$user = $this->getUser();
$this->mAction = $request->getVal( 'action' );
if ( $par !== null && $par !== '' ) {
$this->mTarget = $par;
} else {
$this->mTarget = $request->getVal( 'target' );
$this->mTargetObj = null;
if ( $this->mTarget !== null && $this->mTarget !== '' ) {
$this->mTargetObj = Title::newFromText( $this->mTarget );
$this->mSearchPrefix = $request->getText( 'prefix' );
$time = $request->getVal( 'timestamp' );
$this->mTimestamp = $time ? wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $time ) : '';
$this->mFilename = $request->getVal( 'file' );
$posted = $request->wasPosted() &&
$user->matchEditToken( $request->getVal( 'wpEditToken' ) );
$this->mRestore = $request->getCheck( 'restore' ) && $posted;
$this->mRevdel = $request->getCheck( 'revdel' ) && $posted;
$this->mInvert = $request->getCheck( 'invert' ) && $posted;
$this->mPreview = $request->getCheck( 'preview' ) && $posted;
$this->mDiff = $request->getCheck( 'diff' );
$this->mDiffOnly = $request->getBool( 'diffonly', $this->getUser()->getOption( 'diffonly' ) );
$this->mComment = $request->getText( 'wpComment' );
$this->mUnsuppress = $request->getVal( 'wpUnsuppress' ) && $user->isAllowed( 'suppressrevision' );
$this->mToken = $request->getVal( 'token' );
if ( $this->isAllowed( 'undelete' ) && !$user->isBlocked() ) {
$this->mAllowed = true; // user can restore
$this->mCanView = true; // user can view content
} elseif ( $this->isAllowed( 'deletedtext' ) ) {
$this->mAllowed = false; // user cannot restore
$this->mCanView = true; // user can view content
$this->mRestore = false;
} else { // user can only view the list of revisions
$this->mAllowed = false;
$this->mCanView = false;
$this->mTimestamp = '';
$this->mRestore = false;
if ( $this->mRestore || $this->mInvert ) {
$timestamps = [];
$this->mFileVersions = [];
foreach ( $request->getValues() as $key => $val ) {
$matches = [];
if ( preg_match( '/^ts(\d{14})$/', $key, $matches ) ) {
array_push( $timestamps, $matches[1] );
if ( preg_match( '/^fileid(\d+)$/', $key, $matches ) ) {
$this->mFileVersions[] = intval( $matches[1] );
rsort( $timestamps );
$this->mTargetTimestamp = $timestamps;
* Checks whether a user is allowed the permission for the
* specific title if one is set.
* @param string $permission
* @param User $user
* @return bool
protected function isAllowed( $permission, User $user = null ) {
$user = $user ?: $this->getUser();
if ( $this->mTargetObj !== null ) {
return $this->mTargetObj->userCan( $permission, $user );
} else {
return $user->isAllowed( $permission );
function userCanExecute( User $user ) {
return $this->isAllowed( $this->mRestriction, $user );
function execute( $par ) {
$user = $this->getUser();
$this->loadRequest( $par );
$this->checkPermissions(); // Needs to be after mTargetObj is set
$out = $this->getOutput();
if ( is_null( $this->mTargetObj ) ) {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undelete-header' );
# Not all users can just browse every deleted page from the list
if ( $user->isAllowed( 'browsearchive' ) ) {
$this->addHelpLink( 'Help:Undelete' );
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'undeletepage' ) );
} else {
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'viewdeletedpage' ) );
$this->getSkin()->setRelevantTitle( $this->mTargetObj );
if ( $this->mTimestamp !== '' ) {
$this->showRevision( $this->mTimestamp );
} elseif ( $this->mFilename !== null && $this->mTargetObj->inNamespace( NS_FILE ) ) {
$file = new ArchivedFile( $this->mTargetObj, '', $this->mFilename );
// Check if user is allowed to see this file
if ( !$file->exists() ) {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'filedelete-nofile', $this->mFilename );
} elseif ( !$file->userCan( File::DELETED_FILE, $user ) ) {
if ( $file->isDeleted( File::DELETED_RESTRICTED ) ) {
throw new PermissionsError( 'suppressrevision' );
} else {
throw new PermissionsError( 'deletedtext' );
} elseif ( !$user->matchEditToken( $this->mToken, $this->mFilename ) ) {
$this->showFileConfirmationForm( $this->mFilename );
} else {
$this->showFile( $this->mFilename );
} elseif ( $this->mAction === "submit" ) {
