select( $tables, $fields, $conds, $fname, $options, $join_conds );
$this->mTableName = $prevTableName;
$this->mIndexField = $oldIndex;
return $this->combineResult( $imageRes, $oldimageRes, $limit, $asc );
* Combine results from 2 tables.
* Note: This will throw away some results
* @param IResultWrapper $res1
* @param IResultWrapper $res2
* @param int $limit
* @param bool $ascending See note about $asc in $this->reallyDoQuery
* @return FakeResultWrapper $res1 and $res2 combined
protected function combineResult( $res1, $res2, $limit, $ascending ) {
$topRes1 = $res1->next();
$topRes2 = $res2->next();
$resultArray = [];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $limit && $topRes1 && $topRes2; $i++ ) {
if ( strcmp( $topRes1->{$this->mIndexField}, $topRes2->{$this->mIndexField} ) > 0 ) {
if ( !$ascending ) {
$resultArray[] = $topRes1;
$topRes1 = $res1->next();
} else {
$resultArray[] = $topRes2;
$topRes2 = $res2->next();
} else {
if ( !$ascending ) {
$resultArray[] = $topRes2;
$topRes2 = $res2->next();
} else {
$resultArray[] = $topRes1;
$topRes1 = $res1->next();
for ( ; $i < $limit && $topRes1; $i++ ) {
$resultArray[] = $topRes1;
$topRes1 = $res1->next();
for ( ; $i < $limit && $topRes2; $i++ ) {
$resultArray[] = $topRes2;
$topRes2 = $res2->next();
return new FakeResultWrapper( $resultArray );
function getDefaultSort() {
if ( $this->mShowAll && $this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) && is_null( $this->mUserName ) ) {
// Unfortunately no index on oi_timestamp.
return 'img_name';
} else {
return 'img_timestamp';
function doBatchLookups() {
$userIds = [];
$this->mResult->seek( 0 );
foreach ( $this->mResult as $row ) {
$userIds[] = $row->img_user;
# Do a link batch query for names and userpages
UserCache::singleton()->doQuery( $userIds, [ 'userpage' ], __METHOD__ );
* @param string $field
* @param string $value
* @return Message|string|int The return type depends on the value of $field:
* - thumb: string
* - img_timestamp: string
* - img_name: string
* - img_user_text: string
* - img_size: string
* - img_description: string
* - count: int
* - top: Message
* @throws MWException
function formatValue( $field, $value ) {
$linkRenderer = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRenderer();
switch ( $field ) {
case 'thumb':
$opt = [ 'time' => wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $this->mCurrentRow->img_timestamp ) ];
$file = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo()->findFile( $value, $opt );
// If statement for paranoia
if ( $file ) {
$thumb = $file->transform( [ 'width' => 180, 'height' => 360 ] );
if ( $thumb ) {
return $thumb->toHtml( [ 'desc-link' => true ] );
} else {
return wfMessage( 'thumbnail_error', '' )->escaped();
} else {
return htmlspecialchars( $value );
case 'img_timestamp':
// We may want to make this a link to the "old" version when displaying old files
return htmlspecialchars( $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $value, $this->getUser() ) );
case 'img_name':
static $imgfile = null;
if ( $imgfile === null ) {
$imgfile = $this->msg( 'imgfile' )->text();
// Weird files can maybe exist? T24227
$filePage = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $value );
if ( $filePage ) {
$link = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
$download = Xml::element( 'a',
[ 'href' => wfLocalFile( $filePage )->getUrl() ],
$download = $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $download )->escaped();
// Add delete links if allowed
// From
if ( $filePage->userCan( 'delete', $this->getUser() ) ) {
$deleteMsg = $this->msg( 'listfiles-delete' )->text();
$delete = $linkRenderer->makeKnownLink(
$filePage, $deleteMsg, [], [ 'action' => 'delete' ]
$delete = $this->msg( 'parentheses' )->rawParams( $delete )->escaped();
return "$link $download $delete";
return "$link $download";
} else {
return htmlspecialchars( $value );
case 'img_user_text':
if ( $this->mCurrentRow->img_user ) {
$name = User::whoIs( $this->mCurrentRow->img_user );
$link = $linkRenderer->makeLink(
Title::makeTitle( NS_USER, $name ),
} else {
$link = htmlspecialchars( $value );
return $link;
case 'img_size':
return htmlspecialchars( $this->getLanguage()->formatSize( $value ) );
case 'img_description':
$field = $this->mCurrentRow->description_field;
$value = CommentStore::getStore()->getComment( $field, $this->mCurrentRow )->text;
return Linker::formatComment( $value );
case 'count':
return $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( intval( $value ) + 1 );
case 'top':
// Messages: listfiles-latestversion-yes, listfiles-latestversion-no
return $this->msg( 'listfiles-latestversion-' . $value );
throw new MWException( "Unknown field '$field'" );
function getForm() {
$fields = [];
$fields['limit'] = [
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'limit',
'label-message' => 'table_pager_limit_label',
'options' => $this->getLimitSelectList(),
'default' => $this->mLimit,
if ( !$this->getConfig()->get( 'MiserMode' ) ) {
$fields['ilsearch'] = [
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'ilsearch',
'id' => 'mw-ilsearch',
'label-message' => 'listfiles_search_for',
'default' => $this->mSearch,
'size' => '40',
'maxlength' => '255',
$this->getOutput()->addModules( 'mediawiki.userSuggest' );
$fields['user'] = [
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'user',
'id' => 'mw-listfiles-user',
'label-message' => 'username',
'default' => $this->mUserName,
'size' => '40',
'maxlength' => '255',
'cssclass' => 'mw-autocomplete-user', // used by mediawiki.userSuggest
$fields['ilshowall'] = [
'type' => 'check',
'name' => 'ilshowall',
'id' => 'mw-listfiles-show-all',
'label-message' => 'listfiles-show-all',
'default' => $this->mShowAll,
$query = $this->getRequest()->getQueryValues();
unset( $query['title'] );
unset( $query['limit'] );
unset( $query['ilsearch'] );
unset( $query['ilshowall'] );
unset( $query['user'] );
$form = new HTMLForm( $fields, $this->getContext() );
$form->setMethod( 'get' );
$form->setTitle( $this->getTitle() );
$form->setId( 'mw-listfiles-form' );
$form->setWrapperLegendMsg( 'listfiles' );
$form->setSubmitTextMsg( 'table_pager_limit_submit' );
$form->addHiddenFields( $query );
$form->displayForm( '' );
protected function getTableClass() {
return parent::getTableClass() . ' listfiles';
protected function getNavClass() {
return parent::getNavClass() . ' listfiles_nav';
protected function getSortHeaderClass() {
return parent::getSortHeaderClass() . ' listfiles_sort';
function getPagingQueries() {
$queries = parent::getPagingQueries();
if ( !is_null( $this->mUserName ) ) {
# Append the username to the query string
foreach ( $queries as &$query ) {
if ( $query !== false ) {
$query['user'] = $this->mUserName;
return $queries;
function getDefaultQuery() {
$queries = parent::getDefaultQuery();
if ( !isset( $queries['user'] ) && !is_null( $this->mUserName ) ) {
$queries['user'] = $this->mUserName;
return $queries;
function getTitle() {
return SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Listfiles' );