cookie[$index] ) ) { $this->cookie[$index]->set( $value, $attr ); } else { $this->cookie[$index] = new Cookie( $name, $value, $attr ); } } /** * @see Cookie::serializeToHttpRequest * @param string $path * @param string $domain * @return string */ public function serializeToHttpRequest( $path, $domain ) { $cookies = []; foreach ( $this->cookie as $c ) { $serialized = $c->serializeToHttpRequest( $path, $domain ); if ( $serialized ) { $cookies[] = $serialized; } } return implode( '; ', $cookies ); } /** * Parse the content of an Set-Cookie HTTP Response header. * * @param string $cookie * @param string $domain Cookie's domain * @return null */ public function parseCookieResponseHeader( $cookie, $domain ) { $len = strlen( 'Set-Cookie:' ); if ( substr_compare( 'Set-Cookie:', $cookie, 0, $len, true ) === 0 ) { $cookie = substr( $cookie, $len ); } $bit = array_map( 'trim', explode( ';', $cookie ) ); if ( count( $bit ) >= 1 ) { list( $name, $value ) = explode( '=', array_shift( $bit ), 2 ); $attr = []; foreach ( $bit as $piece ) { $parts = explode( '=', $piece ); if ( count( $parts ) > 1 ) { $attr[strtolower( $parts[0] )] = $parts[1]; } else { $attr[strtolower( $parts[0] )] = true; } } if ( !isset( $attr['domain'] ) ) { $attr['domain'] = $domain; } elseif ( !Cookie::validateCookieDomain( $attr['domain'], $domain ) ) { return null; } $this->setCookie( $name, $value, $attr ); } } }