if ( $this->mRestore ) {
} elseif ( $this->mRevdel ) {
} else {
* Convert submitted form data to format expected by RevisionDelete and
* redirect the request
private function redirectToRevDel() {
$archive = new PageArchive( $this->mTargetObj );
$revisions = [];
foreach ( $this->getRequest()->getValues() as $key => $val ) {
$matches = [];
if ( preg_match( "/^ts(\d{14})$/", $key, $matches ) ) {
$revisions[ $archive->getRevision( $matches[1] )->getId() ] = 1;
$query = [
"type" => "revision",
"ids" => $revisions,
"target" => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText()
$url = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Revisiondelete' )->getFullURL( $query );
$this->getOutput()->redirect( $url );
function showSearchForm() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'undelete-search-title' ) );
$fuzzySearch = $this->getRequest()->getVal( 'fuzzy', true );
$fields[] = new OOUI\ActionFieldLayout(
new OOUI\TextInputWidget( [
'name' => 'prefix',
'inputId' => 'prefix',
'infusable' => true,
'value' => $this->mSearchPrefix,
'autofocus' => true,
] ),
new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( [
'label' => $this->msg( 'undelete-search-submit' )->text(),
'flags' => [ 'primary', 'progressive' ],
'inputId' => 'searchUndelete',
'type' => 'submit',
] ),
'label' => new OOUI\HtmlSnippet(
$fuzzySearch ? 'undelete-search-full' : 'undelete-search-prefix'
'align' => 'left',
$fieldset = new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( [
'label' => $this->msg( 'undelete-search-box' )->text(),
'items' => $fields,
] );
$form = new OOUI\FormLayout( [
'method' => 'get',
'action' => wfScript(),
] );
new OOUI\HtmlSnippet(
Html::hidden( 'title', $this->getPageTitle()->getPrefixedDBkey() ) .
Html::hidden( 'fuzzy', $fuzzySearch )
new OOUI\PanelLayout( [
'expanded' => false,
'padded' => true,
'framed' => true,
'content' => $form,
] )
# List undeletable articles
if ( $this->mSearchPrefix ) {
// For now, we enable search engine match only when specifically asked to
// by using fuzzy=1 parameter.
if ( $fuzzySearch ) {
$result = PageArchive::listPagesBySearch( $this->mSearchPrefix );
} else {
$result = PageArchive::listPagesByPrefix( $this->mSearchPrefix );
$this->showList( $result );
* Generic list of deleted pages
* @param IResultWrapper $result
* @return bool
private function showList( $result ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
if ( $result->numRows() == 0 ) {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undelete-no-results' );
return false;
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undeletepagetext', $this->getLanguage()->formatNum( $result->numRows() ) );
$linkRenderer = $this->getLinkRenderer();
$undelete = $this->getPageTitle();
$out->addHTML( "
} else {
$openDiv = '
$out->addHTML( $openDiv );
// Revision delete links
if ( !$this->mDiff ) {
$revdel = Linker::getRevDeleteLink( $user, $rev, $this->mTargetObj );
if ( $revdel ) {
$out->addHTML( "$revdel " );
$out->addHTML( $this->msg( 'undelete-revision' )->rawParams( $link )->params(
$time )->rawParams( $userLink )->params( $d, $t )->parse() . '
' );
if ( !Hooks::run( 'UndeleteShowRevision', [ $this->mTargetObj, $rev ] ) ) {
if ( ( $this->mPreview || !$isText ) && $content ) {
// NOTE: non-text content has no source view, so always use rendered preview
$popts = $out->parserOptions();
$pout = $content->getParserOutput( $this->mTargetObj, $rev->getId(), $popts, true );
$out->addParserOutput( $pout, [
'enableSectionEditLinks' => false,
] );
$buttonFields = [];
if ( $isText ) {
// source view for textual content
$sourceView = Xml::element( 'textarea', [
'readonly' => 'readonly',
'cols' => 80,
'rows' => 25
], $content->getNativeData() . "\n" );
$buttonFields[] = new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( [
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'preview',
'label' => $this->msg( 'showpreview' )->text()
] );
} else {
$sourceView = '';
$previewButton = '';
$buttonFields[] = new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( [
'name' => 'diff',
'type' => 'submit',
'label' => $this->msg( 'showdiff' )->text()
] );
$sourceView .
Xml::openElement( 'div', [
'style' => 'clear: both' ] ) .
Xml::openElement( 'form', [
'method' => 'post',
'action' => $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalURL( [ 'action' => 'submit' ] ) ] ) .
Xml::element( 'input', [
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => 'target',
'value' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedDBkey() ] ) .
Xml::element( 'input', [
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => 'timestamp',
'value' => $timestamp ] ) .
Xml::element( 'input', [
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => 'wpEditToken',
'value' => $user->getEditToken() ] ) .
new OOUI\FieldLayout(
new OOUI\Widget( [
'content' => new OOUI\HorizontalLayout( [
'items' => $buttonFields
] )
] )
) .
Xml::closeElement( 'form' ) .
Xml::closeElement( 'div' )
* Build a diff display between this and the previous either deleted
* or non-deleted edit.
* @param Revision $previousRev
* @param Revision $currentRev
* @return string HTML
function showDiff( $previousRev, $currentRev ) {
$diffContext = clone $this->getContext();
$diffContext->setTitle( $currentRev->getTitle() );
$diffContext->setWikiPage( WikiPage::factory( $currentRev->getTitle() ) );
$diffEngine = $currentRev->getContentHandler()->createDifferenceEngine( $diffContext );
$formattedDiff = $diffEngine->generateContentDiffBody(
$previousRev->getContent( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser() ),
$currentRev->getContent( Revision::FOR_THIS_USER, $this->getUser() )
$formattedDiff = $diffEngine->addHeader(
$this->diffHeader( $previousRev, 'o' ),
$this->diffHeader( $currentRev, 'n' )
$this->getOutput()->addHTML( "
\n" );
* @param Revision $rev
* @param string $prefix
* @return string
private function diffHeader( $rev, $prefix ) {
$isDeleted = !( $rev->getId() && $rev->getTitle() );
if ( $isDeleted ) {
/// @todo FIXME: $rev->getTitle() is null for deleted revs...?
$targetPage = $this->getPageTitle();
$targetQuery = [
'target' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(),
'timestamp' => wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $rev->getTimestamp() )
} else {
/// @todo FIXME: getId() may return non-zero for deleted revs...
$targetPage = $rev->getTitle();
$targetQuery = [ 'oldid' => $rev->getId() ];
// Add show/hide deletion links if available
$user = $this->getUser();
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
$rdel = Linker::getRevDeleteLink( $user, $rev, $this->mTargetObj );
if ( $rdel ) {
$rdel = " $rdel";
$minor = $rev->isMinor() ? ChangesList::flag( 'minor' ) : '';
$tags = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA )->selectField(
[ 'ts_rev_id' => $rev->getId() ],
$tagSummary = ChangeTags::formatSummaryRow( $tags, 'deleteddiff', $this->getContext() );
// FIXME This is reimplementing DifferenceEngine#getRevisionHeader
// and partially #showDiffPage, but worse
return '
' .
$lang->userTimeAndDate( $rev->getTimestamp(), $user ),
$lang->userDate( $rev->getTimestamp(), $user ),
$lang->userTime( $rev->getTimestamp(), $user )
) .
' .
' .
Linker::revUserTools( $rev ) . '
' .
' .
' .
$minor . Linker::revComment( $rev ) . $rdel . '
' .
' .
' .
$tagSummary[0] . '
' .
* Show a form confirming whether a tokenless user really wants to see a file
* @param string $key
private function showFileConfirmationForm( $key ) {
$out = $this->getOutput();
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
$user = $this->getUser();
$file = new ArchivedFile( $this->mTargetObj, '', $this->mFilename );
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undelete-show-file-confirm',
$lang->userDate( $file->getTimestamp(), $user ),
$lang->userTime( $file->getTimestamp(), $user ) );
Xml::openElement( 'form', [
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalURL( [
'target' => $this->mTarget,
'file' => $key,
'token' => $user->getEditToken( $key ),
] ),
) .
Xml::submitButton( $this->msg( 'undelete-show-file-submit' )->text() ) .
* Show a deleted file version requested by the visitor.
* @param string $key
private function showFile( $key ) {
# We mustn't allow the output to be CDN cached, otherwise
# if an admin previews a deleted image, and it's cached, then
# a user without appropriate permissions can toddle off and
# nab the image, and CDN will serve it
$response = $this->getRequest()->response();
$response->header( 'Expires: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', 0 ) . ' GMT' );
$response->header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate' );
$response->header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
$repo = RepoGroup::singleton()->getLocalRepo();
$path = $repo->getZonePath( 'deleted' ) . '/' . $repo->getDeletedHashPath( $key ) . $key;
$repo->streamFile( $path );
protected function showHistory() {
$out = $this->getOutput();
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
$out->addModules( 'mediawiki.special.undelete' );
[ 'undeletepagetitle', wfEscapeWikiText( $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText() ) ]
$archive = new PageArchive( $this->mTargetObj, $this->getConfig() );
Hooks::run( 'UndeleteForm::showHistory', [ &$archive, $this->mTargetObj ] );
$out->addHTML( '
' );
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undeletehistory' );
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undeleterevdel' );
} else {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'undeletehistorynoadmin' );
$out->addHTML( '
' );
# List all stored revisions
$revisions = $archive->listRevisions();
$files = $archive->listFiles();
$haveRevisions = $revisions && $revisions->numRows() > 0;
$haveFiles = $files && $files->numRows() > 0;
# Batch existence check on user and talk pages
if ( $haveRevisions ) {
$batch = new LinkBatch();
foreach ( $revisions as $row ) {
$batch->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $row->ar_user_text ) );
$batch->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER_TALK, $row->ar_user_text ) );
$revisions->seek( 0 );
if ( $haveFiles ) {
$batch = new LinkBatch();
foreach ( $files as $row ) {
$batch->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER, $row->fa_user_text ) );
$batch->addObj( Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_USER_TALK, $row->fa_user_text ) );
$files->seek( 0 );
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
$action = $this->getPageTitle()->getLocalURL( [ 'action' => 'submit' ] );
# Start the form here
$form = new OOUI\FormLayout( [
'method' => 'post',
'action' => $action,
'id' => 'undelete',
] );
# Show relevant lines from the deletion log:
$deleteLogPage = new LogPage( 'delete' );
$out->addHTML( Xml::element( 'h2', null, $deleteLogPage->getName()->text() ) . "\n" );
LogEventsList::showLogExtract( $out, 'delete', $this->mTargetObj );
# Show relevant lines from the suppression log:
$suppressLogPage = new LogPage( 'suppress' );
if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'suppressionlog' ) ) {
$out->addHTML( Xml::element( 'h2', null, $suppressLogPage->getName()->text() ) . "\n" );
LogEventsList::showLogExtract( $out, 'suppress', $this->mTargetObj );
if ( $this->mAllowed && ( $haveRevisions || $haveFiles ) ) {
$fields[] = new OOUI\Layout( [
'content' => new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $this->msg( 'undeleteextrahelp' )->parseAsBlock() )
] );
$conf = $this->getConfig();
$oldCommentSchema = $conf->get( 'CommentTableSchemaMigrationStage' ) === MIGRATION_OLD;
$fields[] = new OOUI\FieldLayout(
new OOUI\TextInputWidget( [
'name' => 'wpComment',
'inputId' => 'wpComment',
'infusable' => true,
'value' => $this->mComment,
'autofocus' => true,
// HTML maxlength uses "UTF-16 code units", which means that characters outside BMP
// (e.g. emojis) count for two each. This limit is overridden in JS to instead count
// Unicode codepoints (or 255 UTF-8 bytes for old schema).
'maxLength' => $oldCommentSchema ? 255 : CommentStore::COMMENT_CHARACTER_LIMIT,
] ),
'label' => $this->msg( 'undeletecomment' )->text(),
'align' => 'top',
$fields[] = new OOUI\FieldLayout(
new OOUI\Widget( [
'content' => new OOUI\HorizontalLayout( [
'items' => [
new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( [
'name' => 'restore',
'inputId' => 'mw-undelete-submit',
'value' => '1',
'label' => $this->msg( 'undeletebtn' )->text(),
'flags' => [ 'primary', 'progressive' ],
'type' => 'submit',
] ),
new OOUI\ButtonInputWidget( [
'name' => 'invert',
'inputId' => 'mw-undelete-invert',
'value' => '1',
'label' => $this->msg( 'undeleteinvert' )->text()
] ),
] )
] )
if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'suppressrevision' ) ) {
$fields[] = new OOUI\FieldLayout(
new OOUI\CheckboxInputWidget( [
'name' => 'wpUnsuppress',
'inputId' => 'mw-undelete-unsuppress',
'value' => '1',
] ),
'label' => $this->msg( 'revdelete-unsuppress' )->text(),
'align' => 'inline',
$fieldset = new OOUI\FieldsetLayout( [
'label' => $this->msg( 'undelete-fieldset-title' )->text(),
'id' => 'mw-undelete-table',
'items' => $fields,
] );
new OOUI\PanelLayout( [
'expanded' => false,
'padded' => true,
'framed' => true,
'content' => $fieldset,
] ),
new OOUI\HtmlSnippet(
Html::hidden( 'target', $this->mTarget ) .
Html::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $this->getUser()->getEditToken() )
$history = '';
$history .= Xml::element( 'h2', null, $this->msg( 'history' )->text() ) . "\n";
if ( $haveRevisions ) {
# Show the page's stored (deleted) history
if ( $this->getUser()->isAllowed( 'deleterevision' ) ) {
$history .= Html::element(
'name' => 'revdel',
'type' => 'submit',
'class' => 'deleterevision-log-submit mw-log-deleterevision-button'
$this->msg( 'showhideselectedversions' )->text()
) . "\n";
$history .= '
$remaining = $revisions->numRows();
$earliestLiveTime = $this->mTargetObj->getEarliestRevTime();
foreach ( $revisions as $row ) {
$history .= $this->formatRevisionRow( $row, $earliestLiveTime, $remaining );
$history .= '
} else {
$out->addWikiMsg( 'nohistory' );
if ( $haveFiles ) {
$history .= Xml::element( 'h2', null, $this->msg( 'filehist' )->text() ) . "\n";
$history .= '
foreach ( $files as $row ) {
$history .= $this->formatFileRow( $row );
$history .= '
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
# Slip in the hidden controls here
$misc = Html::hidden( 'target', $this->mTarget );
$misc .= Html::hidden( 'wpEditToken', $this->getUser()->getEditToken() );
$history .= $misc;
$form->appendContent( new OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $history ) );
$out->addHTML( $form );
} else {
$out->addHTML( $history );
return true;
protected function formatRevisionRow( $row, $earliestLiveTime, $remaining ) {
$rev = Revision::newFromArchiveRow( $row,
'title' => $this->mTargetObj
] );
$revTextSize = '';
$ts = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->ar_timestamp );
// Build checkboxen...
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
if ( $this->mInvert ) {
if ( in_array( $ts, $this->mTargetTimestamp ) ) {
$checkBox = Xml::check( "ts$ts" );
} else {
$checkBox = Xml::check( "ts$ts", true );
} else {
$checkBox = Xml::check( "ts$ts" );
} else {
$checkBox = '';
// Build page & diff links...
$user = $this->getUser();
if ( $this->mCanView ) {
$titleObj = $this->getPageTitle();
# Last link
if ( !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $this->getUser() ) ) {
$pageLink = htmlspecialchars( $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $ts, $user ) );
$last = $this->msg( 'diff' )->escaped();
} elseif ( $remaining > 0 || ( $earliestLiveTime && $ts > $earliestLiveTime ) ) {
$pageLink = $this->getPageLink( $rev, $titleObj, $ts );
$last = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
$this->msg( 'diff' )->text(),
'target' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(),
'timestamp' => $ts,
'diff' => 'prev'
} else {
$pageLink = $this->getPageLink( $rev, $titleObj, $ts );
$last = $this->msg( 'diff' )->escaped();
} else {
$pageLink = htmlspecialchars( $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $ts, $user ) );
$last = $this->msg( 'diff' )->escaped();
// User links
$userLink = Linker::revUserTools( $rev );
// Minor edit
$minor = $rev->isMinor() ? ChangesList::flag( 'minor' ) : '';
// Revision text size
$size = $row->ar_len;
if ( !is_null( $size ) ) {
$revTextSize = Linker::formatRevisionSize( $size );
// Edit summary
$comment = Linker::revComment( $rev );
// Tags
$attribs = [];
list( $tagSummary, $classes ) = ChangeTags::formatSummaryRow(
if ( $classes ) {
$attribs['class'] = implode( ' ', $classes );
$revisionRow = $this->msg( 'undelete-revision-row2' )
return Xml::tags( 'li', $attribs, $revisionRow ) . "\n";
private function formatFileRow( $row ) {
$file = ArchivedFile::newFromRow( $row );
$ts = wfTimestamp( TS_MW, $row->fa_timestamp );
$user = $this->getUser();
$checkBox = '';
if ( $this->mCanView && $row->fa_storage_key ) {
if ( $this->mAllowed ) {
$checkBox = Xml::check( 'fileid' . $row->fa_id );
$key = urlencode( $row->fa_storage_key );
$pageLink = $this->getFileLink( $file, $this->getPageTitle(), $ts, $key );
} else {
$pageLink = htmlspecialchars( $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $ts, $user ) );
$userLink = $this->getFileUser( $file );
$data = $this->msg( 'widthheight' )->numParams( $row->fa_width, $row->fa_height )->text();
$bytes = $this->msg( 'parentheses' )
->plaintextParams( $this->msg( 'nbytes' )->numParams( $row->fa_size )->text() )
$data = htmlspecialchars( $data . ' ' . $bytes );
$comment = $this->getFileComment( $file );
// Add show/hide deletion links if available
$canHide = $this->isAllowed( 'deleterevision' );
if ( $canHide || ( $file->getVisibility() && $this->isAllowed( 'deletedhistory' ) ) ) {
if ( !$file->userCan( File::DELETED_RESTRICTED, $user ) ) {
// Revision was hidden from sysops
$revdlink = Linker::revDeleteLinkDisabled( $canHide );
} else {
$query = [
'type' => 'filearchive',
'target' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'ids' => $row->fa_id
$revdlink = Linker::revDeleteLink( $query,
$file->isDeleted( File::DELETED_RESTRICTED ), $canHide );
} else {
$revdlink = '';
return "
$checkBox $revdlink $pageLink . . $userLink $data $comment\n";
* Fetch revision text link if it's available to all users
* @param Revision $rev
* @param Title $titleObj
* @param string $ts Timestamp
* @return string
function getPageLink( $rev, $titleObj, $ts ) {
$user = $this->getUser();
$time = $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $ts, $user );
if ( !$rev->userCan( Revision::DELETED_TEXT, $user ) ) {
return '
' . $time . '';
$link = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
'target' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(),
'timestamp' => $ts
if ( $rev->isDeleted( Revision::DELETED_TEXT ) ) {
$link = '
' . $link . '';
return $link;
* Fetch image view link if it's available to all users
* @param File|ArchivedFile $file
* @param Title $titleObj
* @param string $ts A timestamp
* @param string $key A storage key
* @return string HTML fragment
function getFileLink( $file, $titleObj, $ts, $key ) {
$user = $this->getUser();
$time = $this->getLanguage()->userTimeAndDate( $ts, $user );
if ( !$file->userCan( File::DELETED_FILE, $user ) ) {
return '
' . htmlspecialchars( $time ) . '';
$link = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink(
'target' => $this->mTargetObj->getPrefixedText(),
'file' => $key,
'token' => $user->getEditToken( $key )
if ( $file->isDeleted( File::DELETED_FILE ) ) {
$link = '
' . $link . '';
return $link;
* Fetch file's user id if it's available to this user
* @param File|ArchivedFile $file
* @return string HTML fragment
function getFileUser( $file ) {
if ( !$file->userCan( File::DELETED_USER, $this->getUser() ) ) {
return '
' .
$this->msg( 'rev-deleted-user' )->escaped() .
$link = Linker::userLink( $file->getRawUser(), $file->getRawUserText() ) .
Linker::userToolLinks( $file->getRawUser(), $file->getRawUserText() );
if ( $file->isDeleted( File::DELETED_USER ) ) {
$link = '
' . $link . '';
return $link;
* Fetch file upload comment if it's available to this user
* @param File|ArchivedFile $file
* @return string HTML fragment
function getFileComment( $file ) {
if ( !$file->userCan( File::DELETED_COMMENT, $this->getUser() ) ) {
return '
$link = Linker::commentBlock( $file->getRawDescription() );
if ( $file->isDeleted( File::DELETED_COMMENT ) ) {
$link = '
' . $link . '';
return $link;
function undelete() {
if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'UploadMaintenance' )
&& $this->mTargetObj->getNamespace() == NS_FILE
) {
throw new ErrorPageError( 'undelete-error', 'filedelete-maintenance' );
$out = $this->getOutput();
$archive = new PageArchive( $this->mTargetObj, $this->getConfig() );
Hooks::run( 'UndeleteForm::undelete', [ &$archive, $this->mTargetObj ] );
$ok = $archive->undelete(
if ( is_array( $ok ) ) {
if ( $ok[1] ) { // Undeleted file count
Hooks::run( 'FileUndeleteComplete', [
$this->mTargetObj, $this->mFileVersions,
$this->getUser(), $this->mComment ] );
$link = $this->getLinkRenderer()->makeKnownLink( $this->mTargetObj );
$out->addHTML( $this->msg( 'undeletedpage' )->rawParams( $link )->parse() );
} else {
$out->setPageTitle( $this->msg( 'undelete-error' ) );
// Show revision undeletion warnings and errors
$status = $archive->getRevisionStatus();
if ( $status && !$status->isGood() ) {
$out->addWikiText( '
' .
) . '
// Show file undeletion warnings and errors
$status = $archive->getFileStatus();
if ( $status && !$status->isGood() ) {
$out->addWikiText( '
' .
) . '
* Return an array of subpages beginning with $search that this special page will accept.
* @param string $search Prefix to search for
* @param int $limit Maximum number of results to return (usually 10)
* @param int $offset Number of results to skip (usually 0)
* @return string[] Matching subpages
public function prefixSearchSubpages( $search, $limit, $offset ) {
return $this->prefixSearchString( $search, $limit, $offset );
protected function getGroupName() {
return 'pagetools';